#' Create An 'a11ytable' Object
#' Create a new a11ytable-class object, which is a special data.frame that
#' contains all the information needed in your output spreadsheet. In turn, the
#' object created by this function can be used to populate an 'openxlsx'
#' Workbook-class object with the function \code{\link{generate_workbook}}.
#' @param tab_titles Required character vector, one value per sheet. Each title
#' will appear literally on each tab of the final spreadsheet output. Keep
#' brief. Letters and numbers only; do not start with a number; use
#' underscores for spaces. For example: 'Cover', 'Contents', 'Notes',
#' 'Table_1'. Will be corrected automatically unless there's an error.
#' @param sheet_types Required character vector, one value per sheet. Sheets
#' that don't contain publication tables ('meta' sheets) should be of type
#' 'contents', 'cover' or 'notes'. Sheets that contain statistical tables of
#' data are type 'tables'.
#' @param sheet_titles Required character vector, one value per sheet. The main
#' title for each sheet, which will appear in cell A1 (top-left corner).
#' @param blank_cells Optional character vector, one value per sheet. A short
#' sentence to explain the reason for any blank cells in the sheet. Supply
#' as \code{NA_character_} if empty. Most likely to be used with sheet type
#' 'tables'.
#' @param custom_rows Optional list of character vectors. One list element per
#' sheet, one character vector element per row of pre-table metadata. Supply
#' a list element as \code{NA_character_} if empty. To be used with sheet
#' type 'tables', but can also be used for sheet types 'contents' and
#' 'notes'.
#' @param sources Optional character vector, one value per sheet. The origin of
#' the data for a given sheet. Supply as \code{NA_character_} if empty. To
#' be used with sheet type 'tables'.
#' @param tables Required list of data.frames (though the cover sheet may be
#' supplied as a list), one per sheet. See details.
#' @details
#' ## How to supply data to the 'tables' argument
#' Formats for the elements collected as a list and passed to the 'tables'
#' argument, depending on the sheet type.
#' \itemize{
#' \item Sheet type 'cover': either (a) a list where each element name is a
#' section header and each element's content is a character vector
#' whose elements will make up separate rows of that section
#' (recommended), or (b) a data.frame with one row per subsection, with
#' one column for section titles and one column for corresponding for
#' that section's body text. For example, you may have a section with
#' the title 'Contact details' that contains an email address and
#' telephone number. You can use linebreaks (i.e. '\\n') to separate
#' text into paragraphs.
#' \item Sheet type 'contents': one row per sheet, two columns suggested at
#' least (named 'Tab title' and 'Worksheet title').
#' \item Sheet type 'notes': one row per note, two columns suggested (named
#' 'Note number', 'Note text'), where notes are in the form
#' '\[note 1\]'.
#' \item Sheet type 'tables': a tidy, rectangular data.frame containing the
#' data to be published. It's the user's responsibility to add notes in
#' the form '\[note 1\]' to column headers, or in a special 'Notes' row.
#' }
#' ## How to supply hyperlinks
#' You can provide text in Markdown link syntax (e.g.
#' '\[GOV.UK\](https://www.gov.uk)', adding 'mailto:' before an
#' email address) and the containing cell will be rendered as a hyperlink in the
#' output spreadsheet. Note that whole cells will become hyperlinks; there is no
#' support for selected words in a sentence to be rendered as a hyperlink.
#' Hyperlinks can be supplied in the character strings to three arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item To the 'tables' argument for sheet type 'cover' only. It's
#' recommended to supply the cover information as a list rather than a
#' data.frame, which will allow you to make specific rows within a
#' section (e.g. 'contact us') into hyperlinks.
#' \item To the 'custom_rows' argument for sheets of type 'contents, 'notes'
#' and 'tables'.
#' \item To the 'source' argument for sheets of type 'table' only.
#' }
#' @return An object with classes 'a11ytable', 'tbl' and 'data.frame'.
#' @examples
#' # Prepare some demo tables of information
#' set.seed(1066)
#' cover_list <- list(
#' "Section 1" = c("First row of Section 1.", "Second row of Section 1."),
#' "Section 2" = "The only row of Section 2.",
#' "Section 3" = c(
#' "[Website](https://co-analysis.github.io/a11ytables/)",
#' "[Email address](mailto:fake.address@a11ytables.com)"
#' )
#' )
#' contents_df <- data.frame(
#' "Sheet name" = c("Notes", "Table_1", "Table_2"),
#' "Sheet title" = c(
#' "Notes used in this workbook",
#' "First Example Sheet",
#' "Second Example Sheet"
#' ),
#' check.names = FALSE
#' )
#' notes_df <- data.frame(
#' "Note number" = paste0("[note ", 1:3, "]"),
#' "Note text" = c("First note.", "Second note.", "Third note."),
#' check.names = FALSE
#' )
#' table_1_df <- data.frame(
#' Category = LETTERS[1:10],
#' "Numeric [note 1]" = 1:10,
#' "Numeric suppressed" = c(1:4, "[c]", 6:9, "[x]"),
#' "Numeric thousands" = abs(round(rnorm(10), 4) * 1e5),
#' "Numeric decimal" = abs(round(rnorm(10), 5)),
#' "This column has a very long name that means that the column width needs to be widened" = 1:10,
#' Notes = c("[note 1]", rep(NA_character_, 4), "[note 2]", rep(NA_character_, 4)),
#' check.names = FALSE
#' )
#' table_2_df <- data.frame(Category = LETTERS[1:10], Numeric = 1:10)
#' # Create 'a11ytables' object
#' x <-
#' a11ytables::create_a11ytable(
#' tab_titles = c("Cover", "Contents", "Notes", "Table_1", "Table_2"),
#' sheet_types = c("cover", "contents", "notes", "tables", "tables"),
#' sheet_titles = c(
#' "The 'a11ytables' Demo Workbook",
#' "Table of contents",
#' "Notes",
#' "Table 1: First Example Sheet",
#' "Table 2: Second Example Sheet"
#' ),
#' blank_cells = c(
#' rep(NA_character_, 3),
#' "Blank cells indicate that there's no note in that row.",
#' NA_character_
#' ),
#' custom_rows = list(
#' NA_character_,
#' NA_character_,
#' "A custom row.",
#' c(
#' "First custom row [with a hyperlink.](https://co-analysis.github.io/a11ytables/)",
#' "Second custom row."
#' ),
#' "A custom row."
#' ),
#' sources = c(
#' rep(NA_character_, 3),
#' "[The Source Material, 2024.](https://co-analysis.github.io/a11ytables/)",
#' "The Source Material, 2024."
#' ),
#' tables = list(cover_list, contents_df, notes_df, table_1_df, table_2_df)
#' )
#' # Test that 'a11ytable' is one of the object's classes
#' is_a11ytable(x)
#' # Look at the structure of the object
#' str(x, max.level = 2)
#' @export
create_a11ytable <- function(
sheet_types = c("cover", "contents", "notes", "tables"),
blank_cells = NA_character_,
sources = NA_character_,
custom_rows = list(NA_character_),
) {
x <- data.frame(
tab_title = unlist(tab_titles),
sheet_type = unlist(sheet_types),
sheet_title = unlist(sheet_titles),
blank_cells = unlist(blank_cells),
source = unlist(sources),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE # because default is TRUE prior to R v4
x[["custom_rows"]] <- custom_rows
x[["table"]] <- tables
#' Coerce To An 'a11ytable' Object
#' Functions to check if an object is an a11ytable, or coerce it if possible.
#' @param x A data.frame object to coerce.
#' @return \code{as_a11ytable} returns an object of class a11ytable if possible.
#' \code{is_a11ytable} returns \code{TRUE} if the object has class
#' a11ytable, otherwise \code{FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' is_a11ytable(demo_a11ytable)
#' @export
as_a11ytable <- function(x) {
if (any(names(x) %in% "tab_title")) {
x[["tab_title"]] <- .clean_tab_titles(x[["tab_title"]])
if (any(names(x) %in% "blank_cells")) {
x[["blank_cells"]] <- .append_period(x[["blank_cells"]])
# if (any(names(x) %in% "source")) {
# x[["source"]] <- .append_period(x[["source"]])
# }
class(x) <- c("a11ytable", "tbl", "data.frame")
#' @rdname as_a11ytable
#' @export
is_a11ytable <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "a11ytable")
#' Summarise An 'a11ytable' Object
#' A concise result summary of an a11ytable-class object to see information
#' about the sheet content. Shows a numbered list of sheets with each tab title,
#' sheet type and table dimensions.
#' @param object An a11ytable-class object for which to get a summary.
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass.
#' @examples
#' # Print a concise summary of the a11ytable-class object
#' summary(demo_a11ytable)
#' # Alternatively, look at the structure
#' str(demo_a11ytable, max.level = 2)
#' @export
summary.a11ytable <- function(object, ...) {
tables <- object[["table"]]
table_dims <- vector("list", length = length(tables))
for (i in seq_along(tables)) {
if (inherits(tables[[i]], "list")) {
list_length <- length(tables[[i]])
list_lengths <- lengths(tables[[i]])
table_dims[[i]] <- paste0(
"list of length ", list_length,
" (element lengths ", .vector_to_sentence(list_lengths), ")"
if (is.data.frame(tables[[i]])) {
table_dims[[i]] <-
paste(paste(dim(tables[[i]]), collapse = " x "), "dataframe")
summary_string <- paste0(
paste0(" ", seq_along(tables), ") Tab '"),
"' (sheet type '", object[["sheet_type"]], "') contains a ",
collapse = "\n"
cat("# An a11ytable with", nrow(object), "sheets:", summary_string)
#' @importFrom pillar tbl_sum
#' Provide A Succinct Summary Of An 'a11ytable' Object
#' A brief text description of an a11ytable-class object.
#' @param x An a11ytable-class object to summarise.
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass.
#' @return Named character vector.
#' @examples
#' # Print with description
#' print(demo_a11ytable)
#' # Print description only (package 'tibble' must be installed)
#' tibble::tbl_sum(demo_a11ytable)
#' @export
tbl_sum.a11ytable <- function(x, ...) {
header <- sprintf(
"%s x %s",
formatC(nrow(x), big.mark = ","),
formatC(ncol(x), big.mark = ",")
c("a11ytable" = header)
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