
Defines functions plot.fhx plot_demograph

Documented in plot_demograph plot.fhx

#' Create an ggplot2 object for plotting fhx demographics
#' @param x An `fhx` object, as from [fhx()]
#' @param color_group Option to plot series with colors. This is a character
#'   vector or factor which corresponds to the series names given in
#'   `color_id`. Both `color_group` and `color_id` need to be
#'   specified. Default plot gives no color.
#' @param color_id Option to plot series with colors. A character vector of
#'   series names corresponding to groups given in `color_group.` Every
#'   unique value in `x` series.names needs to have a corresponding
#'   color_group value. Both `color_group` and `color_id` need to be
#'   specified. Default plot gives no species colors.
#' @param facet_group Option to plot series with faceted by a factor. A vector
#'   of factors or character vector which corresponds to the series names given
#'   in `facet_id.` Both `facet_group` and `facet_id` need to be
#'   specified. Default plot is not faceted.
#' @param facet_id Option to plot series with faceted by a factor. A vector of
#'   series names corresponding to species names given in `facet_group.`
#'   Every unique values in `x` series.names needs to have a corresponding
#'   facet_group value. Both `facet_group` and `facet_id` need to be
#'   specified.  Default plot is not faceted. Note that `composite_rug`,
#'   `facet_group`, and `facet_id` cannot be used in the same plot. You must
#'   choose facets or a composite rug.
#' @param facet_type Type of ggplot2 facet to use, if faceting. Must be
#'   either "grid" or "wrap". Default is "grid". Note that `composite_rug`,
#'   `facet_group`, and `facet_id` cannot be used in the same plot. You must
#'   choose facets or a composite rug.
#' @param ylabels Optional boolean to remove y-axis (series name) labels and
#'   tick  marks. Default is TRUE.
#' @param yearlims Option to limit the plot to a range of years. This is a
#'   vector with two integers. The first integer gives the lower year for the
#'   range while the second integer gives the upper year. The default is to
#'   plot the full range of data given by `x`.
#' @param composite_rug A boolean option to plot a rug on the bottom of the
#'   plot. Default is FALSE. Note that `composite_rug` and `facet_group`,
#'   `facet_id` cannot be used in the same plot. You must choose facets or a
#'   composite rug.
#' @inheritParams  composite
#' @param plot_legend A boolean option allowing the user to choose whether a
#'   legend is included in the plot or not. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param event_size An optional numeric vector that adjusts the size of fire
#'   event symbols on the plot. Default is
#'   `c("Scar" = 4, "Injury" = 2, "Pith/Bark" = 1.5)`.
#' @param rugbuffer_size An optional integer. If the user plots a rug, this
#'   controls the amount of buffer whitespace along the y-axis between the rug
#'   and the main plot. Must be >= 2.
#' @param rugdivide_pos Optional integer if plotting a rug. Adjust the
#'   placement of the rug divider along the y-axis. Default is 2.
#' @return A `ggplot` object for plotting or manipulation.
#' @examples
#' data(lgr2)
#' plot(lgr2)
#' plot(lgr2, ylabels = FALSE, plot_legend = TRUE)
#' data(lgr2_meta)
#' # With color showing species.
#' plot(lgr2,
#'   color_group = lgr2_meta$SpeciesID,
#'   color_id = lgr2_meta$TreeID,
#'   plot_legend = TRUE
#' )
#' # With facets for each species.
#' plot(lgr2,
#'   facet_group = lgr2_meta$SpeciesID,
#'   facet_id = lgr2_meta$TreeID,
#'   plot_legend = TRUE
#' )
#' # Append annotation onto a ggplot object.
#' require(ggplot2)
#' p <- plot_demograph(lgr2,
#'   color_group = lgr2_meta$SpeciesID,
#'   color_id = lgr2_meta$TreeID
#' )
#' # Add transparent box as annotation to plot.
#' p + annotate("rect",
#'   xmin = 1750, xmax = 1805,
#'   ymin = 3.5, ymax = 13.5, alpha = 0.2
#' )
#' @export
plot_demograph <- function(x, color_group, color_id, facet_group, facet_id,
                           facet_type = "grid", ylabels = TRUE,
                           yearlims = FALSE, composite_rug = FALSE,
                           filter_prop = 0.25, filter_min_rec = 2,
                           filter_min_events = 1, injury_event = FALSE,
                           plot_legend = FALSE,
                           event_size = c(
                             "Scar" = 4,
                             "Injury" = 2,
                             "Pith/Bark" = 1.5
                           rugbuffer_size = 2, rugdivide_pos = 2) {
  # TODO: Merge ends and events into a single df. with a factor to handle the
  #       different event types... this will allow us to put these "fire events"
  #       and "pith/bark" into a legend.
  if (composite_rug & !missing("facet_group")) {
    stop("Cannot have composite rug and facet in same plot")
  stopifnot(facet_type %in% c("grid", "wrap"))
  stopifnot(rugbuffer_size >= 2)

  # Setup record types for plotting.
  clean_nonrec <- x[x$rec_type != "recorder_year", ]
  pithbark_types <- c("pith_year", "bark_year")
  this_event_rec_types <- union(
    union(rec_type_scar, rec_type_injury),  # nolint
  events <- clean_nonrec[clean_nonrec$rec_type %in% this_event_rec_types, ]
  is_scar_msk <- levels(events$rec_type) %in% rec_type_scar  # nolint
  levels(events$rec_type)[is_scar_msk] <- "Scar"
  is_injury_msk <- levels(events$rec_type) %in% rec_type_injury  # nolint
  levels(events$rec_type)[is_injury_msk] <- "Injury"
  is_pithbark_msk <- levels(events$rec_type) %in% pithbark_types  # nolint
  levels(events$rec_type)[is_pithbark_msk] <- "Pith/Bark"
  events$rec_type <- factor(
    levels = c("Scar", "Injury", "Pith/Bark")

  live <- stats::aggregate(
    x$year, by = list(x$series), FUN = range, na.rm = TRUE
  live <- data.frame(
    series = live$Group.1,
    first = live$x[, 1],
    last = live$x[, 2],
    rec_type = rep("non-recording", dim(live)[1])
  recorder <- get_rec_tbl(x, injury_event)
  if (dim(recorder)[1] > 0) {
    segs <- rbind(recorder, live)
  } else {
    # If there are no recorder_years...
    segs <- live
  levels(segs$rec_type) <- c("Recording", "Non-recording")

  p <- NA
  rings <- x
  if (!missing(facet_group) & !missing(facet_id)) {
    rings <- merge(
      rings, data.frame(series = facet_id, facet_group = facet_group),
      by = "series"

    segs <- merge(
      segs, data.frame(series = facet_id, facet_group = facet_group),
      by = "series"

    events <- merge(
      events, data.frame(series = facet_id, facet_group = facet_group),
      by = "series"
  if (missing(color_group) | missing(color_id)) {
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(
      data = rings,
      ggplot2::aes_string(y = "series", x = "year")

  } else {
    rings <- merge(
      rings, data.frame(series = color_id, species = color_group),
      by = "series"

    segs <- merge(
      segs, data.frame(series = color_id, species = color_group),
      by = "series"

    events <- merge(
      events, data.frame(series = color_id, species = color_group),
      by = "series"

    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(
      ggplot2::aes_string(y = "series", x = "year", color = "species")
  p <- (p + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        x = "first", xend = "last", y = "series",
        yend = "series", linetype = "rec_type"
      data = segs
    + ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual(values = c("solid", "dashed", "solid"))
  p <- (p + ggplot2::geom_point(
      data = events, ggplot2::aes_string(shape = "rec_type", size = "rec_type"),
      color = "black"
  + ggplot2::scale_size_manual(values = event_size, drop=FALSE)
    + ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(
      guide = "legend",
      values = c("Scar" = 124, "Injury" = 6, "Pith/Bark" = 20),
    )) # `shape` 25 is empty triangles

  if (composite_rug) {
    comp <- composite(x,
      filter_prop = filter_prop,
      filter_min_rec = filter_min_rec,
      filter_min_events = filter_min_events,
      injury_event = injury_event

    composite_row_msk <- rings$year %in% get_event_years(
      comp, injury_event = injury_event

    p <- (p + ggplot2::geom_rug(
      data = rings[composite_row_msk, ], sides = "b", color = "black"
      + ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(
          limits = c(rep("", rugbuffer_size),
      + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = rugdivide_pos, color = "grey50"))
  if (!missing(facet_group) & !missing(facet_id)) {
    if (facet_type == "grid") {
      p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(
        facet_group ~ .,
        scales = "free_y",
        space = "free_y"
    if (facet_type == "wrap") {
      p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~facet_group, scales = "free_y")
  brks.major <- NA
  brks.minor <- NA
  yr.range <- diff(range(rings$year))
  if (yr.range < 100) {
    brks.major <- seq(
      round(min(rings$year), -1),
      round(max(rings$year), -1),
    brks.minor <- seq(
      round(min(rings$year), -1),
      round(max(rings$year), -1),
  } else if (yr.range >= 100) {
    brks.major <- seq(
      round(min(rings$year), -2),
      round(max(rings$year), -2),
    brks.minor <- seq(
      round(min(rings$year), -2),
      round(max(rings$year), -2),
  p <- (p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
      breaks = brks.major,
      minor_breaks = brks.minor
    + ggplot2::theme_bw()
    + ggplot2::theme(
      panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      legend.position = "bottom"
  if (!plot_legend) {
    p <- p + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
  if (!missing(yearlims)) {
    p <- p + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = yearlims)
  if (!ylabels) {
    p <- p + ggplot2::theme(
      axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank()

#' Plot an `fhx` object
#' @param ... Arguments passed on to [plot_demograph()].
#' @seealso [plot_demograph()] is what does the actual plotting.
#' @examples
#' data(lgr2)
#' plot(lgr2)
#' plot(lgr2, ylabels = FALSE, plot_legend = TRUE)
#' data(lgr2_meta)
#' # With color showing species.
#' plot(lgr2,
#'   color_group = lgr2_meta$SpeciesID,
#'   color_id = lgr2_meta$TreeID,
#'   plot_legend = TRUE
#' )
#' # With facets for each species.
#' plot(lgr2,
#'   facet_group = lgr2_meta$SpeciesID,
#'   facet_id = lgr2_meta$TreeID,
#'   plot_legend = TRUE
#' )
#' # Append annotation onto a ggplot object.
#' require(ggplot2)
#' p <- plot_demograph(lgr2,
#'   color_group = lgr2_meta$SpeciesID,
#'   color_id = lgr2_meta$TreeID
#' )
#' # Add transparent box as annotation to plot.
#' p + annotate("rect",
#'   xmin = 1750, xmax = 1805,
#'   ymin = 3.5, ymax = 13.5, alpha = 0.2
#' )
#' @export
plot.fhx <- function(...) {
ltrr-arizona-edu/burnr documentation built on May 28, 2022, 9:29 a.m.