
Defines functions read_csv_fmt ply2erddap make_rocky_sites get_nms_polygons get_dates calculate_statistics calculate_SST_anomaly

Documented in calculate_SST_anomaly calculate_statistics get_dates get_nms_polygons make_rocky_sites ply2erddap read_csv_fmt

#' Calculate SST anomaly
#' This function calculates the SST anomaly for every month of SST data and then
#' writes that out to a csv file that will later be used to produce a SST anomaly figure. The
#' approach used here is based on [Reed et al. 2016, Nature Communications](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms13757).
#' Using the first 15 full years of data from the SST data set (2003-2017), an average SST value is
#' generated for every month of the year. Then the average SST value for the appropriate month is
#' subtracted from every value in the SST dataset.
#' @param sanct The NMS sanctuary, with only the value "cinms" currently doing anything.
#' @return The output is a csv file containing the time series anomaly data.
#' @export
#' @import here
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' calculate_SST_anomaly("cinms")
#' }
calculate_SST_anomaly <-function(sanct) {

  # The following mini-function generates the full path for a file in the data directory
  get_filepath <- function(csv_file, sanctuary){
    start_point <- nchar(location) - nchar(sanctuary) +1
    if (substr(location, start_point, nchar(location)) == sanctuary){
      datafile <- here::here(paste0("data/oceano/",csv_file))
    } else {
      datafile <- here::here(paste0(sanctuary,"/data/oceano/",csv_file))

  # Let's read in the SST data file and then pull the data from 2003-2017
  SST_filepath <- get_filepath("statistics_sst_cinms.csv", sanct)
  SST_data<-read.csv(SST_filepath, header = T)

  right_dates <- SST_data[as.Date(SST_data$date) >= "2003-01-01" & as.Date(SST_data$date) <= "2017-12-31", ]

  # Now let's define a data frame, where for every month of the year, an average SST value is calculated
  SST_avg <- data.frame(Month = month.name, SST_Average_2003_2017 = 0)
  for (i in 1:12){
    month_slice <- right_dates[months(as.Date(right_dates$date)) == month.name[i],]
    SST_avg$SST_Average_2003_2017[i] <- round(mean(month_slice$average_sst),5)

  # Now let's define a data frame, where for every SST in the dataset, we subtract the average SST for the
  # relevant month from that SST. This is the anomaly value.
  SST_anom <- data.frame(date = SST_data$date, sst_anomaly = 0)
  for (q in 1:length(SST_anom$date)){
    correct_month<-which(SST_avg$Month == months(as.Date((SST_anom[q,]$date))))
    SST_anomaly <- SST_data$average_sst[q] - SST_avg$SST_Average_2003_2017[correct_month]
    SST_anom$sst_anomaly[q] <- round(SST_anomaly,5)

  # Let's write the anomaly data frame to a file
  write_filepath <- get_filepath("sst_anomaly_cinms.csv", sanct)
  write.csv(SST_anom, file = write_filepath, quote= F, row.names = F)

#' Generate statistics for any missing months for NMS Sanctuary
#' The purpose of this function is to update csv files that hold a history of
#' satellite-derived metrics for a sanctuary. These csv files are then used as the basis
#' for graphs that plot the metric values over time. Currently, there are two such metrics
#' being kept track of in the csv files: sea surface temperature and chlorophyll. This function is intended
#' to be run each month in github actions, adding the latest month's data to the intended csv file - and additionally
#' filling in any data holes that have crept in, in previous months. The reason for these data holes is
#' that I have found the NOAA servers on which this satellite data is kept to be rather temperamental and often
#' down. So, it is very possible that for a given moment at which github actions is attempting to run this function,
#' the server will be down - meaning that for that month's run of this function, there will be no data. The hope is
#' that in future months, the server will be up and will fill in the data holes.
#' @param csv_file the csv file containing the data for the given metric for the sanctuary
#' @param sanctuary the NMS sanctuary, with only "cinms" currently doing anything
#' @param erddap_id the dataset, with two values defined so far "jplMURSST41mday" & "nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly"
#' @param metric the metric being pulled from the dataset with "sst" and "chlor_a" currently defined
#' @return The output is a csv file that contains a time series of satellite-data-derived statistics.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' calculate_statistics("cinms", "jplMURSST41mday", "sst", "avg-sst_cinms.csv")
#' calculate_statistics("cinms", "nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly", "chlor_a", "avg-chl_cinms.csv")
#' }
calculate_statistics <-function(sanctuary, erddap_id, metric, csv_file) {

  # sanctuary="cinms"; erddap_id="nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly"; metric="chlor_a";
  # csv_file="statistics_chl_cinms.csv"

  print('Starting calculate_statistics()')

  erddap_ids_valid <- c("jplMURSST41mday", "nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly", "erdMWchlamday")

  # the first step is to check if the function knows how to handle the dataset being called. If it doesn't, stop everything.
  if (!erddap_id %in% erddap_ids_valid) {
    stop("Error in erddap_id: this function only currently knows how to handle the following datasets: ", paste(erddap_ids_valid, collapse=", "))

  # Next, let's pull in the starting date of the dataset
  dataset_info   <- rerddap::info(erddap_id, url = "https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/")
  dataset_global <- dataset_info$alldata$NC_GLOBAL
  tt <- dataset_global[
    dataset_global$attribute_name %in%
      c('time_coverage_end','time_coverage_start'), "value", ]
  t_beg = strptime(tt[2], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz = "GMT") %>% as.Date()
  t_end = strptime(tt[1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz = "GMT") %>% as.Date()

  # let's define the date sequence as every month in the date range
  date_sequence <- seq.Date(t_beg, t_end, by = 'month') # , len = 12)

  # for the following data set, the date is off by 1 day, so let's fix that
  if (erddap_id == "nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly"){
    date_sequence <- date_sequence -1

  # TODO: get list of dates in dataset

  # load in the csv file. The problem here is that there are a couple of possibilities of how our current path relates to the datafiles we want to access.
  # There are two possibilities accounted for here: 1 (the top half of the if statement): the path includes the sanctuary at the end, 2 (the else half of the if statement):
  # the path doesn't include the sanctuary at the end (in which case we need to add it)

  start_point <- nchar(location) - nchar(sanctuary) +1
  if (substr(location, start_point, nchar(location)) == sanctuary){
    datafile <- here::here(paste0("data/oceano/",csv_file))
  } else {
    datafile <- here::here(paste0(sanctuary,"/data/oceano/",csv_file))
  # datafile <- "/Users/bbest/Github/noaa-onms/cinms/data/oceano/statistics_chl_cinms.csv"

  # load in the csv file containing the SST or chlorophyll data for a given sanctuary
  read_in <- read.csv(datafile, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Let's generate the data frame that will ultimately be written back out to overwrite the csv file.
  # The data frame by default sets NA for all metric values for every month, to start. Later in this function, we'll change
  # those values
  write_out <- data.frame(date_sequence, "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  col2<- paste0("average_",metric)
  col3<- paste0("standard_deviation_",metric)
  names(write_out) <- c("date", col2, col3, col4, col5, col6)

  # let's go through every month in the date range
  for (i in 1:length(date_sequence)){ # i = 1

    # create a flag to keep track of whether the data for a particular month needs to be calculated
    need_to_calculate = FALSE

    # check to see if the month in question exists in the existing data
    match_date <- which(read_in$date == date_sequence[i])
    if (length(match_date)==0){ # if the month doesn't exist, we need to calculate the data for this month
      need_to_calculate = TRUE
    } else {
      # additionally, if the date exists, but the data for that date is NA, we need to calculate the data for this month
      if (is.na(read_in[match_date,2])==TRUE) {need_to_calculate = TRUE}

    # if non NA data exists for a given month, copy that for the month in the data frame that is going to
    # eventually write over the existing csv file
    if (need_to_calculate==FALSE){
      write_out[i, 2:6] = read_in[match_date, 2:6]
    } else {
      # if not, then we need to calculate the statistics from the satellite data, using the ply2erddap function
      year <- as.numeric(substr(write_out$date[i],1,4))
      month <- as.numeric(substr(write_out$date[i],6,7))
      # browser() # DEBUG
        # note the use of the try function, due to the flaky nature of the server holding the satellite
        # data. If the server is down, this given month will retain NA until a future point that the server is up
        write_out[i, 2:6]<-round(onmsR::ply2erddap(sanctuary, erddap_id, metric, year, month, c("mean", "sd", "median", "q5", "q95")),5)

  # overwrite the existing csv file with the output dataframe
  write.table(write_out, file = datafile, sep =",", row.names=FALSE, quote = FALSE)

#' Get date range for an ERDDAP data set
#' This function provides the first and last dates for which data is available for
#' an ERDDAP data set.
#' @param info A rerddap::info() object.
#' @return This function outputs a string vector, with the first element being the start date and the last element being the end date.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' get_dates(rerddap::info('jplMURSST41mday'))
#' }
get_dates <- function(info){
  info$alldata$time %>%
    dplyr::filter(attribute_name=="actual_range") %>%
    pull(value) %>%
    str_split(", ", simplify = T) %>%
    as.numeric() %>%
    as.POSIXct(origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "GMT")

#' Get National Marine Sanctuary polygons
#' Given NMS code (see
#' \url{https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/library/imast_gis.html}), download and
#' extract zip, cache shapefile or read existing shapefile.
#' @param nms The code for a national marine sanctuary.
#' @return The function returns a sf object containing the polygons of a sanctuary.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' get_nms_polygons("cinms")
#' }
get_nms_polygons <- function(nms){
  start_point <- nchar(location) - nchar(nms) +1

  if (substr(location, start_point, nchar(location)) == nms){
    sanctuary_in_path = TRUE
  } else {
    sanctuary_in_path = FALSE

  if (sanctuary_in_path == TRUE) {
    nms_shp <- here::here(glue::glue("data/shp/{nms}_py.shp"))
  } else {
    nms_shp <- paste0(location, "/", nms, "/data/shp/", nms, "_py.shp")

  # download if needed
  if (!file.exists(nms_shp)){

    nms_url <- glue::glue("https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/library/imast/{nms}_py2.zip")

    if (sanctuary_in_path == TRUE) {
      nms_zip <- here::here(glue::glue("data/{nms}.zip"))
      shp_dir <- here::here("data/shp")
    } else {
      nms_zip <- paste0(location, "/", nms, "/data/", nms, ".zip")
      shp_dir <-paste0(location, "/", nms, "/data/shp")

    download.file(nms_url, nms_zip)
    unzip(nms_zip, exdir = shp_dir)
  # read and convert to standard geographic projection
  sf::read_sf(nms_shp) %>%

#' Make Sanctuary sites for mapping from raw rocky intertidal (MARINe) data file
#' @param raw_csv raw data file containing fields: \code{marine_site_name}, \code{longitude}, \code{latitude}.
#' @param nms_ply optional National Marine Sanctuary polygon, e.g. from \code{get_nms_polygons("ocnms")} to spatially filter from \code{raw_csv} within a 0.01 decimal degrees (≈ 1.11 km). Usually include either parameter \code{nms_ply} or \code{site_regions} to select sites for a given sanctuary.
#' @param site_regions optional lookup table containing fields for region \code{rgn} and site \code{site} to filter by \code{site} from \code{raw_csv} and append \code{rgn} field. Usually include either parameter \code{nms_ply} or \code{site_regions} to select sites for a given sanctuary.
#' @param raw_source either "csv" (default) or "erddap" for handling file format differences
#' @return sites A data frame with 59 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{nms}{National Marine Sanctuary code, e.g. CINMS or MBNMS}
#'   \item{rgn}{region}
#'   \item{site}{site}
#' }
make_rocky_sites <- function(raw_csv, nms_ply=NULL, site_regions = NULL, raw_source=c("csv","erddap")){
  # raw_csv    = "/Users/bbest/My Drive (ben@ecoquants.com)/projects/nms-web/data/MARINe_Pacific-rocky-intertidal/egnyte_2021-12-06/phototranraw_download_all_20211206.csv"
  # nms_ply    = get_nms_polygons("ocnms")
  # sites_csv  = "/Users/bbest/github/noaa-onms/ocnms/data/rocky_sites.csv"
  # raw_source = "csv"

  librarian::shelf(dplyr, readr)

  # devtools::load_all()

  # read raw_csv to table
  if (raw_source[1] == "erddap"){
    raw <- read_csv_fmt(raw_csv, raw_fmt)
  } else {
    raw <- read_csv(raw_csv)

  # extract all unique sites from raw_csv as spatial points
  sites_pts <- raw %>%
      site = marine_site_name) %>%
      !is.na(latitude)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(site) %>%
      lat = dplyr::first(latitude),
      lon = dplyr::first(longitude)) %>%
    sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326, remove = F)
  message(glue("Found {nrow(sites_pts)} sites"))

  # get spatial points by nms_ply
  if (!is.null(nms_ply)){
    sites_pts <- sites_pts %>%
        nms_ply %>%
          sf::st_buffer(0.01)) # 0.01 dd ≈ 1.11 km

  # TODO: filter points by intersecting sanctuary if not in rocky_sanctuary_sites

  sites_nms_pts <- sites_pts %>%
      nms_ply %>%
        sf::st_buffer(0.01)) # 0.01 dd ≈ 1.11 km

  if (!is.null(sites_geojson))
    sf::write_sf(sites_pts, sites_geojson)

  sites_pts %>%
    sf::st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%


#' Extract ERDDAP statistics from polygon by year-month
#' Extract satellite data in an ERDDAP dataset from national marine sanctuary polygon
#' for a given year and month.
#' @param sanctuary_code The sanctuary code based on prefix to \href{https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/library/imast_gis.html}{Sanctuary GIS files}, e.g. \code{"cinms"} for Channel Islands Marine Sanctuary
#' @param erddap_id The dataset ID of ERDDAP dataset (see \href{https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/index.html}{coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap}), e.g. \code{"jplMURSST41mday"} for Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution SST Analysis
#' @param erddap_fld The variable of ERDDAP dataset to extract, e.g. \code{"sst"}
#' @param year 4-digit year.
#' @param month integer month (1-12).
#' @param stats The statistics to be calculated.
#' @return A list of values by statistic.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ply2erddap("cinms", "jplMURSST41mday", "sst", year = 2010, month = 6, c("mean", "sd"))
#' }
ply2erddap <- function(sanctuary_code, erddap_id, erddap_fld, year, month, stats) {

  # sanctuary_code="cinms"; erddap_id="nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly"
  # erddap_fld="chlor_a"; year=2022; month=6; stats=c("mean", "sd", "median", "q5", "q95")

  # check inputs
  stopifnot(all(is.numeric(year), is.numeric(month)))

  # Get the polygons for the sanctuary.
  sanctuary_ply <-   sf::as_Spatial(sf::st_union(get_nms_polygons(sanctuary_code)))
  #sanctuary_ply <-   sf::as_Spatial(sf::st_union(sf::read_sf("/Users/bbest/Github/noaa-onms/cinms/data/shp/cinms_py.shp")))

  # set the x and y limits of the raster to be pulled based upon the sanctuary polygons
  bb <- sf::st_bbox(sanctuary_ply)

  # TODO: deal with wrapping around dateline
  # https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet/issues/225#issuecomment-347721709

  # The dates to be considered (note that dates are handled differently when pulling different datasets)

  if (erddap_id == "nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly") {
    m_date <- lubridate::ymd(glue::glue("{year}-{month}-01"))
  } else if (erddap_id == "jplMURSST41mday" || erddap_id == "erdMWchlamday") {
    m_date <- lubridate::ymd(glue::glue("{year}-{month}-16"))
  } else {
    stop("Error in erddap_id: the function ply2erddap only currently knows how to
         handle the datasets nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly, jplMURSST41mday, and erdMWchlamday")

  # set desired date range
  m_dates <- c(m_date, m_date)

  # pull data from errdap server, with the process handled differently based upon the dataset - the value of erddap_id
  # (as the datasets are not structured identically)

  # Let's define the latitude and longitude box for the raster we want to create. The dataset erdMWchlamday defines longitude in positive
  # degrees east, while the other two datasets considered so far (jplMURSST41mday & nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly) define longitude in negative degrees west.
  # Since the polygons for the Sanctuary have their longitude defined in negative degrees west (as pulled in the variable bb),
  # longitude translation is required for the erdMWchlamday dataset
  latitude_range <- c(bb$ymin, bb$ymax)

  if (erddap_id == "erdMWchlamday"){
    longitude_range <- c(360 + bb$xmax, 360 + bb$xmin)
  } else {
    longitude_range <- c(bb$xmax, bb$xmin)

  nc <- try(
      rerddap::info(erddap_id, url = "https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/"),
      url = "https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/",
      time = m_dates,
      latitude = latitude_range, longitude = longitude_range,
      fields = erddap_fld, fmt = 'nc'))
  if ("try-error" %in% class(nc)){
    stats_na <- setNames(rep(NA, length(stats)), stats) %>% as.list()

  if (erddap_id == "nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly") { # pulling monthly chlorophyll data
    # TODO: delete this chunk since this dataset now seems gone or renamed?, per https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/griddap/nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly.graph
    ylim <- range(nc$data$lat, na.rm = TRUE)
    xlim <- range(nc$data$lon, na.rm = TRUE)
    ext <- raster::extent(xlim[1], xlim[2], ylim[1], ylim[2])

    #create raster
    d <- dplyr::arrange(nc$data, desc(nc$data$lat), nc$data$lon)
    r <- raster::raster(nrows = length(unique(nc$data$lat)), ncols = length(unique(nc$data$lon)),
                        ext = ext, vals = d[,erddap_fld])
  } else {
    r <- raster::raster(nc$summary$filename)

  # The following get_stat function extracts a statistical value (eg. mean or standard deviation) from the raster
  # cells remaining after being overlaid with the sanctuary polygons

  get_stat <- function(stat, v){
    # stat <- "mean"
    # stat <- "q95"

    q_pct <- stringr::str_match(stat, "^q([0-9]+)$")[2] %>%

    if (!is.na(q_pct)){
      quantile(v, q_pct/100)
    } else {
      fxn <- get(stat)

  # Let's run the function get_stat for every statistic asked for by the parameter value stats - this is the overall function output
  # stats = c("mean", "sd", "q5", "q95")
  r_v <- raster::extract(
    r, sanctuary_ply, layer = 1,
    method = "simple", na.rm=TRUE)[[1]]

  # The raster::extract function above is supposed to remove NA values, but (at least
  # in the case of the nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly dataset) it doesn't. I have no idea why.
  # So, let's get rid of NA values for sure
  r_v <- na.omit(r_v)

  out <- purrr::map_dbl(stats, get_stat, v = r_v)
  names(out) <- stats

#' read_csv_fmt BEN
#' description BEN
#' @param csv BEN
#' @param erddap_format BEN
#' @return BEN
read_csv_fmt <- function(csv, erddap_format = "csv"){
  # erddap_format = "csv" # or "csvp"

  stopifnot(erddap_format %in% c("csv", "csvp"))

  if (erddap_format == "csv"){
    # ERDDAP: csv format, remove units from 2nd row
    hdr <- readr::read_csv(csv, n_max=1)
    d <- readr::read_csv(csv, skip = 2, col_names = names(hdr))

  if (erddap_format == "csvp"){
    # ERDDAP: csvp format; remove ' (units)' suffix
    d <- readr::read_csv(csv)
    names(d) <- names(d) %>% stringr::str_replace(" \\(.*\\)", "")
marinebon/nms4r documentation built on April 23, 2023, 6:09 p.m.