
Defines functions riverdistancetofrom print.homerange plothomerangeoverlap homerangeoverlap plot.homerange riverdistancemat riverdistancematbysurvey riverdistanceseq

Documented in homerangeoverlap plot.homerange plothomerangeoverlap riverdistancemat riverdistancematbysurvey riverdistanceseq riverdistancetofrom

#' River Distance Between Sequential Observations
#' @description Returns a matrix of distances traveled by unique fish, between
#'   sequential surveys.  A plotting method is also provided for the output; see \link{plotseq}
#' @param unique A vector of identifiers for each fish.
#' @param survey A vector of identifiers for each survey.  It is recommended to use a numeric or date format (see \link{as.Date}) to preserve survey order.
#' @param seg A vector of river locations (segment component).
#' @param vert A vector of river locations (vertex component).
#' @param rivers The river network object to use.
#' @param logical A boolean vector that can be used for subsetting.  If used,
#'   \code{riverdistanceseq()} will only return pairwise distances in which a
#'   specified condition is met.
#' @param stopiferror Whether or not to exit with an error if a route cannot be
#'   found.  If this is set to \code{FALSE} and a route cannot be found,
#'   the function will return \code{NA} in the appropriate entry.  Defaults to \code{TRUE}.  See \link{detectroute}.
#' @param algorithm Which route detection algorithm to use (\code{"Dijkstra"},
#'   \code{"sequential"}, or \code{"segroutes"}).  If left as \code{NULL} (the
#'   default), the function will automatically make a selection.  See
#'   \link{detectroute} for more details.
#' @return A data frame of distances (numeric), with rows defined by unique fish and columns defined by observation increment (1 to 2, 2 to 3, etc.)
#' @seealso \link{riverdistance}, \link{plotseq}
#' @note Building routes from the river mouth to each river network segment and/or distance lookup tables will
#'   greatly reduce computation time (see \link{buildsegroutes}).
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' data(Gulk, fakefish)
#' riverdistanceseq(unique=fakefish$fish.id, survey=fakefish$flight,
#'       seg=fakefish$seg, vert=fakefish$vert, rivers=Gulk)
#' seqbysurvey <- riverdistanceseq(unique=fakefish$fish.id, survey=fakefish$flight.date,
#'       seg=fakefish$seg, vert=fakefish$vert, rivers=Gulk)
#' seqbysurvey
#' plotseq(seqbysurvey)
#' @export
riverdistanceseq <- function(unique,survey,seg,vert,rivers,logical=NULL,stopiferror=TRUE,algorithm=NULL) {
  if(!inherits(rivers, "rivernetwork")) stop("Argument 'rivers' must be of class 'rivernetwork'.  See help(line2network) for more information.")
  if(is.null(logical)) logical <- rep(T,length(unique))
  tab <- table(unique,survey)
  if(max(tab)>1) cat("Warning: multiple entries exist for at least one unique/survey combination (first one used)")
  dists <- matrix(NA,nrow=dim(tab)[1],ncol=(dim(tab)[2]-1))
  for(i in 1:dim(tab)[1]) {
    for(j in 1:(dim(tab)[2]-1)) {
      if(tab[i,j]*tab[i,(j+1)]!=0) {
        dists[i,j] <- riverdistance(startseg=seg[unique==sort(unique(unique))[i] & survey==sort(unique(survey))[j]][1],
                                    endseg=seg[unique==sort(unique(unique))[i] & survey==sort(unique(survey))[j+1]][1],
                                    startvert=vert[unique==sort(unique(unique))[i] & survey==sort(unique(survey))[j]][1],
                                    endvert=vert[unique==sort(unique(unique))[i] & survey==sort(unique(survey))[j+1]][1],
  row.names(dists) <- row.names(tab)
  for(j in 1:(length(dimnames(tab)$survey)-1)) col.name[j] <- paste(dimnames(tab)$survey[j],"to",dimnames(tab)$survey[j+1])
  names(dists) <- col.name
  dists <- dists[rowSums(is.na(dists)) != ncol(dists),]

#' River Distance Matrix of All Observations of an Individual
#' @description Returns a matrix of network distances between all observations
#'   of one unique fish.
#' @param indiv The unique identifier of the fish in question.
#' @param unique A vector of identifiers for each fish.
#' @param survey A vector of identifiers for each survey.  It is recommended to
#'   use a numeric or date format (see \link{as.Date}) to preserve survey order.
#' @param seg A vector of river locations (segment component).
#' @param vert A vector of river locations (vertex component).
#' @param rivers The river network object to use.
#' @param full Whether to return the full matrix, with \code{NA} values for
#'   missing data (\code{TRUE}), or a the subset of rows and columns
#'   corresponding to successful observations.  Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param stopiferror Whether or not to exit with an error if a route cannot be
#'   found.  If this is set to \code{FALSE} and a route cannot be found, the
#'   function will return \code{NA} in the appropriate entry.  Defaults to
#'   \code{TRUE}.  See \link{detectroute}.
#' @param algorithm Which route detection algorithm to use (\code{"Dijkstra"},
#'   \code{"sequential"}, or \code{"segroutes"}).  If left as \code{NULL} (the
#'   default), the function will automatically make a selection.  See
#'   \link{detectroute} for more details.
#' @return A matrix of distances (numeric), with rows and columns defined by
#'   survey.
#' @seealso \link{riverdistance}
#' @note Building routes from the river mouth to each river network segment and/or distance lookup tables will
#'   greatly reduce computation time (see \link{buildsegroutes}).
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' data(Gulk, fakefish)
#' riverdistancematbysurvey(indiv=1, unique=fakefish$fish.id, survey=fakefish$flight,
#'       seg=fakefish$seg, vert=fakefish$vert, rivers=Gulk)
#' riverdistancematbysurvey(indiv=1, unique=fakefish$fish.id, survey=fakefish$flight,
#'       seg=fakefish$seg, vert=fakefish$vert, rivers=Gulk, full=FALSE)
#' @export
riverdistancematbysurvey <- function(indiv,unique,survey,seg,vert,rivers,full=TRUE,stopiferror=TRUE,algorithm=NULL) {
  surveys <- sort(unique(survey))
  surveys_indiv <- sort(unique(survey[unique==indiv]))
  outmat <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(surveys),ncol=length(surveys))
  for(ii in 1:length(surveys)) {
    for(jj in 1:length(surveys)) {
      outmat[ii,jj] <- ifelse((length(seg[unique==indiv & survey==surveys[ii]])==0) | (length(seg[unique==indiv & survey==surveys[jj]])==0),NA,
                              riverdistance(startseg=seg[unique==indiv & survey==surveys[ii]], endseg=seg[unique==indiv & survey==surveys[jj]],
                                            startvert=vert[unique==indiv & survey==surveys[ii]], endvert=vert[unique==indiv & survey==surveys[jj]],
  dimnames(outmat)[[1]] <- dimnames(outmat)[[2]] <- as.character(surveys)
  if(!full) {
    if(!all(is.na(outmat))) {
      whichnotna <- NA
      iwhichnotna <- 1
      for(i in 1:dim(outmat)[1]) {
        if(!all(is.na(outmat[,i]))) {
          whichnotna[iwhichnotna] <- i
          iwhichnotna <- iwhichnotna+1
      outmat <- outmat[whichnotna,whichnotna]
    if(all(is.na(outmat))) outmat <- NA

#' River Distance Matrix
#' @description Returns a matrix of distances between every point and every
#'   other point of given river locations (segment and vertex), or of a subset.
#' @param seg A vector of river locations (segment component).
#' @param vert A vector of river locations (vertex component).
#' @param rivers The river network object to use.
#' @param logical A boolean vector that can be used for subsetting.  If used,
#'   \code{riverdistancemat} will only return pairwise distances in which a
#'   specified condition is met.
#' @param ID a vector of observation IDs for aid in interpreting the output
#'   table
#' @param stopiferror Whether or not to exit with an error if a route cannot be
#'   found.  If this is set to \code{FALSE} and a route cannot be found,
#'   the function will return \code{NA} in the appropriate entry.  Defaults to \code{TRUE}.  See \link{detectroute}
#' @param algorithm Which route detection algorithm to use (\code{"Dijkstra"},
#'   \code{"sequential"}, or \code{"segroutes"}).  If left as \code{NULL} (the
#'   default), the function will automatically make a selection.  See
#'   \link{detectroute} for more details.
#' @return A matrix of distances (numeric) with rows and columns labeled by corresponding values of \code{ID}.
#' @seealso \link{riverdistance}
#' @note Building routes from the river mouth to each river network segment and/or distance lookup tables will
#'   greatly reduce computation time (see \link{buildsegroutes}).
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' data(Gulk, fakefish)
#' logi1 <- (fakefish$flight.date==as.Date("2015-11-25"))
#' riverdistancemat(seg=fakefish$seg, vert=fakefish$vert, rivers=Gulk, logical=logi1)
#' @export
riverdistancemat <- function(seg,vert,rivers,logical=NULL,ID=NULL,stopiferror=TRUE,algorithm=NULL) {
  if(!inherits(rivers, "rivernetwork")) stop("Argument 'rivers' must be of class 'rivernetwork'.  See help(line2network) for more information.")
  if(is.null(logical)) logical <- rep(T,length(unique))
  len <- length(vert)
  if(is.null(ID)) ID <- 1:len
  ID <- ID[logical]
  dists <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(vert),ncol=length(vert))
  for(i in 1:length(vert)) {
    for(j in  1:length(vert)) {
      dists[i,j] <- riverdistance(startseg=seg[i],endseg=seg[j],startvert=vert[i],endvert=vert[j],rivers=rivers,
  dimnames(dists)[[1]] <- dimnames(dists)[[2]] <- ID

#' Home Range
#' @description Returns the minimum observed home range for multiple
#'   observations of each individual fish.
#' @param unique A vector of unique identifiers for each fish.  If the default (\code{NULL}) is used, the function will assume all observations come from a single individual.
#' @param survey A vector of survey identifiers for each fish.  This argument is not needed for home range calculation, but can affect plotting (see \link{plot.homerange}).
#' @param seg A vector of river locations (segment component).
#' @param vert A vector of river locations (vertex component).
#' @param rivers The river network object to use.
#' @param map Deprecated, use \link{plot.homerange} for plotting instead.  Originally, whether to produce sanity-check maps
#'   of observed locations and calculated home range for each fish.
#' @param algorithm Which route detection algorithm to use (\code{"Dijkstra"},
#'   \code{"sequential"}, or \code{"segroutes"}).  If left as \code{NULL} (the
#'   default), the function will automatically make a selection.  See
#'   \link{detectroute} for more details.
#' @param main Deprecated, use \link{plot.homerange} for plotting instead.  Originally, plot title, if \code{map} is set to \code{TRUE}.  If unspecified, the unique ID will be used for the title.
#' @param ... Deprecated, use \link{plot.homerange} for plotting instead.  Originally, additional plotting arguments, if \code{map} is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return An object of the \link{homerange-class}.  The \code{$ranges} element is a data frame with two columns: \code{$ID} is a list of unique fish
#'   (as specified by \code{unique=}), and \code{$range} is calculated minimum
#'   home range, in the units of the coordinate system (this will likely be
#'   meters).  The other elements are used for plotting, see \link{homerange-class} for more details.
#' @note Building routes from the river mouth to each river network segment and/or distance lookup tables will
#'   greatly reduce computation time (see \link{buildsegroutes}).
#' @seealso \link{plot.homerange}, \link{homerangeoverlap}, \link{plothomerangeoverlap}
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' data(Gulk, fakefish)
#' ranges <- with(fakefish, homerange(unique=fish.id, survey=flight, seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk))
#' ranges
#' # 19 plots will be produced, recommend calling par(mfrow=c(4,5))
#' plot(ranges)
#' plot(ranges,cumulative=TRUE,label=TRUE)
#' homerangeoverlap(ranges)
#' plothomerangeoverlap(ranges)
#' with(fakefish, riverpoints(seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk))
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @export
homerange <- function (unique=NULL, survey=NULL, seg, vert, rivers, map = FALSE, algorithm = NULL, 
                        main = NULL, ...) 
  if (!inherits(rivers, "rivernetwork")) 
    stop("Argument 'rivers' must be of class 'rivernetwork'.  See help(line2network) for more information.")
  if(is.null(unique)) unique <- rep(1,length(seg))
  if ((length(unique) != length(seg)) | (length(seg) != length(vert))) 
    stop("Input vectors must be the same length.")
  if(!missing(map)) warning("Argument map= is deprecated. Use plot() instead, on the object returned from homerange().")
  if(is.null(survey)) survey1 <- 1:length(seg)
  else survey1 <- survey
  ID <- sort(unique(unique))
  range <- rep(0, length(ID))
  alllengths <- function(xy) {
    n <- dim(xy)[1]
    if (n == 1) 
      dist <- 0
    if (n == 2) 
      dist <- pdist(xy[1, ], xy[2, ])
    if (n > 2) 
      dist <- sqrt(((xy[1:(n - 1), 1] - xy[2:n, 1])^2) + 
                     ((xy[1:(n - 1), 2] - xy[2:n, 2])^2))
  subseg_length <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(rivers$lines)) {
    subseg_length[[i]] <- alllengths(rivers$lines[[i]])
  subseg_n <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(ID)) {
    subseg_n[[i]] <- list()
    if (map == T) {
      if (is.null(main)) {
        main1 <- ID[i]
      else {
        main1 <- main
      plot(x = rivers, main = main1, color = F, segmentnum = F, 
           ... = ...)
    n.entries <- length(unique[unique == ID[i]])
    if (n.entries > 1) {
      seg1 <- (seg[unique == ID[i]])[order(survey1[unique==ID[i]])]
      vert1 <- (vert[unique == ID[i]])[order(survey1[unique==ID[i]])]
      routes <- NA
      routes <- list()
      vert2 <- NA
      vert2 <- list()
      for (jj in 1:(n.entries-1)) {
        routes[[jj]] <- detectroute(start = seg1[jj], end = seg1[jj+1], rivers = rivers, algorithm = algorithm)
        vert2[[jj]] <- c(vert1[jj], vert1[jj+1])
      seg.rep.max2 <- rep(0, length(rivers$lines))
      for (j in 1:length(rivers$lines)) {
        linelength <- dim(rivers$lines[[j]])[1]
        subseg_n[[i]][[j]] <- rep(0, length(subseg_length[[j]]))
        for (k in 1:length(routes)) {
          if (length(routes[[k]][routes[[k]] == j]) > 
              0) {
            if (length(routes[[k]]) > 2 & routes[[k]][1] != 
                j & routes[[k]][length(routes[[k]])] != 
                j) {
              if (map) 
                lines(rivers$lines[[j]], col = 4, lwd = 3)
              subseg_n[[i]][[j]] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]]+1
            if (length(routes[[k]]) == 1) {
              if (vert2[[k]][1] != vert2[[k]][2]) {
                subseg_n[[i]][[j]][min((linelength - 1), min(vert2[[k]])):(max(vert2[[k]]) -  1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][min((linelength - 1), min(vert2[[k]])):(max(vert2[[k]]) -  1)]+1
                if (map) 
                                          , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
            if (routes[[k]][1] == j & length(routes[[k]]) > 
                1) {
              if (rivers$connections[routes[[k]][1], 
                                     routes[[k]][[2]]] <= 2) {
                if (vert2[[k]][1] > 1) subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][1] - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][1] - 1)]+1
                if (map) 
                                          , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
              if (any(rivers$connections[routes[[k]][1], 
                                         routes[[k]][[2]]] == 3:4)) {
                if (vert2[[k]][1] < linelength) {
                  subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]):(linelength - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]):(linelength - 1)]+1
                if (map) 
                                          , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
              if (length(routes[[k]] == 2) & rivers$connections[j, 
                                                                routes[[k]][2]] == 5) {
                d1 <- rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][1]] + 
                d2 <- (rivers$lengths[j] - rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][1]]) + 
                  (rivers$lengths[routes[[k]][2]] - rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][2]]][vert2[[k]][2]])
                if (d1 <= d2) {
                  if (vert2[[k]][1] > 1) subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][1] - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][1] - 1)]+1
                  if (map) 
                                            , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
                else {
                  if (vert2[[k]][1] < linelength) {
                    subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]):(linelength - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]):(linelength - 1)]+1
                  if (map) 
                                            , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
              if (length(routes[[k]] == 2) & rivers$connections[j, 
                                                                routes[[k]][2]] == 6) {
                d1 <- rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][1]] + 
                  (rivers$lengths[routes[[k]][2]] - rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][2]]][vert2[[k]][2]])
                d2 <- (rivers$lengths[j] - rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][1]]) + 
                if (d1 <= d2) {
                  if (vert2[[k]][1] > 1) subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][1] - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][1] - 1)]+1
                  if (map) 
                                            , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
                else {
                  if (vert2[[k]][1] < linelength) {
                    subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]):(linelength - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]):(linelength - 1)]+1
                  if (map) 
                                            , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
            if (routes[[k]][length(routes[[k]])] == j & 
                length(routes[[k]]) > 1) {
              if (rivers$connections[routes[[k]][length(routes[[k]])], 
                                     routes[[k]][[length(routes[[k]]) - 1]]] <= 
                  2) {
                if (vert2[[k]][2] > 1) subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][2] - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][2] - 1)]+1
                if (map) 
                                          , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
              if (any(rivers$connections[routes[[k]][length(routes[[k]])], 
                                         routes[[k]][[length(routes[[k]]) - 1]]] == 
                      3:4)) {
                if (vert2[[k]][2] < linelength) {
                  subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][2]):(linelength - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][2]):(linelength - 1)]+1
                if (map) 
                                          , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
              if (length(routes[[k]] == 2) & rivers$connections[routes[[k]][1], 
                                                                routes[[k]][2]] == 5) {
                d1 <- rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][1]]][vert2[[k]][1]] + 
                d2 <- (rivers$lengths[routes[[k]][1]] - 
                         rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][1]]][vert2[[k]][1]]) + 
                  (rivers$lengths[j] - rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][2]])
                if (d1 <= d2) {
                  if (vert2[[k]][2] > 1) subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][2] - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][2] - 1)]+1
                  if (map) 
                                            , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
                else {
                  if (vert2[[k]][2] < linelength) {
                    subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][2]):(linelength - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][2]):(linelength - 1)]+1
                  if (map) 
                                            , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
              if (length(routes[[k]] == 2) & rivers$connections[routes[[k]][1], 
                                                                routes[[k]][2]] == 6) {
                d1 <- (rivers$lengths[routes[[k]][1]] - 
                         rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][1]]][vert2[[k]][1]]) + 
                d2 <- rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][1]]][vert2[[k]][1]] + 
                  (rivers$lengths[j] - rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][2]])
                if (d1 <= d2) {
                  if (vert2[[k]][2] > 1) subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][2] - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][1:(vert2[[k]][2] - 1)]+1
                  if (map) 
                                            , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
                else {
                  if (vert2[[k]][2] < linelength) {
                    subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][2]):(linelength - 1)] <- subseg_n[[i]][[j]][(vert2[[k]][2]):(linelength - 1)]+1
                  if (map) 
                                            , drop = F], col = 4, lwd = 3)
        seg.rep.max2[j] <- sum((subseg_n[[i]][[j]]>0) * subseg_length[[j]])
      range[i] <- sum(seg.rep.max2)
    if (map) 
      riverpoints(seg = seg[unique == ID[i]], vert = vert[unique == 
                                                            ID[i]], rivers = rivers, pch = 15, col = 4)
    names(subseg_n)[i] <- ID[i]
  thing <- data.frame(ID, range)
  thing2 <- subset(thing, range > 0)
  out <- list(ranges=thing2,subseg_n=subseg_n,subseg_length=subseg_length,seg=seg,vert=vert,unique=unique,survey=survey,rivers=rivers)
  class(out) <- "homerange"

# homerange <- function(unique=NULL,seg,vert,rivers,map=FALSE,algorithm=NULL,main=NULL,...) {
#   if(!inherits(rivers, "rivernetwork")) stop("Argument 'rivers' must be of class 'rivernetwork'.  See help(line2network) for more information.")
#   if(is.null(unique)) unique <- rep(1,length(seg))
#   if((length(unique)!=length(seg))|(length(seg)!=length(vert))) stop("Input vectors must be the same length.")
#   ID <- sort(unique(unique))
#   range <- rep(0,length(ID))
#   alllengths <- function(xy) {   
#     n <- dim(xy)[1]
#     if(n==1) dist <- 0
#     if(n==2) dist <- pdist(xy[1,],xy[2,])
#     if(n>2) dist <- sqrt(((xy[1:(n-1),1] - xy[2:n,1])^2) + ((xy[1:(n-1),2] - xy[2:n,2])^2))
#     return(dist)
#   }
#   subseglength <- list()
#   for(i in 1:length(rivers$lines)) {
#     subseglength[[i]] <- alllengths(rivers$lines[[i]])
#   }   
#   for(i in 1:length(ID)) {
#     # i <- 7
#     if(map==T) {
#       if(is.null(main)) {
#         main1 <- ID[i]
#       } else{
#         main1 <- main
#       }
#       plot(x=rivers,main=main1,color=F,segmentnum=F,...=...)  
#     }
#     n.entries <- length(unique[unique==ID[i]])
#     if(n.entries>1) {
#       # create a list of routes taken for fish i
#       seg1 <- seg[unique==ID[i]]
#       vert1 <- vert[unique==ID[i]]
#       routes <- NA
#       routes <- list()
#       vert2 <- NA
#       vert2 <- list()
#       for(j in 1:n.entries) {
#         for(k in 1:n.entries) {
#           routes[[((j-1)*n.entries+k)]] <- detectroute(start=seg1[j],end=seg1[k],rivers=rivers,algorithm=algorithm)
#           vert2[[((j-1)*n.entries+k)]] <- c(vert1[j],vert1[k])
#         }
#       }
#       seg.rep.max2 <- rep(0,length(rivers$lines))
#       # calculate amounts of each segment represented in each route
#       for(j in 1:length(rivers$lines)) {   # segment j
#         linelength <- dim(rivers$lines[[j]])[1]
#         subsegused <- rep(F,length(subseglength[[j]]))
#         for(k in 1:length(routes)) {       # route k
#           # if segment j shows up in route k
#           if(length(routes[[k]][routes[[k]]==j])>0) {
#             #middle
#             if(length(routes[[k]])>2 & routes[[k]][1]!=j & routes[[k]][length(routes[[k]])]!=j) {
#               if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]],col=4,lwd=3)
#               subsegused[] <- T
#             }
#             #only
#             if(length(routes[[k]])==1) {
#               if(vert2[[k]][1] != vert2[[k]][2]) {
#                 subsegused[min((linelength-1),min(vert2[[k]])):(max(vert2[[k]])-1)] <- T
#                 if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]:vert2[[k]][2]),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#               }
#             }
#             #beginning
#             if(routes[[k]][1]==j & length(routes[[k]])>1) {
#               # connected at beginning
#               if(rivers$connections[routes[[k]][1],routes[[k]][[2]]]<=2) {
#                 subsegused[1:(vert2[[k]][1]-1)] <- T
#                 if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(1:vert2[[k]][1]),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#               }
#               # connected at end
#               if(any(rivers$connections[routes[[k]][1],routes[[k]][[2]]]==3:4)) {
#                 if(vert2[[k]][1] < linelength) subsegused[(vert2[[k]][1]):(linelength-1)] <- T
#                 if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]):linelength,,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#               }
#               #special braided case 
#               if(length(routes[[k]]==2) & rivers$connections[j,routes[[k]][2]]==5) {
#                 d1 <- rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][1]] + rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][2]]][vert2[[k]][2]]
#                 d2 <- (rivers$lengths[j] - rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][1]]) + (rivers$lengths[routes[[k]][2]] - rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][2]]][vert2[[k]][2]])
#                 if(d1 <= d2) {
#                   subsegused[1:(vert2[[k]][1]-1)] <- T
#                   if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]:1),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#                 } else {
#                   if(vert2[[k]][1] < linelength) subsegused[(vert2[[k]][1]):(linelength-1)] <- T
#                   if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]:linelength),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#                 }
#               }
#               if(length(routes[[k]]==2) & rivers$connections[j,routes[[k]][2]]==6) {
#                 d1 <- rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][1]] + (rivers$lengths[routes[[k]][2]] - rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][2]]][vert2[[k]][2]])
#                 d2 <- (rivers$lengths[j] - rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][1]]) + rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][2]]][vert2[[k]][2]]
#                 if(d1 <= d2) {
#                   subsegused[1:(vert2[[k]][1]-1)] <- T
#                   if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]:1),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#                 } else {
#                   if(vert2[[k]][1] < linelength) subsegused[(vert2[[k]][1]):(linelength-1)] <- T
#                   if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(vert2[[k]][1]:linelength),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#                 }
#               }  
#             }
#             #end
#             if(routes[[k]][length(routes[[k]])]==j & length(routes[[k]])>1) {
#               # connected at beginning
#               if(rivers$connections[routes[[k]][length(routes[[k]])],routes[[k]][[length(routes[[k]])-1]]]<=2) {
#                 subsegused[1:(vert2[[k]][2]-1)] <- T
#                 if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(1:vert2[[k]][2]),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#               }
#               # connected at end
#               if(any(rivers$connections[routes[[k]][length(routes[[k]])],routes[[k]][[length(routes[[k]])-1]]]==3:4)) {
#                 if(vert2[[k]][2] < linelength) subsegused[(vert2[[k]][2]):(linelength-1)] <- T
#                 if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(linelength:vert2[[k]][2]),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#               }
#               #special braided case 
#               if(length(routes[[k]]==2) & rivers$connections[routes[[k]][1],routes[[k]][2]]==5) {
#                 d1 <- rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][1]]][vert2[[k]][1]] + rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][2]]
#                 d2 <- (rivers$lengths[routes[[k]][1]] - rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][1]]][vert2[[k]][1]]) + (rivers$lengths[j] - rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][2]])
#                 if(d1 <= d2) {
#                   subsegused[1:(vert2[[k]][2]-1)] <- T  
#                   if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(1:vert2[[k]][2]),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#                 } else {
#                   if(vert2[[k]][2] < linelength) subsegused[(vert2[[k]][2]):(linelength-1)] <- T
#                   if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(linelength:vert2[[k]][2]),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#                 }
#               }
#               if(length(routes[[k]]==2) & rivers$connections[routes[[k]][1],routes[[k]][2]]==6) {
#                 d1 <- (rivers$lengths[routes[[k]][1]] - rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][1]]][vert2[[k]][1]]) + rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][2]]
#                 d2 <- rivers$cumuldist[[routes[[k]][1]]][vert2[[k]][1]] + (rivers$lengths[j] - rivers$cumuldist[[j]][vert2[[k]][2]])
#                 if(d1 <= d2) {
#                   subsegused[1:(vert2[[k]][2]-1)] <- T 
#                   if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(1:vert2[[k]][2]),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#                 } else {
#                   if(vert2[[k]][2] < linelength) subsegused[(vert2[[k]][2]):(linelength-1)] <- T
#                   if(map) lines(rivers$lines[[j]][(linelength:vert2[[k]][2]),,drop=F],col=4,lwd=3)
#                 }
#               }   
#             }
#           }
#         }
#         seg.rep.max2[j] <- sum(subsegused*subseglength[[j]])  
#       }
#       range[i] <- sum(seg.rep.max2)
#     }
#     if(map) riverpoints(seg=seg[unique==ID[i]],vert=vert[unique==ID[i]],rivers=rivers,pch=15,col=4)
#   }
#   thing <- data.frame(ID,range)
#   thing2 <- subset(thing,range>0)
#   return(thing2)
# }

#' Plot Home Range
#' @description Plotting method for home range, the minimum observed home range for multiple
#'   observations of each individual fish.
#' @param x An object returned from \link{homerange}.
#' @param cumulative Whether to plot travel as cumulative, with line thickness depending on the number of times a given region was traveled by a given individual.  Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param lwd The line width for plotting homerange, or minimum line width if \code{cumulative} is \code{TRUE}.  Defaults to 3.
#' @param maxlwd The maximum line width if \code{cumulative} is \code{TRUE}.  Defaults to 10.
#' @param col The line color to use.  Defaults to \code{"blue"}.
#' @param pch The point character to use for individual points.  Defaults to open circles, the color of lines.
#' @param label Whether to add survey labels to individual points, if used in \link{homerange}.  Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param main Plot title.  If the default \code{NULL} is used, plots will be titled according to unique individual.
#' @param ... Additional plotting parameters, see \link{plot.rivernetwork}.
#' @seealso \link{homerange}, \link{homerangeoverlap}, \link{plothomerangeoverlap}
#' @author Matt Tyers, bug fix by Jordy Bernard
#' @examples
#' data(Gulk, fakefish)
#' ranges <- with(fakefish, homerange(unique=fish.id, survey=flight, seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk))
#' ranges
#' # 19 plots will be produced, recommend calling par(mfrow=c(4,5))
#' plot(ranges)
#' plot(ranges,cumulative=TRUE,label=TRUE)
#' homerangeoverlap(ranges)
#' plothomerangeoverlap(ranges)
#' with(fakefish, riverpoints(seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk))
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @export
plot.homerange <- function(x,cumulative=FALSE,lwd=3,maxlwd=10,col=4,pch=21,label=FALSE,main=NULL,...) {
  if(is.null(x$survey) & cumulative) warning("Argument survey= will ensure points are chronological order. Entry order used.")
  if(is.null(main)) mains <- names(x$subseg_n)
  if(length(main)==1) mains <- rep(main,length(x$subseg_n))
  if(length(main)>1)  mains <- main
  maxlwds <- max(unlist(x$subseg_n),na.rm=T)
  lwdfactor <- ifelse(maxlwds==1,0,(maxlwd-lwd)/(maxlwds-1))
  for(i in seq_along(x$subseg_n)) {
    # print(mains)
    for(j in seq_along(x$subseg_n[[i]])) {
      a <- x$subseg_n[[i]][[j]]
      if(!cumulative) a <- 1*(a>0)
      n <- length(a)
      firsts <- c(1,(which(a[-n]!=a[-1])+1))
      lasts <- c(which(a[-n]!=a[-1]),n)
      denses <- a[firsts]
      for(k in seq_along(denses)) {
    if(label) {
      segs <- x$seg[x$unique==names(x$subseg_n)[i]]
      verts <- x$vert[x$unique==names(x$subseg_n)[i]]
      texx <- texy <- rep(NA,length(segs))
      for(k in 1:length(segs)) {
        texx[k] <- x$rivers$lines[[segs[k]]][verts[k],1]
        texy[k] <- x$rivers$lines[[segs[k]]][verts[k],2]

#' Home Range Overlap
#' @description Returns matrices describing the overlap of the minimum observed home range for multiple
#'   observations of each individual fish.
#' @param x An object returned from \link{homerange}.
#' @return A list of three matrices, with \code{$either} giving the distances represented by the union of home ranges of each pair of individuals, and \code{$both} giving the distances represented by the intersection of home ranges of each pair of individuals.  Element \code{$prop_both} gives the proportion of overlap, defined as intersection/union.
#' @seealso \link{homerange}, \link{plot.homerange}, \link{plothomerangeoverlap}
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' data(Gulk, fakefish)
#' ranges <- with(fakefish, homerange(unique=fish.id, survey=flight, seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk))
#' ranges
#' # 19 plots will be produced, recommend calling par(mfrow=c(4,5))
#' plot(ranges)
#' plot(ranges,cumulative=TRUE,label=TRUE)
#' homerangeoverlap(ranges)
#' plothomerangeoverlap(ranges)
#' with(fakefish, riverpoints(seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk))
#' @export
homerangeoverlap <- function(x) {
  if(!inherits(x, "homerange")) stop("Input must be of class homerange.  See help(homerange) or help(homerange-class) for more details.")
  n <- length(x$subseg_n)
  either <- both <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=n)
  for(i in 1:n) {
    for(j in 1:n) {
      for(k in 1:length(x$subseg_length)) {
        either[i,j] <- either[i,j] + sum(x$subseg_length[[k]]*(x$subseg_n[[i]][[k]]>0 | x$subseg_n[[j]][[k]]>0))
        both[i,j] <- both[i,j] + sum(x$subseg_length[[k]]*(x$subseg_n[[i]][[k]]>0 & x$subseg_n[[j]][[k]]>0))
  dimnames(either)[[1]] <- dimnames(either)[[2]] <- dimnames(both)[[1]] <- dimnames(both)[[2]] <- names(x$subseg_n)

#' Plot Home Range Overlap
#' @description Produces a plot of the overlap of the minimum observed home range for multiple
#'   observations of each individual fish, with line thickness illustrating the respective number of individuals' homeranges represented.
#' @param x An object returned from \link{homerange}.
#' @param lwd Minimum line width to use, defaults to 3.
#' @param maxlwd Maximum line width to use, defaults to 10.
#' @param col Line color to use, defaults to \code{"blue"}.
#' @param ... Additional plotting parameters, see \link{plot.rivernetwork}.
#' @seealso \link{homerange}, \link{plot.homerange}, \link{homerangeoverlap}
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' data(Gulk, fakefish)
#' ranges <- with(fakefish, homerange(unique=fish.id, survey=flight, seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk))
#' ranges
#' # 19 plots will be produced, recommend calling par(mfrow=c(4,5))
#' plot(ranges)
#' plot(ranges,cumulative=TRUE,label=TRUE)
#' homerangeoverlap(ranges)
#' plothomerangeoverlap(ranges)
#' with(fakefish, riverpoints(seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk))
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @export
plothomerangeoverlap <- function(x,lwd=3,maxlwd=10,col=4,...) {
  totsubsegs <- x$subseg_n[[1]]
  for(j in 1:length(x$subseg_n[[1]])) {
    totsubsegs[[j]][] <- 0
    for(i in 1:length(x$subseg_n)) {
      totsubsegs[[j]] <- totsubsegs[[j]] + (x$subseg_n[[i]][[j]]>0)
  maxlwds <- max(unlist(totsubsegs),na.rm=T)
  lwdfactor <- ifelse(maxlwds==1,0,(maxlwd-lwd)/(maxlwds-1))
  for(j in 1:length(totsubsegs)) {
    a <- totsubsegs[[j]]
    n <- length(a)
    firsts <- c(1,(which(a[-n]!=a[-1])+1))
    lasts <- c(which(a[-n]!=a[-1]),n)
    denses <- a[firsts]
    for(k in 1:length(denses)) {
      if(denses[k]>0) lines(x$rivers$lines[[j]][(firsts[k]:lasts[k]),],lwd=(lwd+(lwdfactor*(denses[k]-1))),col=col)

#' @export
print.homerange <- function(x,...) {
  cat("Minumum home ranges associated with each individual",'\n','\n')

#' River Distance Matrix between Two Datasets
#' @description Returns a matrix of distances between each river location in two datasets, with one expressed as rows and the other expressed as columns.
#' @param seg1 First vector of river locations (segment component).  These are expressed as rows in the output matrix.
#' @param vert1 First vector of river locations (vertex component).  These are expressed as rows in the output matrix.
#' @param seg2 Second vector of river locations (segment component).  These are expressed as columns in the output matrix.
#' @param vert2 Second vector of river locations (vertex component).  These are expressed as columns in the output matrix.
#' @param rivers The river network object to use.
#' @param logical1 A boolean vector that can be used for subsetting.  If used,
#'   \code{riverdistancetofrom} will only return distances in which a
#'   specified condition is met for the first dataset.
#' @param logical2 A boolean vector that can be used for subsetting.  If used,
#'   \code{riverdistancetofrom} will only return distances in which a
#'   specified condition is met for the second dataset.
#' @param ID1 a vector of observation IDs for the first dataset that will be used as row names in the output matrix.
#' @param ID2 a vector of observation IDs for the second dataset that will be used as column names in the output matrix.
#' @param stopiferror Whether or not to exit with an error if a route cannot be
#'   found.  If this is set to \code{FALSE} and a route cannot be found,
#'   the function will return \code{NA} in the appropriate entry.  Defaults to \code{TRUE}.  See \link{detectroute}.
#' @param algorithm Which route detection algorithm to use (\code{"Dijkstra"},
#'   \code{"sequential"}, or \code{"segroutes"}).  If left as \code{NULL} (the
#'   default), the function will automatically make a selection.  See
#'   \link{detectroute} for more details.
#' @return A matrix of distances (numeric) with rows and columns labeled by corresponding values of \code{ID}.
#' @seealso \link{riverdistance}
#' @note Building routes from the river mouth to each river network segment and/or distance lookup tables will
#'   greatly reduce computation time (see \link{buildsegroutes}).
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' data(Gulk)
#' streamlocs.seg <- c(1,8,11)
#' streamlocs.vert <- c(50,70,90)
#' streamlocs.ID <- c("A","B","C")
#' fish.seg <- c(1,4,9,12,14)
#' fish.vert <- c(10,11,12,13,14)
#' fish.ID <- c("fish1","fish2","fish3","fish4","fish5")
#' riverdistancetofrom(seg1=streamlocs.seg, vert1=streamlocs.vert,
#'   seg2=fish.seg, vert2=fish.vert, rivers=Gulk, ID1=streamlocs.ID, ID2=fish.ID)
#' logi1 <- streamlocs.ID=="B" | streamlocs.ID=="C"
#' logi2 <- fish.ID!="fish3"
#' riverdistancetofrom(seg1=streamlocs.seg, vert1=streamlocs.vert,
#'   seg2=fish.seg, vert2=fish.vert, rivers=Gulk, logical1=logi1, logical2=logi2,
#'   ID1=streamlocs.ID, ID2=fish.ID)
#' @export
riverdistancetofrom <- function(seg1,vert1,seg2,vert2,rivers,logical1=NULL,logical2=NULL,ID1=NULL,ID2=NULL,stopiferror=TRUE,algorithm=NULL) {
  if(is.null(logical1)) logical1 <- rep(T,length(seg1))
  if(is.null(logical2)) logical2 <- rep(T,length(seg2))
  if(length(logical1) != length(seg1)) stop("logical1 must be the same length as its location vectors")
  if(length(logical2) != length(seg2)) stop("logical2 must be the same length as its location vectors")
  if(is.null(ID1)) ID1 <- 1:length(seg1)
  if(is.null(ID2)) ID2 <- 1:length(seg2)
  seg1 <- seg1[logical1]
  vert1 <- vert1[logical1]
  seg2 <- seg2[logical2]
  vert2 <- vert2[logical2]
  ID1 <- ID1[logical1]
  ID2 <- ID2[logical2]
  dists <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(seg1),ncol=length(seg2))
  for(i in 1:length(seg1)) {
    for(j in 1:length(seg2)) {
      dists[i,j] <- riverdistance(startseg=seg1[i],startvert=vert1[i],endseg=seg2[j],endvert=vert2[j],rivers=rivers,
  class(ID1) <- "list"
  class(ID2) <- "list"
  dimnames(dists)[[1]] <- ID1
  dimnames(dists)[[2]] <- ID2
mbtyers/riverdist documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 12:34 a.m.