#' Combine violin plot and scatter plot
#' Custom lattice panel function that combines violin and scatter plot to a
#' violin-shaped scatter plot. By default, the underlying violin is plotted
#' with the generic `panel.violin` function. On top of that are the points drawn
#' from which the violin was calculated. To achieve this, each point is jittered
#' randomly on the X (Y) axis according to the density estimate of the Y (X) axis.
#' @param x,y (numeric, factor) X and Y variables passed to \code{panel.xyplot()}.
#' @param groups grouping variable passed down from xyplot (does not need to be specified).
#' @param subscripts subscripts passed down from xyplot (does not need to be specified).
#' @param box.ratio (numeric) ratio of the thickness of each violin and inter violin space.
#' @param box.width (numeric) thickness of the violins in absolute units; overrides box.ratio.
#' See `panel.violin` for details.
#' @param horizontal (logical) If FALSE, the plot is ‘transposed’ in the sense that the behaviours
#' of x and y are switched. See documentation of `bwplot` for a full explanation.
#' @param col,alpha,border,lty,lwd,varwidth graphical parameters controlling the violin.
#' Defaults are taken from the "plot.polygon" settings.
#' @param bw,adjust,kernel,window,width,n,from,to,cut,na.rm arguments to `density`, passed on as appropriate.
#' @param identifier A character string that is prepended to the names of grobs that are created by this panel function.
#' @param group.number internal parameter only used when function is called as panel.groups
#' argument from within panel.superpose. Does not need to be specified manually.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to the function
#' @export
#' @importFrom lattice panel.xyplot
#' @importFrom lattice panel.superpose
#' @importFrom lattice trellis.par.get
#' @importFrom stats density
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom grid grid.polygon
#' @importFrom grid viewport
#' @importFrom grid pushViewport
#' @importFrom grid popViewport
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @examples
#' # use singer data from lattice
#' library(lattice)
#' data(singer)
#' singer$voice.part <- gsub(" [12]", "", as.character(singer$voice.part))
#' singer$voice.part <- factor(singer$voice.part, c("Soprano", "Alto", "Tenor", "Bass"))
#' # example with grouping
#' xyplot(height ~ voice.part, singer, groups = voice.part,
#' horizontal = FALSE, pch = 19,
#' panel = function(x, y, ...) {
#' panel.violinscatter(x, y, ...)
#' })
#' # same plot but horizontal orientation
#' xyplot(voice.part ~ height, singer, groups = voice.part,
#' horizontal = TRUE, pch = 19,
#' panel = function(x, y, ...) {
#' panel.violinscatter(x, y, ...)
#' })
#' # example with more and non-discrete data points
#' df <- data.frame(
#' sample = factor(rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 300)),
#' variable = c(rnorm(300, 0, 3), rnorm(300, 1, 2), rnorm(300, 3, 3))
#' )
#' xyplot(variable ~ sample, df,
#' horizontal = FALSE, pch = 19, cex = 0.4,
#' panel = function(x, y, ...) {
#' panel.violinscatter(x, y, ...)
#' })
panel.violinscatter <- function(x, y,
groups = NULL, subscripts = NULL,
box.ratio = 1, box.width = box.ratio/(1 + box.ratio),
horizontal = TRUE, col = NULL,
alpha = 0.3, border = "white",
lty = NULL, lwd = NULL,
varwidth = FALSE, bw = NULL,
adjust = NULL, kernel = NULL,
window = NULL, width = NULL,
n = 128, from = NULL, to = NULL,
cut = NULL, na.rm = TRUE,
identifier = "violinscatter",
group.number = NULL, ...
) {
# if groups are specified first call panel.superpose for each group,
# otherwise plot directly
if (!is.null(groups)) {
# obtain graphical parameters from default style
plot.polygon <- lattice::trellis.par.get("plot.polygon")
if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- plot.polygon$alpha
if (is.null(border)) border <- plot.polygon$border
if (is.null(lty)) lty <- plot.polygon$lty
if (is.null(lwd)) lwd <- plot.polygon$lwd
panel.superpose(x = x, y = y,
groups = groups, subscripts = subscripts,
panel.groups = panel.violinscatter,
box.ratio = box.ratio, box.width = box.width,
horizontal = horizontal,
alpha = alpha, border = border,
lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
varwidth = varwidth, bw = bw,
adjust = adjust, kernel = kernel,
window = window, width = width,
n = n, from = from, to = to,
cut = cut, na.rm = na.rm,
identifier = identifier, ...
} else {
if (all(is.na(x) | is.na(y)))
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
# determine graphical parameters if not passed
if (is.null(col)) {
col <- lattice::trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")$col
} else if (col == "black") {
col <- lattice::trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")$col
if (is.null(group.number)) {
col <- col[1]
group.number = 0
} else {
col <- col[group.number]
# parameters for kernel density function
# this is directly taken from lattice' original panel.violin()
darg <- list()
darg$bw <- bw
darg$adjust <- adjust
darg$kernel <- kernel
darg$window <- window
darg$width <- width
darg$n <- n
darg$from <- from
darg$to <- to
darg$cut <- cut
darg$na.rm <- na.rm
my.density <- function(x) {
ans <- try(do.call(stats::density, c(list(x = x), darg)),
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(ans, "try-error"))
list(x = rep(x[1], 3), y = c(0, 1, 0))
else ans
numeric.list <- if (horizontal)
split(x, factor(y))
else split(y, factor(x))
levels.fos <- as.numeric(names(numeric.list))
d.list <- lapply(numeric.list, my.density)
dx.list <- lapply(d.list, "[[", "x")
dy.list <- lapply(d.list, "[[", "y")
max.d <- sapply(dy.list, max)
if (varwidth)
max.d[] <- max(max.d)
cur.limits <- current.panel.limits()
xscale <- cur.limits$xlim
yscale <- cur.limits$ylim
height <- box.width
# violin shaped scatterplot
# -------------------------
# function to find nearest neighbor of one point in
# kernel density vector
nearest_neighbor <- function(x, y){
# calculate jitter for x/y based on density
jitter_data <- function(x, y){
ave(y, x, FUN = function(ys) {
kdens <- my.density(ys)
pos <- sapply(FUN = nearest_neighbor, ys, kdens$x)
jitter <- kdens$y[pos]
jitter <- jitter/max(jitter)
mapply(FUN = stats::runif, 1, jitter*-0.5*box.width, jitter*0.5*box.width,
if (horizontal) {
for (i in seq_along(levels.fos)) {
if (is.finite(max.d[i])) {
grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(y = unit(levels.fos[i],
"native"), height = unit(height, "native"),
yscale = c(max.d[i] * c(-1, 1)), xscale = xscale))
grid::grid.polygon(x = c(dx.list[[i]], rev(dx.list[[i]])),
y = c(dy.list[[i]], -rev(dy.list[[i]])), default.units = "native",
name = lattice::trellis.grobname(identifier, type = "panel", group = group.number),
gp = grid::gpar(fill = col, col = border, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha = alpha))
# violin-shaped scatter plot
lattice::panel.xyplot(x, y + jitter_data(y, x), ...)
else {
# violin plot
for (i in seq_along(levels.fos)) {
if (is.finite(max.d[i])) {
grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(x = unit(levels.fos[i],
"native"), width = unit(height, "native"),
xscale = c(max.d[i] * c(-1, 1)), yscale = yscale))
grid::grid.polygon(y = c(dx.list[[i]], rev(dx.list[[i]])),
x = c(dy.list[[i]], -rev(dy.list[[i]])), default.units = "native",
name = lattice::trellis.grobname(identifier, type = "panel", group = group.number),
gp = grid::gpar(fill = col, col = border, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha = alpha))
# violin-shaped scatter plot
lattice::panel.xyplot(x + jitter_data(x, y), y, ...)
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