#' Combine Txts And Convert Them to A Data Frame
#' Combine Txts derived from PDFs and convert them to a data frame using a
#' conversion dictionary stored in IndRptToTable(RegExp).xlsx.
#' The function yields two files: an .xlsx file containing merge data and a .csv
#' containing the unmatched line headers that are potentially new variables.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param rule.file Full path of the conversion dictionary file. Default
#' \code{paste(path, dict name)}.
#' @param path Path of the directory to the dictionary file.
#' @param txts Txts assigned for combination. If NULL, a wizard will guide you
#' to assign them.
#' @param use.parallel Logical, whether to apply parallel computation when there
#' are more than 50 files to process. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
#' @importFrom gWidgets2 gbasicdialog gvbox ggroup gradio gframe gfile visible
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster clusterExport parLapplyLB parSapply stopCluster
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace str_replace_all str_detect
#' @importFrom stringi stri_conv
#' @importFrom compiler cmpfun
#' @importFrom openxlsx read.xlsx getSheetNames write.xlsx createStyle
#' @importFrom readr read_file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bindTXTs()
#' }
bindTXTs <- function(rule.file=paste0(path, "IndRptToTable(RegExp).xlsx"),
path=getOption("toolkit.dir"), txts=NULL, use.parallel=TRUE) {
#1. ----------------Modify locale, load necessary packages------------------
Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "Chinese")
time.begin <- Sys.time()
# options(guiToolkit="RGtk2")
if (! file.exists(rule.file))
stop("The rule.file cannot be found!")
# addRtoolsPath() # Add Rtools to Sys.path for openxlsx
#2. -------------------Read RegExp rules----------------------------------
sources <- getSheetNames(rule.file)
### -----------Open a gui window------------
.tmpEnv <- new.env()
.tmpEnv$sources <- NULL
window <- gbasicdialog("Select data source", do.buttons=TRUE,
handler=function(h, ...){
.tmpEnv$sources <<- enc2native(chkmap$get_value())
size(window) <- c(200, 200)
#invisible(window$set_size(200, 200))
box <- gvbox(cont=window)
# addHandlerChanged(window, handler=function(...){
# gtkMainQuit()
# })
gg1 <- ggroup(cont=box)
gg2 <- ggroup(cont=box, horizontal = TRUE)
box1 <- gvbox(cont=gg1)
frm1 <- gframe("Sources:", cont=box1)
chkmap <- gradio(items=sources, selected=1, index=TRUE, cont=frm1)
box21 <- gvbox(cont=gg2)
box22 <- gvbox(cont=gg2)
### -----------------Close window---------------
if (is.null(.tmpEnv$sources)) {
stop("No source designated!")
}else {
datasource <- .tmpEnv$sources
if (! datasource %in% sources)
datasource <- iconv(.tmpEnv$sources, from="UTF8", to="CP936")
##Choose sheet
rule.st <- read.xlsx(rule.file, sheet=datasource, detectDates=TRUE)
#3. -----------------Clean txts in loop and cover them------------------
## You can only read but skip the clean part
# txts<-list.files(path,pattern="\\.txt$",recursive=T,full.names=T)
if (is.null(txts))
if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows"){
txts <- invisible(choose.files(
paste0(getOption("init.dir"), "*.*"),
caption="Select .txt files...",
filters=Filters[c('txt', "All"),]))
txts <- gfile("Select .txt files...", type='open',
filter=c('Txt files'='txt'),
multi=TRUE, toolkit=guiToolkit("tcltk"))
txts <- stri_conv(txts, "CP936", "UTF-8")
#4. -----------Go thru docs and extract info to make data.frame--------
if (length(txts) > 0){
mapTxt2Df <- cmpfun(mapTxt2Df)
getTxtHead <- cmpfun(getTxtHead)
if (length(txts) > 50 && use.parallel){
## parallel computation
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(
logical=! Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows"))
# registerDoParallel(cl, detectCores(
# logical=! Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows"), nocompile=FALSE)
# lstconv <- invisible(
# foreach(i = 1:length(txts), .export=c("rule.st", "mapTxt2Df"),
# .packages="aseshms") %dopar%
# cmpfun(mapTxt2Df(txt=txts[i], ruleDf=rule.st)))
clusterExport(cl, "rule.st", envir=environment())
lstconv <- parLapplyLB(cl, txts, mapTxt2Df, ruleDf=rule.st)
lstunmatch <- parSapply(cl, txts, getTxtHead, ruleDf=rule.st)
# stopImplicitCluster()
lstconv <- lapply(txts, mapTxt2Df, ruleDf=rule.st)
lstunmatch <- sapply(txts, getTxtHead, ruleDf=rule.st)
dfconv <- do.call("rbind", c(lstconv, deparse.level=0))
unmatched <- unique(unlist(lstunmatch))
#dfconv[] <- sapply(dfconv, function(column) gsub("\\f", "\\n", column))
dfconv <- NULL
unmatched <- NULL
#5. -------------------Export extract to xlsx------------------------
filepath <- str_replace_all(txts[1], "\\\\", "/")
filepath <- str_replace_all(filepath, "^(.+/)[^/]+\\.[Tt][Xx][Tt]$", "\\1")
if (! str_detect(filepath, ".+/$")) filepath <- paste0(filepath,"/")
if (!is.null(dfconv)) write.xlsx(
as.data.frame(dfconv), paste0(filepath,"bind.xlsx"),
sheetName="Sheet1", showNA=FALSE)
if (!is.null(dfconv) && file.exists(paste0(filepath, "bind.xlsx"))) {
message(paste("Combined data set generated:",
paste0(filepath, "bind.xlsx"), "!"))
warning("Combined data set failed to generate!")
if (!is.null(unmatched)){
message("There are ", length(unmatched), " row headings do not match ",
"the database. Please verify it in the 'unmatched.csv'.")
write.csv(sort(unmatched), paste0(filepath, "unmatched.csv"))
message("Total minutes used: ", as.numeric(Sys.time() - time.begin,
#' @export
#' @rdname bindTXTs
bind_txts <- bindTXTs
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
mapTxt2Df <- function(txt, ruleDf){
# Map txt to data.frame
# Based on rule.sheet template
stopifnot(all(c("Pattern", "Extract", "Fld") %in% names(ruleDf)))
origTxt <- scan(file=txt, what="", sep="\n", encoding="UTF-8", quiet=TRUE)
origTxt <- paste(origTxt, collapse = "\n")[[1]]
origTxt <- str_replace_all(origTxt, "\\\n{2,}|\\\f{1,}", "\\\n")
isPtn <- unname(sapply(ruleDf$Pattern, function(ptn) grepl(ptn, origTxt)))
rec <- rep(NA, nrow(ruleDf))
rec[isPtn] <- mapply(function(ptn, rpl, str=origTxt){
sub(ptn, rpl, origTxt)},
ptn=ruleDf$Pattern[isPtn], rpl=ruleDf$Extract[isPtn]
names(rec) <- ruleDf$Fld
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_replace str_split
getTxtHead <- function(txt, ruleDf){
# List all the beginning words in the txt
# that are not stored in rule.sheet template
stopifnot(all(c("Pattern", "Extract", "Fld") %in% names(ruleDf)))
origTxt <- scan(file=txt, what="", sep="\n", encoding="UTF-8", quiet=TRUE)
origTxt <- paste(origTxt, collapse = "\n")[[1]]
origTxt <- str_replace_all(origTxt, "\\\n{2,}|\\\f{1,}", "\\\n")
origTxt <- str_replace_all(origTxt, "^\\s+", "")
ptns <- str_replace(ruleDf$Pattern, "^[^\\u533b]*\\u533b\\u751f(.+)$", "\\1")
ptns <- ptns[!grepl("^\\^", ptns)]
ptns <- unique(str_replace_all(ptns, "^\\.\\+\\?*(\\\\n)*", "\\^"))
heads <- unlist(str_split(origTxt, "\\n"))
heads <- unique(str_replace_all(
heads, "^([^\\s]+?)\\s.+$", "\\1"))
i <- sapply(heads, function(exp) {
! any(sapply(ptns, function(ptn) grepl(ptn, exp)))
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