context("non-debiased inference helpers")
test_that(".hatmatrix is correct when the bandwidth is huge (linear regression)", {
n <- 100
nsim <- 500
for(i in 1:nsim) {
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- 2*x + rnorm(n)
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
hatvals1 <- .hatmatrix(x, y, h=1000, b=1000,, kernel.type="uni",
hatvals2 <- hatvalues(fit)
expect_true(max(abs(hatvals1 - hatvals2)) < 1e-12)
loocv.risk1 <- .robust.loocv(x, y, h=1000, b=1000, FALSE, x, "uni")
loocv.risk2 <- mean((resid(fit) / (1-hatvals2))^2)
expect_true(max(abs(loocv.risk1 - loocv.risk2)) < 1e-12)
test_that(".hatmatrix is correct when the bandwidth is small", {
n <- 1000
nsim <- 2
h <- 0.5
for(i in 1:nsim) {
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- 2*x + rnorm(n)
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
bw.min <- Vectorize(function(u){
# count the unique points nearby u
# length(unique(A[.kern((A-u)/min(h.seq), "gau") > 1e-6]))
sort(unique(abs(x - u)))[10]
h <- max(h, max(bw.min(x)))
b <- max(b, max(bw.min(x)))
# choose gaussian kernel for simplicity so that weighted lm does not discard hatvalues
# for weights = 0.
hatvals1 <- .hatmatrix(x, y, h=h, b=h,, kernel.type="gau",
hatvals2 <- hatvalues(fit)
# because the bandwidth is small we should have different hatvals
expect_true(max(abs(hatvals1 - hatvals2)) > 1e-2)
hatvals3 <- err <- rep(NA, n)
for(j in 1:n){
ww <- .kern((x-x[j])/h, "gau")/h
fit.j <- lm(y ~ x, weights = ww)
fit.not.j <- lm(y[-j] ~ x[-j], weights = ww[-j])
hatvals3[j] <- hatvalues(fit.j)[j]
err[j] <- y[j] - sum(c(1, x[j]) * coef(fit.not.j))
loocv.risk1 <- .robust.loocv(x, y, h=h, b=h, FALSE, x, "gau")
loocv.risk3 <- mean(err^2)
expect_true(max(abs(hatvals1 - hatvals3)) < 1e-10)
expect_true(abs(loocv.risk1 - loocv.risk3) < 1e-10)
test_that("we get the right *optimal* bw between 0.1 and 1000", {
n <- 500
nsim <- 5
for(i in 1:nsim) {
x <- runif(n, -1, 1)
# the optimal bandwidth should be small in this model
y <- cos(2*pi*x) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1)
# check that this is the case
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
loocv.risk2 <- mean((resid(fit) / (1-hatvalues(fit)))^2)
hatvals3 <- err <- preds.wlm <- rep(NA, n)
h <- b <- 0.1
bw.min <- Vectorize(function(u){
# count the unique points nearby u
# length(unique(A[.kern((A-u)/min(h.seq), "gau") > 1e-6]))
sort(unique(abs(x - u)))[10]
h <- max(h, max(bw.min(x)))
b <- max(b, max(bw.min(x)))
for(j in 1:n){
ww <- .kern((x-x[j])/h, "gau")/h
fit.j <- lm(y ~ x, weights = ww)
preds.wlm[j] <- sum(c(1, x[j]) * coef(fit.j))
fit.not.j <- lm(y[-j] ~ x[-j], weights = ww[-j])
hatvals3[j] <- hatvalues(fit.j)[j]
err[j] <- y[j] - sum(c(1, x[j]) * coef(fit.not.j))
loocv.risk3 <- mean(err^2)
expect_true(loocv.risk3 < loocv.risk2)
loocv.risk1 <- .robust.loocv(x, y, h=h, b=h, FALSE, x, "gau")
expect_true(max(abs(loocv.risk1$loocv.risk - loocv.risk3)) < 1e-10)
# en passant, check the predictions are correct
preds <- .lprobust(x, y, h, h, FALSE, x, "gau")
expect_true(max(abs(preds[, 2] - preds.wlm))<1e-10)
loocv.risk45 <- debiased_inference(A=x, pseudo.out=y, debias=FALSE,
eval.pts=x, bw.seq=c(h, 1000),
loocv.risk4 <- loocv.risk45$loocv.risk[which(loocv.risk45$h==h)]
loocv.risk5 <- loocv.risk45$loocv.risk[which(loocv.risk45$h==1000)]
expect_true(max(abs(loocv.risk3 - loocv.risk4)) < 1e-10)
expect_true(max(abs(loocv.risk2 - loocv.risk5)) < 1e-7)
test_that("we get the right *optimal* bw more refined", {
n <- 500
nsim <- 5
for(i in 1:nsim) {
x <- runif(n, -1, 1)
# the optimal bandwidth should be small in this model
y <- cos(pi*x) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.2)
# check that this is the case
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
loocv.risk2 <- mean((resid(fit) / (1-hatvalues(fit)))^2)
h.seq <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)
hatvals3 <- err <- preds.wlm <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=length(h.seq))
bw.min <- Vectorize(function(u){
# count the unique points nearby u
# length(unique(A[.kern((A-u)/min(h.seq), "gau") > 1e-6]))
sort(unique(abs(x - u)))[10]
h.seq <- pmax(h.seq, max(bw.min(x)))
for(k in 1:length(h.seq)){
h <- h.seq[k]
for(j in 1:n){
ww <- .kern((x-x[j])/h, "gau")/h
fit.j <- lm(y ~ x, weights = ww)
preds.wlm[j, k] <- sum(c(1, x[j]) * coef(fit.j))
fit.not.j <- lm(y[-j] ~ x[-j], weights = ww[-j])
hatvals3[j, k] <- hatvalues(fit.j)[j]
err[j, k] <- y[j] - sum(c(1, x[j]) * coef(fit.not.j))
loocv.risk3 <- apply(err, 2, function(x) mean(x^2))
loocv.risk4 <- debiased_inference(A=x, pseudo.out=y, debias=FALSE, eval.pts=x,
bw.seq=h.seq, bandwidth.method="LOOCV",
expect_true(max(abs(loocv.risk3 - loocv.risk4$loocv.risk)) < 1e-10)
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