
Defines functions plot_ace

Documented in plot_ace

#' Plot predictions of the Additive Causal Expansion model
#' This function plots the response surface or the marginal effect fitted by the `ace` package around the training sample. For non-binary treatments, the method can display the interaction of the treatment with one confounder.
#' The package plots:
#' \itemize{
#' \item for binary treatments, a 2D plot with `X[, Xcol]` on the x-axis. This plots,
#' \itemize{
#'     \item if `marginal = FALSE`: the treatment and control reponse surfaces.
#'     \item if `marginal = TRUE`: the treatment effect.
#'     }
#' \item For non-binary (continuous and -for now- categorial) treatments the method can display a 2D contour or a 3D surface plot with the interaction between the treatment and a specified confounder through `Xcol`.
#' If no confounder is selected, a simple 2D plot with the treatment on the x-axis is returned. Depending on `marginal` the levels correspond either to the response surface (if `FALSE`, default) or the marginal treatment effect/slope of response surface (if `TRUE`).
#' The different confounder plots can be accessed using:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item if `plot3D = TRUE` and `Xcol` specified: A 3D surface using plotly (if `plotly` installed, otherwise plot3D defaults to FALSE). The treatment variable and the selected `X[, Xcol]` are shown on the x- and y-axis, the outcome surface on the z-axis.
#'     \item if `plot3D = FALSE` and `Xcol` specified: the treatment effect for different treatment levels using a (2D) contour plot with the treatment variable and the selected `X[, Xcol]` on the x- and y-axis.
#'     \item if no `Xcol` specified: A 2D plot with treatment levels on the x- and the outcome on the y-axis.
#'     }
#' }
#' Note: The method is using a colorblind-robust palette as in http://jfly.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/color/#what.
#' @param object An `ace` object as generated by the ace.train function.
#' @param Xcol A numeric. If missing plots the 2D graph of Y on Z.
#' @param marginal A logical statement, default: \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, plots the marginal surface of the response surface Y with respect to the basis expanded model Z using average X.
#' @param plot3D A logical statement whether a three-dimensional plot should be produced. This is only valid if an X-column is selected and the plotly package is installed.
#' @param show.observations A logical scalar that determines
#' @param Xlim A two-dimensional vector with thelimits of the confounder dimension.
#' @param Xstep A scalar for the step-size of the confounder dimension.
#' @param Zlim A two-dimensional vector with thelimits of the treatment dimension.
#' @param Zstep A scalar for the step-size of the treatment dimension.
#' @param truefun A function handle for simulations.
#' @param ... Arguments handed to plotting function (`plot`, `contour`, `plotly`).
#' @return Returns the plot object
#' @export

plot_ace <- function(object, Xcol, marginal = FALSE, plot3D = FALSE, show.observations = TRUE,
                     Xlim = c(-1, 1), Xstep = 0.1, Zlim = c(-1, 1), Zstep = 0.1, truefun, ...) {

  # TODO: follow style guide
  # TODO: Doesnt look nice with discrete X variables

  graphics::par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
  #For this colorblind-robust palette see http://jfly.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/color/#what
  Blue100         <- grDevices::rgb(0,   114, 178, max = 255, alpha = (100 -  0) * 255 / 100)
  Blue50          <- grDevices::rgb(0,   114, 178, max = 255, alpha = (100 - 50) * 255 / 100)
  BlueishGreen50  <- grDevices::rgb(0,   158, 115, max = 255, alpha = (100 - 50) * 255 / 100)
  BlueishGreen100 <- grDevices::rgb(0,   158, 115, max = 255, alpha = (100 -  0) * 255 / 100)
  SkyBlue100      <- grDevices::rgb(86,  180, 233, max = 255, alpha = (100 -  0) * 255 / 100)
  Orange100       <- grDevices::rgb(230, 159,   0, max = 255, alpha = (100 -  0) * 255 / 100)
  Vermillion50    <- grDevices::rgb(213,  94,   0, max = 255, alpha = (100 - 50) * 255 / 100)
  Vermillion100   <- grDevices::rgb(213,  94,   0, max = 255, alpha = (100 -  0) * 255 / 100)

  px <- ncol(object$train_data$X)
  pz <- 1

  #TODO: Does this work
  if(!missing(Zlim)) {
    Zlim = (Zlim - object$moments[1 + px + pz, 1])   / object$moments[1 + px + pz, 2]
  if(!missing(Zstep)) {
    Zstep = (Zstep - object$moments[1 + px + pz, 1]) / object$moments[1 + px + pz, 2]

  medX  <- matrix(NaN, 1, px)
  quantX <- matrix(NaN, 3, px)
  for(i in 1:px) {
    quantX[, i] <- stats::quantile(object$train_data$X[, i] * object$moments[(i + 1), 2] + object$moments[(i + 1), 1], probs=c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
    medX[1, i]  <- stats::median(  object$train_data$X[, i] * object$moments[(i + 1), 2] + object$moments[(i + 1), 1])

  if(!missing(Xcol)) {
    #stop("Supply either a numeric column index for X, or if the object was generated with the data.frame wrapper, a valid variable name.\n")
  #{ #}

    #make numeric
    if(is.numeric(Xcol)) {
      nXcol <- paste0("X[,",Xcol,"]")
      idx <- (Xcol == seq(1,px))*1L
    else if(is.character(Xcol) && (Xcol %in% colnames(object$train_data$X))) {
      nXcol <- Xcol
      idx   <- (Xcol == colnames(object$train_data$X))
      Xcol  <- which(idx)
      idx   <- as.integer(idx)

    if(!missing(Xlim)) {
      Xlim <-  (Xlim - object$moments[1 + Xcol, 1]) / object$moments[1 + Xcol, 2]
    if(!missing(Xstep)) {
      Xstep <- (Xstep - object$moments[1 + Xcol, 1]) / object$moments[1 + Xcol, 2]

    Xgrid <- seq(min(Xlim), max(Xlim), by = Xstep) * object$moments[1 + Xcol, 2] + object$moments[1 + Xcol, 1]
    nx <- length(Xgrid)

  if(show.observations) {
    if(!missing(Xcol)) {
      obsX <- object$train_data$X[, Xcol] * object$moments[1 + Xcol, 2] + object$moments[1 + Xcol, 1]
    obsZ <- object$train_data$Z * object$moments[1 + px + pz, 2] + object$moments[1 + px + pz, 1]

      invisible(utils::capture.output(obsY <- predict.ace(object, marginal = TRUE)$map))
    else {
      obsY <- object$train_data$y * object$moments[1, 2] + object$moments[1, 1]


  if (!object$train_data$Zbinary) {
    # non-binary Z
    if(marginal && show.observations){
      cat("Observations for marginal predictions use predicted value as the true marginal is not observed\n")

    if (missing(truefun)) {
      if (marginal) {
        y.label <- "Marginal Y"
      else {
        y.label <- "Outcome Y"
    } else {
      if (show.observations) {
        cat("True values subtracted from Observations\n")
      if (marginal) {
        y.label <- "Diff. to true marg. Y"
      else {
        y.label <- "Diff. to true Y"

    #for continuous Z so far!
    Zgrid <- seq(min(Zlim), max(Zlim), by = Zstep) * object$moments[1 + px + pz, 2] + object$moments[1 + px + pz, 1]
    nz <- length(Zgrid)


      grid  <- base::expand.grid(X = Xgrid, Z = Zgrid)
      ngrid <- nx * nz

      #generate matrix with medians and replace column Xcol with the grid elements
      Xgrid2 <- t(matrix(rep(medX, nz), px, ngrid))
      Xgrid2[, Xcol] <- grid$X

      cat("Predicting", nz, "x",  nx, "grid points\n")
      surface <- predict.ace(object, newX = as.matrix(Xgrid2), newZ = grid$Z, marginal = marginal)

      #truefun for simulation
      if (missing(truefun)) {
        grid$Y  <- surface$map
        gridL   <- grid
        gridU   <- grid
        gridL$Y <- surface$ci[, 1]
        gridU$Y <- surface$ci[, 2]
      else {
        # true marginal function:

        #Xgrid2_notnormalized = Xgrid2
        #only single dimensional X right now:
        true <- truefun(Xgrid2, # * object$moments[1+Xcol,2] + object$moments[1+Xcol,1],
                        grid$Z) # * object$moments[1+px+pz,2] + object$moments[1+px+pz,1])
        gridT   <- grid
        gridT$Y <- true
        grid$Y  <- surface$map #- true
        gridL   <- grid
        gridU   <- grid
        gridL$Y <- surface$ci[, 1] #- true
        gridU$Y <- surface$ci[, 2] #- true

          #Xgrid3 <- t(matrix(rep(medX,length(obsZ)),px,length(obsZ)))
          #Xgrid3[,Xcol] <- obsX
          obsY <- obsY #- predict(object,newX = Xgrid3,newZ = grid$Z,marginal=marginal)


      if(plot3D && requireNamespace("plotly", quietly = TRUE)) { #!plotly
        ## plotly ####
        Xgrid <- matrix(Xgrid, nx, nz)
        Zgrid <- t(matrix(Zgrid, nz, nx))

        cat("Plotting with plotly. This can take several seconds\n")
        p <- plotly::plot_ly(showscale = FALSE, type = "surface")

          p <- plotly::add_trace(p, x = obsX,  y = c(obsZ), z = c(obsY),
                                 mode = "markers", type = "scatter3d",
                                 marker = list(size = 5, color = Vermillion100, symbol = 104),
                                 inherit = FALSE, name = "Observations")
          p <- plotly::add_trace(p, x = c(Xgrid), y = c(Zgrid), z = c(matrix(gridT$Y, nx, nz)),
                                 mode = "markers", type = "scatter3d",
                                 marker = list(size = 2, color = "black", symbol = 104),
                                 opacity = 0.8, inherit = FALSE, name = "True")

        p <- plotly::layout(p,
                            title = paste0("Marginal effect of Z conditional on ", nXcol, " and median covariates"),
                            scene = list(
                              camera = list(eye = list(x = -1.25, y = -1.25, z = 1.25)),
                              xaxis = list(title = paste0("Confounder ", nXcol)),
                              yaxis = list(title = "Treatment Z"),
                              zaxis = list(title = y.label)
        p <- plotly::add_surface(p, x = ~Xgrid, y = ~Zgrid, z = ~matrix(grid$Y,  nx, nz), name = "MAP")
        p <- plotly::add_surface(p, x = ~Xgrid, y = ~Zgrid, z = ~matrix(gridL$Y, nx, nz), opacity = 0.5, name = "Lower CI")
        p <- plotly::add_surface(p, x = ~Xgrid, y = ~Zgrid, z = ~matrix(gridU$Y, nx, nz), opacity = 0.5, name = "Upper CI")

      } else if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
        if (plot3D) {
          cat("plotly package not found\n")
        cat("Plotting with ggplot2\n")

        g <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x = grid$X, y = grid$Z, z = grid$Y), ggplot2::aes_(x = ~x, y = ~y)) +
                 ggplot2::geom_tile(ggplot2::aes_(fill = ~z)) +
                 ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low = Blue100, high = Vermillion100, name = y.label)

        if (show.observations) {
          g <- g + ggplot2::geom_point(data = data.frame(xobs = obsX, yobs = c(obsZ)),
                                       ggplot2::aes_(x = ~xobs, y = ~yobs),
                                       pch = 21, inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = TRUE)

        g <- g + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name=paste0("Confounder ", nXcol), expand = c(0, 0)) +
          ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = "Basis Expanded Z", expand = c(0, 0)) +

        if((sign(min(grid$Y)) != sign(max(grid$Y)))) {
          #plot 0-line if the range of the marginal output is zero-crossing
          g <- g + ggplot2::geom_contour(bins = 1, col = "black", ggplot2::aes_(z = ~z), lty = 2)

      else {
        # filled.contour ####
        if(plot3D) {
          cat("plotly package not found. Proceeding with contour plots")
        if(!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)){
          cat("ggplot2 package not installed\n")
        cat("Plotting with the standard R package graphics\n")

        nlevels_quadrant = 10

        n_levels_pos = floor(nlevels_quadrant * max(grid$Y) / (max(grid$Y) + abs(min(grid$Y))))
        n_levels_neg = floor(nlevels_quadrant * abs(min(grid$Y)) / (max(grid$Y) + abs(min(grid$Y))))

        filled.contour.lvls <- sort(unique(c(seq(min(grid$Y), 0, length.out = n_levels_neg), 0,
                                 seq(0, max(grid$Y), length.out = n_levels_pos))), decreasing = FALSE)

        filled.contour.cols <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white","darkgray"))(length(filled.contour.lvls) - 1)

        graphics::filled.contour(x = Xgrid, y = Zgrid, z = matrix(grid$Y, nz, nx), axes = TRUE,
                                 xlab = paste0("Control ", nXcol), ylab = "Z",
                                 col = filled.contour.cols, levels = filled.contour.lvls,
                                 plot.axes = { graphics::axis(1)
                                                 graphics::points(obsX, obsZ, cex = 0.5)
    else { #if not column of X selected
      cat("No column of X selected. Proceeding with 2D plot with respect to Z\n")
      nz <- length(Zgrid)
      ngrid <- nz

      cat("Predicting", nz, "grid points\n")
      Xgrid <- t(matrix(rep(medX, nz), px, ngrid))
      surface <- predict.ace(object, Xgrid, Zgrid, marginal = marginal)

      Ygrid <- surface$map
      YgridL <- surface$ci[, 1]
      YgridU <- surface$ci[, 2]
      if(!marginal && show.observations){
        #obsY <- object$train_data$y * object$moments[1,2]       + object$moments[1,1]
        #obsZ <- object$train_data$Z * object$moments[1+px+pz,2] + object$moments[1+px+pz,1]
        y_limit <- c(min(YgridL, obsY), max(YgridU, obsY))
      } else {
        obsY <- NULL
        obsZ <- NULL
        y_limit <- c(min(YgridL), max(YgridU))
      graphics::plot(obsZ, obsY, xlim = range(Zgrid), cex = 0.5, ylab = y.label, xlab = "Basis expanded Z", ylim = y_limit, ...)
      if(!missing(truefun)) {
        graphics::lines(Zgrid, truefun(Xgrid2, Zgrid), lty = 2, lwd = 1.5)
      graphics::lines(Zgrid, Ygrid, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = Vermillion100)
      graphics::polygon(c(Zgrid, rev(Zgrid)), c(YgridL, rev(YgridU)), col = Vermillion50, border = FALSE)
  else {
    # Binary Z
      cat("No 3D plot available for binary Z\n")

      y.label <- "tau(x)"
    } else {
      y.label <- "Outcome Y"

      cat("Proceeding to plot binary Z\n")

      obsZ          <- object$train_data$Z
      Xgrid2        <- t(matrix(rep(medX,nx),px,nx))
      Xgrid2[,Xcol] <- Xgrid
      n <- nrow(Xgrid2)

        #one curve ("treatment effect")
        cat("Marginal: Predicting", n, "grid points\n")
        surface <- predict.ace(object, as.matrix(Xgrid2), 0, marginal = TRUE) #Z does not matter

        y_limit <- c(min(surface$ci[,1]),max(surface$ci[,2]))

        graphics::plot(Xgrid, surface$map, col = BlueishGreen100, lwd = 2, ylim = y_limit,
                       type = "l", xlab = paste0("Control ", nXcol), ylab = y.label, ...)
        graphics::polygon(c(Xgrid, rev(Xgrid)), c(surface$ci[, 1], rev(surface$ci[, 2])), col = BlueishGreen50, density = 20)
        if(!missing(truefun)) {
          graphics::lines(Xgrid, truefun(matrix(Xgrid2)), lty = 2)
        if(show.observations) {
          graphics::points(obsX[obsZ == 0], rep(y_limit[1], sum(obsZ == 0)), pch = 21, cex = 0.6)
          graphics::points(obsX[obsZ == 1], rep(y_limit[2], sum(obsZ == 1)), pch = 20, cex = 0.6)
      } else {
        #two curves
        surface0 <- predict.ace(object, as.matrix(Xgrid2), 0, marginal = FALSE)
        surface1 <- predict.ace(object, as.matrix(Xgrid2), 1, marginal = FALSE)

          y_limit <- c(min(surface0$ci[, 1], surface1$ci[, 1], obsY),
                       max(surface0$ci[, 2], surface1$ci[, 2], obsY))
        } else {
          y_limit <- c(min(surface0$ci[,1],surface1$ci[,1]),

        graphics::plot(Xgrid, surface0$map, col=Blue100, lwd=2, ylim=y_limit,
                       type="l", xlab=paste0("Control ", nXcol), ylab=paste0(y.label, " (blue: Z=0, red: Z=1)"), ...)
        graphics::polygon(c(Xgrid, rev(Xgrid)), c(surface0$ci[, 1], rev(surface0$ci[, 2])), col = Blue50, density = 20, angle = -45)
        graphics::lines(Xgrid, surface1$map, col = Vermillion100, lwd = 2, ...)
        graphics::polygon(c(Xgrid, rev(Xgrid)), c(surface1$ci[, 1], rev(surface1$ci[, 2])), col = Vermillion50, density = 20)
          graphics::lines(Xgrid,truefun((Xgrid2), rep(0, nx)), lty = 2)
          graphics::lines(Xgrid,truefun((Xgrid2), rep(1, nx)), lty = 2)
          graphics::points(obsX[obsZ == 0], obsY[obsZ == 0], pch = 21, cex = 0.6)
          graphics::points(obsX[obsZ == 1], obsY[obsZ == 1], pch = 20, cex = 0.6)
    else {
      cat("No plot produced, need to specify an X-column for binary Z")

mazphilip/GPspline documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:32 p.m.