  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


In this example we walk you through an hypothetical usage case of a quincunx application with the goal of calculating the risk of developing a specific disease. For illustrative purposes, the disease chosen here is the Brugada syndrome @Brugada.ECR.2019.

Brugada syndrome is a rare, inherited cardiac disease leading to ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death in structurally normal hearts. People with Brugada syndrome have an increased risk of having irregular heart rhythms beginning in the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles) @SarquellaBrugada.GiM.2015.

The prevalence varies among regions and ethnicities, affecting mostly males. The risk stratification and management of patients, predominantly asymptomatic, still remains challenging. Currently, despite several genes identified, SCN5A has attracted the most attention, and in approximately 30% of patients, a genetic variant may be implicated as causal factor after a comprehensive analysis @Brugada.JotACoC.2018.

In the walk-through below, we show how to use quincunx to search for Brugada syndrome related polygenic scores, and how to compute the associated risk depending on the risk alleles of the associated genetic variants.

Searching for Brugada syndrome in the PGS Catalog

Before anything, let us load quincunx:


Now, we start by searching for the Brugada syndrome in the PGS Catalog. To do this we search for any traits/diseases that might include the term "brugada" in the trait description using the function get_traits():

# Search in PGS Catalog for traits/diseases containing the term "brugada"
brs_traits <- get_traits(trait_term = 'brugada', exact_term = FALSE)

We can see that indeed there is one trait specifically associated with the Brugada syndrome, and that it has the EFO trait r brs_traits@traits$efo_id, whose description confirms it to be a genetic disease ventricular arrhythmia that may result in sudden death. In addition, from the table pgs_ids we can retrieve the associated PGS score identifiers. To date, only one polygenic score is associated with the Brugada syndrome: PGS000737.

# EFO Id

# Brugada syndrome description as defined by the Experimental Factor Ontology

# PGS scores associated with Brugada syndrome

Getting details about the polygenic score PGS000737

From the main table, scores, in brs_pgs object, we can see the following details:

brs_pgs <- get_scores(pgs_id = 'PGS000737')

# PGS code name

# Does the PGS score matches the one in the source publication?

# Authors' own description of the trait

# Number of variants included in the polygenic risk score

Original publication that developed PGS000737

From the table publications, in brs_pgs object, we can see, inter alia, the following details about the publication behind the PGS PGS000737:

# PGP id

# PubMed id

# Publication date

# Journal

# Title

To view this publication online: open_in_pubmed(brs_pgs@publications$pubmed_id).

Sample ancestry

To get a feeling for the applicability of this polygenic score, it is important to know the genetic diversity of the participants involved in the development of the risk score. We can get details on the ancestry composition of the samples used to develop r brs_pgs@scores$pgs_name by looking into the samples table. In this table we can see that one sample (sample_id = 1) of r brs_pgs@samples$sample_size individuals was used at the r brs_pgs@samples$stage stage. The ancestry category associated with these individuals is r brs_pgs@samples$ancestry_category. You can use quincunx's internal dataset on possible ancestry categories: ancestry_categories.

From this data, one may assume that the applicability of this risk score should probably be restricted to people from European ancestry.

# Stage

# Sample size

# Ancestry

# Definition of European ancestry
ancestry_categories[ancestry_categories$ancestry_category == 'European', 'definition', drop = TRUE]

# Cohort

The genetic composition of PRS_BrS

To get the polygenic risk score PRS_BrS (i.e., PGS000737), we start by downloading it using the function read_scoring_file:

PRS_BrS <- read_scoring_file('PGS000737')

This PGS is comprised of only three variants: r knitr::combine_words(dplyr::pull(PRS_BrS$PGS000737$data, 'rsID')). These variants are located near loci well-know to be associated with the Brugada syndrome: SCN5A, SCN10A, NCOA7, and HEY2. From the effect_weight column, we can see that the effect allele ("C" in both cases) of variants rs11708996 and rs9388451 increases the risk score ($\beta = 0.55$ and $\beta = 0.46$, respectively), whereas the "G" allele of rs10428132 has a protective effect relative to the "T" allele ($\beta = -0.94$).

Now, to illustrate the calculation of PRS_BrS using appropriate patient-level data, we will generate all possible genotypes for these three variants, and calculate their respective risk scores. (We are not using real patient data here since such human datasets are not open). Each biallelic variant has three possible genotypes: A/A, A/a or a/a. Given that the score is also comprised of three variants, the total number of possible genotypes is $3\times3\times3= 27$.

The function genotypes defined below generates the three genotypes for the given variant alleles:

genotypes <- function(allele1, allele2) {
  alleles <- c(allele1, allele2)
  m <- tidyr::expand_grid(allele1 = alleles, allele2 = alleles)[-3,]
  paste(m[, 1, drop = TRUE], m[, 2, drop = TRUE], sep = '/')

For example, rs11708996 genotypes are:

genotypes('G', 'C')

The set of all 27 genotypes can be generated as follows:

BrS_genotypes <- tidyr::expand_grid(
  rs11708996 = genotypes('G', 'C'),
  rs10428132 = genotypes('T', 'G'),
  rs9388451 = genotypes('T', 'C')
) %>%

print(BrS_genotypes, n = Inf)

In BrS_genotypes we have now a table of all possible genotypes comprising the three variants of PRS_BrS. We have prepended a column with a dummy patient identifier (patient) to refer to each one of the 27 possible genotypes in an unambiguous way.

PRS_BrS calculation

If we assume an additive genetic architecture, with independence of risk variants, then the calculation of PRS_BrS is straightforward: simply multiply the number of effect alleles in the genotype by the effect_weight, and add up everything:

$${PRS_{BrS}} = \beta_{\text{rs11708996}} \times x_{rs11708996} + \beta_{\text{rs10428132}} \times x_{rs10428132} + \beta_{\text{rs9388451}} \times x_{rs9388451}$$ where, e.g., $\beta_{\text{rs11708996}} = 0.55$, and $x_{rs11708996}$ is either $0$, for genotype "G/G", $1$, for genotype "G/C" or $2$, for genotype "C/C".

As a side note, although simplistic, the additive model reflects our best estimate of genetic architecture of common complex disorders, where little evidence of interaction between genetic variants is detected. And although this type of model ignores any gene-gene or gene-environment interactions @Aschard.GE.2016, it seems, nevertheless, that the largest meta-analysis of heritability from twin studies supports a simple additive model in most of the traits examined @Polderman.NG.2015.

Next we calculate PRS_BrS for the genotypes BrS_genotypes:

prs <- Vectorize(function(scoring, variant_id, genotype) {
  alleles <- unlist(strsplit(genotype, '/'))
  eff <-
    scoring[scoring$rsID == variant_id, 'effect_allele', drop = TRUE]
  weight <-
    scoring[scoring$rsID == variant_id, 'effect_weight', drop = TRUE]

  (alleles[1] == eff) * weight + (alleles[2] == eff) * weight
}, vectorize.args = 'genotype')

And, voilĂ , here are the risk scores for all possible genotypes:

s <- PRS_BrS$PGS000737$data
scores <- BrS_genotypes %>%
    score = prs(s, 'rs11708996', rs11708996) +
      prs(s, 'rs10428132', rs10428132) +
      prs(s, 'rs9388451', rs9388451)

print(scores, n = Inf)

And below a graphical visualisation of the risk scores from lowest (top) to highest (bottom):


risk_plot <-
  scores %>%
  dplyr::mutate(genotype = paste(rs11708996, rs10428132, rs9388451, sep = '-')) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(score) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(genotype, -score), y = score, fill = score < 0)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  xlab('Genotype') +
  ylab('Risk Score PRS_BrS') +
  scale_fill_discrete(guide = 'none', type = c('#FF5757', '#65FF57')) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(family = "mono"))


The polygenic risk score spans a range from (almost) $-2$ to (litle more than) $2$. Those genotypes with a negative score carry mostly "protective" alleles, e.g., the most extreme case being G/G-G/G-T/T (containing only "protective" alleles)---individuals carrying this genotype have the lowest risk of developing the Brugada syndrome; on the other hand, individuals carrying the genotype C/C-T/T-C/C have the highest risk, and should probably be subject to closer clinical follow-up.

Final remarks

The question of how to use the risk scores obtained, namely, how to proceed clinically, is an open and on-going discussion in the medical community that typically needs to be considered in the larger context of each individual characteristics. A good place to start looking into this discussion is the original paper which published this polygenic risk score @Tadros.EHJ.2019.

Furthermore, the purpose of this vignette is to show how to start from a trait or disease of interest, and end up by actually calculating the risk scores for particular individuals (if the user has real patient data). In this example, the individuals are hypothetical, and are represented by their in silico constructed genotypes. While trying to apply the same workflow to other traits or diseases, things are likely to be different from this simple example, namely, the number of variants will likely be much larger, and the polygenic risk score model applied could be more complex than the simple additive architecture assumed here. Also, you will probably want to take advantage of a dedicated tool that specialises in score computation instead of using your own custom R code, e.g., you could use the popular bigsnpr package @Prive.B.2018.

r if (knitr::is_html_output()) '## References'

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