Man pages for mcanouil/snpEnrichment
SNPs Enrichment Analysis With Sampling

Chromosome-classClass Chromosome
compareEnrichmentCompare enrichment analysis between two SNPs list
Enrichment-classAn S4 class Enrichment
EnrichSNP-classClass EnrichSNP
excludeSNPExclude SNPs from Enrichment analysis
getEnrichSNPGet all eSNP/xSNP which are enriched
initFilesInitialize files for enrichment analysis
internal~ Internal: snpEnrichment objects and methods ~
plotPlot method (S4) for Enrichment object
readEnrichmentRead and create EnrichmentRatio object
reSampleCompute enrichment analysis on an Enrichment object
resetReset methods.
snpEnrichment~ Overview: SNPs Enrichment Analysis With Sampling ~
toyEnrichmentToy dataset with SNP data
transcriptTranscript information in order to check the CIS status for...
writeLDLinkage Disequilibrium (LD) computation with PLINK
mcanouil/snpEnrichment documentation built on Sept. 19, 2021, 1:21 a.m.