
Defines functions coords2list coords2df print.tidy_dagitty as_tibble.tidy_daggity as.tbl.tidy_daggity tbl_df.tidy_daggity as.data.frame.tidy_dagitty fortify.dagitty fortify.tidy_dagitty is.tidy_dagitty check_verboten_layout generate_layout tidy_dag_edges_and_coords new_tidy_dagitty saturate_edges as_tidy_dagitty.list as_tidy_dagitty.data.frame as_tidy_dagitty.dagitty as_tidy_dagitty tidy_dagitty

Documented in as.data.frame.tidy_dagitty as.tbl.tidy_daggity as_tibble.tidy_daggity as_tidy_dagitty as_tidy_dagitty.dagitty as_tidy_dagitty.data.frame as_tidy_dagitty.list coords2df coords2list fortify.dagitty fortify.tidy_dagitty is.tidy_dagitty print.tidy_dagitty tbl_df.tidy_daggity tidy_dagitty

#' Tidy a `dagitty` object
#' @param .dagitty a `dagitty`
#' @param seed a numeric seed for reproducible layout generation
#' @param layout a layout available in `ggraph`. See [ggraph::create_layout()]
#'   for details. Alternatively, `"time_ordered"` will use
#'   `time_ordered_coords()` to algorithmically sort the graph by time.
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to `ggraph::create_layout()`
#' @param use_existing_coords (Advanced). Logical. Use the coordinates produced
#'   by `dagitty::coordinates(.dagitty)`? If the coordinates are empty,
#'   `tidy_dagitty()` will generate a layout. Generally, setting this to `FALSE`
#'   is thus only useful when there is a difference in the variables coordinates
#'   and the variables in the DAG, as sometimes happens when recompiling a DAG.
#' @return a `tidy_dagitty` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dagitty)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' dag <- dagitty("dag {
#'   Y <- X <- Z1 <- V -> Z2 -> Y
#'   Z1 <- W1 <-> W2 -> Z2
#'   X <- W1 -> Y
#'   X <- W2 -> Y
#'   X [exposure]
#'   Y [outcome]
#'   }")
#' tidy_dagitty(dag)
#' tidy_dagitty(dag, layout = "fr") %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
#'   geom_dag_node() +
#'   geom_dag_text() +
#'   geom_dag_edges() +
#'   theme_dag()
tidy_dagitty <- function(.dagitty, seed = NULL, layout = "nicely", ..., use_existing_coords = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  if (dagitty::graphType(.dagitty) != "dag") {
    stop("`.dagitty` must be of graph type `dag`")

  dag_edges <- get_dagitty_edges(.dagitty)

  if (layout == "time_ordered") {
    coords <- dag_edges %>%
      edges2df() %>%
      auto_time_order() %>%
      time_ordered_coords() %>%

    dagitty::coordinates(.dagitty) <- coords
  } else {

  coords_df <- dag_edges %>%
    dplyr::select(name, to) %>%
      layout = layout,
      vertices = names(.dagitty),
      coords = if (isTRUE(use_existing_coords)) dagitty::coordinates(.dagitty),

  tidy_dag <- dag_edges %>%

  coords <- tidy_dag %>%
    dplyr::distinct(name, x, y) %>%

  .labels <- label(.dagitty)
  dagitty::coordinates(.dagitty) <- coords
  label(.dagitty) <- .labels

  new_tidy_dagitty(tidy_dag, .dagitty)

#' Convert objects into `tidy_dagitty` objects
#' An alternative API and specification to [tidy_dagitty()], `as_tidy_dagitty()`
#' allows you to create `tidy_dagitty` objects from data frames and lists. There
#' is also a method for `dagitty` objects, which is a thin wrapper for
#' [tidy_dagitty()]. To create a DAG from a list, each element of the list
#' should be a character vector, and the order of the elements should be the
#' time order in which they appear in the DAG, e.g. element 1 occurs at time
#' point 1. To create a DAG from a data frame, it must contain `name` and `to`
#' columns, representing the nodes and any edges leading from the nodes. If
#' there are `x`, `y`, `xend`, and `yend` columns, they will be used as
#' coordinates. Otherwise, `layout` will be used. See [tidy_dagitty] for more
#' information about layouts. Additionally, you can specify status (one of
#' `exposure`, `outcome`, or `latent`) by including a `status` column. Any other
#' columns in the data set will also be joined to the `tidy_dagitty` data.
#' @param x An object to convert into a `tidy_dagitty`. Currently supports
#'   `dagitty` and `data.frame` objects.
#' @inheritParams tidy_dagitty
#' @inheritParams dagify
#' @param saturate Logical. Saturate the DAG such that there is an edge going
#'   from every point in the future from a given node? Setting this to `TRUE`
#'   will potentially lead to more edges than present in `x`.
#' @return a `tidy_dagitty` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data.frame(name = c("c", "c", "x"), to = c("x", "y", "y")) %>%
#'   as_tidy_dagitty()
#' time_points <- list(c("a", "b", "c"), "d", c("e", "f", "g"), "z")
#' time_points %>%
#'   # create a saturated, time-ordered DAG
#'   as_tidy_dagitty() %>%
#'   # remove the edge from `c` to `f`
#'   dag_prune(c("c" = "f"))
#' @seealso [tidy_dagitty()], [pull_dag()]
as_tidy_dagitty <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname as_tidy_dagitty
as_tidy_dagitty.dagitty <- function(x, seed = NULL, layout = "nicely", ...) {
  tidy_dagitty(x, seed = seed, layout = layout, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname as_tidy_dagitty
as_tidy_dagitty.data.frame <- function(
  exposure = NULL,
  outcome = NULL,
  latent = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  coords = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  layout = "nicely",
  saturate = FALSE,
) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  tidy_dag <- prep_dag_data(x, layout = layout, coords = coords, ...)
  .dagitty <- compile_dag_from_df(x)

  if ("status" %in% names(tidy_dag)) {
    dagitty::exposures(.dagitty) <- return_status(tidy_dag, "exposure")
    dagitty::outcomes(.dagitty) <- return_status(tidy_dag, "outcome")
    dagitty::latents(.dagitty) <- return_status(tidy_dag, "latent")

  if (!is.null(exposure)) {
    dagitty::exposures(.dagitty) <- exposure

  if (!is.null(outcome)) {
    dagitty::outcomes(.dagitty) <- outcome

  if (!is.null(latent)) {
    dagitty::latents(.dagitty) <- latent

  if (!is.null(labels)) {
    label(.dagitty) <- labels

  if ("adjusted" %in% names(tidy_dag)) {
    .adjusted <- dplyr::filter(tidy_dag, adjusted == "adjusted") %>%
      dplyr::pull(name) %>%

    dagitty::adjustedNodes(.dagitty) <- .adjusted

  dagitty::coordinates(.dagitty) <- tidy_dag %>%
    select(name, x, y) %>%

  .tdy_dagitty <- new_tidy_dagitty(tidy_dag, .dagitty)

  if (isTRUE(saturate)) {
    .tdy_dagitty <- dag_saturate(.tdy_dagitty, use_existing_coords = TRUE)


#' @export
#' @rdname as_tidy_dagitty
as_tidy_dagitty.list <- function(
  exposure = NULL,
  outcome = NULL,
  latent = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  coords = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  layout = "time_ordered",
) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  dag_edges <- purrr::map(
    seq_len(length(x) - 1),
    time_points = x
  ) %>%

  dag_edges %>%
      exposure = exposure,
      outcome = outcome,
      latent = latent,
      labels = labels,
      coords = coords,
      seed = seed,
      layout = layout,

saturate_edges <- function(.x, time_points) {
  current_elements <- time_points[[.x]]
  future_elements <- unlist(time_points[(.x + 1):length(time_points)])
  expand.grid(name = current_elements, to = future_elements)

new_tidy_dagitty <- function(tidy_dag, .dagitty) {
  .tdy_dag <- list(data = tidy_dag, dag = .dagitty)
  class(.tdy_dag) <- "tidy_dagitty"
  if (has_labels(.dagitty)) {
    label(.tdy_dag) <- label(.dagitty)


tidy_dag_edges_and_coords <- function(dag_edges, coords_df) {
  if ("direction" %nin% names(dag_edges)) {
    dag_edges$direction <- "->"

  dag_edges %>%
      name = as.character(name),
      to = as.character(to),
      direction = factor(direction, levels = c("->", "<->", "--"), exclude = NA)
    ) %>%
    ggdag_left_join(coords_df, ., by = "name") %>%
      coords_df %>% dplyr::select(name, x, y),
      by = c("to" = "name"),
      suffix = c("", "end")
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(name, x, y, direction, to, xend, yend, dplyr::everything())

generate_layout <- function(.df, layout, vertices = NULL, coords = NULL, ...) {
  ig <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(.df, vertices = vertices)

  if (is.null(coords)) {
    no_existing_coords <- TRUE
  } else {
    no_existing_coords <- coords %>%
      purrr::map_lgl(~ all(is.na(.x))) %>%

  if (no_existing_coords) {
    ggraph_layout <- ggraph_create_layout(
      layout = layout,

  } else {
    nodes <- names(igraph::V(ig))
    coords$x <- coords$x[nodes]
    coords$y <- coords$y[nodes]
    ggraph_layout <- ggraph_create_layout(
      layout = "manual",
      x = coords$x,
      y = coords$y,

  ggraph_layout %>%
    dplyr::select(name, x, y, circular) %>%

check_verboten_layout <- function(layout) {
  if (layout %in% c("dendogram")) {
    stop("Layout type `", layout, "` not supported in ggdag", call. = FALSE)

#' Test for object class for tidy_dagitty
#' @param x object to be tested
#' @export
is.tidy_dagitty <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "tidy_dagitty")

#' Fortify a `tidy_dagitty` object for `ggplot2`
#' @param model an object of class `tidy_dagitty` or `dagitty`
#' @param data (not used)
#' @param ... (not used)
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 fortify
#' @rdname fortify
#' @name fortify
fortify.tidy_dagitty <- function(model, data = NULL, ...) {

#' @rdname fortify
#' @export
fortify.dagitty <- function(model, data = NULL, ...) {
  model %>%
    tidy_dagitty() %>%

#' Convert a `tidy_dagitty` object to data.frame
#' @param x an object of class `tidy_dagitty`
#' @param row.names NULL or a character vector giving the row names for the data
#'   frame. Missing values are not allowed.
#' @param optional logical. If TRUE, setting row names and converting column
#'   names (to syntactic names: see make.names) is optional. Note that all of
#'   R's base package `as.data.frame()` methods use optional only for column names
#'   treatment, basically with the meaning of `data.frame(*, check.names =
#'   !optional)`
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to `as.data.frame()`
#' @export
as.data.frame.tidy_dagitty <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
  as.data.frame(pull_dag_data(x), row.names = row.names, optional = optional, ...)

#' Convert a `tidy_dagitty` object to tbl_df
#' @param .tdy_dag an object of class `tidy_dagitty`
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl_df
tbl_df.tidy_daggity <- function(.tdy_dag) {

#' Convert a `tidy_dagitty` object to tbl
#' @param x an object of class `tidy_dagitty`
#' @param row.names NULL or a character vector giving the row names for the data
#'   frame. Missing values are not allowed.
#' @param optional logical. If TRUE, setting row names and converting column
#'   names (to syntactic names: see make.names) is optional. Note that all of
#'   R's base package `as.data.frame()` methods use optional only for column names
#'   treatment, basically with the meaning of `data.frame(*, check.names =
#'   !optional)`
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to [`dplyr::as_tibble()`]
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr as.tbl as_tibble
as.tbl.tidy_daggity <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
  dplyr::as.tbl(pull_dag_data(x), row.names = row.names, optional = optional, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname as.tbl.tidy_daggity
as_tibble.tidy_daggity <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
  dplyr::as_tibble(pull_dag_data(x), row.names = row.names, optional = optional, ...)

#' Print a `tidy_dagitty`
#' @param x an object of class `tidy_dagitty`
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to `print()`
#' @export
print.tidy_dagitty <- function(x, ...) {
  cat_subtle <- function(...) cat(pillar::style_subtle(paste(...)))
  coll <- function(x, ...) paste(x, collapse = ", ", ...)

  cat_subtle("# A DAG with ", n_nodes(x), " nodes and ", n_edges(x), " edges\n", sep = "")
  if (has_exposure(x)) cat_subtle("# Exposure: ", coll(dagitty::exposures(pull_dag(x))), "\n", sep = "")
  if (has_outcome(x)) cat_subtle("# Outcome: ", coll(dagitty::outcomes(pull_dag(x))), "\n", sep = "")
  if (has_latent(x)) cat_subtle("# Latent Variable: ", coll(dagitty::latents(pull_dag(x))), "\n", sep = "")
  if (has_collider_path(x)) {
      "# Paths opened by conditioning on a collider: ",
      sep = ""
  if (any(c(
  ))) {

  print(pull_dag_data(x), ...)

#  not available in the current CRAN version of dagitty
# is_acyclic <- function(g) {
#   dagitty::isAcyclic(g)
# }

#' Manipulate DAG coordinates
#' @param coord_list a named list of coordinates
#' @param coord_df a data.frame with columns x, y, and name
#' @return either a list or a data.frame with DAG node coordinates
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dagitty)
#' coords <- list(
#'   x = c(A = 1, B = 2, D = 3, C = 3, F = 3, E = 4, G = 5, H = 5, I = 5),
#'   y = c(A = 0, B = 0, D = 1, C = 0, F = -1, E = 0, G = 1, H = 0, I = -1)
#' )
#' coord_df <- coords2df(coords)
#' coords2list(coord_df)
#' x <- dagitty("dag{
#'              G <-> H <-> I <-> G
#'              D <- B -> C -> I <- F <- B <- A
#'              H <- E <- C -> G <- D
#'              }")
#' coordinates(x) <- coords2list(coord_df)
#' @rdname coordinates
#' @name coordinates
coords2df <- function(coord_list) {
  coord_df <- purrr::map(coord_list, tibble::enframe) %>% purrr::reduce(ggdag_left_join, by = "name")
  names(coord_df) <- c("name", "x", "y")

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
coords2list <- function(coord_df) {
  x <- coord_df %>%
    dplyr::select(name, x) %>%
  y <- coord_df %>%
    dplyr::select(name, y) %>%
  list(x = x, y = y)
malcolmbarrett/ggdag documentation built on March 8, 2024, 5:49 p.m.