#' Extract random effects from a gam
#' @description Extract what would be the random effects from a mixed model from
#' a gam object. Assumes an mgcv model of the form `gam(... + s(g,
#' bs='re'))`.
#' @inheritParams extract_vc
#' @param re Filter results to a specific random effect/grouping variable.
#' @details Returns a data frame of the the `component` type, the estimated
#' random effect `re`, the estimated `se`, and approximate `lower` and `upper`
#' bounds. Note that the standard errors are Bayesian
#' estimates (see \code{\link{gamObject}}, specifically type `Vp`). The `re`
#' will only reflect smooth terms whose basis function is 're', i.e. of class
#' `random.effect`. Others will be ignored.
#' @return A `tibble` or data frame with the random effect,
#' its standard error, and its lower and upper bounds. The bounds are based
#' on a simple normal approximation using the standard error.
#' @note `mgcv` strips the level names for 're' smooth terms, so this attempts
#' to get them back. This may not work under every circumstance, but the
#' attempt is made to extract the names of random effect groups based on how
#' they are ordered in the data (which is how the model matrix would be
#' constructed), and in the case of random slopes, detect that second variable
#' in the 're' specification would be the grouping variable. This will not
#' work for continuous x continuous smooths of type 're', but I can't think of
#' a reason why you'd use that given your other options with `mgcv`.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ranef}}
#' @examples
#' library(mgcv)
#' library(lme4)
#' lmer_model <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days || Subject), data = sleepstudy)
#' ga_model <- gam(Reaction ~ Days + s(Subject, bs = "re") + s(Days, Subject, bs = "re"),
#' data = sleepstudy,
#' method = "REML"
#' )
#' ranef(lmer_model)
#' extract_ranef(ga_model)
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl map_chr is_empty map
#' @importFrom dplyr n_distinct tibble
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @export
extract_ranef <- function(
re = NULL,
ci_level = .95,
digits = 3
) {
if (!inherits(model, "gam")) stop("Need a gam object.")
# get the re variables and their levels
re_terms <- purrr::map_lgl(model$smooth,
inherits(x, "random.effect"))
re_names <- purrr::map_chr(model$smooth[re_terms],
ifelse(length(x$vn) == 1,
re_levels <- vector("list", length(re_names))
# add check on re name/type
# check that re is factor as re smooth can be applied to continuous
for (i in seq_along(re_names)) {
if (!inherits(model$model[, re_names[i]], "factor")) {
paste0(re_names[i], ' is not a factor. No results provided for it.')
re_levels[[i]] <- NULL
else {
re_levels[[i]] <- levels(model$model[, re_names[i]])
if (purrr::is_empty(re_levels) | all(purrr::map_lgl(re_levels, is.null))) {
stop('No factor random effects.')
non_factors <- purrr::map_lgl(re_levels, is.null)
# this test is covered but covr ignores for some reason
if (any(non_factors)) {
re_terms[non_factors] <- FALSE
if (!is.null(re) && !re %in% re_names)
paste0('re is not among the names of the random effects: ',
paste0(re_names, collapse = ' ')
re_labels <- purrr::map(model$smooth[re_terms], function(x) x$label)
gam_coef <- stats::coef(model)
# issue, parenthesis in the names means problematic regex matching so remove
# all but key part of pattern
re_label_base <- gsub(re_labels, pattern = "s\\(", replacement = '') # remove first s
re_label_base <- gsub(re_label_base, pattern = "\\(|\\)", replacement = '') # remove parenthesis
re_coef <- grepl(names(gam_coef), pattern = paste0('^s\\(', re_label_base, collapse = "|"))
re0 <- gam_coef[re_coef]
gam_se <- sqrt(diag(model$Vp)) # no names
gam_se <- gam_se[names(gam_coef) %in% names(re0)]
# clean up names
names(re0) <- gsub(names(re0), pattern = "s\\(|\\)", replacement = '')
names(re0) <- gsub(names(re0), pattern = "\\.[0-9]+", replacement = '')
re_n <- dplyr::n_distinct(names(re0)) # possible use later
re_names <- names(re0)
random_effects <- dplyr::tibble(effect = re_names) %>%
group_var = split_group_effect(effect, which = 2),
effect = split_group_effect(effect, which = 1),
effect = ifelse(effect == group_var, 'Intercept', effect),
group = unlist(re_levels),
value = re0,
se = gam_se
if (ci_level > 0) {
lower = (1 - ci_level)/2
upper = 1 - lower
mult <- stats::qnorm(upper)
random_effects <- random_effects %>%
lower = value - mult * se,
upper = value + mult * se
colnames(random_effects)[colnames(random_effects) %in% c('lower', 'upper')] <-
paste0(c('lower_', 'upper_'), c(lower, upper) * 100)
if (!is.null(re)) {
random_effects <- random_effects %>%
dplyr::filter(group_var == re)
random_effects %>%
dplyr::select(group_var, effect, dplyr::everything()) %>%
dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits = digits)
split_group_effect <- function(x, which = 1) {
init = strsplit(x, split = ",")
purrr::map_chr(init, function(x) x[min(which, length(x))])
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