getmoduleHub <- function(data, module, mod_num, coln = "new.ID",
cor.sig = 0.05, cor.r = 0,
adjustp = TRUE, hub.p = 0.05){
mod.name <- module[module$moduleNum == mod_num, coln];
#mod <- data[ , colnames(data) %in% mod.name]
mod <- data[rownames(data) %in% mod.name, ];
mod <- t(mod);
cor_matrix <- Hmisc::rcorr(mod, type = "pearson");
cor_matrix_sig <- .sig_cor(cor_matrix, p = cor.sig, r = cor.r, type = 1);
cor_order <- .orderCor(abs(cor_matrix_sig$r), cor_matrix_sig$P);
# make igraph objects
g <- graph.data.frame(cor_order[ ,1:3], directed = FALSE);
el <- calculate.PFN(cor_order[,1:3], doPar = FALSE, num.cores = 1);
gg <- graph.data.frame(el, directed = FALSE);
subnet <- induced.subgraph(gg, mod.name);
Stat <- get.DegreeHubStatistic(subnet, n.perm = 100);
#Stat2 <- .get_HubStatistic(subnet, n.perm = 100)
if(adjustp) hubgene <- Stat$gene[Stat$pvalue.BH < hub.p]
else hubgene <- Stat$gene[Stat$pvalue < hub.p];
hubgene <- as.character(hubgene);
Stat$gene <- as.character(Stat$gene);
list(hub = hubgene, degreeStat = Stat, graph = g, PMFG = gg)
##extract correlation
#P 0.05,0.01,0.001 r 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.8
.sig_cor <- function(cor_matrix, p = 0.05, r = NA, type = 1){
cor_matrix$P[upper.tri(cor_matrix$P,diag = TRUE)] <- NA;
cor_matrix$r[upper.tri(cor_matrix$P,diag = TRUE)] <- NA;
#rank_r[upper.tri(rank_r,diag = TRUE)]<-NA;
#rank_p[upper.tri(rank_p,diag = TRUE)]<-NA;
if (!is.na(p)) {
#p value less than p
logi <- cor_matrix$P > p;
cor_matrix$P[logi] <- NA;
cor_matrix$r[logi] <- NA;
if (!is.na(r)) {
logi2 <- abs(cor_matrix$r) < r;
#r value >r
cor_matrix$P[logi2] <- NA;
cor_matrix$r[logi2] <- NA;
if (!is.na(p) | !is.na(r)) {
posit<-which(!is.na(cor_matrix$P), arr.ind=TRUE);
else if (type ==1 ) {
roworder <- sort(unique(posit[ ,1]));
column <- sort(unique(posit[ ,2]));
cor_matrix$P <- cor_matrix$P[roworder, column];
cor_matrix$r <- cor_matrix$r[roworder, column];
# orderCorr
# cormat : matrix of the correlation coefficients
# pmat : matrix of the correlation p-values
.orderCor <- function(cormat, pmat) {
postion <- which(!is.na(cormat), arr.ind = TRUE);
pos <- which(!is.na(cormat));
ro <- attr(cormat, "dimnames")[[1]][postion[ ,1]];
co <- attr(cormat, "dimnames")[[2]][postion[ ,2]];
r <- cormat[pos];
p <- pmat[pos];
flat <- data.frame(row = as.character(ro),
column = as.character(co),
cor = r,
p = p,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
orderCor <- flat[order(abs(flat$cor), decreasing = TRUE), ];
rownames(orderCor) <- order(abs(orderCor$cor), decreasing = TRUE);
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