
# setwd("data-raw")

# File locations
parc_dir <- "../../Data/parc" # put all dlabel parcellations here
wb_path <- "../../workbench"

# Load package
ciftiTools.setOption("wb_path", wb_path)

# Parcellations ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Compress the parcellations
parc_name <- list.files(parc_dir, "dlabel")
parc <- lapply(file.path(parc_dir, parc_name), read_xifti)
names(parc) <- gsub(".dlabel.nii", "", parc_name, fixed=TRUE)
parc <- lapply(parc, function(y){list(
  map = as.matrix(y),
  col = y$meta$cifti$labels$parcels[c("Red", "Green", "Blue")]

# # Check work
# p_all <- rbind(
#   Schaefer2018_100Parcels_7Networks_order = c("Schaefer_100", "Yeo_7"),
#   Schaefer2018_100Parcels_17Networks_order = c("Schaefer_100", "Yeo_17"),
#   Schaefer2018_100Parcels_Kong2022_17Networks_order = c("Schaefer_100", "Kong_17"),
#   Schaefer2018_400Parcels_7Networks_order = c("Schaefer_400", "Yeo_7"),
#   Schaefer2018_400Parcels_17Networks_order = c("Schaefer_400", "Yeo_17"),
#   Schaefer2018_400Parcels_Kong2022_17Networks_order = c("Schaefer_400", "Kong_17"),
#   Schaefer2018_1000Parcels_7Networks_order = c("Schaefer_1000", "Yeo_7"),
#   Schaefer2018_1000Parcels_17Networks_order = c("Schaefer_1000", "Yeo_17"),
#   Schaefer2018_1000Parcels_Kong2022_17Networks_order = c("Schaefer_1000", "Kong_17"),
#   `Yeo2011_7Networks.split_components` = c("Yeo_7", "Yeo_7"),
#   `Yeo2011_17Networks.split_components` = c("Yeo_17", "Yeo_7")
# )
# for (ii in seq(length(parc))) {
#   cat(parc_name[ii], "\n")
#   q <- read_xifti(file.path(parc_dir, parc_name[ii]))
#   q$meta$cifti$misc <- NULL
#   idx <- rownames(p_all)==gsub(".dlabel.nii", "", parc_name[ii], fixed=TRUE)
#   testthat::expect_equal(
#     load_parc(p_all[idx,1], p_all[idx,2]), q
#   )
# }

# Medial wall template ---------------------------------------------------------
x <- read_xifti(ciftiTools.files()$cifti["dtseries"])
HCP_32k_mwall_template <-, x$meta$cortex$medial_wall_mask)

# Data included in ciftiTools --------------------------------------------------

surfp <- lapply(list(
  very_inflated.L = file.path(
  very_inflated.R = file.path(
  midthickness.L = file.path(
  midthickness.R = file.path(
), gifti::read_gifti)
surfp <- lapply(surfp, function(x){x$data$pointset}) <- list(
  surfp = surfp, parc=parc,
  HCP_32k_mwall_template = HCP_32k_mwall_template

# Template GIFTIs --------------------------------------------------------------
gifti_surf_template <- readgii("")
gifti_surf_template["transformations"] <- list(NULL)
gifti_metric_template <- readgii("template.func.gii")
gifti_metric_template["transformations"] <- list(NULL)

# # Demo
# g <- gifti_surf_template
# g$data_meta[[1]][1,1] <- "CortexLeft"
# g$data <- list(pointset=new_pointset, triangle=new_triangle)
# g$data_info$Dim0 <- c(nrow(new_pointset), nrow(new_triangle))
# g <- gifti_metric_template
# g$data_meta[1] <- "CortexLeft"
# g$data <- split(t(data), seq(ncol(data)))
# names(g$data) <- rep("unknown", length(g$data))
# g$data_info$Dim0 <- gifti_metric_template$data_info[rep(1, 5),]

# Crop MNI image ---------------------------------------------------------------
x <- RNifti::readNifti("../inst/extdata/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz")
cut <- quantile(x, .5)
ok <- array(TRUE, dim=dim(x))
ok[91 - c(seq(7,17), seq(74, 84)), 109 - seq(54, 64), 91 - seq(78, 86)] <- FALSE
for (ii in seq(200)) {
  y <- array(NA, dim=dim(x)+2)
  y[seq(2, dim(x)[1]+1), seq(2, dim(x)[2]+1), seq(2, dim(x)[3]+1)] <- x
  #y[seq(1, dim(x)[1]), seq(1, dim(x)[2]), seq(1, dim(x)[3])] +
  y <-  y[seq(1, dim(x)[1]), seq(1, dim(x)[2]), 2+seq(1, dim(x)[3])] +
    #y[seq(1, dim(x)[1]), 2+seq(1, dim(x)[2]), seq(1, dim(x)[3])] +
    y[seq(1, dim(x)[1]), 2+seq(1, dim(x)[2]), 2+seq(1, dim(x)[3])] +
    #y[2+seq(1, dim(x)[1]), seq(1, dim(x)[2]), seq(1, dim(x)[3])] +
    y[2+seq(1, dim(x)[1]), seq(1, dim(x)[2]), 2+seq(1, dim(x)[3])] +
    #y[2+seq(1, dim(x)[1]), 2+seq(1, dim(x)[2]), seq(1, dim(x)[3])] +
    y[2+seq(1, dim(x)[1]), 2+seq(1, dim(x)[2]), 2+seq(1, dim(x)[3])]
  x[ & x < cut & ok] <- NA
x[91-seq(86,91), 109-seq(51,57), 91-seq(6,25)] <- NA
x[91-seq(1,5), 109-seq(56), 91-seq(15,25)] <- NA
RNifti::writeNifti(x, "../inst/extdata/MNI152_T1_2mm_crop.nii.gz")

# Code not included: resampling 32k NIRC files to 6k ---------------------------

# Save to sysdata --------------------------------------------------------------

  gifti_surf_template, gifti_metric_template,
  file="../R/sysdata.rda", compress='xz'
mandymejia/ciftiTools documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 11:20 a.m.