
Defines functions clean

Documented in clean

#' Clean input CREDI response data
#' This takes raw CREDI data and pre-processes it for scoring. This function is used by the `score` function and is not typically used directly by a user.
#' @param input_df (data.frame) Raw input data from the user-specified csv file.
#' @param mest_df (data.frame) Measurement parameter estimates.
#' @param csv_wd (string) Working directory where input *.csv file is located.
#' @param reverse_code (logical). If TRUE, then reverse codes LF9, LF102, LFMH1, LFMH2, LFMH3, LFMH4, LFMH5, LFMH7, LFMH8, & LFMH9. If FALSE, then no reverse coding is applied.
#' @param log (string) Name of the *.txt log file for the CREDI scoring.
#' @param min_items (integer) Default to 5. The minimum number of scale-specific items (e.g., SF, MOT, etc.) required for a score to be calculated.
#' @param dscore (Logical) Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, calculate GSED d-score and DAZ in addition to CREDI scores.
#' @keywords internal

clean<-function(input_df, mest_df, reverse_code, interactive, log, min_items, dscore){
  # Input:
  #  input_df - User defined input file, with:
  #                 a) LF item naming convention needed.
  #                 b) Unique identifier needed.
  #                 c) Age in month needed
  #  mest_df - Item parameters and other information like naming conversion and reverse coding.
  #  reverse_code - (logical) If TRUE then reverse codes long form items that are negatively worded.
  #                           Otherwise does not implement reverse coding.
  # Output: List with the following:
  #  cleaned_df - Cleaned data (i.e., missing data codes, reverse coding as necessary)
  #  items_noresponse - character vector with items missing all responses
  ##### FOR TESTING ######
  # input_df = mygrid
  # mest_df = mest_df
  # reverse_code = TRUE
  # interactive = FALSE
  # log = list(c("------------------------------------"), c("Log for CREDI Scoring Messages"),
  #            paste("Date:", Sys.time()), c("------------------------------------"))
  # min_items = 5
  # dscore = TRUE
  #### COMMENT ME OUT ####
  stop = 0

  # Make all variable names uppercase
  names(input_df) = toupper(names(input_df))

  # Check to see if the input DF contains Short-Form variable names
  is_sf <- sum(names(input_df) %in% sf_lf_naming$SF_var) >= 1
  if (is_sf){
    log[[length(log)+1]] = "\n* Short Form variable names are detected. Only Overall Scores will be calculated. Note that variable names used in the log will reflect Long Form variable names. See Scoring Manual for variable naming equivalents."
  # Ensure that there is a unique ID variable for each observations
  if (!"ID" %in% names(input_df)){
    stop = 1
    stop_message = "\n* Error: An identifier variable named ID must be included."
    log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message
  if (sum(is.na(input_df$ID))>0){
    stop = 1
    stop_message = "\n* Error: Values of ID variable missing for some observations. Each observation must have a unique ID value."
    log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message

  if (dplyr::n_distinct(input_df$ID) != length(input_df$ID)){
    stop = 1
    stop_message = "\n* Error: Values of ID are not unique across observations. Construct a unique identifier and re-run."
    log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message

  # Check that AGE is in the response data
  if (!"AGE" %in% names(input_df)){
    stop = 1
    stop_message = "Error: An AGE variable named must be included. Scoring requires children's age in months."
    log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message

  if (stop == 1){
    out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

  #Zap attributes of data so a df is processed smoothly
    if(is.character(x)){x = haven::zap_empty(x)}
    x_zapped = x %>% haven::zap_labels() %>% haven::zap_label()
  # NOTE: Warning does not work for some reason--logical always returns same response
  # Unable to replicate in global environment. Want to fix this later so we 
  # can issue a warning in the log incase attributes are removed. 
  # if(!setequal(zap_attributes(input_df), input_df)){
  #   message = "Warning: Attributes from the input data were removed in order to process without error."
  #   log[[length(log)+1]] = message
  # }
  input_df <- zap_attributes(input_df)
  #Ignore variables that will not be used during scoring
  vecQnames = c(mest_df$Item, mest_df$CREDI_code, mest_df$CREDI_code_Apr17)
  vecQnames = c("ID","AGE",vecQnames[complete.cases(vecQnames)])
  vecQnames.SF = c("ID","AGE",vecQnames[complete.cases(vecQnames)],sf_lf_naming$SF_var)
  j_ignore = which(!names(input_df) %in% vecQnames.SF)
  if (length(j_ignore)>0){
    log[[length(log)+1]] = paste("Warning: The following variables will be ignored during scoring: ", paste(names(input_df)[j_ignore], collapse = ", "), sep = "")
    input_df = input_df[,-j_ignore]

  # Ensure the naming of the response data is in the correct format
  j_AGE_ID = c( which(names(input_df)=="ID"), which(names(input_df)=="AGE") )

  key_df = data.frame(
    rbind( cbind(mest_df$CREDI_code, mest_df$CREDI_code),
           cbind( mest_df$CREDI_code, mest_df$Item),
           cbind( mest_df$CREDI_code, mest_df$CREDI_code_Apr17),
           cbind( sf_lf_naming$LF, sf_lf_naming$SF_var))
  key_df = key_df[complete.cases(key_df), ]
  names(key_df) = c("CREDI_code", "Other")
  key_df$CREDI_code = as.character(key_df$CREDI_code)
  key_df$Other = as.character(key_df$Other)

  unknown_vars = NULL
  rename_df = data.frame(orig = rep(NA, ncol(input_df)), new = rep(NA, ncol(input_df)))
  for (j in 1:ncol(input_df)){
    if (names(input_df)[j]=="AGE"){
      rename_df$orig[j] <-rename_df$new[j]<- "AGE"
    } else if (names(input_df)[j]=="ID"){
      rename_df$orig[j] <-rename_df$new[j]<- "ID"
    } else{
      jkey = which(key_df$Other == names(input_df)[j])

      if (length(jkey)==1){
        rename_df$orig[j] = names(input_df)[j]
        rename_df$new[j] = key_df$CREDI_code[jkey]
      if (length(jkey)==0){
        rename_df$orig[j] = names(input_df)[j]
        unknown_vars = c(unknown_vars,names(input_df)[j])}

  # Check if there were unknown variable names and print them out
  if (!is.null(unknown_vars)){
    stop = 1
    stop_message = paste("Error: Unknown variable names: ", paste(unknown_vars, collapse = ", "), sep = "")
    log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message

  if (stop == 1){
    out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

  # Check if there were redundancy in original or recoded leads to redundant variable names
  vnfreq_orig = data.frame(table(rename_df$orig)); names(vnfreq_orig) = c("orig","freq_orig")
  inds = which(vnfreq_orig$freq_orig>1)
  if (length(inds)>0){
    stop = 1
    stop_message = "Error: Non-unique variable names: "

    log[[length(log)+1]] = paste(stop_message,
                                 paste(vnfreq_orig$orig[inds], collapse = ", "), sep = "" )


  vnfreq_new = data.frame(table(rename_df$new)); names(vnfreq_new) = c("new","freq_new")
  rename_df = merge(x = rename_df, y = vnfreq_new, by = "new", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  # We allow redundant SF names because there are multiple SF codings for a LF coding
  inds = which(rename_df$freq_new>1)
  if (length(inds)>0 & is_sf == FALSE){
    stop = 1
    stop_message = "Error: When recoding variable names to the latest convention, one or more of the original
    variables mapped to the same recoded variable."
    tmp = c("original.variable --> recoded.variable")
    for (iii in 1:length(inds)){
      tmp = c(tmp, paste(rename_df$orig[inds[iii]], rename_df$new[inds[iii]], sep = " --> "))
    log[[length(log)+1]]  = c(stop_message, tmp)

  if (stop == 1){
    out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

  # Finally recode the variable
  if(is_sf == FALSE) {
    names(input_df) = rename_df$new
  } else {
    #There are multiple SF variables that code to the LF form, we need to resolve this.
    recode_sf_lf <- function(varname) {
      if(varname %in% sf_lf_naming$SF_var){
        sf_lf_naming$LF[match(varname, sf_lf_naming$SF_var)]
      } else {
    #Subset each Age form and rename variables before stacking back together
    input_df_sf <- input_df %>% 
      mutate(age_group = ifelse(AGE < 6, "A",
                                ifelse(AGE < 12, "B",
                                       ifelse(AGE < 18, "C",
                                              ifelse(AGE < 24, "D",
                                                     ifelse(AGE < 30, "E",
                                                            ifelse(AGE <= 36, "F", NA)))))))
    sf_df_a <- input_df_sf %>%
      filter(age_group == "A") %>% 
      select(AGE, ID, starts_with("CREDI_A"))
      names(sf_df_a) <- as.character(sapply(names(sf_df_a), recode_sf_lf))    
    sf_df_b <- input_df_sf %>%
      filter(age_group == "B") %>% 
      select(AGE, ID, starts_with("CREDI_B"))
      names(sf_df_b) <- as.character(sapply(names(sf_df_b), recode_sf_lf))    
    sf_df_c <- input_df_sf %>%
      filter(age_group == "C") %>% 
      select(AGE, ID, starts_with("CREDI_C"))
      names(sf_df_c) <- as.character(sapply(names(sf_df_c), recode_sf_lf))          
    sf_df_d <- input_df_sf %>%
      filter(age_group == "D") %>% 
      select(AGE, ID, starts_with("CREDI_D"))
      names(sf_df_d) <- as.character(sapply(names(sf_df_d), recode_sf_lf))          
    sf_df_e <- input_df_sf %>%
      filter(age_group == "E") %>% 
      select(AGE, ID, starts_with("CREDI_E"))
      names(sf_df_e) <- as.character(sapply(names(sf_df_e), recode_sf_lf))          
    sf_df_f <- input_df_sf %>%
      filter(age_group == "F") %>% 
      select(AGE, ID, starts_with("CREDI_F"))
      names(sf_df_f) <- as.character(sapply(names(sf_df_f), recode_sf_lf))          
    sf_df <- bind_rows(sf_df_a, sf_df_b, sf_df_c, sf_df_d, sf_df_e, sf_df_f)
    input_df <- sf_df

  # Check that all variables outside of ID and ignored variables are numeric
  classes <- as.data.frame(sapply(input_df, class)) %>%
    mutate(var = names(input_df)) %>% 
    rename(var.class = `sapply(input_df, class)`)

  classes <- classes %>%
    dplyr::mutate(check.var = var %in% vecQnames.SF) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(OK = if_else(check.var == TRUE & var != "ID",
                               ifelse(var.class %in% c("numeric", "logical", "integer"),
                                      TRUE, FALSE),NA))
  not_numeric <- classes %>%
    dplyr::filter(OK == FALSE) %>%

  if (dim(not_numeric)[1]>0){
    stop = 1
    stop_message = "Error: AGE and all item response variables must be in numeric format. At least one of these variables may contain non-numeric values:"
    log[[length(log)+1]] = c(stop_message, not_numeric)

  if (stop == 1){
    out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

  # Create a log of number of observations that must be discarded
  N_input = nrow(input_df)
  discard_df = data.frame(Reason = rep(NA,3), Number = rep(NA,3))
  dr = 0

  # Clean the AGE as needed
  # Missing age
  rows_mi_age = which(is.na(input_df$AGE))
  if (length(rows_mi_age)>0){
    log[[length(log)+1]] =
      paste("Warning: ", length(rows_mi_age) , " observation(s) are missing AGE values and cannot be scored (ID = ", paste(input_df$ID[rows_mi_age], collapse = ", "), sep = "")
    dr = dr+1; discard_df$Reason[dr] = "Missing age values"; discard_df$Number[dr] = length(rows_mi_age)
    input_df = input_df[-rows_mi_age, ]

  # Age outside of range.
  if (nrow(input_df)>0){
    rows_out_age = which(input_df$AGE<0 | input_df$AGE>36)
    if (length(rows_out_age)>0){
      log[[length(log)+1]] =
      dr = dr+1; discard_df$Reason[dr] = "Age values outside of 0-36 months"; discard_df$Number[dr] = length(rows_out_age)
      input_df = input_df[-rows_out_age, ]

  if (nrow(input_df)>0){
    # Clean the missing responses data
    cols_Q = which(startsWith(names(input_df), "LF"))
    temp_df = input_df[,cols_Q]
    temp_df[temp_df!=0L & temp_df!=1L] = NA

    # Discard observations with fewer than 5 item responses
    num_nonmi_y = apply(temp_df, MARGIN = 1L, function(X){sum(!is.na(X))})
    rows_toofew_y = which(num_nonmi_y<min_items)
    if (length(rows_toofew_y)>0){
      log[[length(log)+1]] =
        paste("Warning:  The following ", length(rows_toofew_y) ," observation(s) contain less than ", min_items," non-missing item responses and will not be scored:\n  ID = ", paste(input_df$ID[rows_toofew_y], collapse = ", "), sep = "")
      dr = dr+1; discard_df$Reason[dr] = paste("Less than ", min_items, " item responses", sep = ""); discard_df$Number[dr] = length(rows_toofew_y)
      input_df = input_df[-rows_toofew_y, ]

  # Check if there are any remaining observations to score
  if (nrow(input_df)==0){
    stop = 1
    stop_message = paste("Error:\n  All ", N_input," observations have been discarded for the following reason(s): \n", sep = "")
    print(discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ])
    log[[length(log)+1]] =  stop_message
    log[[length(log)+1]] = discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ]

  if (stop == 1){
    out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

  # Check if they want to continue given the discarding
    discard_df = discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ]
    discard_df = transform(discard_df, Percent = paste(round(100*Number/N_input,1),"%",sep = ""))
    N_discarded = sum(discard_df$Number); Pct_discarded = round(100*N_discarded/N_input,1)

    log[[length(log)+1]] =  paste("Warning:  A total of ", N_discarded, " (", Pct_discarded,"%) observation(s) cannot be scored for the following reason(s):",sep ="")
    log[[length(log)+1]] = discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ]

    if (interactive == FALSE){
      x = "Y"
    } else {
      print(paste("Warning:  A total of ", N_discarded, " (", Pct_discarded,"%) observation(s) cannot be scored for the following reason(s):",sep =""))
      print(discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ])
      x<-as.character(readline(prompt = "Would you like to continue? [Y/N]: "))
    x <- toupper(x)

    cut = 0
    while(cut == 0){

      if (x == "Y"){
        cut = 1;
      } else if (x == "N"){
        cut = 1
        stop("Scoring canceled.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        x<-as.character(readline(prompt = "Would you like to continue? [Y/N]:"))
        x <- toupper(x)
        cut = 0

    } #end while

  } # end if

  # Create the cleaned_df version
  N = nrow(input_df)
  cleaned_df = data.frame(mat.or.vec(nr = N, nc = nrow(mest_df)+2)+NA)
  names(cleaned_df) = c("ID","AGE", mest_df$CREDI_code)
  cleaned_df$ID = input_df$ID
  cleaned_df$AGE = input_df$AGE

  for (j in cols_Q){

    # Only bring in answers that are 1 or 0. Otherwise keep missing
    col_j = which( names(cleaned_df) %in% names(input_df)[j] )
    rows_j = which(input_df[,j] == 1L | input_df[,j]==0)
    cleaned_df[rows_j,col_j] = input_df[rows_j,j]


  # Print out missing data descriptive statistics
  miss_df = data.frame(round(100*apply(cleaned_df[,-c(1,2)], 2, function(X){sum(is.na(X))})/N,2))
  names(miss_df) = c("Pct_Missing")
  miss_df = subset(miss_df, Pct_Missing>0)

  #Create an object of items that are missing to ignore while scoring
  items_noresponse = row.names(miss_df)[miss_df$Pct_Missing==100]
  inds_order = sort(miss_df$Pct_Missing, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)
  miss_df2 = data.frame(Item = row.names(miss_df)[inds_order$ix], Pct_Missing = miss_df$Pct_Missing[inds_order$ix])

  if (length(items_noresponse)>0){
    log[[length(log)+1]]  = c(paste("\nThe following items on the long form contained missing responses from all individuals: ",
                       paste(subset(miss_df2, Pct_Missing==100)$Item, collapse = ", "), sep = ""))

  miss_df3 = miss_df2
  miss_df3 = transform(miss_df3, Pct_Missing = round(Pct_Missing, 1))
  miss_df3 = transform(miss_df3, Pct_Missing = paste(Pct_Missing,"%", sep = ""));

  log[[length(log)+1]] = "Missingness rates of items responses:"
  log[[length(log)+1]] = miss_df3

  # Reverse code items that need it
  reversed_items = NULL
  if (reverse_code == TRUE){
    # Reverse code as needed
    items_reverse = mest_df$CREDI_code[mest_df$RevCoded]
    cols_reverse = which(!is.na(match(names(cleaned_df),items_reverse)))
    for (j in cols_reverse){
      rows_j = which(cleaned_df[,j]==1L | cleaned_df[,j]==0L)
      cleaned_df[rows_j,j] = as.integer(1L-cleaned_df[rows_j,j])
      new_name = names(cleaned_df)[j]
      old_name = rename_df$orig[rename_df$new == new_name]
      reversed_items = c(reversed_items, old_name)

    log[[length(log)+1]] =paste("Note that reverse_code set to TRUE. As a result, the following items have been reverse coded automatically: ", paste(reversed_items, collapse = ", "), sep = "")


if(dscore == TRUE) {
  # Calculate the d-score to return alongside CREDI scores
  get_gsed_name <- function(varname) {
    if(varname %in% gsed_name_key$credi_lf){
      gsed_name_key$gsed[match(varname, gsed_name_key$credi_lf)]
    } else {
  # Rename variables to GSED conventions  
  gsed_dat <- input_df
  names(gsed_dat) <- as.character(sapply(names(gsed_dat), get_gsed_name))
  #Call the dscore package to calculate scores and output a scored dscore dataframe
  gsed_dat <- cbind(gsed_dat, dscore::dscore(gsed_dat, xname = "AGE", xunit = "months", key = "gsed", metric = "dscore")) %>% 
    rename(dscore = d, 
           DAZ = daz,
           dscore_sem = sem) %>% 
    select(dscore, DAZ, dscore_sem, ID)
  } else {
    gsed_dat <- "No d-score calculated"
  #Make list of objects
  out_list = list(cleaned_df = cleaned_df, is_sf = is_sf, items_noresponse = items_noresponse, stop = stop, log = log, gsed_dat = gsed_dat)

marcus-waldman/credi documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 2:49 p.m.