
Defines functions reqdim

# calculate required dimension for one linkage group
# based on being passed label columns position and locus
# width of chromosome and length of distance to labels

reqdim <- function(df,
                   pdf.width = 12,
                   denmap = FALSE,
                   maxnbrcolsfordups = 3,
                   lgw = 0.25,
                   pgx = 0.5 ,
                   labdist = 0.1 ,
                   rcex = par("cex"),
                   lcex = par("cex"),
                   rfont = par("font"),
                   lfont = par("font"),
                   rcol = par("col"),
                   lcol = par("col"),
                   cex.lgtitle = cex.lgtitle,
                   qtldf = NULL,
                   ruler = FALSE,
                   prtlgtitles = TRUE,
                   showonly = showonly)

  # set up points to label - the points will be plotted invisibly
  # x1 is on the left side of the chromosome, x2 on the right
  # these will be recalculated after required dimensions are determined

  lgwpct <- lgw / pdf.width
  x1 <-
    rep(pgx - lgwpct / 2, length(df$position))
  x2 <-
    rep(pgx + lgwpct / 2, length(df$position))

  y <- df$position
  rlab <- df$locus
  llab <- df$position

  # ylim reversed so 0 is at top of y-axis
  # don't print the points: type="n"
  # and don't print axis: xaxt and yaxt = "n"
  # and don't print axis labels: yaxt="n",xlab=""
  # and don't print the box around the plot: bty="n"
  # in other words don't print anything but establish the points
  # for the markers

    xlim = c(0, 1),
    ylim = rev(range(y)),
    type = "n",
    cex = 1,
    xaxt = "n",
    yaxt = "n",
    xlab = "",
    ylab = "",
    xaxs = "i",
    bty = "n"


  if (!is.null(showonly)) {
    solist <- show(
      rcex = rcex,
      lcex = lcex,
      rfont = rfont,
      lfont = lfont,
      rcol = rcol,
      lcol = lcol
    llab <- solist$newllab
    rlab <- solist$newrlab
    rcex <- solist$newrcex
    lcex <- solist$newlcex
    rfont <- solist$newrfont
    lfont <- solist$newlfont
    rcol <- solist$newrcol
    lcol <- solist$newlcol

  yrlabwidth <- vector(length = length(llab))
  if (!denmap) {
    # find dups to figure out how many columns to reserve space for
    dups <- fsdups(llab, maxnbrcolsfordups)

    # Determine width of each right label including dups

    yrlabwidth[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)] <-
      strwidth(rlab[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)], units = "inches") *
      rcex[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)] + labdist
    yrlabwidth[dups$frkeep] <-
      strwidth(rlab[dups$frkeep], units = "inches") *
      rcex[dups$frkeep] + labdist * 1.2
    # now add space for duplicates in cols
    if (maxnbrcolsfordups > 1) {
      for (i in 1:length(llab)) {
        for (m in 1:(maxnbrcolsfordups - 1)) {
          if (!is.na(dups$yd[m, i])) {
            yrlabwidth[i] <-
              yrlabwidth[i] + strwidth(rlab[(i + m)], units = "inches") * rcex[(i + m)] + (strwidth(" ", units =
                                                                                                      "inches")  * rcex[(i + m)]) / 2

    # If qtl provided, calculate width required
    # Since we don't know pdf dimensions yet, we
    # can't determine if qtl will overlap each other.
    # so we assume they will and add enough space to
    # the required width for each qtl

    # adding in strwidth("M",units=inches) takes care of
    # 0.5 of a character width default between points and labels
    # and leaves a little room between linkage groups and at edge of pdf
    if (!ruler) {
      reqwidth <- sum(
        max(strwidth(llab, units = "inches") * lcex),
        labdist * 2,
        strwidth("M", units = "inches")  * max(lcex),
        strwidth("M", units  = "inches")  * max(rcex),
        nrow(qtldf) * (lgw / 3 + strheight("M", units = "inches") *

      reqheight <-
          sum(strheight(llab[dups$rkeep], units = "inches") * lcex[dups$rkeep] * 1.4),
          sum(strheight(rlab[dups$rkeep], units = "inches") * rcex[dups$rkeep] * 1.4),
          sum(strheight(llab[dups$rkeep], units = "inches") * rcex[dups$rkeep] * 1.4)
        ) # because positions spread like markers
    else {
      reqwidth <- sum(
        lgw ,
        strwidth("M", units  = "inches")  * max(rcex),
        nrow(qtldf) * (lgw / 3 + strheight("M", units = "inches") *

      reqheight = sum(strheight(rlab, units = "inches") * rcex * 1.4)

   # else we are doing a density map

  else {
    yrlabwidth <- strwidth("M", units = "inches")
    # only doing density map
    # line segments are 1/96"
    # so make sure closest two lines only half overlap
    reqheight <- (diff(range(y) / (2 * 96)) / min(diff(y)[diff(y) > 0]))
    # width is max of title or chromosome plus any qtls
    reqwidth <-
          lgw ,
          strwidth(df$group, units = "inches") * cex.lgtitle + strwidth("M", units = "inches") *
        nrow(qtldf) * (lgw / 3 + strheight("M", units = "inches") *

  # give a margin at top and bottom for chromosome ends and margins
  reqheight = reqheight + lgw + par("mai")[1] + par("mai")[3]

    reqwidth = reqwidth,
    reqheight = reqheight,
    maxlenrlab = max(yrlabwidth),
    maxlenllab = max(strwidth(llab, units = "inches") * lcex)

louellette/LinkageMapView documentation built on Nov. 21, 2019, 10:09 p.m.