
Defines functions r2_Wf

Documented in r2_Wf

#' Expected r2 between inbreeding level (f) and fitness (W)
#' @param genotypes A \code{data.frame} with individuals in rows and loci in columns,
#'        containing genotypes coded as 0 (homozygote), 1 (heterozygote) and \code{NA} (missing).
#' @param trait vector of any type which can be specified in R's glm() function. Sequence of individuals has to
#'        match sequence of individuals in the rows of the \code{genotypes} \code{data.frame}.
#' @param family distribution of the trait. Default is gaussian. For other distributions, just naming the distribution
#'        (e.g. binomial) will use the default link function (see ?family). Specifying another
#'        link function can be done in the same way as in the glm() function. A binomial distribution with 
#'        probit instead of logit link would be specified with family = binomial(link = "probit") 
#' @param type specifies g2 formula to take. Type "snps" for large datasets and "msats" for smaller datasets.
#' @param nboot number of bootstraps over individuals to estimate a confidence interval
#'        around r2(W, f).
#' @param parallel Default is FALSE. If TRUE, bootstrapping and permutation tests are parallelized.
#' @param ncores Specify number of cores to use for parallelization. By default,
#'        all available cores but one are used.
#' @param CI confidence interval (default to 0.95)
#' @return 
#' \item{call}{function call.}
#' \item{exp_r2_full}{expected r2 between inbreeding and sMLH for the full dataset}
#' \item{r2_Wf_boot}{expected r2 values from bootstrapping over individuals}
#' \item{CI_boot}{confidence interval around the expected r2}
#' \item{nobs}{number of observations}
#' \item{nloc}{number of markers}
#' @references
#' Slate, J., David, P., Dodds, K. G., Veenvliet, B. A., Glass, B. C., Broad, T. E., & McEwan, J. C. (2004). 
#' Understanding the relationship between the inbreeding coefficient 
#' and multilocus heterozygosity: theoretical expectations and empirical data. Heredity, 93(3), 255-265.
#' Evolution, 64(5), 1202-1217.
#' @author Martin A. Stoffel (martin.adam.stoffel@@gmail.com) 
#' @examples
#' data(mouse_msats)
#' data(bodyweight)
#' genotypes <- convert_raw(mouse_msats)
#' (out <- r2_Wf(genotypes = genotypes, trait = bodyweight, family = "gaussian", type = "msats",
#'               nboot = 100, parallel = FALSE, ncores = NULL, CI = 0.95))
#' @export

r2_Wf <- function(genotypes, trait, family = "gaussian", type = c("msats", "snps"), 
                  nboot = NULL, parallel = FALSE, ncores = NULL, CI = 0.95) {
    # genotypes matrix
    genotypes <- as.matrix(genotypes)
    # check g2 function argument
    if (length(type) == 2){
        type <- "msats"
    } else if (!((type == "msats")|(type == "snps"))){
        stop("type argument needs to be msats or snps")
    # check if trait is a vector
    if (!(is.atomic(trait) || is.list(trait))) stop("trait has to be a vector")
    # check for same number of individuals
    if (!(length(trait) == nrow(genotypes))) {
        stop("trait and genotypes have to contain the same number of individuals")
    # check for data type of trait
    # g2 function
    if (type == "msats") g2_fun <- g2_microsats
    if (type == "snps") g2_fun <- g2_snps
    # r2_Wf function
    calc_r2 <- function(genotypes, trait) {
        # calculate sMLH
        het <- inbreedR::sMLH(genotypes)
        # Regression of trait on heterozygosity
        mod <- stats::glm(trait ~ het, family = family)
        # beta coefficient
        # beta_Wh <- stats::coef(mod)[2]
        # R2 Wh
        R2 <- stats::cor(trait,stats::predict(mod))^2
        # g2
        g2 <- g2_fun(genotypes)[["g2"]]
        # according to the miller paper, negative g2s are set to r2 = 0.
        if (g2 < 0) return( r2_Wf_res <- 0)
        # squared correlation between inbreeding and the fitness trait
        # According to szulkin et al. 2010, table 2
        r2_Wf_res <- R2 * stats::var(het, na.rm = TRUE) / g2 
    # r2_Wf for the full dataset 
    r2_Wf_full <- calc_r2(genotypes, trait)
    # bootstrapping?
    r2_Wf_boot <- NA
    CI_boot <- NA
    if (!is.null(nboot)) {
        if (nboot < 2) stop("specify nboot > 2 for bootstrapping")
        # initialise r2_hf_boot
        # initialise
        r2_Wf_boot <- matrix(nrow = nboot)
        # bootstrap function
        calc_r2_Wf_boot <- function(boot, genotypes, trait) {
            inds <- sample(1:nrow(genotypes), replace = TRUE)
            out <- calc_r2(genotypes[inds, ], trait)
            # notifications
            if (boot %% 5 == 0) cat("\n", boot, "bootstraps over individuals done")
            if (boot == nboot) cat("\n", "### bootstrapping over individuals finished! ###")
            # result
        # parallel ?
        if (parallel == FALSE) r2_Wf_boot <- sapply(1:nboot, calc_r2_Wf_boot, genotypes, trait)
        if (parallel == TRUE) {
            if (is.null(ncores)) {
                ncores <- parallel::detectCores()-1
                warning("No core number specified: detectCores() is used to detect the number 
                        of \n cores on the local machine")
            # run cluster
            cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
            parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("sMLH"), envir = .GlobalEnv)
            r2_Wf_boot <- parallel::parSapply(cl, 1:nboot, calc_r2_Wf_boot, genotypes, trait)
        r2_Wf_boot <- c(r2_Wf_full, r2_Wf_boot)
        CI_boot <- stats::quantile(r2_Wf_boot, c((1-CI)/2,1-(1-CI)/2), na.rm=TRUE)
    res <- list(call = match.call(),
                r2_Wf_full  = r2_Wf_full,
                r2_Wf_boot = r2_Wf_boot,
                CI_boot = CI_boot,
                nobs = nrow(genotypes), 
                nloc = ncol(genotypes))
    class(res) <- "inbreed"
mastoffel/inbreedR documentation built on Feb. 9, 2022, 12:39 p.m.