
Defines functions densityplot_all

Documented in densityplot_all

densityplot_all <-
function(ds, labels=NULL, picname, groupn=NULL, all=FALSE, resDir=NULL) {
#Es necessita la funci? setparam
#Es necessita la funci? densityplot()
#ds: Aroma affimetrix object
#labels: array names
#picname: output file name
#groupn: subset to represent in the density plot
#all: If TRUE a summary with all the density plots in the same picture is generated
    if (is.null(labels)){
      labels <- gsub(paste("_(",xip,")",sep=""),"",ds$Names,fixed=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(resDir)){
    if (is.null(groupn)) {
        groupn <- length(labels)
        parameters <- setparam(labels[1:groupn])
    for (i in seq(1,length(labels), groupn)) {
        png(file.path(resultsDir,paste(picname, i, i+groupn-1, ".png", sep="_")),width=parameters$wid,height=parameters$hei,res=parameters$res)
        densityplot(ds, strt=i, nd=(i+groupn-1), lab=labels[i:(i+groupn-1)], parameters)
    #Fer un plot amb tots els density!
    if (all) {
        plots <- length(labels)/groupn
        if (plots > 3){
            ro <- 2
            le <- ceiling(plots/2)
        } else {
            ro <- 1
            le <- plots
        #Els par?metres height, res i width s'haurien d'acabar doptimitzar
        png(file=file.path(resultsDir, paste(picname, "all",".png", sep="_")), width=(parameters$wid*le),height=(parameters$hei*ro), res=parameters$res)
        for (i in seq(1,length(labels), groupn)) {
            densityplot(ds, strt=i, nd=(i+groupn-1), labels[i:(i+groupn-1)], parameters)
machalen/QualityGraphs documentation built on Oct. 22, 2019, 8:29 p.m.