#' Perform telescope matching to estimate the controlled
#' direct effect of a binary treatment net the effect of binary
#' mediators
#' @param formula A formula object that specifies the covariates and
#' treatment variables (or mediators) in causal ordering from oldest
#' to newest with each group separated by \code{|}. See below for
#' more details.
#' @param data A dataframe containing variables referenced by
#' \code{formula}.
#' @param caliper A scalar denoting the caliper to be used in matching
#' in the treatment stage (calipers cannot be used for matching on
#' the mediator). Observations outside of the caliper are dropped.
#' Calipers are specified in standard deviations of the covariates.
#' NULL by default (no caliper).
#' @param L Number of matches to use for each unit. Must be a numeric
#' vector of either length 1 or 2. If length 1, L sets the number of
#' matches used in both the first stage (matching on mediator) and
#' in the second stage (matching on treatment). If length 2, the
#' first element sets the number of matches used in the first stage
#' (matching on mediator) and the second element sets the number of
#' matches used in the second stage (matching on treatment) Default
#' is 5.
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether to display progress
#' information. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param subset A vector of logicals indicating which rows of
#' \code{data} to keep.
#' @param contrasts a list to be passed to the \code{contrasts.arg}
#' argument of \code{model.matrix()} when generating the data matrix.
#' @param separate_bc logical indicating whether or not bias
#' correction regressions should be run separately within levels of
#' the treatment and mediator. Defaults to \code{TRUE}. If
#' \code{TRUE}, any interactions between treatment/mediator and
#' covariates in the specification should be omitted.
#' @inheritParams stats::lm
#' @details The \code{telescope_match} function implements the
#' two-stage "telescope matching" procedure developed by Blackwell
#' and Strezhnev (2021).
#' The procedure first estimates a demediated outcome using a
#' combination of matching and a regression bias-correction. The
#' \code{data.frame} passed to \code{data} should be in the wide
#' format so that each row corresponds to a single unit and
#' treatments and covariates from different time periods appear as
#' different columns. The \code{formula} argument specifies both the
#' causal ordering of the variables and the regression specifications
#' for the bias correction. It should be of the form \code{Y ~ X1 |
#' A1 | X2 | A2}, where \code{Y} is the outcome, \code{X1} is a
#' formula of baseline covariates, \code{A1} is a single variable
#' name indicating the binary treatment in the first period,
#' \code{X2} is a formula of covariates in period 2, and \code{A2} is
#' a single variable name indicating treatment in period 2 (which is
#' also sometimes called the mediator). Note that it is possible to
#' add more covariate/treatment pairs for additional time periods.
#' Under the default \code{separate_bc == TRUE}, the function will
#' match for each treatment/mediator based on the the covariates up to
#' that point within levels of past treatments (so for \code{A2} this
#' matching finds units with similar values of \code{X1} and \code{X2}
#' and the same value of \code{A1}). Once this matching is complete,
#' the function moves backward through treatments and imputes
#' potential outcomes using matches and bias-correction regressions,
#' which regress the current imputed potential outcome on the past
#' covariates, within levels of the treatment history up to the
#' current period. The functional form comes from the specification in
#' \code{formula}. Controlled direct effects of \code{A1} are
#' estimated for every possible combination of future treatments.
#' When \code{separate_bc} is \code{FALSE}, the bias correction
#' regressions are not broken out by the treatments/mediators and
#' those variables are simply included as separate regressors as
#' specified in \code{formula}. In this setting, interactions between
#' the treatment/mediator and covariates can be added on a selective
#' basis to the covariate block (\code{X1} or \code{X2} and so on)
#' specifications.
#' Matching is performed using the \code{Match()} routine from the
#' \code{Matching} package. By default, matching is L-to-1 nearest
#' neighbor with replacement using Mahalanobis distance.
#' See the references below for more details.
#' @return Returns an object of \code{class} \code{tmatch}. Contains
#' the following components
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{call}: the matched call.
#' \item \code{formula}: formula used to fit the model.
#' \item \code{m_out}: list of matching solutions at each time
#' point. Each member of the list has a `matches` list giving the
#' units matched to that unit, a `donors` list with the units to
#' which the unit is matched, and a `tr` vector which is just the
#' treatment vector being matched.
#' \item \code{K}: data.frame of indicating how many times a unit
#' has been used as a match, directly in each period and indirectly
#' across periods.
#' \item \code{L}: vector of matching ratios used in each period.
#' \item \code{r_out}: nested list of regression imputations used in the
#' bias correction. The first level of the list varies across
#' different controlled direct effects (different sequences of future
#' treatments/mediators). Each of these is a list of time periods and
#' each of these time periods is a list of `yhat_r_0` and `yhat_r_1`
#' that give the regression predictions for the potential outcomes at
#' that time point when the treatment at that time point is 0 or 1,
#' respectively, along with `n_coefs` giving the number of
#' coefficients estimated in those models.
#' \item \code{tau}: vector of bias-corrected estimates of average
#' controlled direct effects for different vectors of future
#' treatments/mediators.
#' \item \code{tau_raw}: vector of standard matching estimates of average
#' controlled direct effects for different vectors of future
#' treatments/mediators without using bias correction.
#' \item \code{tau_se}: vector of estimated standard errors for the average
#' controlled direct effects estimates for different vectors of future
#' treatments/mediators.
#' \item \code{tau_i}: matrix of individuals contributions to the ACDE
#' estimates (units on rows, different ACDEs on columns). Used for
#' weighted bootstrap.
#' \item \code{included}: logical vector indicating if each row of
#' \code{data} was included in estimating \code{tau}.
#' \item \code{effects}: data frame where each row describes the
#' different ACDEs in \code{tau}. The \code{active} column describes
#' the which variable's direct effect is being assessed and the rest
#' of the columns describe the fixed values of the future
#' treatments/mediators for that ACDE.
#' \item \code{a_names}: character vector with the names of the
#' treatment/mediator variables used in estimation.
#' \item \code{caliper}: caliper (if any) used in matching to drop
#' distant observations.
#' }
#' @references Blackwell, Matthew, and Strezhnev, Anton (2020)
#' "Telescope Matching: Reducing Model Dependence
#' in the Estimation of Direct Effects." Journal of the Royal
#' Statistical Society (Series A). \doi{10.1111/rssa.12759}
#' @examples
#' data(jobcorps)
#' ## Split male/female
#' jobcorps_female <- subset(jobcorps, female == 1)
#' ## Telescope matching formula - First stage (X and Z)
#' tm_form <- exhealth30 ~ schobef + trainyrbef + jobeverbef |
#' treat | emplq4 + emplq4full | work2year2q
#' ### Estimate ACDE for women holding employment at 0
#' tm_out <- telescope_match(
#' tm_form,
#' data = jobcorps_female,
#' L = 3,
#' boot = FALSE,
#' verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matching Match
#' @importFrom stats as.formula model.frame predict rbinom var
#' @importFrom utils combn
telescope_match <- function(formula, data, caliper = NULL, L = 5,
verbose = TRUE, subset, contrasts = NULL,
separate_bc = TRUE, ...) {
### Quick pre-processing
cl <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(
x = c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
table = names(mf),
nomatch = 0L
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
## must be valid formula
formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
T <- length(formula)[2] / 2
if (T < 2 | (T %% 1) != 0) {
"Right-hand side of `formula` must have an even number of groups.",
"\n Groups should be divded by `|`", call. = FALSE
### If length of L is 1, L_a and L_m are the same
if (!is.numeric(L) | !is.vector(L) | !(length(L) %in% c(1, T))) {
stop("Error: `L` must be a numeric vector of length 1 or T", call. = FALSE)
if (length(L) == 1) {
L <- rep(L, times = T)
stopifnot(length(formula)[1] == 1L)
if (inherits(try(terms(formula), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
stop("cannot use dot '.' in formulas")
## add to mf call
mf$formula <- formula
# finally evaluate model.frame, create data matrix
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms") # terms object
included <- rownames(data) %in% rownames(mf)
all_data <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
Y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
N <- length(Y)
X <- list()
drops <- list()
A <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = T)
a_names <- rep("", times = T)
x_spots <- seq(1, T * 2, by = 2)
a_spots <- seq(2, T * 2, by = 2)
for (s in seq_len(T)) {
## covariates up to s
mt_a <- terms(formula, data = data, rhs = a_spots[s])
if (length(attr(mt_a, "term.labels")) != 1) {
stop("Error: there must only be single treatment in each period.",
call. = FALSE)
a_names[s] <- attr(mt_a, "term.labels")
A[, s] <- all_data[, a_names[s]]
mt_x <- terms(formula, data = data, rhs = x_spots[1:s])
X[[s]] <- model.matrix(mt_x, mf, contrasts)
## treatnent in covariate specifications. need to dropped for
## matching
a_in_x <- which(rownames(attributes(mt_x)$factors) %in% a_names[1:s])
drops[[s]] <- which(attributes(mt_x)$factors[a_in_x, ] == 1)
if (colnames(X[[s]])[1] == "(Intercept)") drops[[s]] <- c(1, drops[[s]] + 1)
if (separate_bc & length(a_in_x)) {
"Error: covariate specification can't contain treatment terms",
"when `separate_bc = TRUE`.",
call. = FALSE
#### Sanity checks
m_out <- list()
r_out_big <- list()
K <- list()
K_paths <- list()
## matching
if (verbose) message("Beginning matching...")
for (s in T:1) {
if (verbose) message("Matching ", a_names[s], "...")
A_hist <- A[, 1:s, drop = FALSE]
m_out[[s]] <- match_at_time(A_hist, X[[s]], L[s], drops[[s]], caliper)
## indirect matches are a pain with T > 2 bc an indirect match can
## come from t=1 to t=2, t=1 to t=3, or t=1 to t=2 to t=3. using
## `combn` here to set up those possibilities and
## `find_indirect_matches` "crawls" the path get the indirect
## matches for each unit.
## NB: Ks are divided by L values.
path_lengths <- 1:(T - s + 1)
paths <- lapply(
function(x) combn(s:T, m = x, simplify = FALSE)
paths <- unlist(paths, recursive = FALSE)
paths <- paths[unlist(lapply(paths, function(x) x[1] == s))]
K[[s]] <- lapply(
function(x) find_indirect_matches(m_out, path = x, N) / prod(L[x])
K_paths[[s]] <- unlist(
function(x) paste0(a_names[x], collapse = ":")
names(K[[s]]) <- unlist(lapply(paths, paste0, collapse = ":"))
names(K[[s]]) <- paste0("K_", names(K[[s]]))
K <- as.data.frame(unlist(K, recursive = FALSE))
## bias correction
if (verbose) message("Beginning bias correction...")
A_levs <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(0, 1)), times = T - 1))
tau_i <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = nrow(A_levs))
tau_raw <- rep(0, times = nrow(A_levs))
tau_se <- rep(0, times = nrow(A_levs))
mu_hat <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = T)
Yt <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = T * nrow(A_levs))
for (j in seq_len(nrow(A_levs))) {
A_j <- A_levs[j, ]
Ytilde <- Y
r_out <- list()
for (s in T:1) {
A_hist <- A[, 1:s, drop = FALSE]
r_out[[s]] <- regress_at_time(Ytilde, A_hist, X[[s]], separate_bc)
yhat_r <- A_j[s - 1] * r_out[[s]]$yhat_r_1 +
(1 - A_j[s - 1]) * r_out[[s]]$yhat_r_0
yhat_mr_0 <- lapply(
function(x) mean(r_out[[s]]$yhat_r_0[x])
yhat_mr_1 <- lapply(
function(x) mean(r_out[[s]]$yhat_r_1[x])
yhat_mr <- A_j[s - 1] * unlist(yhat_mr_1) +
(1 - A_j[s - 1]) * unlist(yhat_mr_0)
yhat_m <- unlist(lapply(m_out[[s]]$matches, function(x) mean(Ytilde[x])))
not_a_j <- A[, s] != A_j[s - 1]
Ytilde[not_a_j] <- yhat_m[not_a_j] + (yhat_r[not_a_j] - yhat_mr[not_a_j])
Yt[, j + (T - s)] <- Ytilde
if (s > 1) {
mu_hat[, s] <- yhat_r
mu_hat[, 1] <- A[, 1] * r_out[[1]]$yhat_r_1 +
(1 - A[, 1]) * r_out[[1]]$yhat_r_0
cdes <- calculate_cdes(Y, A, K, mu_hat, r_out, A_j)
tau_i[, j] <- cdes$tau_i
tau_raw[j] <- cdes$tau_raw
tau_se[j] <- cdes$tau_se
r_out_big[[j]] <- r_out
tau <- colMeans((2 * A[, 1] - 1) * tau_i)
names(K) <- unlist(K_paths)
effects <- data.frame(active = a_names[1], A_levs)
names(effects)[-1] <- a_names[-1]
### Return output
out <- list(call = cl, formula = formula, m_out = m_out, K = K, L = L,
r_out = r_out_big, tau = tau, tau_raw = tau_raw, tau_se = tau_se,
tau_i = tau_i, included = included, effects = effects,
a_names = a_names)
class(out) <- "tmatch"
## given the matching output and a set of periods `path = (k, ..., j)`
## find the number of times units are used indirectly as a match in
## period `k` through the given path. E.g., if `path = c(1, 2 ,3)`,
## then this returns the number of times each unit is matched to a
## unit j in period 3, j is matched to h in period 2, and h is matched
## to g in period 1, where j, h, and g are all different.
## old tm code used row names, new assembly line code uses positions.
find_indirect_matches <- function(m_out, path, N) {
K <- rep(0, times = N)
path <- sort(path, decreasing = TRUE)
d <- m_out[[path[1]]]$donors
path <- path[-1]
for (j in path) {
if (length(names(d))) {
d <- lapply(d, function(x) unlist(m_out[[j]]$donors[as.character(x)]))
} else {
d <- lapply(d, function(x) unlist(m_out[[j]]$donors[x]))
n_ind_matches <- lapply(d, length)
if (length(names(n_ind_matches))) {
pos <- as.numeric(names(n_ind_matches))
} else {
pos <- 1L:N
K[pos] <- unlist(n_ind_matches)
## working assumption: the A matrix is n \times k where the first
## column is t=1 and the last column is t=T-k+1.
match_at_time <- function(A, X, L, drops, caliper) {
k <- ncol(A)
Ak <- A[, k]
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(unique(Ak)[order(unique(Ak))], c(0, 1)))) {
"Error: treatments must only take on values 0 or 1",
"\n treatment ", k, " non-binary values."
X_m <- cbind(X[, -drops], A[, -k])
exacts <- c(
rep(FALSE, times = ncol(X[, -drops, drop = FALSE])),
rep(TRUE, times = k - 1)
tm_att <- Matching::Match(
Tr = Ak, X = X_m,
estimand = "ATT",
exact = exacts,
caliper = caliper,
M = L, ties = FALSE,
Weight = 2
tm_atc <- Matching::Match(
Tr = Ak, X = X_m,
estimand = "ATC",
exact = exacts,
caliper = caliper,
M = L, ties = FALSE,
Weight = 2
## donation lists: where each unit was used as a match
donors_1 <- split(tm_att$index.treated, tm_att$index.control)
donors_0 <- split(tm_atc$index.control, tm_atc$index.treated)
donors <- c(donors_1, donors_0)
donors <- donors[as.character(sort(as.numeric(names(donors))))]
## matched sets: matched for each unit
matches_1 <- split(tm_att$index.control, tm_att$index.treated)
matches_0 <- split(tm_atc$index.treated, tm_atc$index.control)
matches <- c(matches_1, matches_0)
matches <- matches[as.character(sort(as.numeric(names(matches))))]
out <- list(matches = matches, donors = donors, tr = Ak)
## calculates fitted values for all units under treatment at time `k`
regress_at_time <- function(y, A, X, separate_bc) {
N <- nrow(A)
k <- ncol(A)
Ak <- A[, k]
A_past <- A[, -k, drop = FALSE]
if (ncol(A_past) == 0) A_past <- rep(0, times = N)
if (separate_bc) {
A_fact <- do.call(interaction, list(as.data.frame(A_past), sep = "_"))
A_split <- split(1:N, A_fact)
preds_0 <- lapply(
X = A_split,
FUN = strata_reg_predict,
y = y, x = X, Ak = Ak, Ak_lev = 0
preds_1 <- lapply(
X = A_split,
FUN = strata_reg_predict,
y = y, x = X, Ak = Ak, Ak_lev = 1
n_coefs <- length(A_split) * ncol(X) * 2
yhat_r_0 <- unsplit(preds_0, A_fact)
yhat_r_1 <- unsplit(preds_1, A_fact)
} else {
X_des <- cbind(X, A)
cf <- lm.fit(y = y, x = X_des)$coefficients
cf <- cf[!is.na(cf)]
X_des[, ncol(X_des)] <- 0
yhat_r_0 <- X_des[, names(cf)] %*% cf
X_des[, ncol(X_des)] <- 1
yhat_r_1 <- X_des[, names(cf)] %*% cf
n_coefs <- ncol(X_des)
out <- list(yhat_r_0 = yhat_r_0, yhat_r_1 = yhat_r_1, n_coefs = n_coefs)
## this function allows us to send strata based on the past treatment
## values (where the rows indicate observations within those strata)
## and calculate predicted values from the regression among those with
## `A_t_lev` current treatment status.
strata_reg_predict <- function(rows, y, x, Ak, Ak_lev) {
rows_lev <- rows[which(Ak[rows] == Ak_lev)]
cf <- lm.fit(y = y[rows_lev], x = x[rows_lev, ])$coefficients
cf <- cf[!is.na(cf)]
pred <- x[rows, names(cf)] %*% cf
calculate_cdes <- function(Y, A, K, mu_hat, r_out, A_j) {
N <- length(Y)
T <- ncol(A)
## calculate simple matching parts
sm_part <- (1 + rowSums(K)) * Y
A_fut <- A[, -1, drop = FALSE]
A_fut_str <- apply(A_fut, 1, paste0, collapse = "")
i_j <- as.numeric(A_fut_str == paste0(A_j, collapse = ""))
tau_i <- i_j * sm_part
tau_raw <- mean((2 * A[, 1] - 1) * tau_i)
mu_hat_A <- A[, 1] * r_out[[1]]$yhat_r_1 +
(1 - A[, 1]) * r_out[[1]]$yhat_r_0
mu_hat_1_A <- A[, 1] * r_out[[1]]$yhat_r_0 +
(1 - A[, 1]) * r_out[[1]]$yhat_r_1
K_term <- i_j * rowSums(K) - (1 - i_j)
tau_i <- tau_i - K_term * mu_hat_A - mu_hat_1_A
## we have to adjust for the fact that we run regressions for all
## treatment combinations, but the CDE is only for one sequence
## (for t>1)
p <- sapply(r_out, function(x) x$n_coefs)
p <- p / (2 ^ (0:(T - 1)))
dfc_1 <- sum(i_j) / (sum(i_j) - p[T])
epsilon <- Y - mu_hat[, T]
tau_var <- dfc_1 * mean(i_j * (1 + rowSums(K))^2 * epsilon ^ 2)
for (s in 2:T) {
## get indices for A_{s+1}:T == A_j
if (s < T) {
A_fut <- A[, (s + 1):T, drop = FALSE]
A_fut_str <- apply(A_fut, 1, paste0, collapse = "")
i_j <- A_fut_str == paste0(A_j[(s - 1):(T - 1)], collapse = "")
i_j <- as.numeric(i_j)
} else {
i_j <- rep(1, N)
A_jt <- as.numeric(A[, s] == A_j[s - 1])
## calculate K weight for this period
fut_patt <- paste0("[", paste0(s:T, collapse = ":"), "]")
past_K <- grep(fut_patt, names(K), invert = TRUE)
fut_K <- grep(fut_patt, names(K))
K_term <- (A_jt * rowSums(K[fut_K]) - (1 - A_jt) * (1 + rowSums(K[past_K])))
eta <- mu_hat[, s] - mu_hat[, s - 1]
tau_i <- tau_i - as.numeric(i_j) * K_term * eta
mu_lag_A <- A[, s - 1] * r_out[[s - 1]]$yhat_r_1 +
(1 - A[, s - 1]) * r_out[[s - 1]]$yhat_r_0
eta_v <- mu_hat[, s] - mu_lag_A
dfc_s <- sum(i_j) / (sum(i_j) - sum(p[(s - 1) : T]))
tau_var <- tau_var +
dfc_s * mean(i_j * (1 + rowSums(K[past_K])) ^ 2 * eta_v ^ 2)
tau <- mean((2 * A[, 1] - 1) * tau_i)
tau_x <- r_out[[1]]$yhat_r_1 - r_out[[1]]$yhat_r_0
dfc_t <- N / (N - sum(p) - 1)
tau_var <- tau_var + dfc_t * mean((tau_x - tau) ^ 2)
tau_se <- sqrt(tau_var / N)
return(list(tau = tau, tau_i = tau_i, tau_raw = tau_raw, tau_se = tau_se))
#' Bootstrap Uncertainty Estimates for Telescope Matching
#' Performs a weighted bootstrap procedure for the output of
#' \code{\link{telescope_match}}.
#' @param obj A \code{tmatch} object, computed by \code{\link{telescope_match}}.
#' @param boots The number of bootstrap replicates. Defaults to 1000.
#' @param ci_alpha alpha value for the bootstrapped confidence
#' intervals. Corresponds to a 100 * (1-alpha) confidence interval.
#' @return An data.frame with columns `ci_low` and `ci_high` which
#' contain the bootstrapped confidence intervals for the estimated
#' ACDEs in \code{obj$tau}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(jobcorps)
#' ## Split male/female
#' jobcorps_female <- subset(jobcorps, female == 1)
#' ## Telescope matching formula - First stage (X and Z)
#' tm_form <- exhealth30 ~ schobef + trainyrbef + jobeverbef |
#' treat | emplq4 + emplq4full | work2year2q
#' ### Estimate ACDE for women holding employment at 0
#' tm_out <- telescope_match(
#' tm_form,
#' data = jobcorps_female,
#' L = 3,
#' boot = FALSE,
#' verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' out.boots <- boots_tm(tm_out)
#' out.boots
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats rbinom quantile
boots_tm <- function(obj, boots = 1000, ci_alpha = 0.05) {
N <- nrow(obj$tau_i)
J <- length(obj$tau)
## Bootstrap iterations
W.bern <- sapply(
function(x) rbinom(N, 1, prob = (sqrt(5) - 1) / (2 * sqrt(5)))
Wstar <- (((sqrt(5) + 1) / 2) * W.bern +
((-sqrt(5) + 1) / 2) * (1 - W.bern)) / N
ci_high <- ci_low <- rep(NA, times = J)
for (j in seq_len(J)) {
tau_norm <- obj$tau_i[, j] - obj$tau[j]
Tstar <- (t(Wstar) %*% tau_norm)
Tstar <- Tstar + obj$tau[j]
ci_low[j] <- quantile(Tstar, ci_alpha / 2)
ci_high[j] <- quantile(Tstar, 1 - ci_alpha / 2)
return(data.frame(ci_low = ci_low, ci_high = ci_high))
#' @export
print.tmatch <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nTelescope matching output\n\n")
cat("\nActive treatment: ", x$effects$active[1], "\n")
cat("Controlled treatment(s):", names(x$effects)[-1])
"\n\nEstimated controlled direct effects of ",
":\n", sep = ""
df <- data.frame(
x$effects[, -1, drop = FALSE],
estimate = x$tau)
#' Summarize telescope match objects
#' @details \code{summary} method for \code{tmatch} objects returned by
#' \code{telescope_match}
#' @param object an object of class \code{tmatch} -- results from a
#' call to \code{telescope_match}
#' @param ... additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
#' @details Returns a summary data frame containing the estimate and
#' standard errors from the `telescope_match` object.
#' @return Returns an object of \code{class} \code{summary.tmatch}.
#' Contains the following components
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{call}: matched call.
#' \item \code{m_summary}: data.frame summarizes the matching
#' ratios (\code{{ratio}}), number of units \code{n_1, n_0},
#' and number of matched units (\code{matched_1, matched_0}) for
#' each treatment/mediator (\code{term}).
#' \item \code{K}: \code{K} data frame from the \code{object}
#' telescope matching output.
#' \item \code{L}: \code{L} vector from the \code{object}
#' telescope matching output.
#' \item \code{a_names}: character vector of the names of the
#' treatment/mediator variables used in matching.
#' \item \code{estimates}: matrix of estimated ACDEs with and
#' without bias correction and the estimated standard errors.
#' }
#' @export
summary.tmatch <- function(object, ...) {
an <- object$a_names
J <- length(an)
sum_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = J, ncol = 4)
for (j in 1:J) {
tr <- object$m_out[[j]]$tr
sum_mat[j, ] <- c(
sum(tr), sum(1 - tr),
sum(object$K[[an[j]]] * tr > 0),
sum(object$K[[an[j]]] * (1 - tr) > 0)
colnames(sum_mat) <- c(
"n_1", "n_0", "matched_1", "matched_0"
out <- list()
out$call <- object$call
out$m_summary <- data.frame(term = an, ratio = object$L, sum_mat)
out$K <- object$K
out$L <- object$L
out$a_names <- an
cf <- cbind(
object$effects[, -1, drop = FALSE],
"Estimate" = object$tau,
"Estimate (no BC)" = object$tau_raw,
"Std. Err." = object$tau_se
out$estimates <- as.matrix(cf)
A_levs <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(0, 1)), times = J - 1))
lab_1 <- paste0("(1, ", apply(A_levs, 1, paste0, collapse = ", "), ")")
lab_0 <- paste0("(0, ", apply(A_levs, 1, paste0, collapse = ", "), ")")
labs <- paste0(lab_1, " vs. ", lab_0)
rownames(out$estimates) <- labs
class(out) <- "summary.tmatch"
#' @export
print.summary.tmatch <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...) {
cat("Telescope matching results\n")
cat("\nActive treatment: ", x$a_names[1], "\n")
cat("Controlled treatment(s):", x$a_names[-1], "\n\n")
cat("Matching summary:\n")
m_sum <- x$m_summary
names(m_sum) <- c(
"Term", "Matching Ratio L:1", "N == 1", "N == 0",
"Matched == 1", "Matched == 0"
cat("\n\nSummary of units matching contributions:\n")
print(t(sapply(x$K, summary)))
"\n\nEstimated controlled direct effects of ",
":\n", sep = ""
digits = digits, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE
#' Balance diagnostics for Telescope Match objects
#' @details Provides matching balance diagnostics for \code{tmatch}
#' objects returned by \code{telescope_match}
#' @param object an object of class \code{tmatch} -- results from a
#' call to \code{telescope_match}
#' @param vars a formula object containing either the treatment or the
#' mediator as the dependent variable (which denotes whether
#' first-stage or second-stage balance diagnostics are returned) and
#' the covariates for which balance diagnostics are requested as the
#' independent variables. Each covariate or function of covariates
#' (e.g. higher-order polynomials or interactions) should be
#' separated by a +.
#' @param data the data frame used in the call to
#' \code{telescope_match}
#' @param comparison a binary indicator for if the function should
#' return the balance for the treated group (`1`), for the control
#' group (`0`), or for overall combined balanced (`NULL`, the
#' default).
#' @return Returns a data frame with the following columns.
#' \itemize{
#' \item variable: Name of covariate
#' \item before_0: Pre-matching average of the covariate in the
#' mediator == 0 (if first stage balance) or treatment == 0 (if second
#' stage balance) condition
#' \item before_1: Pre-matching average of the covariate in the
#' mediator == 1 (if first stage balance) or treatment == 1 (if second
#' stage balance) condition
#' \item after_0: Post-matching average of the covariate in the
#' mediator == 0 (if first stage balance) or treatment == 0 (if second
#' stage balance) condition
#' \item after_1: Post-matching average of the covariate in the
#' mediator == 1 (if first stage balance) or treatment == 1 (if second
#' stage balance) condition
#' \item before_sd: standard deviation of the outcome (pre-Matching)
#' \item before_diff: Pre-matching covariate difference between
#' mediator arms (if first stage balance) or treatment arms (if second
#' stage balance).
#' \item before_std_diff: Pre-matching standardized covariate
#' difference between mediator arms (if first stage balance) or
#' treatment arms (if second stage balance), Equal to Before_Diff/SD.
#' \item after_diff: Post--matching covariate difference between
#' mediator arms (if first stage balance) or treatment arms (if second
#' stage balance).
#' \item after_std_diff: Post-matching standardized covariate
#' difference between mediator arms (if first stage balance) or
#' treatment arms (if second stage balance), Equal to Before_Diff/SD.
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats as.formula model.frame weighted.mean
balance.tmatch <- function(object, vars, data, comparison = NULL) {
### Sanity checks
### Is the class a 'tmatch'
if (!("tmatch" %in% class(object))) {
stop("`object` not of class 'tmatch'", call. = FALSE)
### Does N of data match number of obs
if (nrow(data) != length(object$included)) {
"number of rows in data not consistent with object",
.call = FALSE
### Validating the formula
a_names <- names(object$K)
if (!(as.character(vars[2]) %in% a_names)) {
"Left-hand side of `vars` must be a treatment variable from `object`.",
call. = FALSE
this_K <- object$K[, a_names == as.character(vars[2])]
### Validating the data frame
## subset to the selected rows used in matching
data <- data[object$included, ]
## Do model.frame first to parse any functions
mf <- tryCatch({
model.frame(vars, data)
error = function(e) {
stop("Could not extract all variables in 'formula' from data")
## Do model.matrix to get functions/interactions/expansions
X <- tryCatch({
model.matrix(vars, mf)
error = function(e) {
stop("Could not extract all variables in 'formula' from data")
## Strip out the "(Intercept) column
X <- X[, colnames(X) != "(Intercept)"]
A <- model.response(mf)
before_0 <- colMeans(X[A == 0, ])
before_1 <- colMeans(X[A == 1, ])
before_sd <- apply(X, 2, sd)
before_diff <- before_1 - before_0
before_std_diff <- before_diff / before_sd
if (!is.null(comparison)) {
obs.weights <- comparison * (this_K * (1 - A) + A) +
(1 - comparison) * (this_K * A + (1 - A))
} else {
obs.weights <- this_K + 1
## get weighted means of each variable
after_0 <- apply(X[A == 0, ], 2, weighted.mean, obs.weights[A == 0])
after_1 <- apply(X[A == 1, ], 2, weighted.mean, obs.weights[A == 1])
after_diff <- after_1 - after_0
after_std_diff <- after_diff / before_sd
bal_tab <- data.frame(
variable = colnames(X),
before_0 = before_0, before_1 = before_1,
after_0 = after_0, after_1 = after_1,
before_sd = before_sd,
before_diff = before_diff, before_std_diff,
after_diff = after_diff, after_std_diff
## Output
#' Balance diagnostics telescope matching
#' Provides matching balance diagnostics for telescope matching CDE
#' estimators
#' @param object output from an estimated \code{cde_telescope_match}
#' estimator
#' @param vars a formula object containing either the treatment or the
#' mediator as the dependent variable (which denotes whether
#' first-stage or second-stage balance diagnostics are returned) and
#' the covariates for which balance diagnostics are requested as the
#' independent variables. Each covariate or function of covariates
#' (e.g. higher-order polynomials or interactions) should be
#' separated by a +.
#' @param data the data frame used in the call to
#' \code{estimate} on the \code{cde_telescope_match} object.
#' @param comparison a binary indicator for if the function should
#' return the balance for the treated group (`1`), for the control
#' group (`0`), or for overall combined balanced (`NULL`, the
#' default).
#' @return Returns a data frame with the following columns.
#' \itemize{
#' \item variable: Name of covariate
#' \item before_0: Pre-matching average of the covariate in the
#' mediator == 0 (if first stage balance) or treatment == 0 (if second
#' stage balance) condition
#' \item before_1: Pre-matching average of the covariate in the
#' mediator == 1 (if first stage balance) or treatment == 1 (if second
#' stage balance) condition
#' \item after_0: Post-matching average of the covariate in the
#' mediator == 0 (if first stage balance) or treatment == 0 (if second
#' stage balance) condition
#' \item after_1: Post-matching average of the covariate in the
#' mediator == 1 (if first stage balance) or treatment == 1 (if second
#' stage balance) condition
#' \item before_sd: standard deviation of the outcome (pre-Matching)
#' \item before_diff: Pre-matching covariate difference between
#' mediator arms (if first stage balance) or treatment arms (if second
#' stage balance).
#' \item before_std_diff: Pre-matching standardized covariate
#' difference between mediator arms (if first stage balance) or
#' treatment arms (if second stage balance), Equal to Before_Diff/SD.
#' \item after_diff: Post--matching covariate difference between
#' mediator arms (if first stage balance) or treatment arms (if second
#' stage balance).
#' \item after_std_diff: Post-matching standardized covariate
#' difference between mediator arms (if first stage balance) or
#' treatment arms (if second stage balance), Equal to Before_Diff/SD.
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats as.formula model.frame weighted.mean
balance_table <- function(object, vars, data, comparison = NULL) {
### Sanity checks
### Is the class a 'tmatch'
if (!all(c("cde_estimate", "telescope_match") %in% class(object))) {
rlang::abort("not a valid `telescope_match` output")
### Does N of data match number of obs
if (nrow(data) != length(object$included)) {
"number of rows in data not consistent with object",
.call = FALSE
### Validating the formula
if (!(as.character(vars[2]) %in% object$treat_names)) {
"Left-hand side of `vars` must be a treatment variable from `object`.",
call. = FALSE
j <- which(object$treat == as.character(vars[[2L]]))
this_K <- object$match_out[[j]]$K[[paste0("K_", j)]]
### Validating the data frame
## subset to the selected rows used in matching
data <- data[object$included, ]
## Do model.frame first to parse any functions
mf <- tryCatch({
model.frame(vars, data)
error = function(e) {
stop("Could not extract all variables in 'formula' from data")
## Do model.matrix to get functions/interactions/expansions
X <- tryCatch({
model.matrix(vars, mf)
error = function(e) {
stop("Could not extract all variables in 'formula' from data")
## Strip out the "(Intercept) column
X <- X[, colnames(X) != "(Intercept)"]
A <- model.response(mf)
before_0 <- colMeans(X[A == 0, ])
before_1 <- colMeans(X[A == 1, ])
before_sd <- apply(X, 2, sd)
before_diff <- before_1 - before_0
before_std_diff <- before_diff / before_sd
if (!is.null(comparison)) {
obs.weights <- comparison * (this_K * (1 - A) + A) +
(1 - comparison) * (this_K * A + (1 - A))
} else {
obs.weights <- this_K + 1
## get weighted means of each variable
after_0 <- apply(X[A == 0, ], 2, weighted.mean, obs.weights[A == 0])
after_1 <- apply(X[A == 1, ], 2, weighted.mean, obs.weights[A == 1])
after_diff <- after_1 - after_0
after_std_diff <- after_diff / before_sd
bal_tab <- data.frame(
variable = colnames(X),
before_0 = before_0, before_1 = before_1,
after_0 = after_0, after_1 = after_1,
before_sd = before_sd,
before_diff = before_diff, before_std_diff,
after_diff = after_diff, after_std_diff
## Output
#' Histograms of matching weights
#' @details Provides histograms of the number of times each unit is
#' used as a match given a \code{tmatch} object returned by
#' \code{telescope_match}
#' @param object an object of class \code{tmatch} -- results from a
#' call to \code{telescope_match}
#' @param stage a character vector equal to the name of one treatment
#' from the `object`.
#' @returns Outputs a `plot()` object containing the histogram of match counts
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics hist
plotDiag.tmatch <- function(object, stage) {
### Sanity checks
### Is the class a 'tmatch'
if (!( "tmatch" %in% class(object))) {
stop("`object` not of class 'tmatch'", call. = FALSE)
a_names <- names(object$K)
if (missing(stage)) stage <- a_names[1]
if (!(stage %in% a_names)) {
stop("`stage` must be a treatment in `object`.", call. = FALSE)
### Main output
this_K <- object$K[, a_names == stage]
plot_title <- paste0("Matching weights for ", stage)
main = plot_title,
xlab = "Number of times unit is matched"
abline(v = 1, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
#' Initialize an telescope matching CDE estimator
#' Initializes the specification of a CDE estimator based on an
#' telescope matching approach
#' @param ... Optional arguments to pass to the telescope matching
#' estimator.
#' @md
#' @export
cde_telescope_match <- function(...) {
args <- rlang::enquos(...)
args = args,
formula = NULL,
model_spec = NULL
t_match <- function(object, data) {
fit_env <- rlang::env()
A <- get_treat_df(object, data)
paths <- interaction(A, sep = "_")
Y <- get_outcome(object, data)
num_treat <- length(object$model_spec)
N <- length(Y)
## move backward through blocks
block_seq <- rev(seq_len(num_treat))
out <- list()
out$match_out <- make_match_holder(A)
L <- unlist(lapply(object$model_spec, function(x) rlang::eval_tidy(x$treat_spec$args$L)))
for (j in block_seq) {
if (j > 1) {
past_fit <- interaction(A[, 1:(j - 1), drop = FALSE], sep = "_")
past_splits <- split(seq_len(nrow(A)), past_fit)
} else {
past_fit <- rep(0, times = nrow(A))
past_splits <- list(seq_len(nrow(A)))
M <- length(past_splits)
## TODO: add check about overlap?
for (m in seq_len(M)) {
past_strata_rows <- past_splits[[m]]
fit_env$fit_data <- data[past_strata_rows, ]
match_out <- match_model(object$model_spec[[j]]$treat_spec, fit_env)
match_out$matches <- lapply(
function(x) past_strata_rows[x]
match_out$donors <- lapply(
function(x) past_strata_rows[x]
match_rows <- past_strata_rows[as.numeric(names(match_out$matches))]
out$match_out[[j]]$matches[match_rows] <- match_out$matches
donor_rows <- past_strata_rows[as.numeric(names(match_out$donors))]
out$match_out[[j]]$donors[donor_rows] <- match_out$donors
out$match_out[[j]]$L <- match_out$L
out$match_out[[j]]$K <- compute_match_weights(object, out$match_out, j)
match_model <- function(model, fit_env, ...) {
fit_env$X <- model.matrix(model$formula, data = fit_env$fit_data)
fit_env$X <- fit_env$X[, which(colnames(fit_env$X) != "(Intercept)")]
fit_env$tr <- model.response(model.frame(model$formula, fit_env$fit_data))
args <- as.list(model$args)
args$X <- quote(X)
args$Tr <- quote(tr)
names(args)[names(args) == "L"] <- "M"
args$Weight <- 2
args$ties <- FALSE
att_call <- rlang::call2("Match", !!!args, estimand = "ATT", .ns = "Matching")
atc_call <- rlang::call2("Match", !!!args, estimand = "ATC", .ns = "Matching")
tm_att <- rlang::eval_tidy(att_call, env = fit_env)
tm_atc <- rlang::eval_tidy(atc_call, env = fit_env)
## donation lists: where each unit was used as a match
donors_1 <- split(tm_att$index.treated, tm_att$index.control)
donors_0 <- split(tm_atc$index.control, tm_atc$index.treated)
donors <- c(donors_1, donors_0)
donors <- donors[as.character(sort(as.numeric(names(donors))))]
## matched sets: matched for each unit
matches_1 <- split(tm_att$index.control, tm_att$index.treated)
matches_0 <- split(tm_atc$index.treated, tm_atc$index.control)
matches <- c(matches_1, matches_0)
matches <- matches[as.character(sort(as.numeric(names(matches))))]
return(list(donors = donors, matches = matches, L = rlang::eval_tidy(args$M)))
compute_match_weights <- function(object, out, j) {
num_treat <- length(object$model_spec)
N <- length(out[[num_treat]]$matches)
a_names <- unlist(lapply(
function(x) rlang::as_label(x$treat)
path_lengths <- 1:(num_treat - j + 1)
paths <- lapply(
function(x) combn(j:num_treat, m = x, simplify = FALSE)
paths <- unlist(paths, recursive = FALSE)
paths <- paths[unlist(lapply(paths, function(x) x[1] == j))]
L <- unlist(lapply(
function(x) rlang::eval_tidy(x$treat_spec$args$L)
K <- lapply(
function(x) find_indirect_matches(out, path = x, N) / prod(L[x])
K_paths <- unlist(
function(x) paste0(a_names[x], collapse = ":")
names(K) <- unlist(lapply(paths, paste0, collapse = ":"))
names(K) <- paste0("K_", names(K))
make_match_holder <- function(A) {
out <- vector("list", ncol(A))
for (j in seq_along(out)) {
out[[j]]$matches <- vector("list", nrow(A))
out[[j]]$donors <- vector("list", nrow(A))
compute_telescope_match <- function(j, j_levs, y, treat, out, args, term_name, dfs) {
num_treat <- length(out$model_fits)
N <- length(treat)
j_levs <- sort(j_levs)
paths <- colnames(out$model_fits[[j]]$outreg_pred)
sp <- strsplit(as.character(paths), "_")
templates <- unique(replace_each(sp, j, NA))
A <- strsplit(as.character(treat), "_", fixed = TRUE)
A <- do.call(rbind, lapply(A, as.numeric))
K <- lapply(out$match_out[j:num_treat], function(x) as.data.frame(x$K))
K <- do.call(cbind, K)
W <- 1 + rowSums(K)
sm_part <- W * y
est_tab <- empty_est_tab()
num_fut_strata <- 2 ^ rev(seq(j, num_treat)) - j + 1
dfs[j:num_treat] <- dfs[j:num_treat] * num_fut_strata
for (k in seq_along(templates)) {
base <- templates[[k]]
base[j] <- j_levs[1L]
base <- paste0(base, collapse = "_")
ctr <- as.numeric(treat == base)
N_c <- sum(ctr)
r_ctr <- get_reg_preds(out, base)
A_ctr <- get_path_inds(treat, base)
eps_ctr <- cbind(r_ctr[, -1L, drop = FALSE], y) - r_ctr
plus <- templates[[k]]
plus[j] <- j_levs[2L]
plus <- paste0(plus, collapse = "_")
trt <- as.numeric(treat == plus)
N_t <- sum(trt)
r_trt <- get_reg_preds(out, plus)
A_trt <- get_path_inds(treat, plus)
eps_trt <- cbind(r_trt[, -1L, drop = FALSE], y) - r_trt
A_j <- A_trt[, j]
if (j > 1) {
strata_past <- paste0(templates[[k]][1:(j - 1)], collapse = "_")
past <- apply(A[, 1:(j - 1), drop = FALSE], 1, paste0, collapse = "_")
this_past <- as.numeric(past == strata_past)
} else {
this_past <- rep(1, N)
strata_rows <- as.numeric(treat %in% c(base, plus))
N_s <- sum(strata_rows)
tau_i1 <- trt * sm_part
tau_i0 <- ctr * sm_part
tau_i <- tau_i1 - tau_i0
tau_raw <- mean(tau_i[this_past == 1L])
K_term <- strata_rows * rowSums(K) - (1 - strata_rows)
B_0 <- A_j * (r_ctr[, j] + K_term * r_trt[, j])
B_0 <- B_0 - (1 - A_j) * (r_trt[, j] + K_term * r_ctr[, j])
tau_i <- tau_i - B_0
dfc_1 <- N_s / (N_s - dfs[num_treat])
tau_v <- W ^ 2 * (trt * eps_trt[, num_treat] ^ 2 + ctr * eps_ctr[, num_treat] ^ 2)
est_var <- dfc_1 * mean(tau_v[this_past == 1L])
if (j == num_treat) {
fut <- numeric(0)
} else {
fut <- (j + 1):num_treat
for (s in fut) {
A_fut <- A[, s:num_treat, drop = FALSE]
A_fut_str <- apply(A_fut, 1, paste0, collapse = "_")
strata_fut <- paste0(templates[[k]][s:num_treat], collapse = "_")
D <- as.numeric(A_fut_str == strata_fut)
fut_patt <- paste0("[", paste0(s:num_treat, collapse = ":"), "]")
past_K <- grep(fut_patt, names(K), invert = TRUE)
fut_K <- grep(fut_patt, names(K))
W_s <- D * (rowSums(K[fut_K])) - (1 - D) * (1 + rowSums(K[past_K]))
bias_s <- A_j * eps_trt[, s - 1] * W_s - (1 - A_j) * eps_ctr[, s - 1] * W_s
tau_i <- tau_i - bias_s
dfc_s <- sum(D * this_past) / (sum(D * this_past) - sum(dfs[(s - 1):num_treat]))
tau_v <- dfc_s * (W - rowSums(K[fut_K])) ^ 2 * (A_j * eps_trt[, s - 1] ^ 2 + (1 - A_j) * eps_ctr[, s - 1] ^ 2)
est_var <- est_var + mean(tau_v[this_past == 1L])
est <- mean(tau_i[this_past == 1])
dfc_x <- sum(this_past) / (sum(this_past) - sum(dfs) - 1)
tau_x <- dfc_x * (r_trt[, j] - r_ctr[, j] - est) ^ 2
est_var <- (est_var + mean(tau_x[this_past == 1L])) / sum(this_past)
this_est <- data.frame(
term = term_name,
active = plus,
control = base,
estimate = est,
std.error = sqrt(est_var),
DF = N_c + N_t
est_tab <- rbind(est_tab, this_est)
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