Defines functions TStoXmv TStoX

Documented in TStoX TStoXmv

# routines to convert time series to rectangular data, so that we can
# then fit using lm() or whatever, predicting from the last lg
# observations

# the first function, TStoX(x,lg,y), inputs a univariate time series and
# outputs an "X" matrix in the sense of lm(Y ~ X); here the "Y" vector
# is either supplied as an argument, or by default is x

# consider for instance x = (5,12,13,8,88,6) and lg = 2, with y = x; we
# want to redict x from itself, i.e.
# predict the 13 from 5, 12
# predict the 8 from 12, 13
# predict the 88 from 13, 8
# and
# predict the 6 from 8, 88

# our training set computed by TStoX() would then be
# X =
#    5 12
#   12 13
#   13  8
#    8 88
# Y = (13,8,88,6)

########################## TStoX() #####################################

# inputs a time series, and transforms to rectangular shape suitable for
# lm() or some other regression model, in which any current observation
# is predicted from the last lg ones

# arguments:
#    x:  a univariate time series; m is set to length(x) below
#    lg:  lag, for fitting of a model in which observations at 
#         time t will be predicted from observations at times 
#         t-lg, t-lg+1,...,t-1

# value:
#    matrix, suitable for fitting a prediction model; m-lg rows,
#    lg+1 columns; x[lg+1], x[lg+2], ..., x[m] will be in the last column

#    the "X portion" will be 
#    x[1], x[2], ..., x[lg]
#    x[2], x[3], ..., x[lg+1]
#    ...
#    x[m-lg], x[m-lg+1], ..., x[m-1]

TStoX <- function(x,lg) 
   # row k of the output
   onerow <- function(k) {
      s <- k
      e <- k + lg 
   lx <- length(x)
   outrows <- lapply(1:(lx-lg),onerow)


# k-variate time series version of TStoX (but y is not optional)

# arguments:

#    each col of xmat is a time series, y is a vector (separate from x)
# value:

#    the first k cols will be the k series at lag lg,
#    the second k cols will be the k series at lag lg-1,
#    ...
#    the lg-th k cols will be the k series at lag 1,

TStoXmv <- function(xmat,lg,y) {
   k <- ncol(xmat)
   # take one time series, transform to "X" form, delete the "Y" col
   processOneTS <- function(xmatCol) TStoX(xmatCol,lg)[,1:lg]
   tmp <- lapply(as.data.frame(xmat),processOneTS)
   # now piece everything together
   rslt <- NULL
   for (lag in 1:lg) {
      for (tSer in 1:k) {
         rslt <- cbind(rslt,tmp[[tSer]][,lag])

matloff/regtools documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 2:08 a.m.