
Defines functions rvinit makebranch0 saveb loadb runb nxt go lcc edt docmd pause catn t.test.rv lm.rv coef.rv getexample

Documented in coef.rv loadb makebranch0 nxt runb saveb t.test.rv

# overview:

# original code is in file named origcodenm; makebranch0() converts that
# to the master branch, named origcodenm.0; further branches will be
# origcodenm.1.R, origcodenm.2.R etc.

# a branch is merely a .R code file, but with the first line being a
# comment holding a brief description of this particular branch

# see README.md for more

# initialize rvisit; the R environment rvenv will contain the relevant
# information about the currently-in-use branch

rvinit <- function(smalleffect=0.05) {
   rvenv <<- new.env()
   rvenv$currb <<- NULL
   rvenv$currbasenm <<- NULL
   rvenv$username <- NULL
   rvenv$currcode <<- NULL
   rvenv$smalleffect <<- smalleffect
   rvenv$pc <<- NULL
   rvenv$pcount <<- 0

# load original code, a .R file, and make the first branch from it
makebranch0 <- function(origcodenm) {
   code <- readLines(con = origcodenm)
   desclines <-
      c('# RV history start','# original code','# RV history end')
   code <- c(desclines,code)
   rvenv$currbasenm <<- tools::file_path_sans_ext(origcodenm)
   br0filenm <- paste(rvenv$currbasenm,'.0.R',sep='')

# create new branch, with "midfix" ("middle suffix") midfix, in a file
# whose name is the concatenization of our original prefix
# rvenv$currbasenm; the midfix; and '.R'; the note desc describes
# the branch
saveb <- function(midfix, desc, username) {
   username <- NULL
   code <- rvenv$currcode
   # add lines at top of file with the description of the branch,
   # consisting of the change history
   # find end of description
   g <- grep('# RV history end',code)
   if (length(g) > 0){
      endline <- g[1]
      toplines <- code[1:(endline-1)]
      toplines <- c(toplines,paste('# Time:',Sys.time(), '\n# Revisited by: ', '\n#',desc))
      code <- c(toplines,code[endline:length(code)])
   } else {
      toplines <-
         c('# RV history start',
           '# WARNING: RV history missing and recreated',
           paste('# Time:',Sys.time(),'\n# Revisited by: ','\n#',desc),'# RV history end')
      code <- c(toplines,code)
   branchname <- paste(rvenv$currbasenm,'.',midfix,'.R',sep='')
   # should add code asking user if OK to overwrite

# set current branch to br, a filename
loadb <- function(br) {
   rvenv$currb <<- br
   tmp <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(br)  # remove '.R'
   tmp <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(tmp)  # remove branch number
   rvenv$currbasenm <<- tmp
   rvenv$currcode <<- readLines(br)
   rvenv$pc <<- 1
   rvenv$desc <<- ""
   g <- grep('# RV history end',rvenv$currcode)
   if (length(g) > 0 & g[1] > 1){
      rvenv$desc <<- rvenv$currcode[g[1]-1]
   # rvenv$firstrunafteredit <<- FALSE

# run the code from lines startline through throughline; neither of
# those can be inside a function call or function definition, including
# loops, if(); startline is 1 by default, use 'f' to finish the run from
# the present line, or use 'n' to step just one line

runb <- function(
   startline = 1,
   throughline=length(rvenv$currcode))  {
   if (startline == 'f' || startline == 'n') {
      if (startline == 'n') throughline <- rvenv$pc
      startline <- rvenv$pc
   lcode <- length(rvenv$currcode)
   if (startline < 1 || startline > lcode ||
       throughline > lcode)
      stop('line number out of range')
   execrange <- startline:throughline
   rvenv$pc <- throughline + 1
   # rvenv$firstrunafteredit <<- FALSE

# single-step, as with debuggers
nxt <- function() runb('n')

# resume execution from the current line; execution will finish the
# remaining lines, unless throughline is specified
go <- function(throughline=length(rvenv$currcode))

# list current code
lcc <- function() {
   code <- rvenv$currcode
   print('next line to execute indicated by ***')
   for (i in 1:length(code)) {
      if (i == rvenv$pc) code[i] <- paste('***',code[i])

# edit current code; edits the current code file, not an R object; if
# 'listresult', then new code will be printed to the scree
# current implementation rather kludgy, repeatedly going back and forthe
# to disk

edt <- function(listresult=FALSE) {
   # rvenv$firstrunafteredit <<- TRUE
   code <- rvenv$currcode
   code <- c('if (FALSE) {',code,'}')
   tmprv <- edit(file='tmprv.R')  # tmprv just a dummy to prevent execution
   tmp <<- readLines('tmprv.R')
   rvenv$currcode <<- tmp[c(-1,-length(tmp))]
   # make sure not to return the edited code itself, as it would be executed
   if (listresult) lcc() else return(0)

# do one line of code from a branch
docmd <- function(toexec)

# to be inserted after each app line that does a plot
pause <- function() {
   readline('hit Enter ')

catn <- function(...) {

# replace t.test() to check for misleadingly low p-value, and also
# adjust for for multiple comparisons; 2-sample only; bonf
# ("Bonferroni") is the number of anticipated comparisons multiple
# inference is desired (many other possibilities for that, e.g.
# p.adjust() in base R)

t.test.rv <- function(x,y,alpha=0.05,bonf=1) {
   alpha <- alpha / bonf
   tout <- t.test(x,y,conf.level=1-alpha)
   muhat1 <- tout$estimate[1]
   muhat2 <- tout$estimate[2]
   tout$p.value <- tout$p.value * bonf
   rvenv$pcount <<- rvenv$pcount + 1
   if (tout$p.value < alpha && muhat1 != 0) {
      if (abs(muhat1 - muhat2)/ abs(muhat1) < rvenv$smalleffect)
         warning(paste('small p-value but effect size',
                       'could be of little practical interest'))

# When user calls lm.rv, we still print lm and everything along with it
# but we check if their y-vals are only made up of 2 distinguished values.
# If it is, we print a warning as well, referring them to logit instead.
lm.rv <- function(formula, user.data){
   lmout <- lm(formula, data = user.data) # call lm for lm.rv
   rqout <- rq(formula,data=user.data) 
   lmc <- coef(lmout)
   rqc <- coef(rqout)
   lmout$rqc <- rqc
   cat('max. prop. difference, linear median regression:',
   cat('larger values, may indicate outlier or model fit issues\n')
   # check for binary Y
   yval <- lmout$model[[1]]               # extract y-vals from lmout's model
   uyval <- unique(yval)
   class(lmout) <- c("lm.rv", "lm")
   if (length(uyval) <= 1){
      lmout$binaryYval <- TRUE
   else if (length(uyval) == 2){
      lmout$binaryYval <- TRUE
      warning('only 2 distinct Y values; consider a logistic model')
      lmout$binaryYval <- FALSE

# finds CIs and p-values, and warns of misleadingly small p-values;
# optionally applies a Bonferroni adjustment; lmobj is an object of
# class 'lm' (including 'glm')
coef.rv <- function(lmobj,alpha=0.05,usebonf=TRUE) {
   cfs <- coef(lmobj)
   lc <- length(cfs)
   if (usebonf) alpha <- alpha / lc
   rvenv$pcount <<- rvenv$pcount + lc
   vc <- vcov(lmobj)
   ses <- sqrt(diag(vc))
   zcut <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
   sdyhat <- sd(lmobj$fitted.values)
   output <- matrix(nrow=lc,ncol=5)
   output <- data.frame(output)
   for (i in 1:lc) {
      rad <- zcut*ses[i]
      cfi <- cfs[i]
      ci1 <- cfi - rad
      ci2 <- cfi + rad
      tmp <- pnorm(abs(cfi) / ses[i])
      pval <- (2 * (1 - tmp))
      if (usebonf) pval <- lc * pval
      pval <- min(1.0,pval)
      warn <- ''
      if (i > 1 && pval < alpha &&
          cfi * sd(lmobj$model[[i]]) < sdyhat)
         warn <- 'X'
      output[i,1:4] <- c(cfi,ci1,ci2,pval)
      output[i,5] <- warn
   names(output) <- c('est.','left','right','p-val','warning')

# copies the given file from the CaseStudies/ directory to the current
# directory
getexample <- function(exname) {
   fullexname <- paste('CaseStudies/',exname,sep='')
   loc <- system.file(fullexname,package='revisit')
matloff/revisit documentation built on May 4, 2019, 4:23 p.m.