#' Compute shortest georeferenced distances (and walking paths) to selected pumps (prototype).
#' @param pump.select Numeric. Pump candidates to consider. Default is \code{NULL}: all pumps are used. Otherwise, selection by a vector of numeric IDs: 1 to 13 for \code{pumps}; 1 to 14 for \code{pumps.vestry}. Negative selection allowed.
#' @param metric Character. "euclidean" or "walking".
#' @param vestry Logical. \code{TRUE} uses the 14 pumps from the Vestry Report. \code{FALSE} uses the 13 in the original map.
#' @param weighted Logical. \code{TRUE} computes shortest path in terms of road length. \code{FALSE} computes shortest path in terms of the number of nodes.
#' @param case.set Character. "observed", "expected" # or "snow".
#' @param location Character. For cases and pumps. "nominal", "anchor" or "orthogonal".
#' @param time.unit Character. "hour", "minute", or "second".
#' @param walking.speed Numeric. Walking speed in km/hr.
#' @param multi.core Logical or Numeric. \code{TRUE} uses \code{parallel::detectCores()}. \code{FALSE} uses one, single core. You can also specify the number logical cores. See \code{vignette("Parallelization")} for details.
#' @importFrom geosphere distGeo
#' @noRd
#' @return An R data frame or list of 'igraph' path nodes.
nearestPumpLatlong <- function(pump.select = NULL, metric = "walking",
vestry = FALSE, weighted = TRUE, case.set = "observed", location = "nominal",
time.unit = "second", walking.speed = 5, multi.core = TRUE) {
cores <- multiCore(multi.core)
vars <- c("lon", "lat")
if (vestry) {
pump.data <- cholera::pumps.vestry
} else {
pump.data <- cholera::pumps
if (!case.set %in% c("observed", "expected", "snow")) {
stop('case.set must be "observed", "expected" or "snow".', call. = FALSE)
if (location %in% c("nominal", "anchor", "orthogonal") == FALSE) {
stop('location must be "nominal", "anchor", or "orthogonal".',
call. = FALSE)
if (metric %in% c("euclidean", "walking") == FALSE) {
stop('metric must either be "euclidean" or "walking".', call. = FALSE)
} else if (metric == "euclidean") {
if (case.set == "observed") {
if (location == "nominal") {
case <- cholera::fatalities$case
case.data <- cholera::fatalities
} else if (location == "anchor") {
case <- cholera::fatalities.address$anchor
case.data <- cholera::fatalities.address
} else if (location == "orthogonal") {
case <- cholera::ortho.proj$case
case.data <- cholera::ortho.proj
} else if (case.set == "expected") {
case <- seq_len(nrow(cholera::regular.cases))
case.data <- cholera::regular.cases
} else if (case.set == "snow") {
sel <- cholera::snow.neighborhood %in% cholera::fatalities.address$anchor
case <- cholera::snow.neighborhood[sel, ]
case.data <- cholera::snow.neighborhood
p.sel <- selectPump(pump.data, pump.select = pump.select, metric = metric,
vestry = vestry)
if (cores == 1 | .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
out <- lapply(case, function(x) {
if (location %in% c("nominal", "orthogonal")) {
sel <- case.data$case == x
} else if (location == "anchor") {
sel <- case.data$anchor == x
ego <- case.data[sel == x, vars]
if (is.null(pump.select)) {
alters <- pump.data[, c("id", vars)]
} else {
alters <- pump.data[pump.data$id %in% p.sel, c("id", vars)]
d <- vapply(alters$id, function(id) {
geosphere::distGeo(ego, alters[alters$id == id, vars])
}, numeric(1L))
sel <- which.min(d)
data.frame(case = x, pump = alters$id[sel], distance = d[sel])
} else if (cores > 1 & .Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
out <- parallel::mclapply(case, function(x) {
if (location %in% c("nominal", "orthogonal")) {
sel <- case.data$case == x
} else if (location == "anchor") {
sel <- case.data$anchor == x
ego <- case.data[sel, vars]
if (is.null(pump.select)) {
alters <- pump.data[, c("id", vars)]
} else {
alters <- pump.data[pump.data$id %in% p.sel, c("id", vars)]
d <- vapply(alters$id, function(id) {
geosphere::distGeo(ego, alters[alters$id == id, vars])
}, numeric(1L))
sel <- which.min(d)
data.frame(case = x, pump = alters$id[sel], distance = d[sel])
}, mc.cores = cores)
out <- do.call(rbind, out)
out$time <- walkingTime(out$distance, time.unit = time.unit,
walking.speed = walking.speed)
} else if (metric == "walking") {
dat <- neighborhoodDataB(case.set = case.set, vestry = vestry,
latlong = TRUE)
p.sel <- selectPump(pump.data, pump.select = pump.select, vestry = vestry)
path.data <- latlong_pathData(dat, p.sel, case.set, vestry, weighted, cores)
walking.time <- walkingTime(path.data$distance, time.unit = time.unit,
walking.speed = walking.speed)
pump.name <- path.data$pump
for (p in pump.data$id) {
pump.name[pump.name == p] <- pump.data[pump.data$id == p, "street"]
distance <- data.frame(case = path.data$case, pump = path.data$pump,
pump.name = pump.name, distance = path.data$distance, time = walking.time)
out <- list(neigh.data = dat, distance = distance, path = path.data$path)
latlong_pathData <- function(dat, p.sel, case.set, vestry, weighted, cores) {
g <- dat$g
edges <- dat$edges
if (case.set == "observed") {
ortho.addr <- cholera::latlong.ortho.addr
} else if (case.set == "expected") {
ortho.addr <- cholera::latlong.sim.ortho.proj
} else if (case.set == "snow") {
sel <- cholera::latlong.ortho.addr$case %in% cholera::snow.neighborhood
ortho.addr <- cholera::latlong.ortho.addr[sel, ]
if (vestry) {
ortho.pump <- cholera::latlong.ortho.pump.vestry[p.sel, ]
pmp <- cholera::pumps.vestry[p.sel, ]
} else {
ortho.pump <- cholera::latlong.ortho.pump[p.sel, ]
pmp <- cholera::pumps[p.sel, ]
ortho.addr$node <- paste0(ortho.addr$lon, "_&_", ortho.addr$lat)
ortho.pump$node <- paste0(ortho.pump$lon, "_&_", ortho.pump$lat)
if (case.set %in% c("observed", "expected", "snow")) {
if (cores == 1 | .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
distances <- lapply(ortho.addr$node, function(case.node) {
igraph::distances(g, case.node, ortho.pump$node, weights = edges$d)
} else if (cores > 1 & .Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
distances <- parallel::mclapply(ortho.addr$node, function(case.node) {
igraph::distances(g, case.node, ortho.pump$node, weights = edges$d)
}, mc.cores = cores)
names(distances) <- ortho.addr$case
if (case.set == "expected") {
## Adam and Eve Court: isolate with pump (#2) - infinite = unreachable
inf.dist <- vapply(distances, function(x) {
}, logical(1L))
if (any(inf.dist)) {
# e.g., cases on Falconberg Mews - no reachable pumps - street isolate
all.infinite <- vapply(distances, function(x) {
}, logical(1L))
no_pump.isolate <- distances[all.infinite]
distances <- distances[!all.infinite]
# e.g. only reachable pump Adam and Eve Court Pump (#2) - pump isolate
one.finite <- vapply(distances, function(x) {
sum(is.finite(x)) == 1
}, logical(1L))
pump.isolate <- distances[one.finite]
distances <- distances[!one.finite]
# cases
case.no_pump.isolate <- as.numeric(names(no_pump.isolate))
case.pump.isolate <- as.numeric(names(pump.isolate))
isolates <- c(case.no_pump.isolate, case.pump.isolate)
# ortho.addr data frames
sel <- ortho.addr$case %in% case.pump.isolate
ortho.addr.pump.isolate <- ortho.addr[sel, ]
pump.isolate.id <- vapply(pump.isolate, function(x) {
which(vapply(x, is.finite, logical(1L)))
}, integer(1L))
# cases inside of pump isolate neighborhood
idx <- seq_along(case.pump.isolate)
if (cores == 1 | .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
paths.pump.isolate <- lapply(idx, function(i) {
sel <- ortho.addr.pump.isolate$case == case.pump.isolate[i]
case.node <- ortho.addr.pump.isolate[sel, "node"]
sel <- ortho.pump$id == pump.isolate.id[i]
pump.node <- ortho.pump[sel, "node"]
igraph::shortest_paths(g, case.node, pump.node,
weights = edges$d)$vpath
} else if (cores > 1 & .Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
paths.pump.isolate <- parallel::mclapply(idx, function(i) {
sel <- ortho.addr.pump.isolate$case == case.pump.isolate[i]
case.node <- ortho.addr.pump.isolate[sel, "node"]
sel <- ortho.pump$id == pump.isolate.id[i]
pump.node <- ortho.pump[sel, "node"]
igraph::shortest_paths(g, case.node, pump.node,
weights = edges$d)$vpath
}, mc.cores = cores)
names(paths.pump.isolate) <- case.pump.isolate
# Pump 2 isolate cases
min.dist.iso <- vapply(pump.isolate, function(x) {
}, numeric(1L))
p.id.iso <- vapply(pump.isolate, which.min, integer(1L))
idx <- seq_along(case.pump.isolate)
short.path.pump.isolate <- lapply(idx, function(i) {
case.node <- ortho.addr.pump.isolate[i, "node"]
pump.node <- ortho.pump[ortho.pump$id == p.id.iso[i], "node"]
igraph::shortest_paths(g, case.node, pump.node, weights = edges$d)$vpath
names(short.path.pump.isolate) <- case.pump.isolate
# filter out "isolates"
ortho.addr <- ortho.addr[ortho.addr$case %in% isolates == FALSE, ]
# other pump cases
min.dist <- vapply(distances, min, numeric(1L))
p.id <- p.sel[vapply(distances, which.min, integer(1L))]
idx <- seq_along(ortho.addr$case)
if (cores == 1 | .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
short.path <- lapply(idx, function(i) {
case.node <- ortho.addr[i, "node"]
pump.node <- ortho.pump[ortho.pump$id == p.id[i], "node"]
igraph::shortest_paths(g, case.node, pump.node, weights = edges$d)$vpath
} else if (cores > 1 & .Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
short.path <- parallel::mclapply(idx, function(i) {
case.node <- ortho.addr[i, "node"]
pump.node <- ortho.pump[ortho.pump$id == p.id[i], "node"]
igraph::shortest_paths(g, case.node, pump.node, weights = edges$d)$vpath
}, mc.cores = cores)
names(short.path) <- ortho.addr$case
if (case.set == "expected") {
case <- c(case.pump.isolate, ortho.addr$case)
pump <- c(p.id.iso, p.id)
distance <- c(min.dist.iso, min.dist)
path <- c(short.path.pump.isolate, short.path)
} else {
case <- ortho.addr$case
pump <- p.id
distance <- min.dist
path <- short.path
list(case = case, pump = pump, distance = distance, path = path)
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