
Defines functions .format_param_posterior compute_posterior.default compute_posterior.eSVD compute_posterior

Documented in compute_posterior compute_posterior.default compute_posterior.eSVD

#' Compute posterior according to Gamma-Poisson model
#' Generic function interface
#' @param input_obj Main object
#' @param ...       Additional parameters
#' @return Output dependent on class of \code{input_obj}
#' @export
compute_posterior <- function(input_obj, ...) {UseMethod("compute_posterior")}

#' Compute posterior according to Gamma-Poisson model for eSVD object
#' The posterior is computed based on whatever \code{input_obj$latest_Fit} is set to.
#' @param input_obj                       \code{eSVD} object outputed from \code{opt_esvd.eSVD}.
#' @param alpha_max                       Maximum value of numerator when computing posterior, default is \code{1e3}.
#' @param bool_adjust_covariates          Boolean to adjust the numerator in the posterior by the donor covariates, default is \code{FALSE}.
#'                                        This parameter is experimental, and we have not yet encountered a scenario where it is useful to be set to be \code{TRUE}.
#' @param bool_covariates_as_library      Boolean to include the donor covariates effects in the adjusted library size, default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param bool_return_components          Boolean to return the numerator and denominator of the posterior terms as well (which will themselves by matrices that are cell-by-gene matrices), default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param bool_stabilize_underdispersion  Boolean to stabilize the over-dispersion parameter, specifically to rescale all the over-dispersions the global mean over-disperion is less than 1, default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param library_min                     All covariate-adjusted library size smaller than this value are set to this value, default is 0.1.
#' @param nuisance_lower_quantile         All the nuisance values that are smaller than this quantile
#'                                        are set to this quantile, default is 0.01
#' @param pseudocount                     The additional count that is added to the count matrix, default is 0.
#' @param ...                             Additional parameters.
#' @return \code{eSVD} object with \code{posterior_mean_mat}
#' and \code{posterior_var_mat} appended to the list in
#' \code{input_obj[[input_obj[["latest_Fit"]]]]}.
#' @export
compute_posterior.eSVD <- function(input_obj,
                                   alpha_max = 1e3,
                                   bool_adjust_covariates = F,
                                   bool_covariates_as_library = T,
                                   bool_return_components = F,
                                   bool_stabilize_underdispersion = T,
                                   library_min = 0.1,
                                   nuisance_lower_quantile = 0.01,
                                   pseudocount = 0,
  stopifnot(inherits(input_obj, "eSVD"), "latest_Fit" %in% names(input_obj),
            input_obj[["latest_Fit"]] %in% names(input_obj),
            inherits(input_obj[[input_obj[["latest_Fit"]]]], "eSVD_Fit"))

  dat <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "dat", which_fit = NULL)
  covariates <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "covariates", which_fit = NULL)
  latest_Fit <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "latest_Fit", which_fit = NULL)
  esvd_res <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = NULL, which_fit = latest_Fit)
  nuisance_vec <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "nuisance", which_fit = latest_Fit)
  stopifnot(all(nuisance_vec >= 0))

  param <- .format_param_posterior(alpha_max = alpha_max,
                                   bool_adjust_covariates = bool_adjust_covariates,
                                   bool_covariates_as_library = bool_covariates_as_library,
                                   bool_return_components = bool_return_components,
                                   bool_stabilize_underdispersion = bool_stabilize_underdispersion,
                                   library_min = library_min,
                                   nuisance_lower_quantile = nuisance_lower_quantile,
                                   pseudocount = pseudocount)
  input_obj$param <- .combine_two_named_lists(input_obj$param, param)
  case_control_variable <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, which_fit = "param", what_obj = "init_case_control_variable")
  library_size_variable <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, which_fit = "param", what_obj = "init_library_size_variable")
  bool_library_includes_interept <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, which_fit = "param", what_obj = "nuisance_bool_library_includes_interept")

  res <- compute_posterior.default(
    input_obj = dat,
    case_control_variable = case_control_variable,
    covariates = covariates,
    esvd_res = esvd_res,
    library_size_variable = library_size_variable,
    nuisance_vec = nuisance_vec,
    alpha_max = alpha_max,
    bool_adjust_covariates = bool_adjust_covariates,
    bool_covariates_as_library = bool_covariates_as_library,
    bool_library_includes_interept = bool_library_includes_interept,
    bool_return_components = bool_return_components,
    bool_stabilize_underdispersion = bool_stabilize_underdispersion,
    library_min = library_min,
    nuisance_lower_quantile = nuisance_lower_quantile,
    pseudocount = pseudocount

  input_obj[[latest_Fit]]$posterior_mean_mat <- res$posterior_mean_mat
  input_obj[[latest_Fit]]$posterior_var_mat <- res$posterior_var_mat
    input_obj[[latest_Fit]]$numerator_mat <- res$numerator_mat
    input_obj[[latest_Fit]]$denominator_mat <- res$denominator_mat


#' Compute posterior according to Gamma-Poisson model for matrices and sparse matrices.
#' @param input_obj                       Dataset (either \code{matrix} or \code{dgCMatrix}) where the \eqn{n} rows represent cells
#'                                        and \eqn{p} columns represent genes.
#'                                        The rows and columns of the matrix should be named.
#' @param case_control_variable           A string of the column name of \code{covariates} which depicts the case-control
#'                                        status of each cell. Notably, this should be a binary variable where a \code{1}
#'                                        is hard-coded to describe case, and a \code{0} to describe control.
#' @param covariates                      \code{matrix} object with \eqn{n} rows with the same rownames as \code{dat} where the columns
#'                                        represent the different covariates.
#'                                        Notably, this should contain only numerical columns (i.e., all categorical
#'                                        variables should have already been split into numerous indicator variables).
#' @param esvd_res                        Output of \code{opt_esvd.default}, notably with elements
#'                                        \code{x_mat}, \code{y_mat} and \code{z_mat}
#' @param library_size_variable           A string of the variable name (which must be in \code{covariates}) of which variable denotes the sequenced (i.e., observed) library size.
#' @param nuisance_vec                    Vector of non-negative numerics of length \code{ncol(input_obj)}, such as
#'                                        the output of \code{estimate_nuisance.default}.
#' @param alpha_max                       Maximum value of numerator when computing posterior, default is \code{1e3}.
#' @param bool_adjust_covariates          Boolean to adjust the numerator in the posterior by the donor covariates, default is \code{FALSE}.
#'                                        This parameter is experimental, and we have not yet encountered a scenario where it is useful to be set to be \code{TRUE}.
#' @param bool_covariates_as_library      Boolean to include the donor covariates effects in the adjusted library size, default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param bool_library_includes_interept  Boolean if the intercept term from the eSVD matrix factorization should be included in the calculation for the covariate-adjusted library size, default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param bool_return_components          Boolean to return the numerator and denominator of the posterior terms as well (which will themselves by matrices that are cell-by-gene matrices), default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param bool_stabilize_underdispersion  Boolean to stabilize the over-dispersion parameter, specifically to rescale all the over-dispersions the global mean over-disperion is less than 1, default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param library_min                     All covariate-adjusted library size smaller than this value are set to this value, default is 0.1.
#' @param nuisance_lower_quantile         All the nuisance values that are smaller than this quantile
#'                                        are set to this quantile.
#' @param pseudocount                     The additional count that is added to the count matrix, default is 0.
#' @param ...                             Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{list} of elements \code{posterior_mean_mat}
#' and \code{posterior_var_mat}
#' @export
compute_posterior.default <- function(input_obj,
                                      alpha_max = 1e3,
                                      bool_adjust_covariates = F,
                                      bool_covariates_as_library = T,
                                      bool_library_includes_interept = T,
                                      bool_return_components = F,
                                      bool_stabilize_underdispersion = T,
                                      library_min = 0.1,
                                      nuisance_lower_quantile = 0.01,
                                      pseudocount = 0,
  stopifnot(inherits(input_obj, c("matrix", "dgCMatrix")),
            all(c("x_mat", "y_mat", "z_mat") %in% names(esvd_res)),
            case_control_variable %in% colnames(covariates),
            library_size_variable %in% colnames(covariates),
            all(colnames(covariates) == colnames(esvd_res$z_mat)),
            nrow(esvd_res$x_mat) == nrow(covariates),
            nrow(esvd_res$y_mat) == nrow(esvd_res$z_mat),
            ncol(esvd_res$x_mat) == ncol(esvd_res$y_mat),
            !bool_adjust_covariates | !bool_covariates_as_library)

  if(inherits(input_obj, "dgCMatrix")) input_obj <- as.matrix(input_obj)
  if(!is.null(pseudocount) && pseudocount > 0) input_obj <- input_obj + pseudocount
  if(is.null(case_control_variable)) case_control_variable <- numeric(0)
  case_control_idx <- which(colnames(covariates) == case_control_variable)

  library_size_variables <- library_size_variable
  if(bool_covariates_as_library) library_size_variables <- unique(c(library_size_variables,
                                                                            c("Intercept", case_control_variable))))
  if(bool_library_includes_interept) library_size_variables <-  unique(c("Intercept", library_size_variables))

  library_idx <- which(colnames(covariates) %in% library_size_variables)
  idx_vec <- c(case_control_idx, library_idx)

  nat_mat1 <- tcrossprod(esvd_res$x_mat, esvd_res$y_mat)
  nat_mat2 <- tcrossprod(covariates[,-library_idx], esvd_res$z_mat[,-library_idx])
  nat_mat_nolib <- nat_mat1 + nat_mat2
  mean_mat_nolib <- exp(nat_mat_nolib)
  library_mat <- exp(tcrossprod(
    covariates[,library_idx], esvd_res$z_mat[,library_idx]
  if(!is.null(library_min)) library_mat <- pmax(library_mat, library_min)

  nuisance_vec <- pmax(nuisance_vec,
                       stats::quantile(nuisance_vec, probs = nuisance_lower_quantile))
  if(bool_stabilize_underdispersion & mean(log10(nuisance_vec)) > 0) {
    nuisance_vec <- 10^(scale(log10(nuisance_vec), center = T, scale = F))

  if(!is.null(alpha_max)) mean_mat_nolib <- pmin(mean_mat_nolib, alpha_max)
  Alpha <- sweep(mean_mat_nolib, MARGIN = 2,
                 STATS = nuisance_vec, FUN = "*")
  AplusAlpha <- input_obj + Alpha
  # adjust the Alpha's based on the confounding covariates
    tmp <- log(AplusAlpha)
    nat_mat_confounder <- tcrossprod(covariates[,-idx_vec,drop = F],
                                     esvd_res$z_mat[,-idx_vec,drop = F])
    AplusAlpha <- exp(tmp - nat_mat_confounder)

  SplusBeta <- sweep(library_mat, MARGIN = 2,
                     STATS = nuisance_vec, FUN = "+")
  posterior_mean_mat <- AplusAlpha/SplusBeta
  posterior_var_mat <- AplusAlpha/SplusBeta^2

  rownames(posterior_mean_mat) <- rownames(input_obj)
  rownames(posterior_var_mat) <- rownames(input_obj)
  colnames(posterior_mean_mat) <- colnames(input_obj)
  colnames(posterior_var_mat) <- colnames(input_obj)

    list(posterior_mean_mat = posterior_mean_mat,
         posterior_var_mat = posterior_var_mat)
  } else {
    list(posterior_mean_mat = posterior_mean_mat,
         posterior_var_mat = posterior_var_mat,
         numerator_mat = AplusAlpha,
         denominator_mat = SplusBeta)

.format_param_posterior <- function(alpha_max,
                                    pseudocount) {
  list(posterior_alpha_max = alpha_max,
       posterior_bool_adjust_covariates = bool_adjust_covariates,
       posterior_bool_covariates_as_library = bool_covariates_as_library,
       posterior_bool_return_components = bool_return_components,
       posterior_bool_stabilize_underdispersion = bool_stabilize_underdispersion,
       posterior_library_min = library_min,
       posterior_nuisance_lower_quantile = nuisance_lower_quantile,
       posterior_pseudocount = pseudocount)
linnykos/eSVD2 documentation built on July 17, 2024, 12:01 a.m.