# implement extreme learning machine for survival, regression, classification
# Implement deep extreme learning machine
#' @title Extreme learning machine for survival, classification, regression (univariate / multivariate)
#' @param formula Model formula
#' @param data Training data frame
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to internal function
#' @param x Design matrix
#' @param y Survival object, factor or a vector/matrix of continuous variable
#' @param nhid Number of (random) hidden neurons
#' @param actfun Activating function
#' @param scaled If to standardize input units
#' @param family Choices of 'cox', 'binomial', 'multinomial', 'poisson', 'gaussian', 'mgaussian'
#' @param lambda Shrinkage factor
#' @return elm object.
#' @examples
#' library(survival);
#' data(pbc, package = 'randomForestSRC');
#' pbc <- na.omit(pbc);
#' i.tr <- sample(nrow(pbc), 100);
#' elm.f <- elm(Surv(days, status) ~., data = pbc[i.tr, ], nhid = 500);
#' elm.pred <- predict(object = elm.f, newdata = pbc[-i.tr, ], type = 'link');
#' survConcordance(Surv(days, status) ~ elm.pred, data = pbc[-i.tr, ])
#' @export
elm <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('elm');
#' @rdname elm
#' @export
elm.formula <- function(formula, data = environment(formula), ...) {
formula <- stats::formula(terms(formula, data = data));
mf <- model.frame(formula, data);
x <- model.matrix(formula, data);
y <- model.response(mf);
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x), nomatch = 0);
if (xint > 0) x <- x[, -xint, drop = FALSE];
out <- elm.default(x, y, ...);
out$formula <- formula;
out$call <- match.call();
class(out) <- c('elm.formula', class(out));
#' @rdname elm
#' @export
elm.default <- function(
x, y, nhid = max(200, 2*ncol(x)), actfun = 'sig', scaled = TRUE,
family = switch(class(y),
'Surv' = 'cox',
'factor' = ifelse(nlevels(y) > 2, 'multinomial', 'binomial'),
'integer' = 'poisson',
'matrix' = 'mgaussian',
lambda = ifelse(family == 'mgaussian', 0, 1.0),
...) {
if (nhid < 1) {
stop("ERROR: number of hidden neurons must be >= 1")
x.scale <- NULL;
y.scale <- NULL;
if (scaled) {
x <- scale(x);
x.scale <- attributes(x)[c('scaled:center', 'scaled:scale')];
attributes(x)[c('scaled:center', 'scaled:scale')] <- NULL;
if ('gaussian' == family) {
y <- scale(y);
y.scale <- attributes(y)[c('scaled:center', 'scaled:scale')];
attributes(y)[c('scaled:center', 'scaled:scale')] <- NULL;
if(1 == ncol(y)) y <- c(y);
inpweight <- matrix(runif(nhid*ncol(x), -1, 1), ncol = nhid);
tempH <- x %*% inpweight;
biashid <- runif(nhid, min = -1, max = 1);
biasMatrix <- matrix(
rep(biashid, nrow(x)),
nrow = nrow(x), ncol = nhid, byrow = TRUE
tempH = tempH + biasMatrix;
actfun2 <- actfun;
H <- switch(actfun,
"sig" = 1/(1 + exp(-1 * tempH)),
"radbas" = exp(-1 * (tempH^2)),
"hardlim" = ifelse(tempH >= 0, 1, 0),
"hardlims" = ifelse(tempH >= 0, 1, -1),
"satlins" = ifelse(tempH >= 1, 1, ifelse(x <= -1, -1, x)),
"tansig" = 2/(1 + exp(-2 * tempH)) - 1,
"tribas" = ifelse(tempH >= -1 & tempH <= 1, 1-abs(tempH), 0),
"poslin" = ifelse(tempH < 0, 0, tempH),
"purelin" = tempH,
do.call(actfun2, list(tempH))
if ('cox' == family) {
if (family %in% c('gaussian', 'mgaussian') && lambda <= 0) {
outlayer <- ginv(H) %*% y;
} else {
outlayer <- glmnet(
x = H, y = y, family = family,
alpha = 0, lambda = lambda, ...
model = list(
inpweight = inpweight, biashid = biashid,
outlayer = outlayer, nhid = nhid, actfun = actfun,
x.scale = x.scale, y.scale = y.scale,
family = family, lambda = lambda
model$call <- match.call();
class(model) <- "elm";
#' @param object elm object
#' @param newdata A data frame (if elm called via formula) or a design matrix (if elm called via design matrix)
#' @param type Type of output
#' @rdname elm
#' @export
predict.elm <- function (
object, newdata,
type = c('response', 'probabilities', 'link', 'risk')
) {
type <- match.arg(type);
if (is(object, 'elm.formula')) {
newdata <- model.matrix(object$formula[-2], newdata);
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(newdata), nomatch = 0);
if (xint > 0) newdata <- newdata[, -xint, drop = FALSE];
if (!is.null(object$x.scale)) {
newdata <- scale(newdata,
center = object$x.scale[['scaled:center']],
scale = object$x.scale[['scaled:scale']]
tmpHTest = newdata %*% object$inpweight;
biasMatrix <- matrix(
rep(object$biashid, nrow(newdata)),
nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = object$nhid, byrow = TRUE
tmpHTest = tmpHTest + biasMatrix;
actfun2 <- object$actfun;
HTest <- switch(object$actfun,
"sig" = 1/(1 + exp(-1 * tmpHTest)),
"radbas" = exp(-1 * (tmpHTest^2)),
"hardlim" = ifelse(tmpHTest >= 0, 1, 0),
"hardlims" = ifelse(tmpHTest >= 0, 1, -1),
"satlins" = ifelse(tmpHTest >= 1, 1, ifelse(x <= -1, -1, x)),
"tansig" = 2/(1 + exp(-2 * tmpHTest)) - 1,
"tribas" = ifelse(tmpHTest >= -1 & tmpHTest <= 1, 1-abs(tmpHTest), 0),
"poslin" = ifelse(tmpHTest < 0, 0, tmpHTest),
"purelin" = tmpHTest,
do.call(actfun2, list(tmpHTest))
if (is(object$outlayer, 'glmnet')) {
if (object$family %in% c('binomial', 'multinomial')) {
if ('response' == type) {type <- 'class';}
if ('probabilities' == type) {type <- 'response';}
} else if ('cox' == object$family) {
if ('risk' == type) {type <- 'response';}
pred <- predict(object$outlayer, newx = HTest, type = type);
} else {
pred <- HTest %*% object$outlayer;
if (object$family %in% c('gaussian', 'mgaussian') && !is.null(object$y.scale)) {
pred <- pred*object$y.scale[['scaled:scale']] + object$y.scale[['scaled:center']];
if(is.matrix(pred)) {rownames(pred) <- rownames(newdata);}
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