#' @importFrom gWidgets2 gbasicdialog gvbox ggroup gframe gradio visible svalue
.tcltkSelectItem <- function(item.source, window.caption){
# Select an item from a vector using gWidgets GUI
# Args:
# item.source: vector of the item source
# window.caption: caption shown in the RGtk window
# return:
# A list, output (logical) and dsource (vector of the item source)
## -----------Open a tcltk window------------
op <- options(guiToolkit="tcltk")
env0 <- environment()
env0$dsource <- NULL
env0$output <- FALSE
window <- gbasicdialog(window.caption, do.buttons=TRUE,
handler=function(h, ...){
assign("dsource", enc2native(svalue(chkmap)), envir=env0)
assign("output", TRUE, envir=env0)
}, toolkit=guiToolkit(getOption("guiToolkit")))
invisible(window$set_size(200, 200))
box <- gvbox(cont=window)
gg1 <- ggroup(cont=box)
gg2 <- ggroup(cont=box, horizontal = TRUE)
box1 <- gvbox(cont=gg1)
frm1 <- gframe("Item Sources:", cont=box1)
chkmap <- gradio(items=item.source, elected=1, index=TRUE, cont=frm1)
return(list(output=env0$output, items=env0$dsource))
## -----------------Close RGtk window---------------
.RGtkSelectItem <- function(item.source, window.caption){
# Select an item from a vector using gWidgets GUI (Deprecated!!!)
# Args:
# item.source: vector of the item source
# window.caption: caption shown in the RGtk window
# return:
# A list, output (logical) and dsource (vector of the item source)
## -----------Open a GUI window------------
op <- options(guiToolkit="RGtk2")
env0 <- environment()
window <- gwindow(window.caption, width=200, height=200,
box <- gvbox(cont=window)
addHandlerChanged(window, handler=function(...){
gg1 <- ggroup(cont=box)
gg2 <- ggroup(cont=box, horizontal = TRUE)
box1 <- gvbox(cont=gg1)
frm1 <- gframe("Item Sources:", cont=box1)
chkmap <- gradio(items=item.source, elected=1, index=TRUE, cont=frm1)
box21 <- gvbox(cont=gg2); box22 <- gvbox(cont=gg2)
actOK <- gaction(" OK ", "OK", handler=function(h, ...){
assign("dsource", enc2native(svalue(chkmap)), envir=env0)
assign("output", TRUE, envir=env0)
buttonOK <- gbutton(action=actOK, cont=box21)
actCancel <- gaction("Cancel", "Cancel",
handler=function(h, ...){
assign("dsource", NULL, envir=env0)
assign("output", FALSE, envir=env0)
buttonCancel <- gbutton(action=actCancel, cont=box22)
return(list(output=env0$output, items=env0$dsource))
## -----------------Close RGtk window---------------
#' @importFrom gWidgets2 gwindow gvbox addHandlerChanged ggroup gframe gaction gbutton gcombobox
.funSelVar <- function(vars){
# Select a var from GUI
# Args:
# vars: vector of vars
# Return:
# A list, output (T/F) and the selected var
env0 <- environment()
window <- gwindow("Select the identifier variable", width=300, height=100)
box <- gvbox(cont=window)
addHandlerChanged(window, handler=function(...){
gg1 <- ggroup(cont=box)
gg2 <- ggroup(cont=box, horizontal = TRUE)
box1 <- gvbox(cont=gg1)
frm1 <- gframe("Identifier Variable:", cont=box1)
chkmap <- gcombobox(items=vars, selected=-1, cont=frm1)
size(chkmap) <- c(290, 25)
box21 <- gvbox(cont=gg2)
box22 <- gvbox(cont=gg2)
actOK <- gaction(" OK ", "OK", handler=function(h, ...){
assign("dvar", enc2native(svalue(chkmap)), envir=env0)
assign("output", TRUE, envir=env0)
buttonOK <- gbutton(action=actOK, cont=box21)
actCancel <- gaction("Cancel", "Cancel",
assign("dvar", NULL, envir=env0)
assign("output", FALSE, envir=env0)
buttonCancel <- gbutton(action=actCancel, cont=box22)
return(list(output=env0$output, vars=env0$dvar))
# --------- gui InputPwd------------
guiInputPwd <- function(prompt, caption, encrypt, guiClassObj, ...) {
validClass <- c("Rstudioapi", "Gwidgets")
if (! inherits(guiClassObj, validClass))
warning("guiClassObj accepts ", paste(validClass, collapse=', '),
". The default class will be applied.")
UseMethod(".inputPwd", guiClassObj)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstudioapi askForSecret isAvailable getVersion
.inputPwd.Rstudioapi <- function(prompt=NULL, caption=NULL, encrypt=TRUE, ...){
if (! isAvailable() || getVersion() < '1.1.419')
.inputPwd.Gwidgets(prompt, caption, encrypt, ...)
pwdVal <- askForSecret("Password", message=ifnull(
prompt, "Input the password: \n(DO NOT DISCLOSE THE PASSWORD TO OTHERS!)"),
title=ifnull(caption, "Enter the key"))
if (is.null(pwdVal)) return(NULL)
class(pwdVal) <- if (encrypt) "encrypted" else "plain"
#' @export
#' @importFrom gWidgets2 gbasicdialog gframe glabel ggroup gedit focus visible
.inputPwd.Gwidgets <- function(prompt=NULL, caption=NULL, encrypt=TRUE, ...){
## Based on code by Barry Rowlingson
## http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/tkentry-that-exits-after-RETURN-tt854721.html#none
if (getOption("guiToolkit") != "tcltk")
return(.inputPwd.default(prompt, caption ,encrypt, ...))
env0 <- environment()
win <- gbasicdialog(ifnull(caption, "Enter the key"), handler=function(h, ...){
pwdVal <- pwd$get_value()
class(pwdVal) <- if (encrypt) "encrypted" else "plain"
assign("pwdVal", pwdVal, envir=env0)
}, toolkit=guiToolkit(getOption("guiToolkit")))
size(win) <- c(100, 30)
frame <- gframe(cont=win, horizontal=FALSE)
box1 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, cont=frame)
msg <- glabel("DO NOT DISCLOSE THE PASSWORD TO OTHERS!", cont=box1)
font(msg) <- list(family="helvetica", color="red")
box2 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, cont=frame)
lbl <- glabel(ifnull(prompt, "Input the password:"), cont=box2)
font(lbl) <- list(family="sans", scale="large")
pwd <- gedit(cont=box2, width=25)
visible(pwd) <- FALSE # mask the input
visible(win) <- TRUE
focus(pwd) <- TRUE
#' @export
.inputPwd.default <- .inputPwd.Rstudioapi
# ---------gui input Text----------------
guiInputText <- function(prompt, caption, default, guiClassObj, ...){
validClass <- c("Rstudioapi", "Gwidgets", "WinGui")
if (! inherits(guiClassObj, validClass))
warning("guiClassObj accepts ", paste(validClass, collapse=", "),
". The default class will be applied.")
UseMethod(".inputText", guiClassObj)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstudioapi showPrompt isAvailable getVersion
.inputText.Rstudioapi <- function(prompt=NULL, caption=NULL, default="", ...){
if (! isAvailable() || getVersion() < '1.1.67')
.inputText.Gwidgets(prompt, caption, default, ...)
txtVal <- showPrompt(ifnull(caption, "Input text"), message=ifnull(
prompt, "Input a character:"), default=default)
#' @export
#' @importFrom gWidgets2 gbasicdialog gframe glabel ggroup gedit focus visible
.inputText.Gwidgets <- function(prompt=NULL, caption=NULL, default="", ...){
# tcltk
if (getOption("guiToolkit") != "tcltk")
return(.inputText.default(prompt, caption, default, ...))
env0 <- environment()
win <- gbasicdialog(ifnull(caption, "Input text"), handler=function(h, ...){
txtVal <- txt$get_value()
assign("txtVal", txtVal, envir=env0)
}, toolkit=guiToolkit(getOption("guiToolkit")))
size(win) <- c(100, 30)
box1 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, cont=win)
lbl <- glabel(ifnull(prompt, "Input the text:"), cont=box1)
font(lbl) <- list(family="sans", scale="large")
txt <- gedit(cont=box1, width=25)
svalue(txt) <- default
visible(win) <- TRUE
focus(txt) <- TRUE
.inputText.WinGui <- function(prompt=NULL, caption=NULL, default="", ...){
if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows'){
return(utils::winDialogString(message=ifnull(prompt, "Input text"),
.inputText.default(prompt, caption, default, ...)
.inputText.default <- .inputText.Rstudioapi
#' Input a character
#' Input a character via GUI wizard. It returns nothing to the screen unless you
#' assign the output to a variable.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param prompt character, the prompt label of the GUI window. Default NULL.
#' @param caption character, the caption of the GUI window. Default NULL.
#' @param default character, the default value for the inputbox. Default "".
#' @param gui 'Rstudioapi', 'Gwidgets' or 'WinGui'. Default 'Rstudioapi'. If
#' 'Rstudioapi' and Rstudio version >= 1.1.67, then call
#' \code{\link[rstudioapi]{showPrompt}}, or it calls \code{\link{winDialogString}}
#' in Windows OS, otherwise uses a GUI wizard with gWidget2,
#' @param ... other arguments.
#' @return invisible
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_title
#' @seealso \code{\link[rstudioapi]{showPrompt}} \code{\link[utils]{winDialogString}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- input_char(prompt="Input the api key", caption="API Key?")
#' }
inputChar <- function(prompt=NULL, caption=NULL, default="",
gui=c("Rstudioapi", "Gwidgets", "WinGui"), ...){
gui <- str_to_title(gui[[1]])
gui <- match.arg(gui)
guiClassObj <- structure(list, class=gui)
out <- guiInputText(prompt, caption, default, guiClassObj)
#' @export
#' @rdname inputChar
input_char <- inputChar
# --------gui Dialog----------
guiDialog <- function(prompt, caption, guiClassObj,
type=c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno", "yesnocancel"), ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
validClass <- c("Rstudioapi", "Gwidgets", "WinGui")
if (! inherits(guiClassObj, validClass))
warning("guiClassObj accepts ", paste(validClass, collapse=", "),
". The default class will be applied.")
UseMethod(".guiDialog", guiClassObj)
#' @importFrom rstudioapi showQuestion isAvailable getVersion
.guiDialog.Rstudioapi <- function(prompt=NULL, caption=NULL, type, ...){
if (! isAvailable() || getVersion() < '1.1.67')
.guiDialog.Gwidgets(prompt, caption, type, ...)
prompt <- ifnull(prompt, "Message")
caption <- ifnull(caption, "Dialog")
if (type == "ok"){
out <- showDialog(caption, prompt)
}else if (type == "okcancel"){
out <- showQuestion(caption, prompt, "OK", "Cancel")
if (! out) out <- NULL
}else if (type %in% c("yesno", "yesnocancel")){
out <- showQuestion(caption, prompt, "Yes", "No")
.guiDialog.Gwidgets <- function(prompt=NULL, caption=NULL, type, ...){
# tcltk
if (getOption("guiToolkit") != "tcltk")
return(.guiDialog.default(prompt, caption, type, ...))
type <- match.arg(type)
prompt <- ifnull(prompt, "Message")
caption <- ifnull(caption, "Dialog")
env0 <- environment()
win <- gwindow(title=ifnull(caption, "Message"),
visible=FALSE, toolkit=guiToolkit(getOption("guiToolkit")))
size(win) <- c(100, 30)
grp <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, cont=win)
box1 <- gvbox(cont=grp)
box2 <- ggroup(cont=grp)
msg <- glabel(prompt, cont=box1)
btnOK <- gbutton(if (type %in% c("ok", "okcancel")) "OK" else "Yes", cont=box2,
handler=function(h, ...){
assign("btnVal", TRUE, envir=env0)
if (type %in% c("yesno", "yesnocancel"))
btnNo <- gbutton("No", cont=box2, handler=function(h, ...){
assign("btnVal", FALSE, envir=env0)
if (type %in% c("okcancel", "yesnocancel"))
btnCancel <- gbutton("Cancel", cont=box2, handler=function(h, ...){
assign("btnVal", NULL, envir=env0)
visible(win) <- TRUE
while (win$is_extant() && ! exists("btnVal", envir=env0)) Sys.sleep(0.25)
.guiDialog.WinGui <- function(prompt=NULL, caption=NULL, type, ...){
prompt <- ifnull(prompt, "Message")
caption <- ifnull(caption, "Dialog")
if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows'){
out <- utils::winDialog(type=type, message=prompt)
return(if (length(out) == 0) NULL else if (out %in% c("YES", "OK"))
.guiDialog.default(prompt, caption, type, ...)
.guiDialog.default <- if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows')
.guiDialog.WinGui else .guiDialog.Rstudioapi
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