
# Minimize f(x) subject to Ax>b
# x: [p x 1]
# A: [m x p]
# b: [m x 1]
# Ax>b <=> a[i]'x>b[i], i=1,2,...,m
# f(x) is unbounded if any a[i]'x<=b[i]
# gr(x) is the gradient of f(x)
# hn(x) is the Hessian matrix of f(x)
# We use Newton's method to solve the optimization problem
# x[k+1]=x[k]-alpha*inv(H)*g, where g=gr(x), H=hn(x)
# alpha is chosen to satisfy the feasibility condition Ax>b

# Convenience function, ||x||
vnorm <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))

# Line search function
# Find a step size such that the feasibility condition Ax>b holds and
# the function value decreases
# alpha0:         initial step size
# x:              current x value
# fx:             current objective function value, f(x)
# direction:      newx = x + alpha * direction
# f:              objective function
# feas:           function to test feasibility, returning TRUE if Ax>b
# max_linesearch: maximum number of line search tries
# scaling:        decrease factor of alpha
# ...:            additional arguments passed to f and feas
line_search <- function(alpha0, x, fx, direction, f, feas,
                        max_linesearch, scaling = 0.5, ...)
  alpha <- alpha0
  for(i in seq_len(max_linesearch))
    newx <- x + alpha * direction
    # Test feasibility
    feasible <- feas(newx, ...)
      alpha <- alpha * scaling
    # Test function value
    newfx = f(newx, ...)
    if(newfx < fx)
      return(list(step = alpha, newx = newx, newfx = newfx))

    alpha <- alpha * scaling
  # This function will early return if a proper step size is found
  # If no suitable alpha is obtained, return the initial x
  warning("line search failed, returning the initial x")
  list(step = 0, newx = x, newfx = fx)

# Constrained Newton method
constr_newton <- function(x0, f, gr, hn, direc, feas,
                          max_iter = 100, max_linesearch = 30,
                          eps_rel = 1e-5, verbose = FALSE, ...)
  x <- x0
  fx <- f(x, ...)
  grad <- gr(x, ...)
  xnorm <- vnorm(x)
  xgrad <- vnorm(grad)
    cat(sprintf("Newton iter = 0, fx = %f, ||grad|| = %f\n", fx, xgrad))

  # If gradient is close to zero, then early exit
  if(xgrad <= eps_rel * max(1, xnorm))
    return(list(x = x, fn = fx, grad = grad))

  Hess <- hn(x, ...)
  # Fall back to gradient direction if Hessian is singular
  direction <- tryCatch(-solve(Hess, grad), error = function(e) -grad)

  for(i in seq_len(max_iter))
    lns <- line_search(1, x, fx, direction, f, feas,
                       max_linesearch, scaling = 0.5, ...)
    step <- lns$step
    newx <- lns$newx
    newfx <- lns$newfx

    oldxnorm <- xnorm
    xdiff <- vnorm(newx - x)
    x <- newx
    fx <- newfx
    # grad <- gr(x, ...)
    # Hess <- hn(x, ...)
    # direction <- -solve(Hess, grad)
    gd <- direc(x, ...)
    grad <- gd$grad
    direction <- gd$direction
    xnorm <- vnorm(x)
    xgrad <- vnorm(grad)

      cat(sprintf("Newton iter = %d, fx = %f, ||grad|| = %f\n", i, fx, xgrad))

    if(xdiff <= eps_rel * oldxnorm || xgrad <= eps_rel * max(1, xnorm))

  list(x = x, fn = fx, grad = grad)

# Constrained L-BFGS method
# The constraint is imposed by setting the objective function to infinity
# outside the feasible set
constr_lbfgs <- function(x0, f, gr, hn, direc, feas,
                         max_iter = 100, max_linesearch = 30,
                         eps_rel = 1e-5, verbose = FALSE, ...)
  fn <- function(x, ...)
    feasible <- feas(x, ...)
    if(feasible) f(x, ...) else Inf
  res <- stats::optim(x0, fn, gr, ..., method = "L-BFGS-B",
                      control = list(maxit = max_iter, factr = eps_rel, pgtol = eps_rel))
  list(x = res$par, fn = res$value, grad = NULL)
linnykos/eSVD2 documentation built on July 17, 2024, 12:01 a.m.