
Defines functions draw_circle check_matrix vec_angle rescale_x_rad rescale_rad_x vec_angles circ_deviations

Documented in check_matrix draw_circle vec_angle vec_angles

#### UTILS ####

as.radian <- function (degree) 
  degree/180 * pi

as.degree <- function (rad) 
  rad * 180 / pi

# as.degree(as.radian(1:18*20))

#' Draw a circle
#' Wrapper for \code{\link{plotrix::draw.circle}}
#' @export
draw_circle <- function(...)

#' Check if x is a matrix and convert vectors to matrix
#' @keywords internal
check_matrix <- function(x)
  if (is.vector(x)) 
    x <- matrix(x, nrow=1)
  if (! is.matrix(x) & ! is.data.frame(x))
    stop("'x' must be a vector, matrix or dataframe")

#' Angle / radian between two vectors.
#' Function comes in two flavors. Either it calculates the smallest angle 
#' [0, 180) or the anti-clockwise angle with respect to the second 
#' vector [0, 360).
#' @param a,b  Vector
#' @param rad  Angular measure is radian?  (default \code{TRUE}).
#' @param mode 1= smallest angle in [0, 180); 2=anti-clockwise angle with respect 
#'   vector b in [0, 360).
#' @return Angle
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
vec_angle <- function(a, b, rad=TRUE, mode=1) 
  # minimal radian between vectors
  if (mode == 1) {
    r <- acos(sum(a * b) /     
                ( sum(a^2)^.5 * sum(b^2)^.5) )    
  # anti-clockwise radian with respect to vector b
  if (mode == 2) {
    #r = atan2(a[1]*b[2] - b[1]*a[2], a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2])
    f = as.numeric(b[1]*a[2] - a[1]*b[2])  # placeholder and conversion if dataframe
    g = as.numeric(b[1]*a[1] + b[2]*a[2])
    r = atan2(f, g)
    #     r = (-180/pi * ang) %% 360     # restrict to 0 to 260 range     
    #     r = r * pi /180                # convert to radians
    r = r %% (2*pi)   # restrict to 2pi range     
  if (!rad)   # return degress if requested
    r <- r * 180 / pi  # convert radians to angle

# x values to radians  
rescale_x_rad <- function(x)
  to <- circ_par()$x.to
  from <- circ_par()$x.from
  scales::rescale(x, to=to, from=from)   

# x values from radians to original range
rescale_rad_x <- function(x)
  to <- circ_par()$x.to
  from <- circ_par()$x.from
  scales::rescale(x, to=from, from=to)   # x values to radians  

#' Angles / radian between two or more vectors.
#' Function comes in two flavors. Either it calculates the smallest angle 
#' [0, 180) or the anti-clockwise angle with respect to the second 
#' vector [0, 360).
#' @param a  A matrix or a vector
#' @param b  A reference vector to find angle against.
#' @param rad  Angular measure is radian?  (default \code{TRUE}).
#' @param mode 1= smallest angle in [0, 180); 2=anti-clockwise angle with respect 
#'    vector b in [0, 360).
#' @return Vector of angles
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @example examples/example-vecangles.R
vec_angles <- function(a, b, rad=TRUE, mode=1)
  a <- check_matrix(a)
  b <- check_matrix(b)
  if (nrow(b) != 1)
    stop("b must be a vector or matrix with one row.")
  ii <- 1L:nrow(a)
  sapply(ii, function(i) {
    vec_angle(a[i, ], b, mode=mode, rad=rad)

# Calculate circular deviation from given point
# Values are organized around reference value so they are never bigger than 2pi
# x: radians
# ref: reference radian around which the data is organized
circ_deviations <- function(x, ref=0)
  dev <- x - ref
  ifelse(dev <= pi, x, x - 2*pi)
markheckmann/circplot documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:06 p.m.