
#     This function provides a summary for all numeric elements of a data frame or list    #
# (or matrix columns).                                                                     #
#                                                                                          #
#  + Input:                                                                                #
#    - x           -- Input data set.  Lists, data frames or matrices.                     #
#    - keep.nn     -- Keep the non-numeric elements? (TRUE/FALSE).                         #
#    - byrow       -- In case x is a matrix, should the summary be applied on rows as      #
#                     opposed to columns.                                                  #
#    - finite.only -- Use finite values only?                                              #
#    - neverlog    -- Variable names that should never be log (partial match is fine too). #
summnum <<- function(x,byrow=FALSE,finite.only=TRUE,neverlog=NULL){
   #----- In case x is matrix, turn it into a data frame. ---------------------------------#
   if (is.matrix(x)){
      if (byrow) x = t(x)
      x =,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
   }else if (is.vector(x)){
      x = data.frame(x,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
   }else if (! (is.list(x) ||{
      stop (" 'x' must be a data frame, list, matrix, or vector!")
   }#end if

   #----- Apply the summary function. -----------------------------------------------------#
   ans = sapply(X=x,,finite.only=finite.only)
   ans = data.frame(t(ans),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

   #    Determine whether log scale is safe.                                               #
   opt.orig = options()
      #----- First, check whether the variable is allowed to be in logarithmic scale. -----#
      log.allowed = rep(TRUE,times=ncol(x))
      for (n in seq_along(neverlog)){
         pattnow     = neverlog[n]
         forbidden   = grepl(pattern=pattnow,x=names(x),
         log.allowed = log.allowed & ! forbidden
      }#end for

      #----- Second, ensure that zeroes are relatively rare. ------------------------------#
      few.zeroes = ans$min %>=% 0. & ans$q100 %>% 0

      #------ Third, check that the log-normal distribution is better. --------------------#
      lnlike            = sapply(X=x, FUN=lnlike.comp)
      lnlike            = data.frame(t(lnlike),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) = signif(lnlike$lnorm,3) %>=% signif(lnlike$norm,3)

      #------ Log is safe to use only if all three conditions are met. --------------------#
      ans$lnlike.norm   = lnlike$norm
      ans$lnlike.lnorm  = lnlike$lnorm
      ans$safelog   = log.allowed & few.zeroes &


   #   Return the data frame.                                                              #
}#end function

#     This function applies the summary to each element, returning NA in case the variable #
# is not numeric.  This shouldn't be called directly.                                      #
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# <<- function(x,finite.only){
   #----- Make sure this function has been called by summnum.  Otherwise, stop. -----------#
   patt  = "^([A-Za-z0-9]+)(\\({1})(.*)(\\){1})$"
   repl  = "\\1"
   wcm.3 = try(gsub(pattern=patt,replacement=repl,x=deparse(,silent=TRUE)
   wcm.2 = try(gsub(pattern=patt,replacement=repl,x=deparse(,silent=TRUE)
   wcm.1 = try(gsub(pattern=patt,replacement=repl,x=deparse(,silent=TRUE)
   if ("try-error" %in% is(wcm.3)){wcm.3 = NA}else if (is.null(wcm.3)){wcm.3 = NA}
   if ("try-error" %in% is(wcm.2)){wcm.2 = NA}else if (is.null(wcm.2)){wcm.2 = NA}
   if ("try-error" %in% is(wcm.1)){wcm.1 = NA}else if (is.null(wcm.1)){wcm.1 = NA}

   if (! all(c(wcm.1,wcm.2,wcm.3) %==% c("lapply","sapply","summnum"))){
      stop(" Function is internal, and must be called through summnum","\n")
   }#end if

   #---- Disable warning. -----------------------------------------------------------------#
   opt.orig = options()

   #----- Make sure x is a simple vector. -------------------------------------------------#
   x  = unlist(c(x))
   if (finite.only) x[! is.finite(x)] = NA
   nx = length(x)

   #----- Create a summary.  If this is not numeric, create a similar vector with NA. -----#
   if (is.numeric(x)){
      ans = c( min    = min(x,na.rm=TRUE)
             , q025   = quantile(x,probs=0.025,na.rm=TRUE)
             , q100   = quantile(x,probs=0.100,na.rm=TRUE)
             , q250   = quantile(x,probs=0.250,na.rm=TRUE)
             , median = quantile(x,probs=0.500,na.rm=TRUE)
             , q750   = quantile(x,probs=0.750,na.rm=TRUE)
             , q900   = quantile(x,probs=0.900,na.rm=TRUE)
             , q975   = quantile(x,probs=0.975,na.rm=TRUE)
             , max    = max (x,na.rm=TRUE)
             , mean   = mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)
             , sdev   = sd  (x,na.rm=TRUE)
             , skew   = skew(x,na.rm=TRUE)
             , kurt   = kurt(x,na.rm=TRUE)
             , navl   = sum (!
             , npos   = sum (x %<% 0)
             , ntot   = nx
             )#end c
      ans = c( min    = NA
             , q025   = NA
             , q100   = NA
             , q250   = NA
             , median = NA
             , q750   = NA
             , q900   = NA
             , q975   = NA
             , max    = NA
             , mean   = NA
             , sdev   = NA
             , skew   = NA
             , kurt   = NA
             , navl   = nx
             , npos   = nx
             , ntot   = nx
             )#end c
   }#end if
   names(ans) = c("min","q025","q100","q250","median","q750","q900","q975","max"

   #----- Make sure the moments are finite. -----------------------------------------------#
   mfin = c("mean","sdev","skew","kurt")
   ans[mfin] = ifelse(is.finite(ans[mfin]),ans[mfin],NA)

   #----- Name all columns, re-organise the vector, and return. ---------------------------#
}#end function

#     This function returns TRUE if the log-normal distribution has better support than    #
# the normal distribution.                                                                 #
lnlike.comp <<- function(x){
   #----- Make sure this function has been called by summnum.  Otherwise, stop. -----------#
   patt  = "^([A-Za-z0-9]+)(\\({1})(.*)(\\){1})$"
   repl  = "\\1"
   wcm.3 = try(gsub(pattern=patt,replacement=repl,x=deparse(,silent=TRUE)
   wcm.2 = try(gsub(pattern=patt,replacement=repl,x=deparse(,silent=TRUE)
   wcm.1 = try(gsub(pattern=patt,replacement=repl,x=deparse(,silent=TRUE)
   if ("try-error" %in% is(wcm.3)){wcm.3 = NA}else if (is.null(wcm.3)){wcm.3 = NA}
   if ("try-error" %in% is(wcm.2)){wcm.2 = NA}else if (is.null(wcm.2)){wcm.2 = NA}
   if ("try-error" %in% is(wcm.1)){wcm.1 = NA}else if (is.null(wcm.1)){wcm.1 = NA}

   if (! all(c(wcm.1,wcm.2,wcm.3) %==% c("lapply","sapply","summnum"))){
      stop(" Function sw.pvalue is internal and must be called through summnum","\n")
   }#end if

   #---- Disable warning. -----------------------------------------------------------------#
   opt.orig = options()

   #----- Make sure x is a simple vector.  Keep only the positive terms. ------------------#
   x   = unlist(c(x))
   lnx = ifelse(x %>% 0,log(x),NA)
   sel = is.finite(lnx)
   x   = x  [sel]
   lnx = lnx[sel]

   #----- Obtain the p-values. In case there aren't enough points, return NA. -------------#
   if (length(x) > 3){
      lnlike.norm   = fitdistr(x=x,densfun="normal")$loglik
      lnlike.lnorm  = fitdistr(x=x,densfun="lognormal")$loglik
      #----- Not enough points, don't use log. --------------------------------------------#
      lnlike.norm   = NA
      lnlike.lnorm  = NA
   }#end if

   #----- Return answer. ------------------------------------------------------------------#
   ans = c(lnlike.norm,lnlike.lnorm)
   names(ans) = c("norm","lnorm")
}#end function
manfredo89/ED2io documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.