#' Fit a specified CDE estimator
#' Fit a CDE estimator with the engines specified in the `model_spec`
#' object.
#' @param object A `cde_estimator` object that has already been passed
#' to at least one call to `set_treatment`.
#' @param formula A formula object with describing the outcome of
#' interest on the left-hand side and the treatment variables the user
#' wants to estimate effects for (which might be a subset of the
#' treatment variables specified).
#' @param data A `data.frame` containing all variables, including
#' treatment variables and covariates specified.
#' @param subset Anan optional vector specifying a subset of
#' observations to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param crossfit A logical indicator for if cross-fitting should be
#' used in estimating the effects.
#' @param n_folds The number of folds to use within a given instance
#' of the cross-fitting algorithm.
#' @param n_splits The number of times the cross-fitting procedure
#' should be repeated. Overall estimates use the median value of these
#' repeated estimates.
#' @export
#' @md
#' @importFrom stats median update.formula
estimate <- function(object, formula, data, subset, crossfit = TRUE, n_folds, n_splits = 1L) {
if (!missing(subset)) {
rows <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(subset), data)
} else {
rows <- 1:nrow(data)
all_rownames <- rownames(data)
object$formula <- update.formula(
rlang::expr(!!formula[[2L]] ~ . + !!formula[[3L]])
if (!is.null(object$args$base_mediator)) {
object$formula <- update.formula(
rlang::expr(. ~ . + !!object$args$base_mediator[[2L]])
data <- model.frame(object$formula, data = data[rows, , drop = FALSE])
N <- nrow(data)
J <- length(object$model_spec)
A <- get_treat_df(object, data)
object$has_ipw <- object$type %in% c("ipw", "aipw", "did_aipw")
object$has_outreg <- object$type %in% c("reg_impute", "aipw", "did_aipw", "telescope_match")
object$has_match <- object$type %in% c("telescope_match")
object$has_blip <- object$type %in% c("sequential_g")
if (missing(n_folds)) {
if (crossfit) {
n_folds <- 5L
} else {
n_folds <- 1L
object$outcome <- formula[[2L]]
out <- list()
out$type <- object$type
out$formula <- formula
out$crossfit <- crossfit
out$n_folds <- n_folds
out$model_spec <- object$model_spec
out$N <- N
out$included <- all_rownames %in% rownames(data)
eval_vals <- get_eval_vals(object, data)
## match outside the crossfit loop
if (object$has_match) {
if (crossfit) {
rlang::warn("cannot use crossfitting with matching; setting `crossfit = FALSE`")
crossfit <- FALSE
out$match_out <- t_match(object, data)
## do initial fit without cross-fitting
out$model_fits <- make_model_fits(A, eval_vals, object$model_spec)
fit_rows <- 1L:N
pred_rows <- 1L:N
res <- fit_fold(object, data, fit_rows, pred_rows, out)
out$model_fits <- res
out <- estimate_cde(object, formula, data, out)
if (crossfit) {
out$n_folds <- n_folds
out$n_splits <- n_splits
split_ests <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_splits, ncol = nrow(out$estimates))
split_ses <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_splits, ncol = nrow(out$estimates))
for (s in seq_len(n_splits)) {
fold_size <- N / n_folds
f_split <- ceiling(seq_len(N) / fold_size)
folds <- split(sample(seq_len(N)), f_split)
out$model_fits <- make_model_fits(A, eval_vals, object$model_spec)
for (k in seq_len(n_folds)) {
fit_rows <- unlist(folds[-k])
pred_rows <- unlist(folds[k])
res <- fit_fold(object, data, fit_rows, pred_rows, out)
out$model_fits <- res
out <- estimate_cde(object, formula, data, out)
split_ests[s, ] <- out$estimates[, "estimate"]
split_ses[s, ] <- out$estimates[, "std.error"]
med_ests <- apply(split_ests, 2, median)
split_vars <- apply(split_ses ^ 2, 2, median) + sweep(split_ests, 2, med_ests) ^ 2
med_ses <- sqrt(apply(split_vars, 2, median))
out$estimates[, "estimate"] <- med_ests
out$estimates[, "std.error"] <- med_ses
rownames(out$estimates) <- paste0(
out$estimates$term, "_", out$estimates$active
class(out) <- class(object)
class(out)[2L] <- "cde_estimate"
estimate_cde <- function(object, formula, data, out) {
eff_vars <- all.vars(formula)[-1L]
tr_names <- unlist(lapply(object$model_spec, function(x) as.character(x$treat)))
y <- get_outcome(object, data)
if (!all(eff_vars %in% tr_names)) {
rlang::abort("Unspecified treatment included in `estimate()` formula.")
eff_pos <- match(eff_vars, tr_names)
eff_vars <- eff_vars[eff_pos]
eff_pos <- sort(eff_pos)
out$treat_names <- tr_names
A <- get_treat_df(object, data)
N <- nrow(A)
num_treat <- length(tr_names)
out$estimates <- empty_est_tab()
eval_vals <- get_eval_vals(object, data)
paths <- interaction(A, sep = "_")
path_levs <- levels(paths)
path_splits <- split(1L:N, paths)
if (class(object) %has% "ipw") {
for (e in seq_along(eff_vars)) {
j <- eff_pos[e]
j_levs <- unique(A[, j])
out$estimates <- rbind(
compute_ipw(j, j_levs, y, paths, out, object$args, tr_names[j], eval_vals)
if (class(object) %has% "reg_impute") {
for (e in seq_along(eff_vars)) {
j <- eff_pos[e]
j_levs <- eval_vals[[j]]
if (length(j_levs) > 1L) {
out$estimates <- rbind(
compute_reg_impute(j, j_levs, y, paths, out$model_fits[[e]]$outreg_pred, eff_vars[e])
if (class(object) %has% "aipw") {
for (e in seq_along(eff_vars)) {
j <- eff_pos[e]
j_levs <- unique(A[, j])
out$estimates <- rbind(
compute_aipw(j, j_levs, y, paths, out, object$args, eff_vars[e])
if (class(object) %has% "did_aipw") {
j <- eff_pos[1L]
j_levs <- unique(A[, 1L])
m0_name <- rlang::as_label(object$args$base_mediator)
m0 <- data[[m0_name]]
out$estimates <- rbind(
compute_did_aipw(j, j_levs, y, paths, out, object$args, eff_vars[1L], m0)
if (class(object) %has% "telescope_match") {
dfs <- unlist(lapply(object$model_spec, function(x) x$outreg_spec$df))
for (e in seq_along(eff_vars)) {
j <- eff_pos[e]
j_levs <- unique(A[, j])
out$estimates <- rbind(
compute_telescope_match(j, j_levs, y, paths, out, object$args, eff_vars[e], dfs)
#' @export
print.cde_estimate <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\n", x$type, "CDE Estimator\n")
cat("Causal variables:", paste0(x$treat_names, collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat("\nEstimated Effects:\n")
print(x$estimates[, c("term", "active", "control", "estimate")])
#' @export
tidy.cde_estimate <- function(x, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
est <- x$estimates
est$statistic <- est$estimate / est$std.error
est$p.value <- 2 * stats::pt(abs(est$statistic), df = est$DF, lower = FALSE)
est$df <- est$DF
if (conf.int) {
alpha <- (1 - conf.level) / 2
c_lo <- stats::qt(alpha, df = est$DF)
c_hi <- stats::qt(1 - alpha, df = est$DF)
ci <- cbind(
est$estimate + est$std.error * c_lo,
est$estimate + est$std.error * c_hi
colnames(ci) <- c("conf.low", "conf.high")
est <- cbind(est, ci)
col_names <- c(
} else {
col_names <- c(
est$active <- paste0("(", gsub("_", ", ", est$active), ")")
est$control <- paste0("(", gsub("_", ", ", est$control), ")")
est$term <- paste0(est$term, " [", est$active, " vs. ", est$control, "]")
est <- est[, col_names]
#' @export
summary.cde_estimate <- function(object, ...) {
est <- broom::tidy(object)
rownames(est) <- est$term
est <- est[, colnames(est) != "term"]
colnames(est) <- c(
"Std. Error",
"t value",
"CI Lower",
"CI Upper",
out <- list()
out$type <- object$type
out$crossfit <- object$crossfit
out$n_folds <- object$n_folds
out$treat_names <- object$treat_names
out$model_spec <- object$model_spec
class(out) <- "summary.cde_estimate"
out$coefficients <- est
#' @export
print.summary.cde_estimate <- function(x,
digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
...) {
cat("\n", x$type, "CDE Estimator\n")
tr_names <- unlist(
lapply(x$model_spec, function(x) as.character(x$treat))
for (j in seq_along(tr_names)) {
cat("Causal variable:", tr_names[j], "\n\n")
if (length(x$model_spec[[j]]$treat_spec)) {
cat("Treatment model:", deparse(x$model_spec[[j]]$treat_spec$formula), "\n")
cat("Treatment engine:", x$model_spec[[j]]$treat_spec$engine, "\n\n")
if (length(x$model_spec[[j]]$outreg_spec)) {
o_form <- x$model_spec[[j]]$outreg_spec$formula
cat("Outcome model:", deparse(o_form[-2L]), "\n")
cat("Outcome engine:", x$model_spec[[j]]$outreg_spec$engine, "\n")
cat("Cross-fit:", x$crossfit, "\n")
if (x$crossfit) cat("Number of folds:", x$n_folds, "\n")
cat("\nEstimated Effects:\n")
digits = digits, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE
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