
Defines functions filesAsList txt progressInit pngInfo sevennum log2sign sign2log log2signedFold allPair addGenes

##' Generate a named dir-list 
##' List files in a directory, renaming to something sensible
##' @title
##' @param extractPattern whether to replace based on a submatch
##' @param replaceString what to replace
filesAsList <- function(path, extractPattern=TRUE, replaceString="\\1", ...) {
  fs <- dir(path, full.name=TRUE, ...)
  if (extractPattern) {
    fs <- setNames(as.list(fs), gsub(list(...)$pattern,
  } else {
    fs <- setNames(as.list(fs), basename(fs))

##' Save a TSV files
##' @title
##' @param file filename
##' @param x dataframe to be saved
txt <- function(file, x) {
  write.table(x, file=file, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names=NA)

##' Loop counter
##' show progress through a loop
##' @title 
##' @param n Number of iterations that will be carried out
##' @return 
##' @author 
progressInit <- function(n, msg=NULL) {
  t0 <- proc.time()
  if (!is.null(msg)) {
    cat(msg, "\n")
  function(i) {
    cat(sprintf("%3.0f%%, %0.f mins left\n", 100*i/n, (proc.time()-t0)[3] * (n-i)/(60*i)))

##' .. content for \description{} (no empty lines) ..
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' @param fname 
##' @param txt 
##' @return 
##' @author 
pngInfo <- function(fname, txt) {
    #Needs to have a 'Cairo(type='raster') prefix, and a dev.off() after image
    writePNG(dev.capture(native=TRUE), fname,text=txt)

##' dataframe to sqlite
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' @param x 
##' @param pval 
##' @param thresh 
##' @return 
##' @author 
sevennum <- function(x, pval=FALSE, thresh=ifelse(pval, 0.001, 2)) {
    qq <- summary(x)[-c(2,5)]
    if (length(x)<1000) {
        ind <- c(10, length(na.omit(x))-9)
    } else {
        ind <- c(100,length(na.omit(x))-100)
    if (pval) {
        qq <- qq[c("Min.","Max.")]
        ind <- ind[1]
    sorted <- sort(na.omit(x), partial=ind)[ind]
    names(sorted) <- paste(ind[1], "th ", c("lowest","highest")[1:length(ind)], sep="")
    qq <- c(qq, sorted, unlist(updownthresh(x, thresh)))
    resStr <- paste("<tr><th>", names(qq), "</th><td>", sprintf("%.4g",qq), "</td></tr>",
                    sep="", collapse="")
    resStr <- paste("<table>", resStr, "</table>")
    attr(resStr, "vals") <- qq

##' Convert a log-fold change into a signed fold change
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' @param x 
##' @param base 
##' @return 
##' @author 
log2sign <- function(x, base=2) {
  if (!is.logical(x))  x <- sign(x)*(base^abs(x))

##' .. content for \description{} (no empty lines) ..
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' @param x 
##' @param base 
##' @return 
##' @author 
sign2log <- function(x, base=2) {
    y <- sign(x) * log(abs(x), base)

##' .. content for \description{} (no empty lines) ..
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' @param x 
##' @return 
##' @author 
log2signedFold <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(attr(x,"log")) || attr(x,"log")) {
    if (is.list(x))
      x <- lapply(x, log2sign)
      x <- log2sign(x)
    attr(x,"log") <- FALSE

##' List all unordered pairs from a vector (copied from GOstats)
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' @param iVec 
##' @return 
##' @author 
enumPairs <- function (iVec) {
    leni <- length(iVec)
    if (leni < 2)
        return(vector(mode(iVec), length = 0))
    eP <- vector("list", length = choose(leni, 2)/2)
    k <- 1
    for (i in 1:(leni - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):leni) {
            eP[[k]] <- c(iVec[i], iVec[j])
            k <- k + 1

##' Create a contrast representing all pairs
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' @param mdl 
##' @param between 
##' @return 
##' @author 
allPair <- function(mdl, between=1:ncol(mdl)) {
    allP <- enumPairs(between)
    cntr <- matrix(0, nrow=ncol(mdl), ncol=length(allP))
    rownames(cntr) <- colnames(mdl)
    colnames(cntr) <- 1:ncol(cntr)
    for (thisPair in seq(along=allP)) {
        cntr[allP[[thisPair]][1],thisPair] <- -1
        cntr[allP[[thisPair]][2],thisPair] <- 1
        colnames(cntr)[thisPair] <- paste(colnames(mdl)[allP[[thisPair]][2]],

##' Add genes and their folds, sigs
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' @param fit 
##' @param want 
##' @param logfn 
##' @return 
##' @author 
addGenes <- function(fit, want, logfn=log2sign) {
    for (i in names(want)) {
        fiti <- want[[i]]
        if (!is.null(tested[[fiti]])) {
            genes$test[[i]] <<- tested[[fiti]]
            folds$test[[i]] <<- logfn(fit$coef[genes$test[[i]], fiti])
            if (!is.null(fit$p.value))
                sigs$test[[i]]  <<- fit$p.value[genes$test[[i]],fiti]
        if (!is.null(fit$p.value)) {
            genes$top[[i]]  <<- topTable(fit,
            sigs$top[[i]]   <<- ebFit$p.value[genes$top[[i]],fiti]
            if (thresh$all) sigs$all[[i]]   <<- ebFit$p.value[,fiti]
        } else {
            ind <- order(abs(fit$coef[,fiti]),
            genes$top[[i]] <<- fit$genes$ID[ind]
        folds$top[[i]]  <<- logfn(fit$coef[genes$top[[i]], fiti])
        if (thresh$all) folds$all[[i]]  <<- logfn(fit$coef)[,fiti]
macroscian/R-Package documentation built on May 21, 2019, 10:52 a.m.