
Defines functions plotMedianPhaseLag plotAveragePhaseLag plotMeanPhaseLagOverTime createSlidingPhaseMatrix

Documented in createSlidingPhaseMatrix plotAveragePhaseLag plotMeanPhaseLagOverTime plotMedianPhaseLag

# Phase analysis

#' @title Calculate average phase angles
#' @description Creates a matrix with mean phase differences between regions for a moving time period.
#' @param phaseMatrix A matrix of phase angles.
#' @param window The size of the moving average window.
#' @param bSort Logical; if \code{TRUE} sorts the output matrix according to the average phase (over time).
#' @return Returns a matrix with average phase angle differences from other locations.
#' @author Mikhail Churakov (\email{mikhail.churakov@@pasteur.fr}).
#' @export
createSlidingPhaseMatrix <- function(phaseMatrix, window = 12, bSort = TRUE) {
  print("Calculating sliding phase matrix...")
  time <- 1:ncol(phaseMatrix)
  phaseSlideMatrix <- matrix(rep(NA, each = nrow(phaseMatrix), ncol(phaseMatrix)), nrow(phaseMatrix), byrow = TRUE)
  # colnames(phaseSlideMatrix) <- row.names(phaseMatrix)
  row.names(phaseSlideMatrix) <- row.names(phaseMatrix)
  prog.bar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, ncol(phaseMatrix), style = 3)
  for (t in 1:ncol(phaseMatrix)) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(phaseMatrix)) {
      vals <- c()
      for (j in 1:nrow(phaseMatrix)) {
        if (i == j) {
          vals <- c(vals, 0)
        time <- max(1, t - window / 2):min(t + window / 2, ncol(phaseMatrix))
        # vec <- phaseMatrix[i, time] - phaseMatrix[j, time]
        vec <- phaseMatrix[j, time] - phaseMatrix[i, time]
        val <- mean(correctPhase(vec), na.rm = TRUE)
        vals <- c(vals, val)
      phaseSlideMatrix[i, t] <- mean(vals, na.rm = TRUE)
    setTxtProgressBar(prog.bar, t)
  if (bSort)
    phaseSlideMatrix <- phaseSlideMatrix[order(rowMeans(phaseSlideMatrix), decreasing = T), ] # Sort regions according to their mean phase lags

#' @title Plot mean phase lags from other locations
#' @description Plot mean phase lags from other locations.
#' @param slideMat A matrix of phase angles.
#' @param sel Vector of locations to use for the plot.
#' @param colors Vector of colors to create a palette for different locations.
#' @param legendSize Size of the legend. 
#' @param legendNcol Number of columns in the legend. 
#' @param cex .  
#' @param xlim .  
#' @param ylim .  
#' @param xlab .  
#' @param ylab . 
#' @param \dots Additional graphical parameters.
#' @author Mikhail Churakov (\email{mikhail.churakov@@pasteur.fr}).
#' @export
plotMeanPhaseLagOverTime <- function(slideMat, sel = 1:nrow(slideMat), colors = c("red", "yellow", "green", "blue"),
                                     legendSize = 1, legendNcol = 1, 
                                     cex = 0, xlim = c(1, ncol(slideMat)), ylim = c(-pi, pi),
                                     xlab = "Time", ylab = "Phase lag from other regions", ...) {
  plot(1:ncol(slideMat), rep(0, ncol(slideMat)), cex = cex, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
  meanPhases <- rowMeans(slideMat)
  pal <- getColorsFromNumbers(meanPhases, colors, range(meanPhases))
  for (i in sel)
    lines(1:ncol(slideMat), slideMat[i, ], col = pal[i])
  legend("bottomright", rownames(slideMat)[order(meanPhases, decreasing = T)][sel], lty = 1, 
         col = pal[order(meanPhases, decreasing = T)][sel], text.col = pal[order(meanPhases, decreasing = T)][sel], 
         cex = legendSize, ncol = legendNcol)

#' @title Plot mean phase lags averaged over time
#' @description Plot mean phase lags averaged over time.
#' @param slideMat A matrix of phase angles.
#' @param perc Percentage envelope for CI around the mean.
#' @author Mikhail Churakov (\email{mikhail.churakov@@pasteur.fr}).
#' @export
plotAveragePhaseLag <- function(slideMat, perc = 0.95) {
  sds <- c()
  for (i in 1:nrow(slideMat))
    sds <- c(sds, sd(slideMat[i, ]))
  meanPhases <- rowMeans(slideMat)
  sds <- sds[order(meanPhases)]
  meanPhases <- sort(meanPhases)
  plot(meanPhases, ylim = c(-pi, pi), ylab = "Average phase lag from other locations", xlab = "", xaxt = "n", las = 1)
  ci <- qnorm(perc + (1 - perc) / 2) / sqrt(ncol(slideMat)) # Coefficient to get CI from SD (normal distribution)
  ci <- qt(perc + (1 - perc) / 2, df = ncol(slideMat) - 1) / sqrt(ncol(slideMat)) # Coefficient to get CI from SD (t-distribution)
  points(1:length(meanPhases), meanPhases + ci * sds, col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 0.5)
  points(1:length(meanPhases), meanPhases - ci * sds, col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 0.5)
  for (i in 1:length(meanPhases)) {
    lines(c(i, i), c(meanPhases[i] - ci * sds[i], meanPhases[i] + ci * sds[i]))
    print(paste0(names(meanPhases)[i], ": ", meanPhases[i], " [", meanPhases[i] - ci * sds[i], ", ", 
                 meanPhases[i] + ci * sds[i], "]"))
  mtext(names(meanPhases), 1, at = 1:length(meanPhases), las = 2, line = 0.2, cex = 0.5)

#' @title Plot median phase lags averaged over time
#' @description Plot median phase lags averaged over time.
#' @param slideMat A matrix of phase angles.
#' @param perc Percentage envelope for quantiles around the median.
#' @param ylim .
#' @param ylab .
#' @param xlab .
#' @param \dots Additional graphical parameters.
#' @author Mikhail Churakov (\email{mikhail.churakov@@pasteur.fr}).
#' @export
plotMedianPhaseLag <- function(slideMat, perc = 0.95, ylim = c(-pi, pi), ylab = "Median phase lag from other locations", xlab = "", ...) {
  median <- rowMeans(slideMat)
  upper <- rowMeans(slideMat)
  lower <- rowMeans(slideMat)
  for (i in 1:nrow(slideMat)) {
    x <- quantile(slideMat[i, ], probs = c((1 - perc) / 2, 0.5, (1 + perc) / 2))
    lower[i] <- x[1]
    median[i] <- x[2]
    upper[i] <- x[3]
  lower <- lower[order(median)]
  upper <- upper[order(median)]
  median <- sort(median)
  plot(median, ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, xaxt = "n", las = 1, ...)
  # points(1:length(median), upper, col = "red", pch = 19, ...)
  # points(1:length(median), lower, col = "red", pch = 19, ...)
  for (i in 1:length(median))
    # lines(c(i, i), c(lower[i], upper[i]))
    arrows(i, lower[i], i, upper[i], code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0.001 + 0.2 / log(nrow(slideMat)))
  mtext(names(median), 1, at = 1:length(median), las = 2, line = 0.2, cex = 0.01 + 2.5 / log(nrow(slideMat)))
mc30/wasp documentation built on Sept. 14, 2020, 4:20 a.m.