
Defines functions saveAsExcel saveAsTxt

Documented in saveAsExcel saveAsTxt

############################# EXPORT TXT ####################################

#' Save grid in a text file (txt).
#' `saveAsTxt` will save the grid as a `.txt` file
#' in format used by \pkg{OpenRepGrid}. This file format can also
#' easily be edited by hand (see [importTxt()] for a
#' description).
#' @param x     `repgrid` object.
#' @param file  Filename to save the grid to. The name should have
#'              the suffix `.txt`.
#' @return  Invisibly returns the name of the file.
#' @note
#' Structure of a txt file that can be read by [importTxt()].
#' `---------------- .txt file -----------------`
#' `anything not contained within the tags will be discarded`
#' \tabular{l}{
#' `ELEMENTS`         \cr
#' `element 1`        \cr
#' `element 2`        \cr
#' `element 3`        \cr
#' `END ELEMENTS`     \cr
#' \cr
#' `CONSTRUCTS`                 \cr
#' `left pole 1 : right pole 1` \cr
#' `left pole 2 : right pole 2` \cr
#' `left pole 3 : right pole 3` \cr
#' `left pole 4 : right pole 4` \cr
#' `END CONSTRUCTS`             \cr
#' \cr
#' `RATINGS`        \cr
#' `1 3 2`          \cr
#' `4 1 1`          \cr
#' `1 4 4`          \cr
#' `3 1 1`          \cr
#' `END RATINGS`    \cr
#' \cr
#' `RANGE`          \cr
#' `1 4`            \cr
#' `END RANGE`      \cr
#' }
#' `---------------- end of file ----------------`
#' @export
#' @seealso  [importTxt()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' x <- randomGrid()
#' saveAsTxt(x, "random.txt")
#' }
saveAsTxt <- function(x, file = NA) {
  fileName <- file
  enames <- elements(x)
  cnames <- constructs(x)
  scores <- getRatingLayer(x)
  # write txt file
  con <- file(fileName, "w") # open an output file connection

  cat("=========================\n", file = con)
  cat("Data File for OpenRepGrid\n", file = con)
  cat("=========================\n", file = con)

  # write element names
  cat("\nELEMENTS\n", file = con)
  for (ename in enames) {
    cat(ename, "\n", sep = "", file = con)
  cat("END ELEMENTS\n", file = con)

  # write construct names
  cat("\nCONSTRUCTS\n", file = con)
  cnames.string <- paste(cnames[, 1], ":", cnames[, 2])
  for (cname in cnames.string) {
    cat(cname, "\n", sep = "", file = con)
  cat("END CONSTRUCTS\n", file = con)

  # write ratings to file
  cat("\nRATINGS\n", file = con)
    file = con, sep = " ",
    row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE
  cat("END RATINGS\n", file = con)

  # write scale range to file
  cat("\nRANGE\n", file = con)
  cat(x@scale$min, x@scale$max, "\n", file = con)
  cat("END RANGE\n", file = con)

  cat("grid succesfully written to file: ", unlist(fileName))



# everything not contained within the tags will be discarded
# element 1
# element 2
# element 3
# element 4
# left pole 1 : right pole 1
# left pole 2 : right pole 2
# left pole 3 : right pole 3
# left pole 4 : right pole 4
# 1 3 NA 2
# 4 1 3 NA
# 1 4 1 3
# 3 1 1 6
# 1 6

# exportTxt <- function(x, file=NULL)
# {
#   file <- "test.txt"
#   # redirect output to connection
#   sink(file)
#   # elements
#   cat("\n")
#   cat("ELEMENTS\n")
#   for (name in getElementNames(g))
#     cat(name, "\n")
#   cat("END ELEMENTS\n\n")
#   # constructs
#   cat("CONSTRUCTS\n")
#   for (name in getConstructNames2(g, sep=" : ", trim=NA))
#     cat(name, "\n")
#   cat("END CONSTRUCTS\n\n")
#   # ratings
#   cat("RATINGS\n")
#   r <- getRatingLayer(g)
#   for (i in 1:nrow(r))
#     cat(r[i, ], "\n")
#   cat("END RATINGS\n\n")
#   # range
#   cat("RANGE\n")
#   cat(getScale(g), "\n")
#   cat("END RANGE\n\n")
#   # reset output stream
#   sink()
# }

############################# EXPORT EXCEL ####################################

#' Save grid in a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx)
#' `saveAsExcel` will save the grid as a Microsoft Excel file
#' (`.xlsx`).
#' @param x     A `repgrid` object.
#' @param file  Filename to save the grid to. The name should have
#'              the suffix `.xlsx`.
#' @param sheet Index of the sheet to write to.
#' @return  Invisibly returns the name of the file.
#' @export
#' @seealso  [importExcel()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' x <- randomGrid(options = 0)
#' saveAsExcel(x, "grid.xlsx")
#' }
saveAsExcel <- function(x, file, sheet = 1) {
  # check for correct file extension
  ext <- tools::file_ext(file)
  if (ext != "xlsx") {
    stop("The file extension must be '.xlsx' but you have '.", ext, "'", call. = FALSE)

  # build matrix to write to Excel
  enames <- elements(x)
  cnames <- constructs(x)
  scores <- ratings(x, names = FALSE)
  mm <- getScale(x) # min, max

  part1 <- c(mm[1], enames, mm[2])
  part2 <- cbind(cnames$leftpole, scores, cnames$rightpole)
  m <- rbind(part1, part2)
  m <- unname(m)

  # write to disk
  openxlsx::write.xlsx(m, file, colNames = FALSE, rowNames = FALSE, sheet = sheet)

markheckmann/OpenRepGrid documentation built on April 14, 2024, 8:15 a.m.