
Defines functions getcolors

Documented in getcolors

#' Select colors visually
#' The \code{getcolors} function allows one to select from a visual palette of 
#' 216 colors (i.e. color combinations from 6 levels of red, green, and blue).
#' @param n Numeric value of the number of colors to select
#' @return A vector of hexadecimal codings for colors 
#' (as in \code{\link[grDevices]{rgb}}).
#' @importFrom graphics par layout image polygon mtext box locator lines axis plot
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' # Make synthetic data
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 100
#' x <- seq(n)
#' y1 <- cumsum(rnorm(n))
#' y2 <- cumsum(rnorm(n))
#' y3 <- cumsum(rnorm(n))
#' y4 <- cumsum(rnorm(n))
#' ylim <- range(c(y1,y2,y3,y4))
#' # Select colors
#' COLS <- getcolors(4)
#' # Plot data with selected colors
#' plot(x, y1, ylim=ylim, t="l", col=COLS[1], lwd=3, ylab="")
#' lines(x, y2, col=COLS[2], lwd=3)
#' lines(x, y3, col=COLS[3], lwd=3)
#' lines(x, y4, col=COLS[4], lwd=3)
#' legend("topleft", legend=paste("y", 1:4, sep=""), col=COLS, lwd=3)
#' }
#' @export
getcolors <- function(n){
	N <- 6
	X <- seq(N^2)
	Y <- seq(N)
	GRD <- expand.grid(x=X, y=Y)
	Z <- matrix(0, nrow=length(X), ncol=length(Y))

	LEV <- seq(0, 1, length.out = N) 
	R <- matrix(rep(LEV, each=N^2), nrow=length(X), ncol=length(Y))
	G <- matrix(rep(rep(LEV, each=N), N), nrow=length(X), ncol=length(Y))
	B <- matrix(rep(LEV, N^2), nrow=length(X), ncol=length(Y))

  op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
	layout(matrix(1:2, nrow=2, ncol=1), widths=c(6), heights=c(1.5,4.5))

	image(X,Y,Z, col=NA, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
	for(i in seq(nrow(GRD))){
		xs <- c(GRD$x[i]-0.5, GRD$x[i]-0.5, GRD$x[i]+0.5, GRD$x[i]+0.5)
		ys <- c(GRD$y[i]-0.5, GRD$y[i]+0.5, GRD$y[i]+0.5, GRD$y[i]-0.5)
		polygon(xs, ys, col=rgb(R[i], G[i], B[i]), border=NA)
	mtext(paste("Click on", n, "colors [please]"), side=3, line=0.5)

	COLS <- NA*seq(n)
	for(i in seq(n)){
		coord <- locator(1)
		COLS[i] <- rgb(R[round(coord$x), round(coord$y)], G[round(coord$x), round(coord$y)], B[round(coord$x), round(coord$y)])

	pal <- colorRampPalette(c("black", "white"))
	image(x=1:100, y=seq(n), z=matrix(rep(1:100,n), nrow=100, ncol=n), col=pal(100), xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
	for(i in seq(n)){
		lines(x=c(1,100), y=c(i,i), col=COLS[i], lwd=4)
	axis(2, at=seq(n))


marchtaylor/sinkr documentation built on July 4, 2022, 5:48 p.m.