#' Compute Snow's graphical annotation of Broad Street pump neighborhood.
#' Computational approximation.
#' @param latlong Logical. Use estimated longitude and latitude.
#' @export
neighborhoodSnow <- function(latlong = FALSE) {
dat <- neighborhoodDataB(case.set = "observed", vestry = FALSE,
latlong = FALSE)
g <- dat$g
nodes <- dat$nodes
edges <- dat$edges
p.select <- nodes[nodes$pump == 7L, ]
sel <- cholera::snow.neighborhood %in% cholera::fatalities.address$anchor
snow.anchors <- cholera::snow.neighborhood[sel]
path.id2 <- lapply(snow.anchors, function(cs) {
p <- igraph::shortest_paths(graph = g,
from = nodes[nodes$case == cs, "node"],
to = p.select$node,
weights = edges$d)
p <- names(unlist(p$vpath))
edge.select <- vapply(seq_along(p[-1]), function(i) {
ab <- edges$node1 %in% p[i] & edges$node2 %in% p[i + 1]
ba <- edges$node2 %in% p[i] & edges$node1 %in% p[i + 1]
which(ab | ba)
}, numeric(1L))
edges[edge.select, "id2"]
names(path.id2) <- snow.anchors
out <- list(edges = edges, path.id2 = path.id2, snow.anchors = snow.anchors,
latlong = latlong)
class(out) <- "neighborhood_snow"
#' Plot method for neighborhoodSnow().
#' @param x An object of class "neighborhood_snow" created by \code{neighborhoodSnow()}.
#' @param type Character. "roads", "area.points" or "area.polygons".
#' @param missing.snow Logical. Plot missing anchor cases.
#' @param ... Additional plotting parameters.
#' @export
plot.neighborhood_snow <- function(x, type = "area.points",
missing.snow = TRUE, ...) {
if (x$latlong) vars <- c("lon", "lat")
else vars <- c("x", "y")
edges <- x$edges
id2 <- unique(unlist(x$path.id2))
z <- walkingB(7)
snowMap(add.cases = FALSE, add.pumps = FALSE)
if (type == "roads") {
p7.col <- cholera::snowColors()["p7"]
snow.edge <- edges[edges$id2 %in% id2, ]
segments(snow.edge$x1, snow.edge$y1, snow.edge$x2, snow.edge$y2,
col = p7.col, lwd = 2)
pumpTokensB(z, type = "obseved")
sel <- cholera::fatalities.address$anchor %in% x$snow.anchors
points(cholera::fatalities.address[sel, vars], pch = 16, col = p7.col,
cex = 0.5)
if (missing.snow) {
points(cholera::fatalities.address[!sel, vars], pch = 16, col = "red",
cex = 0.5)
} else if (type %in% c("area.points", "area.polygons")) {
seg.data <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(id2, "-")))
names(seg.data) <- c("street", "subseg")
seg.data$street <- as.numeric(seg.data$street)
seg.data$id <- paste0(seg.data$street, "-", substr(seg.data$subseg, 1, 1))
seg.data$subseg <- NULL
seg.data <- cbind(seg.data, id2)
seg.data <- seg.data[order(seg.data$street, seg.data$id2), ]
seg.audit <- vapply(unique(seg.data$id), function(x) {
seg.ID2 <- edges[edges$id %in% x, "id2"]
snow.ID2 <- seg.data[seg.data$id == x, "id2"]
all(seg.ID2 %in% snow.ID2)
}, logical(1L))
whole <- unique(seg.data$id)[seg.audit]
# manual adjustment for "holes" #
whole.segment.manual <- c("Dufours Place", "Tent Court", "Portland Mews",
"St James Workhouse", "Bentinck Street", "Kemps Court", "St Anns Place",
"Pulteney Court (I)", "Cock Court", "New Street/Husband Street",
"Maidenhead Court", "Hopkins Street")
sel <- cholera::road.segments$name %in% whole.segment.manual
whole.segment.manual.id <- cholera::road.segments[sel, "id"]
whole <- c(whole, setdiff(whole.segment.manual.id, whole))
# partially transversed segments
partial <- unique(seg.data$id)[!seg.audit]
partial <- setdiff(partial, whole)
transversed.subsegs <- lapply(unique(partial), function(x) {
seg.ID2 <- edges[edges$id %in% x, "id2"]
snow.ID2 <- seg.data[seg.data$id == x, "id2"]
intersect(seg.ID2, snow.ID2)
names(transversed.subsegs) <- partial
sel <- cholera::road.segments$id %in% whole
whole.data <- rbind(
stats::setNames(cholera::road.segments[sel, paste0(vars, 1)], vars),
stats::setNames(cholera::road.segments[sel, paste0(vars, 2)], vars))
sel <- cholera::sim.ortho.proj$road.segment %in% whole
whole.case <- cholera::sim.ortho.proj[sel, "case"]
sim.whole <- cholera::regular.cases[whole.case - 2000L, ]
sim.partial.case <- lapply(names(transversed.subsegs), function(nm) {
sel <- cholera::ortho.proj$road.segment == nm &
cholera::ortho.proj$case %in% cholera::fatalities.address$anchor &
cholera::ortho.proj$case %in% cholera::snow.neighborhood
obs.case <- cholera::ortho.proj[sel, ]
if (nrow(obs.case) > 1) obs.case <- obs.case[order(obs.case$x.proj), ]
if (any(obs.case$type == "eucl")) {
euclidean <- which(obs.case$type == "eucl")
ts <- c(transversed.subsegs[[nm]][euclidean], transversed.subsegs[[nm]])
seg.case <- data.frame(obs.case, id2 = ts)
} else {
seg.case <- data.frame(obs.case, id2 = transversed.subsegs[[nm]])
if (any(grepl("a", seg.case$id2))) {
first.seg <- seg.case[which.max(seg.case$x), "id2"]
exit <- 2L
} else {
first.seg <- seg.case[which.min(seg.case$x), "id2"]
exit <- 1L
obs.case <- seg.case[seg.case$id2 == first.seg, ]
sel <- cholera::sim.ortho.proj$road.segment == nm
sim.segment <- cholera::sim.ortho.proj[sel, ]
if (exit == 1) {
sim.segment[sim.segment$x.proj >= obs.case$x.proj, "case"]
} else if (exit == 2) {
sim.segment[sim.segment$x.proj <= obs.case$x.proj, "case"]
sim.partial <- cholera::regular.cases[unlist(sim.partial.case) - 2000L, ]
sim.data <- rbind(sim.whole, sim.partial)
p7.col <- grDevices::adjustcolor(snowColors()["p7"], alpha.f = 2/3)
if (type == "area.points") {
points(sim.data, col = p7.col, pch = 16, cex = 0.25)
pumpTokensB(z, type = "obseved")
} else if (type == "area.polygons") {
periphery.cases <- peripheryCases(row.names(sim.data))
pearl.string <- travelingSalesman(periphery.cases,
tsp.method = "repetitive_nn")
polygon(cholera::regular.cases[pearl.string, ], col = p7.col)
pumpTokensB(z, type = "obseved")
if (missing.snow) {
sel <- !cholera::fatalities.address$anchor %in% x$snow.anchors
points(cholera::fatalities.address[sel, vars], pch = 16, col = "red",
cex = 0.5)
title("Snow's Graphical Annotation Neighborhood")
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