#' MAS database builder.
#' @param verbose Logical argument. Should the progress be reported?
#' @importFrom raster extension
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd years
#' @importFrom filelock unlock
#' @return SQLite compiling relevant metadata for every file in the database
#' @details {Updates, or creates an SQLite file with metadata for every file
#' in the database. The function will first search for an existing database
#' file following the path set in \emph{getOption(dmt.data)}. If no file
#' exists, a new one will be created. If a file exists, the function will
#' read it, list all files currently in the database, and update the list
#' if the last modification date differs, or if new files were added.}
#' @export
compile_metadata <- function(verbose=FALSE) {
if (verbose) print('located database file and lock it in place') # ----
# base data path
path = file.path(paste0(getOption('dmt.data'), .Platform$file.sep))
# open/create database registry
database = .access_database()
# apply file lock
output_file = file.path(getOption('dmt.data'), 'database.rds')
file_lock = .lock_database()
on.exit({unlock(file_lock$lock); file.remove(file_lock$path)}, add=TRUE)
# allow a lock (unix and windows)
Sys.chmod(output_file, '777')
on.exit(Sys.chmod(output_file, '444'), add=TRUE)
# allow a lock (windows)
fe = file.exists(output_file)
if (fe & (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows')) {
shell(paste0('icacls ', fileSnapshot(x)$path, ' /grant Everyone:(D,M)'))}
on.exit(if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') {
shell(paste0('icacls ', fileSnapshot(output_file)$path,
' /deny Everyone:(D,M)'))}, add=TRUE)
if (verbose) print('find potential input files') # ----
# list files in database
dirs = list.dirs(path, full.names=T, recursive=F)
files = do.call('c', lapply(dirs, function(d)
paste0(basename(d), '/', list.files(d, '[.]', recursive=F))))
# identify new files
ind = which(files %in% database$path)
finfo = as.character(file.mtime(paste0(path, files[ind])))
ind = ind[which(finfo > database$modified[match(files[ind],database$path)])]
files = c(files[ind], files[which(!files %in% database$path)])
if (verbose) print('extracting metadata') # ----
if (length(files) > 0) {
odf = vector('list', length(files))
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
# main dataset name
dataset = dirname(files[i])
tmp = strsplit(files[i], paste0(dataset, '-'), fixed=T)[[1]][2]
tmp = strsplit(tmp, '_')[[1]]
subdataset = tmp[1]
# extract date and variable strings
dates = strsplit(tmp[2], '-')[[1]]
# translate date string into data object (needed for database)
dates = do.call('c', lapply(strsplit(dates, '-')[[1]], function(d) {
year = substr(d, 1, 4)
if (as.numeric(substr(d,5,6)) == 0) month='01' else month=substr(d,5,6)
if (as.numeric(substr(d,7,8)) == 0) day='01' else day=substr(date,7,8)
return(as.Date(paste0(year, '-', month, '-', day)))
# if there is only one date available, add a second
# NOTE: needed to fill metadata, which reports on start/end dates
if (length(dates) == 1) dates = c(dates,dates)
# infer end date (should be the last day of year to make queries flexible)
dates[2] = (ymd(dates[1])+years(1))-1
# check when file was last modified
modification_time = file.mtime(paste0(path,files[i]))
resolution = strsplit(tmp[3], '[.]')[[1]][1]
# construct data frame with metadata and add it to the list
odf[[i]] = data.frame(
dataset=dataset, subdataset=subdataset,
resolution=resolution, path=files[i],
format=strsplit(extension(files[i], maxchar=20), '[.]')[[1]][2],
start=dates[2], end=dates[2],
# combine original database with new data
database = rbind(database, do.call(rbind, odf))
if (verbose) print('writting metadata') # ----
if (verbose) print('I am done! Enjoy!')
} else {
stop('no new files to add')
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