# These functions are slight modifications of those contained in the R package
# for dose-response debiased inference available at
# https://github.com/Kenta426/DebiasedDoseResponse
# Main reference is https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.06448
# Article and repository authored by Kenta Takatsu and Ted Westling.
.get.muhat <- function(splits.id, cate.w.fit, v1, v2, max.n.integral=1000) {
nsplits <- length(cate.w.fit)
res <- list()
counter <- 1
for(w in 1:nsplits) {
n.k <- sum(splits.id==w)
n.subsplits <- max(round(n.k / max.n.integral), 1)
sub.s <- sample(rep(1:n.subsplits, ceiling(n.k/nsplits))[1:n.k])
for(u in 1:n.subsplits){
sub.idx <- w==splits.id
sub.idx[!u==sub.s] <- FALSE
n.small <- sum(sub.idx)
v2.idx <- v2[sub.idx, , drop=FALSE]
v2.idx.rep <- v2.idx[rep(1:n.small, n.small), , drop=FALSE]
new.w <- cbind(v1j=sample(v1, nrow(v2.idx.rep), replace=TRUE),
muhat.mat <- matrix(cate.w.fit[[w]]$fit(new.w), nrow=n.small,
res[[counter]] <- list(muhat.mat=muhat.mat, sub.idx=sub.idx)
counter <- counter + 1
.compute.rinfl.func <- function(Y, A, a, h, b, kern, debias, muhat.vals=NULL,
## ATTN: check with Kenta the definition of if.c2! ##
n <- length(A)
bw.min <- sort(abs(unique(A - a)))[10]
h <- max(h, bw.min); b <- max(b, bw.min)
a.std.h <- (A-a)/h
kern.std.h <- kern(a.std.h)/h
a.std.b <- (A-a)/b
kern.std.b <- kern(a.std.b)/b
if(!is.null(muhat.vals)) {
int1.h <- int2.h <- int1.b <- int2.b <- int3.b <- rep(NA, n)
nsubsplits <- length(muhat.vals)
for(i in 1:nsubsplits) {
sub.idx <- muhat.vals[[i]]$sub.idx
muhat.mat <- muhat.vals[[i]]$muhat.mat
mhat <- mhat.vals[sub.idx]
int1.h[sub.idx] <- colMeans(kern.std.h[sub.idx]*(muhat.mat-mhat))
int2.h[sub.idx] <- colMeans(a.std.h[sub.idx]*kern.std.h[sub.idx]*(muhat.mat-mhat))
if(debias) {
int1.b[sub.idx] <- colMeans(kern.std.b[sub.idx]*(muhat.mat-mhat))
int2.b[sub.idx] <- colMeans(a.std.b[sub.idx]*kern.std.b[sub.idx]*(muhat.mat-mhat))
int3.b[sub.idx] <- colMeans((a.std.b[sub.idx])^2*kern.std.b[sub.idx]*(muhat.mat-mhat))
} else {
int1.h <- int2.h <- int1.b <- int2.b <- int3.b <- rep(0, n)
c0.h <- mean(kern.std.h)
c1.h <- mean(kern.std.h*a.std.h)
c2.h <- mean(kern.std.h*a.std.h^2)
Dh <- matrix(c(c0.h, c1.h,
c1.h, c2.h), nrow=2)
Dh.inv <- solve(Dh)
gamma.h <- coef(lm(Y ~ a.std.h, weights=kern.std.h))
res.h <- Y - (gamma.h[1] + gamma.h[2]*a.std.h)
inf.fn <- t(Dh.inv %*% rbind(res.h*kern.std.h + int1.h,
a.std.h*res.h*kern.std.h + int2.h))
c0.b <- mean(kern.std.b)
c1.b <- mean(kern.std.b*a.std.b)
c2.b <- mean(kern.std.b*a.std.b^2)
c3.b <- mean(kern.std.b*a.std.b^3)
c4.b <- mean(kern.std.b*a.std.b^4)
Db <- matrix(c(c0.b, c1.b, c2.b,
c1.b, c2.b, c3.b,
c2.b, c3.b, c4.b), nrow=3)
Db.inv <- solve(Db)
# c2 <- integrate(function(u){u^2 * kern(u)}, -Inf, Inf)$value # old c2
w.vec <- cbind(kern.std.h, kern.std.h*a.std.h)
c2.vec <- ((Dh.inv %*% crossprod(w.vec, a.std.h^2))/n)
c2 <- c2.vec[1]
# the EIF for the fixed-h c2 -----------------------------------------------
w.1 <- cbind(1, a.std.h)
w.1.tilde <- cbind(kern.std.h*a.std.h^2, kern.std.h*a.std.h^3)
term1 <- (w.1%*%Dh.inv)[,1]*c(w.1 %*% c2.vec)*kern.std.h
term2 <- (w.1.tilde %*% Dh.inv)[,1]
deriv2 <- (Db.inv%*%crossprod(cbind(1, a.std.b, a.std.b^2)*kern.std.b, Y)/n)[3,]
# if.c2 <- h^2/2*deriv2*(term2-term1)
if.c2 <- (h/b)^2*deriv2*(term2-term1)
model.b <- lm(Y ~ poly(a.std.b, 3), weights=kern.std.b)
res.b <- Y - predict(model.b)
inf.fn.robust <- t(Db.inv %*% rbind(res.b*kern.std.b + int1.b,
a.std.b*res.b*kern.std.b + int2.b,
a.std.b^2*res.b*kern.std.b + int3.b))
out <- data.frame(est=inf.fn[,1] - (h/b)^2*c2*inf.fn.robust[,3] - if.c2)
} else {
out <- data.frame(est=inf.fn[,1])
.parse.debiased_inference <- function(...){
option <- list(...); arg <- list()
if (is.null(option$kernel.type)){
kernel.type <- "epa"
kernel.type <- option$kernel.type
if (is.null(option$bandwidth.method)){
bandwidth.method <- "DPI"
bandwidth.method <- option$bandwidth.method
if (is.null(option$alpha.pts)){
alpha.pts <- 0.05
alpha.pts <- option$alpha.pts
if (is.null(option$unif)){
unif <- TRUE
unif <- option$unif
if (is.null(option$alpha.unif)){
alpha.unif <- 0.05
alpha.unif <- option$alpha.unif
if (is.null(option$bootstrap)){
bootstrap <- 1e4
bootstrap <- option$bootstrap
arg$kernel.type <- kernel.type
arg$bandwidth.method <- bandwidth.method
arg$alpha.pts <- alpha.pts
arg$unif <- unif
arg$alpha.unif <- alpha.unif
arg$bw.seq <- option$bw.seq
arg$bootstrap <- bootstrap
arg$mu <- option$mu
arg$g <- option$g
#' plot_debiased_curve
#' @param res.df ADD
#' @param ci ADD
#' @param unif ADD
#' @export
plot_debiased_curve <- function(pseudo, exposure, res.df, ci=TRUE, unif=TRUE,
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::xlab("Exposure") +
ggplot2::ylab("Covariate-adjusted outcome") +
if(class(res.df$eval.pts) == "factor") {
if(add.pseudo) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = NULL, aes(x=as.factor(exposure), y=pseudo), col = "gray")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = res.df, aes(x=eval.pts, y=theta))
} else {
if(add.pseudo) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = NULL, aes(x=exposure, y=pseudo), col = "gray")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(data = res.df, aes(x=eval.pts, y=theta))
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_pointrange(data = res.df, aes(x=eval.pts, y=theta,
size="Pointwise CIs"), col = "black") +
ggplot2::scale_size_manual("",values=c("Pointwise CIs"=0.2))
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(data = res.df, aes(x=eval.pts,
linetype="Uniform band"), col = "red") +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = res.df, aes(x=eval.pts,
linetype="Uniform band"),
col = "red")+
ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual("",values=c("Uniform band"=2))
p <- p + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = "blue") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = mean(pseudo), col = "orange")
#' debiased_inference
#' @param A ADD
#' @param pseudo.out ADD
#' @param muhat.mat ADD
#' @param mhat.obs ADD
#' @param debias boolean ADD
#' @param tau ratio bandwidths ADD
#' @param eval.pts ADD
#' @param ... ADD
#' @export
debiased_inference <- function(A, pseudo.out, debias, tau=1, eval.pts=NULL,
muhat.vals=NULL, mhat.obs=NULL, ...){
# Parse control inputs ------------------------------------------------------
# control <- .parse.debiased_inference(alpha=0.05, unif=FALSE, kernel.type = "gau",
# eval.pts = x, A = x, pseudo.out=y, debias=FALSE,
# muhat.vals = NULL, mahat.obs=NULL, bw.seq = c(0.1, 0.5))
control <- .parse.debiased_inference(...)
kernel.type <- control$kernel.type
# Compute an estimated pseudo-outcome sequence ------------------------------
# ord <- order(A)
# A <- A[ord]
# pseudo.out <- pseudo.out[ord]
n <- length(A)
kern <- function(t){.kern(t, kernel=kernel.type)}
if (is.null(eval.pts)){
eval.pts <- seq(quantile(A, 0.05), quantile(A, 0.95),
length.out=min(30, length(unique(A))))
# Compute bandwidth ---------------------------------------------------------
bw.seq <- control$bw.seq
if(debias) {
bw.seq.h <- rep(bw.seq, length(bw.seq))
bw.seq.b <- rep(bw.seq, each=length(bw.seq))
} else if(control$bandwidth.method=="LOOCV(h=b)"){
bw.seq.h <- bw.seq.b <- bw.seq
} else stop("Specify a valid bandwidth method.")
} else {
bw.seq.h <- bw.seq.b <- bw.seq
est.proc <- function(h, b){
est.res <- matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=length(eval.pts),
dimnames=list(NULL, c("eval", "theta.hat")))
# good.pts <- sapply(eval.pts,
# function(u) {
# length(unique(A[.kern((A-u)/min(h, b), kernel.type)>1e-6]))>4
# })
# if(mean(good.pts) < 0.8) {
# res <- data.frame(
# eval.pts=eval.pts,
# theta=NA,
# ci.ul.pts=NA,
# ci.ll.pts=NA,
# ci.ul.unif=NA,
# ci.ll.unif=NA,
# if.val.sd=NA,
# unif.quantile=NA,
# h=h,
# b=b,
# loocv.risk=Inf)
# return(res)
# }
# good.eval.pts <- eval.pts[good.pts]
est.res <- .lprobust(x=A, y=pseudo.out, h=h, b=b,
debias=debias, eval=eval.pts,
hat.val <- .hatmatrix(x=A, y=pseudo.out, h=h, b=b, debias=debias,
eval.pt=eval.pts, kernel.type=kernel.type)
est.fn <- approx(eval.pts, est.res[,"theta.hat"], xout=A, rule=2)$y
sq.resid <- ((pseudo.out-est.fn)/(1-hat.val))^2
loocv.risk <- mean(sq.resid)
# Estimate influence function sequence --------------------------------------
rinf.fns <- mapply(function(a, h.val, b.val){
.compute.rinfl.func(Y=pseudo.out, A=A, a=a, h=h.val, b=b.val, kern=kern,
debias=debias, muhat.vals=muhat.vals, mhat.vals=mhat.obs)
}, eval.pts, h, b, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
rif.se <- matrix(NA, ncol=1, nrow=length(eval.pts), dimnames=list(NULL, "est"))
rif.se <- do.call(rbind, lapply(rinf.fns, function(u) {
apply(u, 2, sd)/sqrt(n)
alpha <- control$alpha.pts
z.val <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
ci.ll.p <- ci.ul.p <- rep(NA, length(eval.pts))
ci.ll.p <- est.res[,"theta.hat"] - z.val*rif.se[,"est"]
ci.ul.p <- est.res[,"theta.hat"] + z.val*rif.se[,"est"]
# Compute uniform bands by simulating GP ------------------------------------
get.unif.ep <- function(alpha){
std.inf.vals <- do.call(cbind, lapply(rinf.fns, function(u) scale(u)))
boot.samples <- control$bootstrap
ep.maxes<- replicate(boot.samples,
max(abs(rbind(rnorm(n)/sqrt(n)) %*% std.inf.vals)))
quantile(ep.maxes, alpha)
alpha <- control$alpha.unif
unif.quantile <- get.unif.ep(1-alpha)
names(unif.quantile) <- NULL
ep.unif.quant <- rep(NA, length(eval.pts))
ep.unif.quant <- unif.quantile*rif.se[, "est"]
ci.ll.u <- ci.ul.u <- rep(NA, length(eval.pts))
ci.ll.u <- est.res[,"theta.hat"] - ep.unif.quant
ci.ul.u <- est.res[,"theta.hat"] + ep.unif.quant
unif.quantile <- ci.ll.u <- ci.ul.u <- NA
# Output data.frame ---------------------------------------------------------
res <- data.frame(
res.list <- mapply(est.proc, bw.seq.h, bw.seq.b, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
loocv.vals <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = length(res.list),
dimnames=list(NULL, c("loocv.risk", "h", "b")))
for(k in 1:length(res.list)) {
loocv.vals[k, ] <- c(res.list[[k]]$loocv.risk[1],
best.loocv.idx <- abs(loocv.vals[, 1] - min(loocv.vals[, 1])) < 1e-6
h.opt <- max(loocv.vals[best.loocv.idx, 2])
b.opt <- max(loocv.vals[best.loocv.idx, 3])
res <- est.proc(h=h.opt, b=b.opt)
return(list(res=res, risk=as.data.frame(loocv.vals), res.list=res.list))
# Compute hat matrix for leave-one-out cross validation for a linear smoother
.hatmatrix <- function(x, y, h, b, eval.pt=NULL, kernel.type="epa", debias=TRUE){
# ind <- order(x); x <- x[ind]; y <- y[ind]
if (is.null(eval.pt)){
eval.pt <- seq(quantile(x, 0.05), quantile(x, 0.95), length.out=30)
neval <- length(eval.pt)
e1 <- matrix(c(1, 0), ncol=2); e3 <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0), ncol=3)
w.h.zero <- .kern(0, kernel.type)/h
w.b.zero <- .kern(0, kernel.type)/b
hat.mat <- rep(0, neval)
for (i in 1:neval){
bw.min <- sort(abs(unique(x-eval.pt[i])))[10]
h0 <- max(h, bw.min); b0 <- max(b, bw.min)
k.h <- .kern((x-eval.pt[i])/h0, kernel.type)/h0
k.b <- .kern((x-eval.pt[i])/b0, kernel.type)/b0
ind.h <- k.h>0; ind.b <- k.b>0
N.h <- sum(ind.h); N.b <- sum(ind.b); ind <- ind.b
if (h>b) ind <- ind.h
eY <- y[ind]; eX <- x[ind]
K.h <- k.h[ind]; K.b <- k.b[ind]
W.b <- matrix(NA, sum(ind), 3) # (1, u, u^2)
for (j in 1:3) W.b[,j] <- ((eX-eval.pt[i])/b0)^(j-1)
W.h <- matrix(NA, sum(ind), 2) # (1, u)
for (j in 1:2) W.h[,j] <- ((eX-eval.pt[i])/h0)^(j-1)
invD.b <- .qrXXinv((sqrt(K.b)*W.b))
invD.h <- .qrXXinv((sqrt(K.h)*W.h))
if(debias) {
# c.2 <- integrate(function(t){t^2*.kern(t, kernel.type)}, -Inf, Inf)$value
u <- (eX-eval.pt[i])/h0
c.2 <- (invD.h %*% crossprod(W.h*K.h,u^(2)))[1]
} else {
c.2 <- 0
hat.mat[i] <- (invD.h%*%t(e1*w.h.zero))[1,] -
return(approx(eval.pt, hat.mat, xout=x, rule=2)$y)
# Perform leave-one-out cross-validation based on the "hat matrix trick"
.robust.loocv <- function(x, y, h, b, debias, eval.pt=NULL, kernel.type="epa"){
# ind <- order(x); x <- x[ind]; y <- y[ind]
if (is.null(eval.pt)){
eval.pt <- seq(quantile(x, 0.05), quantile(x, 0.95), length.out=30)
hat.val <- .hatmatrix(x=x, y=y, h=h, b=b, debias=debias, eval.pt=eval.pt,
est <- .lprobust(x=x, y=y, h=h, b=b, debias=debias, eval.pt=eval.pt,
est.fn <- approx(eval.pt, est[,"theta.hat"], xout=x, rule=2)$y
sq.resid <- ((y-est.fn)/(1-hat.val))^2
loocv.risk <- mean(sq.resid)
# Debiased local linear regression
.lprobust <- function(x, y, h, b, debias, eval.pt=NULL, kernel.type="epa"){
# ind <- order(x); x <- x[ind]; y <- y[ind]
if (is.null(eval.pt)){
eval.pt <- seq(quantile(x, 0.05), quantile(x, 0.95), length.out=30)
neval <- length(eval.pt)
estimate.mat <- matrix(NA, neval, 2)
colnames(estimate.mat) <- c("eval", "theta.hat")
for (i in 1:neval){
bw.min <- sort(abs(unique(x-eval.pt[i])))[10]
h0 <- max(h, bw.min); b0 <- max(b, bw.min)
k.h <- .kern((x-eval.pt[i])/h0, kernel.type)/h0
k.b <- .kern((x-eval.pt[i])/b0, kernel.type)/b0
ind.h <- k.h>0; ind.b <- k.b>0; ind <- ind.b
if (h>b) ind <- ind.h
eN <- sum(ind); eY <- y[ind]; eX <- x[ind]
K.h <- k.h[ind]; K.b <- k.b[ind]
W.b <- matrix(NA, eN, 3)
for (j in 1:3) W.b[, j] <- ((eX-eval.pt[i])/b0)^(j-1)
W.h <- matrix(NA, eN, 2)
for (j in 1:2) W.h[,j] <- ((eX-eval.pt[i])/h0)^(j-1)
invD.b <- .qrXXinv((sqrt(K.b)*W.b))
invD.h <- .qrXXinv((sqrt(K.h)*W.h))
beta.ll <- invD.h%*%crossprod(W.h*K.h, eY) #R.p^T W.h Y
if(debias) {
# c.2 <- integrate(function(t){t^2*.kern(t, kernel.type)}, -Inf, Inf)$value
u <- (eX-eval.pt[i])/h0
c.2 <- (invD.h %*% crossprod(W.h*K.h,u^2))[1]
} else {
c.2 <- 0
beta.bias <- (h0/b0)^2*invD.b%*%crossprod(W.b*K.b, eY)*c.2
estimate.mat[i,] <- c(eval.pt[i], beta.ll[1,1]-beta.bias[3,1])
# Generate kernel function
.kern = function(u, kernel="epa"){
if (kernel=="epa") w <- 0.75*(1-u^2)*(abs(u)<=1)
if (kernel=="uni") w <- 0.5*(abs(u)<=1)
if (kernel=="tri") w <- (1-abs(u))*(abs(u)<=1)
if (kernel=="gau") w <- dnorm(u)
# Matrix inverse via Cholesky decomposition
.qrXXinv = function(x, ...) {
# # Local polynomial regression
# .locpoly <- function(x, y, h, eval.pt=NULL, kernel.type="epa", degree=1){
# ind <- order(x); x <- x[ind]; y <- y[ind]
# if (is.null(eval.pt)){
# eval.pt <- seq(quantile(x, 0.05), quantile(x, 0.95), length.out=30)
# }
# neval <- length(eval.pt)
# estimate.mat <- matrix(NA, neval, 2)
# colnames(estimate.mat) <- c("eval", "theta.hat")
# # Compute for each evaluation point
# for (i in 1:neval){
# bw.min <- sort(abs(x-eval.pt[i]))[10]
# h0 <- max(h, bw.min)
# k.h <- .kern((x-eval.pt[i])/h0, kernel=kernel.type)/h0
# ind <- k.h>0
# eY <- y[ind]; eX <- x[ind]; K.h <- k.h[ind]
# W.h <- matrix(NA, sum(ind), degree+1)
# for (j in 1:(degree+1)) W.h[,j] <- ((eX-eval.pt[i])/h0)^(j-1)
# invD.h <- .qrXXinv((sqrt(K.h)*W.h))
# beta <- invD.h%*%crossprod(W.h*K.h, eY)
# estimate.mat[i,] <- c(eval.pt[i], beta[1,1])
# }
# estimate.mat
# }
# # Local linear regression
# .loclinear <- function(x, y, h, eval.pt=NULL, kernel.type="epa"){
# ind <- order(x); x <- x[ind]; y <- y[ind]
# if (is.null(eval.pt)){
# eval.pt <- seq(quantile(x, 0.05), quantile(x, 0.95), length.out=30)
# }
# neval <- length(eval.pt)
# estimate.mat <- matrix(NA, neval, 2)
# colnames(estimate.mat) <- c("eval","theta.hat")
# for (i in 1:neval){
# bw.min <- sort(abs(x-eval.pt[i]))[10]
# h0 <- max(h, bw.min)
# k.h <- .kern((x-eval.pt[i])/h0, kernel=kernel.type)/h0
# ind <- k.h>0
# eY <- y[ind]; eX <- x[ind]; K.h <- k.h[ind]
# w.h <- matrix(NA, sum(ind), 2)
# for (j in 1:2) w.h[,j] <- ((eX-eval.pt[i])/h0)^(j-1)
# invD.h <- .qrXXinv((sqrt(K.h)*w.h))
# beta.p <- invD.h%*%crossprod(w.h*K.h, eY)
# estimate.mat[i,] <- c(eval.pt[i], beta.p[1,1])
# }
# estimate.mat
# }
# .hatmatrix2 <- function(x, y, h, b, eval.pt=NULL, kernel.type="epa", debias=TRUE){
# # ind <- order(x); x <- x[ind]; y <- y[ind]
# if (is.null(eval.pt)){
# eval.pt <- seq(quantile(x, 0.05), quantile(x, 0.95), length.out=30)
# }
# neval <- length(eval.pt)
# if(debias) {
# c.2 <- integrate(function(t){t^2*.kern(t, kernel.type)}, -Inf, Inf)$value
# } else {
# c.2 <- 0
# }
# e1 <- matrix(c(1, 0), ncol=2); e3 <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0), ncol=4)
# w.h.zero <- .kern(0, kernel.type)/h
# w.b.zero <- .kern(0, kernel.type)/b
# hat.mat <- rep(0, neval)
# for (i in 1:neval){
# bw.min <- sort(abs(x-eval.pt[i]))[10]
# bw.min <- 0
# h0 <- max(h, bw.min); b0 <- max(b, bw.min)
# k.h <- .kern((x-eval.pt[i])/h0, kernel.type)/h0
# k.b <- .kern((x-eval.pt[i])/b0, kernel.type)/b0
# ind.h <- k.h>0; ind.b <- k.b>0
# N.h <- sum(ind.h); N.b <- sum(ind.b); ind <- ind.b
# if (h>b) ind <- ind.h
# eY <- y[ind]; eX <- x[ind]
# K.h <- k.h[ind]; K.b <- k.b[ind]
# W.b <- matrix(NA, sum(ind), 4) # (1, u, u^2, u^3)
# for (j in 1:4) W.b[,j] <- ((eX-eval.pt[i])/b0)^(j-1)
# W.h <- matrix(NA, sum(ind), 2) # (1, u)
# for (j in 1:2) W.h[,j] <- ((eX-eval.pt[i])/h0)^(j-1)
# # print(W.h)
# # print(unique(sqrt(K.b)*W.b))
# # solve(crossprod(unique(sqrt(K.b)*W.b)))
# invD.b <- .qrXXinv((sqrt(K.b)*W.b))
# invD.h <- .qrXXinv((sqrt(K.h)*W.h))
# hat.mat[i] <- (invD.h%*%t(e1*w.h.zero))[1,] -
# ((h/b)^2*c.2*invD.b%*%t(e3*w.b.zero))[3,]
# }
# return(hat.mat)
# }
# debiased_inference <- function(A, pseudo.out, debias, tau=1, eval.pts=NULL,
# muhat.vals=NULL, mhat.obs=NULL, ...){
# # Parse control inputs ------------------------------------------------------
# # control <- .parse.debiased_inference(alpha=0.05, unif=FALSE, kernel.type = "gau",
# # eval.pts = x, A = x, pseudo.out=y, debias=FALSE,
# # muhat.vals = NULL, mahat.obs=NULL)
# control <- .parse.debiased_inference(...)
# kernel.type <- control$kernel.type
# # Compute an estimated pseudo-outcome sequence ------------------------------
# # ord <- order(A)
# # A <- A[ord]
# # pseudo.out <- pseudo.out[ord]
# n <- length(A)
# kern <- function(t){.kern(t, kernel=kernel.type)}
# if (is.null(eval.pts)){
# eval.pts <- seq(quantile(A, 0.05), quantile(A, 0.95),
# length.out=min(30, length(unique(A))))
# }
# # Compute bandwidth ---------------------------------------------------------
# bw.seq <- control$bw.seq
# if(debias) {
# if(control$bandwidth.method=="LOOCV"){
# bw.seq.h <- rep(bw.seq, length(bw.seq))
# bw.seq.b <- rep(bw.seq, each=length(bw.seq))
# } else if(control$bandwidth.method=="LOOCV(h=b)"){
# bw.seq.h <- bw.seq.b <- bw.seq
# } else stop("Specify a valid bandwidth method.")
# } else {
# bw.seq.h <- bw.seq.b <- bw.seq
# }
# risk <- mapply(function(h, b){
# count.pts.nearby <- Vectorize(function(u){
# # count the unique points nearby u
# length(unique(A[.kern((A-u)/min(h, b), kernel.type) > 1e-6]))
# })
# # keep only those evaluation points for which we have at least 4 observations
# # in a min(h, b)-neighborhood.
# good.pts <- count.pts.nearby(eval.pts) > 4
# good.eval.pts <- eval.pts[good.pts]
# if(mean(good.pts) > 0.8) {
# # If we can retain at least 80% of the evaluation points
# # we compute the loocv estimated risk
# loocv.res <- .robust.loocv(x=A, y=pseudo.out, h=h, b=b, debias=debias,
# eval.pt=good.eval.pts, kernel.type=kernel.type)
# } else {
# # otherwise, we set the risk to infinity
# loocv.res <- data.frame(loocv.risk=Inf)
# }
# return(cbind(prop.good.pts=mean(good.pts), loocv.res))
# }, bw.seq.h, bw.seq.b, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
# risk <- do.call(rbind, risk)
# risk$h <- bw.seq.h
# risk$b <- bw.seq.b
# h.opt <- bw.seq.h[which.min(risk[, "loocv.risk"])]
# b.opt <- bw.seq.b[which.min(risk[, "loocv.risk"])]
# est.res <- matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=length(eval.pts),
# dimnames=list(NULL, c("eval", "theta.hat")))
# good.pts.h.opt <- sapply(eval.pts,
# function(u) {
# length(unique(A[.kern((A-u)/min(h.opt, b.opt), kernel.type)>1e-6]))>4
# })
# good.eval.pts.h.opt <- eval.pts[good.pts.h.opt]
# est.res[good.pts.h.opt, ] <- .lprobust(x=A, y=pseudo.out, h=h.opt, b=b.opt,
# debias=debias, eval=good.eval.pts.h.opt,
# kernel.type=kernel.type)
# # Estimate influence function sequence --------------------------------------
# rinf.fns <- mapply(function(a, h.val, b.val){
# .compute.rinfl.func(Y=pseudo.out, A=A, a=a, h=h.val, b=b.val, kern=kern,
# debias=debias, muhat.vals=muhat.vals, mhat.vals=mhat.obs)
# }, good.eval.pts.h.opt, h.opt, b.opt, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
# rif.se <- matrix(NA, ncol=1, nrow=length(eval.pts), dimnames=list(NULL, "est"))
# rif.se[good.pts.h.opt, ] <- do.call(rbind,
# lapply(rinf.fns,
# function(u) {
# apply(u, 2, sd)/sqrt(n)
# }))
# alpha <- control$alpha.pts
# z.val <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
# ci.ll.p <- ci.ul.p <- rep(NA, length(eval.pts))
# ci.ll.p[good.pts.h.opt] <- est.res[good.pts.h.opt,"theta.hat"] -
# z.val*rif.se[good.pts.h.opt, "est"]
# ci.ul.p[good.pts.h.opt] <- est.res[good.pts.h.opt,"theta.hat"] +
# z.val*rif.se[good.pts.h.opt, "est"]
# # Compute uniform bands by simulating GP ------------------------------------
# if(control$unif){
# get.unif.ep <- function(alpha){
# std.inf.vals <- do.call(cbind, lapply(rinf.fns, function(u) scale(u)))
# boot.samples <- control$bootstrap
# ep.maxes<- replicate(boot.samples,
# max(abs(rbind(rnorm(n)/sqrt(n)) %*% std.inf.vals)))
# quantile(ep.maxes, alpha)
# }
# alpha <- control$alpha.unif
# unif.quantile <- get.unif.ep(1-alpha)
# names(unif.quantile) <- NULL
# ep.unif.quant <- rep(NA, length(eval.pts))
# ep.unif.quant[good.pts.h.opt] <- unif.quantile*rif.se[good.pts.h.opt, "est"]
# ci.ll.u <- ci.ul.u <- rep(NA, length(eval.pts))
# ci.ll.u[good.pts.h.opt] <- est.res[good.pts.h.opt,"theta.hat"] - ep.unif.quant[good.pts.h.opt]
# ci.ul.u[good.pts.h.opt] <- est.res[good.pts.h.opt,"theta.hat"] + ep.unif.quant[good.pts.h.opt]
# }
# else{
# unif.quantile <- ci.ll.u <- ci.ul.u <- NA
# }
# # Output data.frame ---------------------------------------------------------
# res <- data.frame(
# eval.pts=eval.pts,
# theta=est.res[, "theta.hat"],
# ci.ul.pts=ci.ul.p,
# ci.ll.pts=ci.ll.p,
# ci.ul.unif=ci.ul.u,
# ci.ll.unif=ci.ll.u,
# if.val.sd=rif.se[, "est"],
# unif.quantile=unif.quantile,
# h=h.opt,
# b=b.opt)
# return(list(res=res, risk=risk))
# }
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