
writeGMT <- function #Create a gmt (gene matrix transposed) file
### Createss a gmt (gene matrix transposed) file such as those
### provided by mSigDB or geneSigDB, from an R list object.
### Function by Levi Waldron.
### R list object that will be converted to GMT file.  Each element
### should contain a vector of gene names, and the names of the
### elements will used for the gene set names
### Output file name for .gmt file
  if (class(object) != "list") stop("object should be of class 'list'")
  if(file.exists(fname)) unlink(fname)
  for (iElement in 1:length(object)){
### Called for the effect of writing a .gmt file
lwaldron/LeviRmisc documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:59 a.m.