
# Authors: Mike Ackerman
# Purpose: Start to explore the complete OTG dataset and begin
# to roll up measurements into habitat reach metrics
# Initially created: April 12, 2022
# Last Modified: Bridger Bertram

# clear environment
rm(list = ls())

# load necessary libraries

# set NAS prefix, depending on operating system

#if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { nas_prefix = "S:/" }

# Specify year and site
#year = "2024"
#watershed = "example"

data_directory <- here("data/example_data")
#data_directory <- here("data/project_data")

# read in spatial otg

otg_sf = st_read(dsn = paste0(data_directory,"/5_otg_spatial/otg_spatial.shp")) %>%
                       rename(maximum_depth_m = mxmm_d_,
                       thalweg_exit_depth_m = thlw___)

# additional metrics for channel units

cu_sf = otg_sf %>%
  # residual depth
  mutate(resid_depth_m = maximum_depth_m - thalweg_exit_depth_m) %>%
  # diameter metrics
  rowwise() %>%
    cu_d16 = quantile(c_across(starts_with("pbbl")), 0.16, na.rm = T),
    cu_d50 = quantile(c_across(starts_with("pbbl")), 0.50, na.rm = T),
    cu_d84 = quantile(c_across(starts_with("pbbl")), 0.84, na.rm = T),  )

# write channel unit sf object to geodatabase
# st_write(cu_sf,
#          dsn = paste0(data_directory,"/5_otg_spatial/chnl_unit.shp"),
#          delete_dsn = F)

# initiate habitat reach sf

hr_sf = cu_sf %>%
  group_by(site_nm, hab_rch) %>%
    hr_length_m = round(sum(c_lngt_), 1),
    # channel unit counts
    #cu_ids = list(unique(cu_id)),
    n_cu = n_distinct(cu_id),
    n_seg = n_distinct(chnnl_s_),
    n_pool = sum(chnnl_nt_t == "Pool"),
    n_run = sum(chnnl_nt_t == "Run"),
    n_riffle = sum(chnnl_nt_t == "Riffle"),
    n_rapid = sum(chnnl_nt_t == "Rapid+"),
    n_oca = sum(chnnl_nt_t == "OCA"),
    n_ssc = sum(chnnl_nt_t == "SSC"),
    n_slow = sum(n_pool, n_oca),
    n_fst_turb = sum(n_riffle, n_rapid),
    # channel unit frequencies
    cu_freq = round(n_cu / hr_length_m * 100, 2),
    pool_freq = round(n_pool / hr_length_m * 100, 2),
    run_freq = round(n_run / hr_length_m * 100, 2),
    riffle_freq = round(n_riffle / hr_length_m * 100, 2),
    rapid_freq = round(n_rapid / hr_length_m * 100, 2),
    oca_freq = round(n_oca / hr_length_m * 100, 2),
    ssc_freq = round(n_ssc / hr_length_m * 100, 2),
    slow_freq = round(n_slow / hr_length_m * 100, 2),
    fst_turb_freq = round(n_fst_turb / hr_length_m * 100, 2),
    # channel unit percents, by length
    pool_perc = round((sum(c_lngt_[chnnl_nt_t == "Pool"]) / hr_length_m) * 100, 1),
    run_perc = round((sum(c_lngt_[chnnl_nt_t == "Run"]) / hr_length_m) * 100, 1),
    riffle_perc = round((sum(c_lngt_[chnnl_nt_t == "Riffle"]) / hr_length_m) * 100, 1),
    rapid_perc = round((sum(c_lngt_[chnnl_nt_t == "Rapid+"]) / hr_length_m) * 100, 1),
    oca_perc = round((sum(c_lngt_[chnnl_nt_t == "OCA"]) / hr_length_m) * 100, 1),
    ssc_perc = round((sum(c_lngt_[chnnl_nt_t == "SSC"]) / hr_length_m) * 100, 1),
    slow_perc = sum(pool_perc, oca_perc),
    fst_turb_perc = sum(riffle_perc, rapid_perc),
    pool_turb_ratio = round(sum(c_lngt_[chnnl_nt_t == "Pool"]) / sum(c_lngt_[chnnl_nt_t == "Riffle"], c_lngt_[chnnl_nt_t == "Rapid+"]), 2),
    # fish cover
    fish_cov_tr_veg = round(weighted.mean(ovrhng_, c_lngt_), 1),
    fish_cov_aq_veg = round(weighted.mean(aqtc_v_,c_lngt_), 1),
    fish_cov_lwd = round(weighted.mean(wdy_db_, c_lngt_), 1),
    fish_cov_art = round(weighted.mean(artfcl_, c_lngt_), 1),
    fish_cov_total = sum(fish_cov_tr_veg, fish_cov_aq_veg, fish_cov_lwd, fish_cov_art),
    fish_cov_none = round(weighted.mean(ttl_n__, c_lngt_), 1),
    # substrate ocular estimates
    sub_est_sand_fines = round(weighted.mean(snd__2_, c_lngt_), 1),
    sub_est_gravl = round(weighted.mean(g_2_64_, c_lngt_), 1),
    sub_est_cbl = round(weighted.mean(c_64_25, c_lngt_), 1),
    sub_est_bldr = round(weighted.mean(bl_256_, c_lngt_), 1),
    sub_est_cbl_bldr = sum(sub_est_cbl, sub_est_bldr),
    # diameter estimates from pebble counts
    hr_d16_mm = round(mean(cu_d16, na.rm = T), 1),
    hr_d50_mm = round(mean(cu_d50, na.rm = T), 1),
    hr_d84_mm = round(mean(cu_d84, na.rm = T), 1),
    # wood
    n_lwd_bankfull = sum(lwd_n),
    n_lwd_wetted = sum(lwd_n_w),
    lwd_wetted_freq = round(n_lwd_wetted / hr_length_m * 100,2),
    lwd_bankfull_area_m2 = sum(lwd_r_2),
    lwd_wetted_area_m2 = sum(lwd_r_w_2),
    lwd_bankfull_vol_m3 = sum(lwd_v_3),
    lwd_wetted_vol_m3 = sum(lwd_vl_w_3),
    lwd_bankfull_slow_vol_m3 = sum(lwd_v_3[chnnl_nt_t == "Pool"], lwd_v_3[chnnl_nt_t == "OCA"]),
    lwd_wetted_slow_vol_m3 = sum(lwd_vl_w_3[chnnl_nt_t == "Pool"], lwd_vl_w_3[chnnl_nt_t == "OCA"]),
    # jams
    n_jam = sum(jam_n),
    n_jam_pieces = sum(jm_st__),
    jam_area_m2 = sum(jm_r_m2),
    jam_vol_m3 = sum(jm_vl_3),
    # all wood
    n_lwd_all = sum(n_lwd_bankfull, jm_st__),
    wood_all_area_m2 = sum(lwd_bankfull_area_m2, jm_r_m2),
    wood_all_vol_m3 = sum(lwd_bankfull_vol_m3, jm_vl_3),
    # undercuts
    undct_length_m = sum(undct_l_),
    undct_area_m2 = sum(undc__2),
    undct_perc = round(undct_l_ / hr_length_m * 100, 1),
    # complexity
    hr_ms_sin_cl = round(weighted.mean(c_sn_cl[chnnl_s_ == "01"], c_lngt_[chnnl_s_ == "01"], na.rm = T), 2),
    hr_sin_cl = round(weighted.mean(c_sn_cl, c_lngt_, na.rm = T), 2),
    hr_thlwg_dpth_cv = round(raster::cv(thalweg_exit_depth_m, na.rm = T), 2),
    hr_braidedness = round(hr_length_m / sum(c_strg_[chnnl_s_ == "01"]), 2),
    # size
    hr_discharge_cfs = round(mean(dschrg_cf, na.rm = T), 2),
    hr_thlwg_dpth_avg_m = round(mean(thalweg_exit_depth_m, na.rm = T), 2),
    hr_max_depth_m = round(max(maximum_depth_m, na.rm = T), 2),
    hr_avg_pool_dpth_m = mean(maximum_depth_m[chnnl_nt_t == "Pool"]),
    hr_avg_resid_pool_dpth_m = mean(resid_depth_m[chnnl_nt_t == "Pool"]),
    lat = mean(lat),
    lon = mean(lon),
    geometry) %>%
    # temperature
    # obs_water_temp_c = unique(site_water_temp_c),
    # water quality
    # obs_conductivity_ms = unique(site_conductivity_ms),
    # elevation
    # elev_m_dem = unique(elev_m_dem),
    # .groups = "drop") %>%
  distinct(hr_length_m, .keep_all = TRUE)

# write habitat reach sf object to file
        file = paste0(data_directory,"/6_otg_scaled/hab_reach.rds"))

# write_csv(hr_sf,
#           file = paste0(data_directory,"/6_otg_scaled/hab_reach.csv"))

# write habitat reach sf as shapefile
         dsn = paste0(data_directory,"/6_otg_scaled/hab_reach.shp"),
         delete_dsn = F)

# Append habitat reach data to channel unit object for winter QRF model

cu_sf %<>%
  left_join(hr_sf %>%
              st_drop_geometry() %>%
              select(site_nm, hab_rch, cu_freq, hr_sin_cl, hr_braidedness)
            ,by = c("site_nm", "hab_rch")
  ) %>%
  mutate(fish_cov_lwd = lwd_r_w_2/(mean(wdth_1_, wdth_2_, wdth_3_, wdth_4_, wdth_5_, na.rm = T)*c_lngt_),
         SubEstCandBldr = c_64_25 + bl_256_

#Write out channel unit data to .csv, .rds, .gpkg
        file = paste0(data_directory,"/6_otg_scaled/chnl_unit.rds"))

# write_csv(cu_sf,
#           file = paste0(data_directory,"/6_otg_scaled/chnl_unit.csv"))

# write channel unit sf object to geodatabase
         dsn = paste0(data_directory,"/6_otg_scaled/chnl_unit.shp"),
         delete_dsn = F)

mackerman44/DASH documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 8:14 a.m.