#' Extract variance components
#' @description This function extracts the variance components from a gam or bam
#' object, where one is using the associated functions from the mgcv package
#' for mixed models.
#' @param model A gam or bam model
#' @param ci_level Level for the confidence interval. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param ci_scale Whether the confidence interval should be on the variance or standard deviation scale.
#' @param digits Rounding for the output.
#' @details This is essentially a pretty way to print \code{\link{gam.vcomp}}.
#' Note that if you do something like a random slope, the gam approach does
#' not estimate the intercept-slope correlation, so none will be printed.
#' Should work fine on standard smooth terms also, but the model \emph{must be
#' estimated with} `method = REML` or `method = ML`. This is the default for
#' non-exponential families, but otherwise you'll have to change the value or
#' will receive an error. Have not tested much with interactions, using `by`,
#' etc., but it has worked on some default \code{\link{mgcv}} examples.
#' @return A tibble or data frame with the standard deviation, its lower and
#' upper bounds, the variance, and the relative proportion of total variance
#' for each variance component.
#' @examples
#' library(mgcv)
#' library(lme4)
#' lmer_model <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days || Subject), data = sleepstudy)
#' ga_model <- gam(Reaction ~ Days + s(Subject, bs = "re") + s(Days, Subject, bs = "re"),
#' data = sleepstudy,
#' method = "REML"
#' )
#' VarCorr(lmer_model)
#' extract_vc(ga_model)
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom mgcv gam.vcomp
#' @export
extract_vc <- function(
ci_level = .95,
ci_scale = 'sd',
digits = 3
) {
if (!inherits(model, "gam")) stop("Need a gam object.")
if (!grepl(model$method, pattern = "REML")) {
stop("REML required. Rerun model with method = 'REML' for appropriate results.")
# keep from printing result
vc <- mgcv::gam.vcomp(model, conf.lev = ci_level)
vc <- data.frame(vc)
# clean up names
vc <- vc %>%
effect = rownames(vc),
effect = gsub(effect, pattern = "s\\(|ti\\(|te\\(|\\)", replacement = '')
# if more two after split, suggests random slope
vc <- vc %>%
group = split_group_effect(effect, which = 2),
group = ifelse(group == 'scale', 'Residual', group),
effect = split_group_effect(effect, which = 1),
effect = ifelse(effect == 'scale', '', effect),
effect = ifelse(effect == group, 'Intercept', effect)
# calc variance and scale
vc <- vc %>%
variance = std.dev^2,
var_prop = variance / sum(variance)
) %>%
dplyr::rename(sd = std.dev)
lower <- (1 - ci_level) / 2
upper <- 1 - lower
if (ci_scale == 'var') {
vc <- vc %>%
dplyr::mutate(lower = lower^2, upper = upper^2)
colnames(vc)[colnames(vc) %in% c('lower', 'upper')] <-
c(paste0('var_', 100 * lower), paste0('var_', 100 * upper))
else {
colnames(vc)[colnames(vc) %in% c('lower', 'upper')] <-
c(paste0('sd_', 100 * lower), paste0('sd_', 100 * upper))
vc %>%
dplyr::select(group, effect, variance, dplyr::everything()) %>%
dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits = digits)
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