#' @importFrom sp point.in.polygon
#' @importFrom sf st_difference
#' @importFrom sf st_polygon
#' @importFrom sf st_intersection
#' @importFrom sf st_cast
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr filter_all
#' @importFrom dplyr any_vars
# Generate one iteration of the Additively Weighted Voronoi diagram
awv <- function(
s, w, region, debug = FALSE,
debugCell = FALSE)
# combine X, Y coordinates and weights as input for
# C++ tesselation function
sites <- cbind(s$x, s$y, w)
roughCells <- cropped_voronoi(sites)
if (is.null(roughCells)) {
tidyCells <- lapply(roughCells, tidyCell, tolerance = 0.0015)
if (sapply(tidyCells, is.null) %>% any) {
trimCells(tidyCells, region)
tidyCell <-
function(cell, tolerance) {
# if cell touches the border at two points, we need to close it
# this is not necessary if cell touches border at 4 points (like a stripe)
if (sum(
cell$border$x %in% c(4000, -4000),
cell$border$y %in% c(4000, -4000)) == 2
) {
poly <- closeCell(cell$border, cell$vertex, tol = tolerance)
} else {
# return a list of the polygon
poly <- list(
x = cell$border$x,
y = cell$border$y,
end = "boundary"
if (sf::st_is_valid(convertCell(poly[1:2]))) {
} else {
message("Found invalid polygon (self-intersection)")
# 1 = left
# 2 = top
# 3 = right
# 4 = bottom
# 1 = top-left
# 2 = top-right
# 3 = bottom-right
# 4 = bottom-left
side <- function(x, y, scale = 2000) {
if (x == -2 * scale)
if (y == 2 * scale)
if (x == 2 * scale)
if (y == -2 * scale)
clockCorner <- function(side) {
switch(side, 1, 2, 3, 4)
clockSide <- function(corner) {
switch(corner, 2, 3, 4, 1)
antiCorner <- function(side) {
switch(side, 4, 1, 2, 3)
antiSide <- function(corner) {
switch(corner, 1, 2, 3, 4)
closeClock <- function(x, y, start, end, scale = 2000) {
cornerX <- c(-2 * scale, 2 * scale, 2 * scale,-2 * scale)
cornerY <- c(2 * scale, 2 * scale,-2 * scale,-2 * scale)
side <- end
repeat {
corner <- clockCorner(side)
x <- c(x, cornerX[corner])
y <- c(y, cornerY[corner])
side <- clockSide(corner)
if (side == start) {
x <- c(x, x[1])
y <- c(y, y[1])
list(x = x, y = y)
closeAnti <- function(x, y, start, end, scale = 2000) {
cornerX <- c(-2 * scale, 2 * scale, 2 * scale,-2 * scale)
cornerY <- c(2 * scale, 2 * scale,-2 * scale,-2 * scale)
side <- end
repeat {
corner <- antiCorner(side)
x <- c(x, cornerX[corner])
y <- c(y, cornerY[corner])
side <- antiSide(corner)
if (side == start) {
x <- c(x, x[1])
y <- c(y, y[1])
list(x = x, y = y)
# convert sf polygon to coordinates
to_coords <- function(sfpoly) {
list(x = sfpoly[[1]][, 1], y = sfpoly[[1]][, 2])
# convert coordinates to sf polygon
to_sfpoly <- function(coords) {
# close polygon
coords <- round(c(coords$x, coords$y), 4)
coords <- matrix(coords, ncol = 2)
if (!all(coords[1, ] == coords[nrow(coords), ])) {
coords <- rbind(coords, coords[1, ])
closeCell <- function(cell, vertex, tol, scale = 2000) {
# Two options: go round clip region boundary clockwise or anti-clockwise
# Try first one, check if vertex is "inside" the result
# If not, do second one (and check that vertex is "inside" that result!)
x <- cell$x
y <- cell$y
# ASSUME that both first and last vertices are on boundary!
N <- length(x)
startSide <- side(x[1], y[1])
endSide <- side(x[N], y[N])
# exit if not both end points lie on boundary
if (length(startSide) != 1 | length(endSide) != 1) {
# Start and end on same side
if (startSide == endSide) {
if (sp::point.in.polygon(vertex[1], vertex[2],
cell$x, cell$y) == 0) {
boundRect <- to_sfpoly(list(
x = c(-2 * scale,-2 * scale, 2 * scale, 2 * scale),
y = c(-2 * scale, 2 * scale, 2 * scale,-2 * scale)
# "Subtract" smallCell from bound rect to get largeCell
cellPoly <- to_sfpoly(cell)
cellPoly <- sf::st_difference(boundRect, cellPoly)
cell <- to_coords(cellPoly)
if (sp::point.in.polygon(vertex[1], vertex[2],
cell$x, cell$y) == 0) {
stop("Failed to close cell")
} else {
cell <- closeClock(x, y, startSide, endSide)
if (sp::point.in.polygon(vertex[1], vertex[2],
cell$x, cell$y) == 0) {
cell <- closeAnti(x, y, startSide, endSide)
if (sp::point.in.polygon(vertex[1], vertex[2],
cell$x, cell$y) == 0) {
stop("Failed to close cell")
# convert cell from awv core function to sf polygon
convertCell <- function(cell) {
# Handle empty cells
if (is.null(cell)) {
} else {
# Take polygons from Voronoi cells and intersect them with
# outer polygon (e.g., circle radius 1000)
trimCells <- function(cells, region) {
lapply(cells, function(poly) {
poly <- convertCell(poly)
poly <- sf::st_intersection(poly, region)
if (inherits(poly, "MULTIPOLYGON")) {
poly <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_cast(poly, to = "POLYGON"))
if (inherits(poly, "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION")) {
valid <- which(sapply(poly, function(x) inherits(x, "POLYGON")))[1]
poly <- poly[[valid]]
# generate starting coordinates within the boundary polygon
# using sp package's spsample function. The set.seed() is important
# here because it makes the sampling reproducible
# (same set of coordinates for same query) which will
# lead to similar map layout for similar input data
samplePoints <- function(ParentPoly, n, seed, positioning) {
if (!is.null(seed)) {
# This loop keeps repeating until the correct number of coordinates
# is sampled. The reason is that sp::spsample() does not always sample
# the correct number of coordinates, but too few or too many
repeat {
sampled <- tryCatch({
points <- sp::spsample(
sp::Polygon(coords = ParentPoly),
n = n,
type = ifelse(positioning == "random", "random", "nonaligned")
points@coords}, error = function(e) NULL
if (is.null(sampled) || nrow(sampled) != n) {
} else {
if (positioning %in% c("clustered", "clustered_by_area")) {
ord <- sampled %>% scale %>%
apply(1, function(x) sum(abs(x))) %>%
order(decreasing = TRUE)
sampled <- sampled[ord, ]
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