
Defines functions ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat .remove_feature_with_few_progenesis

Documented in ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat

## Converter for Progenesis output
## Thanks Ulrich Omasits : use R scripts by Ulrich Omasits, 2015, version 2.1

## output from Progenesis : wide format 

#' @export
ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat <- function(input, 

  ### 1. use only 'use in quantitation = true'
  input <- input[,
                 c(1:(which(colnames(input) == 'Normalized.abundance')-1),
                   which(colnames(input) == 'Raw.abundance') : (which(colnames(input) == 'Spectral.counts')-1))]
  input <- input[-1,]
  colnames(input) <- input[1, ]
  input <- input[-1,]
  ### 2. use only 'use in quantitation = true'
  ## there are space in column name
  colnames(input)[grep('quantitation', colnames(input))] <- 'Use.in.quantitation'
  ## value for use in quantitation is True vs False
  if( length( grep('True', unique(input$Use.in.quantitation)) ) > 0 ){ 
    input <- input[input$Use.in.quantitation == 'True', ]
  } else if( length( grep('TRUE', unique(input$Use.in.quantitation)) ) > 0){
    input <- input[input$Use.in.quantitation == TRUE, ]

  ### 2. modify column names and remove some columnts
  ## get modified sequence
  input$ModifiedSequence <- paste(input$Sequence, input$Modifications, sep="")
  ## use 'Accession' for Protein ID
  colnames(input)[colnames(input) == 'Accession'] <- 'Protein'
  ## get subset of datasets
  input <- input[, which(colnames(input) %in% c('Protein', 'Sequence', 'Charge', 'ModifiedSequence',
  ## remove completely duplicated rows
  input <- input[!duplicated(input), ]
  ### 3. remove the peptides including oxidation (M) sequence
  if (removeOxidationMpeptides) {
    remove_m_sequence <- unique(input[grep("Oxidation", input$ModifiedSequence), "ModifiedSequence"])
    if(length(remove_m_sequence) > 0){
      input <- input[-which(input$ModifiedSequence %in% remove_m_sequence), ]
    message('Peptides including oxidation(M) in the sequence are removed.')
  ## 4. remove peptides which are used in more than one protein
  ## we assume to use unique peptide
    pepcount <- unique(input[, c("Protein","Sequence")]) 
    pepcount$Sequence <- factor(pepcount$Sequence)
    ## count how many proteins are assigned for each peptide
    structure <- aggregate(Protein ~., data=pepcount, length)
    remove_peptide <- structure[structure$Proteins!=1, ]
    ## remove the peptides which are used in more than one protein
    if(length(remove_peptide$Proteins != 1) != 0){
      input <- input[-which(input$Sequence %in% remove_peptide$Sequence), ]
    message('** Peptides, that are used in more than one proteins, are removed.')
  ### 4. remove multiple measurements per feature and run
  input <- input[, -which(colnames(input) %in% 'Sequence')]
  input_remove <- melt(input, id=c('Protein', 'ModifiedSequence', 'Charge'))

  colnames(input_remove) <- c("ProteinName","PeptideModifiedSequence","PrecursorCharge","Run","Intensity")
  input_remove$Intensity <- as.double(input_remove$Intensity)
  ## maximum or sum up abundances among intensities for identical features within one run
  input <- dcast( ProteinName + PeptideModifiedSequence + PrecursorCharge ~ Run, data=input_remove, 
                   fun.aggregate=summaryforMultipleRows, fill=NA_real_) 
  ## reformat for long format
  input <- melt(input, id=c('ProteinName', 'PeptideModifiedSequence', 'PrecursorCharge'))
  colnames(input)[which(colnames(input) %in% c('variable','value'))] <- c("Run","Intensity")
  message('** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows.')
  ### 5. add annotation
  input <- merge(input, annotation, by="Run", all=TRUE)
  ## add other required information
  input$FragmentIon <- NA
  input$ProductCharge <- NA
  input$IsotopeLabelType <- "L"
  input <- input[, c(2,3,4,8,9,10,6,7,1,5)]
  ###  6. remove features which has 1 or 2 measurements across runs
    ## it is the same across experiments. # measurement per feature. 
    input <- .remove_feature_with_few_progenesis(input)

  ###  7. remove proteins with only one peptide and charge per protein
	  ######## remove protein which has only one peptide
	  input$feature <- paste(input$PeptideModifiedSequence, 
	  tmp <- unique(input[, c("ProteinName", 'feature')])
	  tmp$ProteinName <- factor(tmp$ProteinName)
	  count <- xtabs( ~ ProteinName, data=tmp)
    lengthtotalprotein <- length(count)
	  removepro <- names(count[count <= 1])
	  if (length(removepro) > 0) {
	    input <- input[-which(input$ProteinName %in% removepro), ]
	    message(paste("** ", length(removepro), ' proteins, which have only one feature in a protein, are removed among ', lengthtotalprotein, ' proteins.', sep=""))
	  input <- input[, -which(colnames(input) %in% c('feature'))]
  input$ProteinName <- input$ProteinName

.remove_feature_with_few_progenesis <- function(x){
  xtmp <- x[!is.na(x$Intensity) & x$Intensity > 0, ]
  xtmp$feature <- paste(xtmp$PeptideModifiedSequence, xtmp$PrecursorCharge, sep="_")
  count_measure <- xtabs( ~feature, xtmp)
  remove_feature_name <- count_measure[count_measure < 3]
  x$feature <- paste(x$PeptideModifiedSequence, x$PrecursorCharge, sep="_")
  if( length(remove_feature_name) > 0 ){
    x <- x[-which(x$feature %in% names(remove_feature_name)), ]

  x <- x[, -which(colnames(x) %in% c('feature'))]
lindsaypino/MSstats-patch documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6 p.m.