#' ellipsoidfit2: function to fit an ellipsoid model
#' @description Function to fit an ellipsoid model using the shape matrix (covariance matrix)
#' of the niche variables. This is an optimized version of the \code{\link[ntbox]{ellipsoidfit}} function; the diffrence is that it does not give the table of distances to niche centroid.
#' @param envlayers A RasterStack or RasterBrick object of the niche variables.
#' @param centroid A vector with the values of the centers of the ellipsoid (see \code{\link[ntbox]{cov_center}}).
#' @param covar The shape matrix (covariance) of the ellipoid (see \code{\link[ntbox]{cov_center}}).
#' @param level The proportion of points to be included inside the ellipsoid
#' @param plot Logical If True a plot of the niche will be shown.
#' @param size The size of the points of the niche plot.
#' @param xlab1 For x label for 2-dimensional histogram
#' @param ylab1 For y label for 2-dimensional histogram
#' @param zlab1 For z label for 2-dimensional histogram
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link[rgl]{plot3d}} function from rgl
#' @return Returns a list containing a data.frame with the suitability values; a suitability raster;
#' a data.frame with the mahalanobis and euclidean distances to the centroid.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Load niche data
#' \dontrun{
#' d_cardon <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "cardon_virtual.csv", package = "ntbox"))
#' ## Compute the centroid and shape (covariance matrix) of the ellipsoid model.
#' covar_centroid <- cov_center(d_cardon,mve=TRUE,level=0.99,vars=c(3,4,5))
#' ## RasterStack with the niche variables
#' nicheStack <- raster::stack(list.files(system.file("extdata",
#' package = "ntbox"),
#' pattern = ".asc$",
#' full.names = TRUE))
#' # Fitting the ellipsoid model
#' ellipsoidMod <- ellipsoidfit2(envlayers = nicheStack,
#' centroid = covar_centroid$centroid,
#' covar = covar_centroid$covariance,
#' level=0.99,
#' plot=TRUE,
#' size=3)
#' raster::plot(ellipsoidMod)
#' }
ellipsoidfit2 <- function(envlayers,centroid,covar,level=0.95,
xlab1="niche var 1",ylab1= "niche var 2",zlab1="S",...){
if(methods::is(envlayers, "RasterStack") || methods::is(envlayers, "RasterBrick")){
ncells <- raster::ncell(envlayers[[1]])
nonaids <- which(!is.na(envlayers[[1]][]))
env_vars <- 1: raster::nlayers(envlayers) %>% purrr::map_dfc(function(x){
capa_val <- envlayers[[x]]
nombre_capa <- names(capa_val)
capa_val <- capa_val[]
capa_val <- capa_val[nonaids]
df <- data.frame(capa_val)
names(df) <- nombre_capa
env_vars <- as.matrix(env_vars)
suitRaster <- envlayers[[1]]
names(suitRaster) <- "Suitability"
suitVals <- rep(NA,raster::ncell(suitRaster))
stop("envlayers should be of class 'RasterStack' or 'RasterBrick'")
# Calculating distance to the centroid
mahalanobisD <- stats::mahalanobis(env_vars,
center = centroid,
cov = covar)
suit <- function( mahalanobisD){
a <- 1
expo <- exp(-0.5* mahalanobisD)
# Computing the suitabilities
suits <- suit( mahalanobisD)
suitVals[nonaids] <- suits
suitRaster[] <- suitVals
if(dim(env_vars)[2]==2 && plot==TRUE){
x <- seq(from = centroid[1]/2,to =centroid[1]*2 ,length=100)
x <- sort(x)
y <- seq(from = centroid[2]/2,to =centroid[2]*2 ,length=100)
y <- sort(y)
suit1 <- function(x,y) {
maha1 <- stats::mahalanobis(cbind(x,y),
center = centroid,
cov = covar)
expo <- exp(-0.5* maha1)
#z <- x %o% y
z <- outer(x,y,FUN = suit1)
p1 <- graphics::persp(x,y,z, box=T,xlab=xlab1,
ylab=ylab1,zlab=zlab1, col="blue",
theta = 55, phi = 30,r = 40,
d = 0.1, expand = 0.5,
ticktype = "detailed", nticks=5,
cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.3,
cex.main=1.5, cex.sub=1.5)
ranges <- t(sapply(list(x,y,z),range))
means <- rowMeans(ranges)
## label offset distance, as a fraction of the plot width
labelspace <- 0.12 ## tweak this until you like the result
xpos <- min(x)-(diff(range(x)))*labelspace
ypos <- min(y)-(diff(range(y)))*labelspace
labelbot3d <- c(xpos,ypos,min(z))
labeltop3d <- c(xpos,ypos,max(z))
labelmid3d <- c(xpos,ypos,mean(range(z)))
trans3dfun <- function(v) { grDevices::trans3d(v[1],v[2],v[3],p1) }
labelbot2d <- trans3dfun(labelbot3d)
labelmid2d <- trans3dfun(labelmid3d)
labeltop2d <- trans3dfun(labeltop3d)
labelang <- 180/pi*atan2(labeltop2d$y-labelbot2d$y,labeltop2d$x-labelbot2d$x)
graphics::par(xpd=NA,srt=labelang) ## disable clipping and set string rotation
if(dim(env_vars)[2]==3 && plot==TRUE){
data1 <- env_vars
dfd <- dim(data1)[1] - 1
dfn <- dim(data1)[2] - 1
# Ellipsoid radius
#ell.radius_E <- sqrt(dfn * qf(level, dfn, dfd))
suits2 <- suits
ellips_E <- rgl::ellipse3d(covar,centre = centroid,level = 0.99)
if(dfd > 50000)
np <- 50000
np <- dim(data1)[1]
toSam <- sample(1:length(data1[,1]),np)
data1 <- data1[toSam,]
rgl::plot3d(data1,size = size,col=grDevices::hsv(suits2[toSam]*.71,.95,.9),...)
rgl::wire3d(ellips_E, col=4, lit=FALSE,alpha=.1)
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