Man pages for lusystemsbio/sRACIPE
Systems biology tool to simulate gene regulatory circuits

allTypesDemoCircuitA circuit with every interaction type for simulations
annotation-RacipeSE-methodA method to get the annotation
annotation-set-RacipeSE-ANY-methodA method to set the circuit name or annotation
cellCycleA circuit for modeling the yeast cell cycle
configDataConfiguration Data
CoupledToggleSwitchSAFive coupled toggle switches
demoCircuitA toggle switch circuit for demonstrations
densityPlotDensity Plot
dot-loadNetworkFileLoads the network/topology file.
dot-ModelPvalueReturns the variance array after permutations.
dot-NthMinFind nth minimum value from a vector
dot-PermutedVarFind variance of permutations
dot-SimulatedPValueAbsFinds the variance corresponding to a given value.
dot-SimulatedVarPValueFinds the variance corresponding to a given value.
EMT1A circuit for epithelial to mesenchymal transition
EMT2A circuit for epithelial to mesenchymal transition including...
RacipeSERacipeSE constructor
repressilatorA loop motif for demonstrating limit cycles in gene...
sRACIPEsRACIPE: A package for stochastic random circuit...
sracipeCircuitMethod to get the circuit
sracipeCircuit-setInitialize the circuit
sracipeCombineRacipeSEA method to combine RacipeSE objects with the same config
sracipeConfigA method to access the simulation hyperparameters
sracipeConfig-setA method to access the simulation hyperparameters
sracipeConvergeA method to get the convergence results for deterministic...
sracipeConvergeDistA method to visualize convergence distributions
sracipeGenParamNamesGenerate parameter names for a circuit
sracipeGetTSA method to extract the time series
sracipeHeatmapSimilarityCalculates the similarity between two gene expression data.
sracipeICA method to get the initial conditions used for simulations
sracipeIC-setA method to set the initial conditions
sracipeKnockDownPerform in-silico knockdown analysis
sracipeNormalizeNormalize the simulated gene expression
sracipeOverExpPerform in-silico over expression analysis
sracipeParamsA method to access the simulation parameters
sracipeParams-setA method to set the simulation parameters
sracipePlotCircuitPlot Gene Regulatory Circuit
sracipePlotDataPlot sRACIPE data
sracipePlotParamBifurParameter bifurcation plots
sracipeSimulateSimulate a gene regulatory circuit
sracipeUniqueStatesA method for grabbing unique states
lusystemsbio/sRACIPE documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 9:59 a.m.