<- function(data,var.names){
# keeps track of factor variables and numeric variables
factor.vars = var.names[sapply(data[,var.names],class)=="factor"]
numeric.vars = var.names[sapply(data[,var.names],class)!="factor"] # numeric or integer
# construct a dataset that is used to optimize balance
# numeric vars must be first columns to ensure names are not altered due to factor expansion = data[,numeric.vars,drop=F]
# expand factor variables into series of indicators
for (vars in factor.vars){
# na.pass doesnt drop observations with missing values
form = as.formula(paste0("~-1+",vars))
temp = model.matrix(form, model.frame(form,data=data, na.action=na.pass))
# control naming convention of columns
colnames(temp) = paste(vars , gsub(vars,"",colnames(temp)) , sep=":")
# set missingness to 0. for factors, they are treated as own level.
temp[] = 0 = cbind( , temp )
# create missing data indicators
NAdata =[,c(numeric.vars,factor.vars)])
colnames(NAdata) = paste0(colnames(NAdata),":<NA>") = cbind( , NAdata[,apply(NAdata,2,any),drop=F])
# handles factors or NAs that have names that expand to the same name as a numeric
colnames( = make.unique(colnames(
return(list( , numeric.vars=numeric.vars , factor.vars=factor.vars))
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