
Defines functions writeSpagediGenAlex readSpagediTable

## Write a genalex dataframe to spagedi format
writeSpagediGenAlex <- function(df, file_name, dist_int){

    # Begin first line
  cat(attr(df, "n.samples"),     # First - number of samples
      attr(df, "n.pops"),        # Number of category / populations
      2,                         # Number of spatial dimensions
      attr(df, "n.loci"),        # Number of loci
      3,                         # Number of digits to code alleles
      attr(df, "ploidy"),        # Ploidy
      sep = "\t")        # End first line
    # Begin second line - Distance intervals
  if(any(dist_int < 0)) cat(dist_int, "\n") # If negative, just put single number
  if(any(dist_int > 0))
    cat(length(dist_int), dist_int, "\n", sep = "\t")
    # Begin third line
  cat("Field_number",            # Individual ID
      "Plot",                    # Category
      "UTM1",                    # X coord
      "UTM2",                    # Y coord
      attr(df, "locus.names"),
      sep = "\t")       # End third line
  sink() # End header

  # Begin fourth line - DATA!
  df_to_write <- data.frame(Field_number = attr(df, "extra.columns")$Field_number,
                         Plot = df$Plot,
                         UTM1 = attr(df, "extra.columns")$UTM1,
                         UTM2 = attr(df, "extra.columns")$UTM2)

  ## Convert Ob03 to three alleles to be consistent across loci
  for(i in 1:nrow(df))
    { # Could probably vectorize to make faster
    if(nchar(df[i, "Ob03"]) == 2)
      df[i, "Ob03"] <- paste("0", df[i, "Ob03"], sep = "")
    if(attr(df, "ploidy") == 2)
      if(nchar(df[i, "Ob03.2"]) == 2)
        df[i, "Ob03.2"] <- paste("0", df[i, "Ob03.2"], sep = "")
    } # End for loop

  ## Need to paste together allele calls

  df_collapsed <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = attr(df, "n.samples"),
                                    ncol = attr(df, "n.loci")))
  colnames(df_collapsed) <- attr(df, "locus.names")
  if(attr(df, "ploidy") == 2)
    y <- 3 # Loops through data on dataframe
    for(j in 1:attr(df, "n.loci"))
      df_collapsed[, j] <- paste0(df[, y], df[, y + 1])
       y <- y + 2    
  } else {
    for(j in 1:attr(df, "n.loci"))
      df_collapsed[, j] <- df[, j + 2]

  out <- cbind(df_to_write, df_collapsed)

  write.table(out, file_name, append = TRUE, 
              col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
  cat("END", file = file_name, append = TRUE )

## Read data summaries from text output of Spagedi
readSpagediTable <- function(path_to_out, type){
  # Type can be dist, perm, or kin
  out_lines <- readLines(path_to_out, warn = FALSE)
  if(type == "perm"){
                  out_lines) + 3}
  if(type == "kin"){
    start <- grep("Genetic analyses at INDIVIDUAL level",
                  out_lines) + 10}
  if(type == "dist"){
    start <- grep("Genetic analyses at INDIVIDUAL level",
                  out_lines) + 1}
  if(type == "diversity"){
                  out_lines) + 1}
  if(length(start) == 0){
    cat("Date of type", type, "not found in Spagedi output...\n")
  # Find the last line of the table by looking for the next blank line
  end = min(which(out_lines[start:length(out_lines)] == "")) + start - 2
  raw <- out_lines[start:end] 
  split <- strsplit(raw, split = "\t")
  maxcol <- max(sapply(split, length))
    # Make empty dataframe to store info and set row names
  if(type == "diversity"){ # Need to cut out duplicate row names
    split <- split[-c(seq(2, length(split), by = 2))]
    tab <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = maxcol - 1, nrow = length(split)))
    row.names(tab) <- sapply(split, "[[", 1)
  } else { 
    tab <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = maxcol - 1, nrow = length(raw)))
    row.names(tab) <- sapply(split, "[[", 1)
    # Set column names
  if(type == "dist"){labels  <- 1}
  if(type == "perm"){labels  <-  2}
  if(type == "kin"){labels <- 1}
  if(type == "diversity"){labels <- 1}
  names(tab) <- split[[labels]][-1]
    # For diversity - Cut out allele frequency data 
  if(type == "diversity"){
      # Find first column that is NA (blank column) and cut everything after
    tab <- tab[, -c(min(which(is.na(names(tab)))):ncol(tab))]
  # Pick out list elements to fill in with empty data to reach 12 columns
  fill_in <- which(sapply(split, length) < maxcol)
  for(x in fill_in){
    split[[x]][!(1:length(split[[2]]) %in% 1:length(split[[x]]))] <- NA
  # Fill in columns with actual data
  for(j in 1:ncol(tab)){
    tab[, j] <- sapply(split, "[[", (j+1))
  if(type == "kin"){tab <- tab[-1, ]}
  if(type == "perm"){tab  <- tab[-c(1,2,3), ]}
  if(type == "dist"){tab <- tab[, -1]}
  if(type == "diversity"){tab <- tab[-1, -1]}
  # Convert columns to numeric
  if(type == "diversity"){tab[, -c(2,3)] <- apply(tab[, -c(2,3)], 2, as.numeric)}
  if(type != "diversity"){tab[,] <- apply(tab, 2, as.numeric)}
lukembrowne/rSpagedi documentation built on Sept. 11, 2019, 3:38 a.m.