
Defines functions gamljgmixed gamljmixed gamljglm gamljlm test_contrasts em_means.gamlj em_means fit.gamlj fit coef.gamlj print.gamlj_list print.jmvrobj print.jmvrtable summary.gamlj_list summary.ResultsElement simple_effects.gamlj simple_effects posthoc.gamlj posthoc anova.gamlj residuals.gamljgmixedResults residuals.gamljmixedResults residuals.gamljglmResults residuals.gamljlmResults predict.gamljgmixedResults predict.gamljmixedResults predict.gamljglmResults predict.gamljlmResults get_data.gamlj get_data vcov.gamlj assumptions .extract_plots jnplot plot.gamlj .gamlj_update update.gamljgmixedResults update.gamljmixedResults update.gamljglmResults update.gamljlmResults

Documented in anova.gamlj assumptions coef.gamlj em_means em_means.gamlj fit fit.gamlj gamljglm gamljgmixed gamljlm gamljmixed get_data get_data.gamlj jnplot plot.gamlj posthoc posthoc.gamlj predict.gamljglmResults predict.gamljgmixedResults predict.gamljlmResults predict.gamljmixedResults print.gamlj_list print.jmvrobj print.jmvrtable residuals.gamljglmResults residuals.gamljgmixedResults residuals.gamljlmResults residuals.gamljmixedResults simple_effects simple_effects.gamlj summary.gamlj_list summary.ResultsElement test_contrasts update.gamljglmResults update.gamljgmixedResults update.gamljlmResults update.gamljmixedResults vcov.gamlj

#' Update a GAMLj model 
#' Re-estimates a GAMLj model applying new options to the original model
#' @param  object of class `gamlj*Results` 
#' @param  ... any parameter to be passed to \code{\link[GAMLj3]{gamlj_lm}},  \code{\link[GAMLj3]{gamlj_mixed}},  \code{\link[GAMLj3]{gamlj_glm}}, or  \code{\link{gamlj_gmixed}} 
#' @return an object of class gamlj*Results as the input object
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @rdname update
#' @export 

update.gamljlmResults <- function(object, ...) {
    fun <- gamlj_lm
    .gamlj_update(fun, object, ...)

#' @rdname update
#' @export 

update.gamljglmResults <- function(object, ...) {
    fun <- gamlj_glm
    .gamlj_update(fun, object, ...)

#' @rdname update
#' @export 

update.gamljmixedResults <- function(object, ...) {
    fun <- gamlj_mixed
    .gamlj_update(fun, object, ...)

#' @rdname update
#' @export 

update.gamljgmixedResults <- function(object, ...) {
    fun <- gamlj_gmixed
    .gamlj_update(fun, object, ...)

.gamlj_update <- function(fun, object, ...) {

    params <- list(...)
    if (is.null(names(params))) 
        params <- params[[1]]

    forms <- formals(fun)
    alist <- list()
    for (f in names(forms)) {
        if (f %in% names(object$options)) 
            alist[[f]] <- object$options[[f]]
    for (p in names(params)) {
        alist[[p]] <- params[[p]]
    data <- object$options$.getData()
    alist[["data"]] <- data
    do.call(fun, alist)

#'  GAMLj plot
#' This function re-estimates a GAMLj model adding a new plot. If no option is passed, extracts the 
#' plots present in the `gamlj*Results` object. If one plot is present, it is returned as a ggplot2 object,
#'  if more than one is present, a list of plots is returned. FALSE is returned if no plot is present or defined. 

#' @param x a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param formula a right hand side formula specifying the effect to plot, of the form `~x`, `~x*z` or `~x*z*w`. 
#' It has prevalence on other options defining a plot.
#' @param ... all options accepted by a gamlj model function. 
#'            Relevant for new plots are \code{plot_x}, \code{plot_z} and \code{plot_by}
#' @return an object of class ggplot or a list of ggplot objects
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples
#' data(qsport)
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'   formula = performance ~ hours,
#'   data = qsport)
#' plot(gmod,plot_x = 'hours')
#' plot(gmod,formula=~hours)
#' @rdname plot
#' @export

plot.gamlj <- function(x, formula = NULL, ...) {

    if (is.something(formula)) {
        .calls <- jmvcore::marshalFormula(formula, from = "rhs", type = "terms", data = NULL)
        plots <- lapply(.calls, function(.call) {
            haxis <- .call[1]
            if (!is.na(.call[2])) 
                sepLines <- .call[2] else sepLines <- NULL
            if (!is.na(.call[3])) 
                sepPlots <- .call[3] else sepPlots <- NULL
            args <- list(plot_x = haxis, plot_z = sepLines, plot_by = sepPlots, ...)
            object <- stats::update(x, args)
            .extract_plots(object, "mainPlots")
    } else {
        if (is.something(list(...))) 
            x <- stats::update(x, ...)

        plots <- .extract_plots(x,"mainPlots")
    if ("list" %in% class(plots) && length(plots) == 1) 
        plots <- plots[[1]]

#'  GAMLj Johnson-Nayman plots
#' This function re-estimates a GAMLj model adding a Johnson-Nayman plot, if not available already. If no option is passed, extracts the 
#' plots present in the `gamlj*Results` object. If JN plot is present, it is returned as a ggplot2 object,
#'  if more than one is present, a list of plots is returned. FALSE is returned if no plot is present or defined. 

#' @param x a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param formula a right hand side formula specifying the effect to plot, of the form `~x*z` or `~x*z*w`. 
#' It has prevalence on other options defining a plot.
#' @param ... all options accepted by a gamlj model function. 
#'            Relevant for new plots are \code{plot_x}, \code{plot_z} and \code{plot_by}
#' @return an object of class ggplot or a list of ggplot objects
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples
#' data(qsport)
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'   formula = performance ~ hours,
#'   data = qsport)
#' plot(gmod,plot_x = 'hours')
#' plot(gmod,formula=~hours)
#' @rdname jnplot
#' @export

jnplot <- function(x, formula = NULL, ...) {

    if (is.something(formula)) {
        .calls <- jmvcore::marshalFormula(formula, from = "rhs", type = "terms", data = NULL)
        plots <- lapply(.calls, function(.call) {
            haxis <- .call[1]
            if (!is.na(.call[2])) 
                sepLines <- .call[2] else sepLines <- NULL
            if (!is.na(.call[3])) 
                sepPlots <- .call[3] else sepPlots <- NULL
            args <- list(plot_x = haxis, plot_z = sepLines, plot_by = sepPlots, plot_jn=TRUE,...)
            object <- stats::update(x, args)
    } else {
        if (is.something(list(...))) 
            x <- stats::update(x, ...)

        plots <- .extract_plots(x,"jnPlots")
    if ("list" %in% class(plots) && length(plots) == 1) 
        plots <- plots[[1]]

.extract_plots <- function(object, what) {

        alist <- list()
        if (!utils::hasName(object,what)) {
          warning("The requested plots are not available. You can ask them with the passing the gamlj options to the funcion")
        if (length(object[[what]])==0) {
          warning("The requested plots are not available. You can ask them with the passing the gamlj options to the funcion")

        for (i in 1:length(object[[what]])) {
            title <- (object[[what]][[i]]$title)
            gplot <- object$mainPlots[[i]]$plot$fun() + ggplot2::ggtitle(title)
            alist[[i]] <- gplot


#' Assumptions checking plots
#' This function returns a list of plots as a ggplot objects produced by the assumptions checking options, such
#' as `qq_plot`, `resid_plot` and `norm_plot` for continuous dependent variable models, 
#'`cluster_boxplot`, `cluster_respred` and `rand_hist` for mixed models.
#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj*Results``
#' @return a list of lists with titles and ggplot objects
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @export

assumptions <- function(object) {

    if (!("assumptions" %in% names(object))) 
        stop("No assumptions checking plot is contained in the GAMLj model")

    pnames <- names(object$assumptions)
    if (!is.something(pnames)) 
        stop("No assumptions checking plots is contained in the GAMLj model")
    res <- list()
    for (pname in pnames) {
        obj <- object$assumptions[[pname]]
        if ("Image" %in% class(obj)) {
            plot <- obj$plot$fun()
            if (is.something(plot)) {
                title <- obj$title
                name <- obj$name
                plot <- obj$plot$fun()
                res[[length(res) + 1]] <- list(name = name, title = title, plot = plot)
        if ("Array" %in% class(obj)) {
            groupname <- obj$name
            j <- 0
            for (key in obj$itemKeys) {
                j <- j + 1
                one <- obj$get(key = key)
                title <- one$title
                name <- paste0(groupname, j)
                plot <- one$plot$fun()
                res[[length(res) + 1]] <- list(name = name, title = title, plot = plot)




#' Coefficients covariances for a GAMLj model 
#' Returns the parameters variances and covariances
#' @param  object of class `gamlj*Results` 
#' @param  ... any parameter to be passed to \code{\link[GAMLj3]{gamlj_lm}},  \code{\link[GAMLj3]{gamlj_mixed}},  \code{\link[GAMLj3]{gamlj_glm}}, or  \code{\link[GAMLj3]{gamlj_gmixed}} 
#' @return an table of class gamlj*Results 
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @export 

vcov.gamlj <- function(object, ...) {
    if(utils::hasName(object,"main") && utils::hasName(object$main,"vcov"))
    mod<-stats::update(object, vcov=T,...)

#' Extract data 
#' This function returns a dataset with the variables in the GAMLj model 
#' transformed according to GAMLj options. It is usefull to run additional 
#' models with other R packages with the same setup used by GAMLj
#'@name   get_data
#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj*Results`
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the GAMLj estimation function
#' @aliases get_data.gamlj
#' @return a dataset
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples 
#' data('qsport')
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(formula = performance ~ hours,
#'                 data = qsport,
#'                 covs_scale = c(hours='standardized'))
#' gdata<-get_data(gmod)
#' lm(performance ~ hours,data=gdata)
#' @export

get_data <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("get_data")

#' @export
get_data.gamlj <- function(object,...) {
    if (isS4(object$model)) 
        .data <- object$model@frame 
        .data <- object$model$model
     good<-grep("I(",.names,fixed=T,invert = T)
     for (f in .factors) {

#' Predicted values from GAMLj models 
#' Returns predicted values from the estimated model
#' @name predict
#' @rdname predict
#' @aliases predict.gamlj_lm_Results
#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj*Results`
#' @param re.form (formula, NULL, or NA) specify which random effects to condition on when predicting. If NULL, include all random effects; if NA or ~0, include no random effects. Used only for the mixed models.  
#' @param type the type of prediction required. The default is on the scale of the response variables ('response'); Thus for  binomial models the default is to compute the predicted probabilities.  'link' gives the scale of the linear predictors; 
#'             is on the scale of the linear predictors;  The 'terms' option returns a matrix giving the fitted values of each term in the model formula on the linear predictor scale. 
#'             Cf. \code{\link[stats:predict]{stats::predict()}}, \code{\link[stats:predict.lm]{stats::predict.lm()}}
#' @param ...  additional arguments for specific predict methods other than the ones specified here.
#' @return a R object of the class of the estimated model
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples 
#' data('qsport')
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'    formula = performance ~ hours,
#'    data = qsport)
#'  preds<-predict(gmod)
#' @export

predict.gamljlmResults <- function(object, ...) {
    stats::predict(object$model, ...)

#'  preds<-predict(obj)
#' @rdname predict  
#' @export

predict.gamljglmResults <- function(object, type = "response", ...) {
    stats::predict(object$model, type = type, ...)

#' @rdname predict  
#' @export

predict.gamljmixedResults <- function(object, re.form = NULL, type = "response", ...) {
    stats::predict(object$model, re.form = re.form, type = type, ...)

#' @rdname predict  
#' @export

predict.gamljgmixedResults <- function(object, re.form = NULL, type = "response", ...) {
    stats::predict(object$model, re.form = re.form, type = type, ...)

#' Residuals values from GAMLj models 
#' Returns residuals values from the estimated model
#' @name residuals
#' @rdname residuals
#' @aliases residuals.gamlj_lm_Results
#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj*Results`
#' @param type the type of residuals for generalized models. The alternatives are: 'deviance' (default), 'pearson', 'working', 'response', and 'partial'. Can be abbreviated.  
#'             Cf. \code{\link[stats:residuals]{stats::residuals()}}, \code{\link[stats:residuals.lm]{stats::residuals.lm()}}, \code{\link[stats:residuals.glm]{stats::residuals.glm()}}
#' @param ...  additional arguments for specific residuals methods.
#' @return a R object of the class of the estimated model
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples 
#' data('qsport')
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'    formula = performance ~ hours,
#'    data = qsport)
#'  preds<-residuals(gmod)
#' @export

residuals.gamljlmResults <- function(object, ...) {
    stats::residuals(object$model, ...)

#' @rdname residuals  
#' @export

residuals.gamljglmResults <- function(object, type = "deviance", ...) {
    stats::residuals(object$model, type = type, ...)

#' @rdname residuals  
#' @export

residuals.gamljmixedResults <- function(object, ...) {
    stats::residuals(object$model, ...)

#' @rdname residuals  
#' @export

residuals.gamljgmixedResults <- function(object, type = "deviance", ...) {
    stats::residuals(object$model, type = type, ...)

#'  anova tests in GAMLj results 
#' This is a convenience function to extract the ANOVA table (omnibus tests) from a GAMLj model. If no option is passed, extracts the 
#' ANOVA tests table already in the model results (if any). If two GAMLj models are provided, a model comparison is produces. Any option
#' accepted by gamlj model can be passed.
#' are returned.

#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param object2 a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj` representing the nested model. Overiddes \code{nested_terms}.
#'                 It can be passed also as a a right-hand side formula specifying terms of the nested model.
#' @param ... all options accepted by a gamlj model function.  
#' @return a list of tables of class `ResultsElement`
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples
#' data(fivegroups)
#' fivegroups$Group<-factor(fivegroups$Group)
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'   formula = Score ~Group,
#'   data = fivegroups)
#' anova(gmod)
#' @rdname anova
#' @export

anova.gamlj <- function(object, object2,...) {
  if (!missing(object2)) {
     if (inherits(object2,"gamlj"))
  object <- stats::update(object, args)
  if (utils::hasName(object$main,"fit"))
  } else {
    if (utils::hasName(object$main,"fit"))

#'  Post-hoc test on GAMLj results 
#' This is a convenience function to re-estimates a GAMLj model adding posthoc tests. If no option is passed, extracts the 
#' post-hoc tests tables already in the model results (if any). If new post-hoc are defined, the post-hoc tests tables 
#' are returned.

#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param formula a right hand side formula specifying the factors or factors combinations to test, of the form `~x+z`, `~x:z` or `~x*z`. 
#' It has prevalence on other options defining a post-hoc test via character options.
#' @param ... all options accepted by a gamlj model function. Relevant for new tests are 
#'   `post_hoc` (a list of list of terms), `adjust`, a list of correction to apply:
#'    one or more of \code{none}, \code{bonf},  \code{holm}, \code{scheffe} or \code{sidak}. 
#' @return a list of tables of class `ResultsElement`
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples
#' data(fivegroups)
#' fivegroups$Group<-factor(fivegroups$Group)
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'   formula = Score ~Group,
#'   data = fivegroups)
#' posthoc(gmod,formula =~Group)
#' @rdname posthoc
#' @export

posthoc <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("posthoc")

#' @rdname posthoc
#' @export

posthoc.gamlj <- function(object, formula = NULL, ...) {

    if (is.something(formula)) 
        object <- stats::update(object, posthoc = formula, ...) 
    else if (is.something(list(...))) 
           object <- stats::update(object, ...)
    if (length(object$posthoc) == 0) 


#'  Simple Effects on GAMLj results 
#' This is a convenience function to re-estimates a GAMLj model adding simple effect analysis. If no option is passed, extracts the 
#' simple effects tables already in the model results (if any). If new tests are defined, the simple effects tests tables 
#' are returned.

#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param formula a right hand side formula specifying the variables to test, of the form `~x:z`, `~x:z:w` or `~x*z`. 
#' The formula is not expanded, so the first variable is the simple effect variable, the second is the moderator, 
#' the third an optional additional moderator, an so on.
#' It has prevalence on other options defining a simple effects test via character options.
#' @param ... all options accepted by a gamlj model function. Relevant for new tests are 
#'   `simple_x` (the simple effect variable), \code{`simple_mods`}, the moderator(s). Both are overriden by the formula option. 
#' @return a list of tables of class `ResultsElement`
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples
#' data(wicksell)
#' wicksell$time<-factor(wicksell$time)
#' wicksell$group<-factor(wicksell$group) 
#' wicksell$subj<-factor(wicksell$subj) 

#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_mixed(
#'    formula = dv ~ 1 +group+ time:group+ time+( 1 | subj ),
#'    data = wicksell)
#' simple_effects(gmod,formula =~time:group)
#' @rdname simple_effects
#' @export

simple_effects <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("simple_effects")

#' @rdname simple_effects
#' @export

simple_effects.gamlj <- function(object, formula=NULL,...) {

    if (is.something(formula)) {
      if (length(v)<2) stop("Specify a simple effect formula with at least two variables in the model.")
    if (is.something(args))
          object <- stats::update(object, args)
    if (dim(object$simpleEffects$anova$asDF)[1] != 0)  
       stop("Simple effects not available")


#'  S3 methods for class jamovi ResultsElement 
#' These functions extract all visible tables from a ResultsElement or related classes produced by GAMLj3
#' and print them in R style.

#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param formula not used
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the GAMLj3 estimation function
#' @return a list of table as data.frame
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples
#' data(fivegroups)
#' fivegroups$Group<-factor(fivegroups$Group)
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'   formula = Score ~Group,
#'   data = fivegroups)
#' summary(gmod)
#' @rdname s3methods
#' @export

summary.ResultsElement<-function(object,...) {
    .get_table<-function(obj) {
        if ("Table" %in% class(obj) && obj$visible) {
            if(nrow(obj$asDF)>0) {
        if ("Html" %in% class(obj) && obj$visible) {

        if (obj$.has("items")) {
            for (item in obj$items)

#'  S3 methods for class galmj_list 
#' These functions extract all visible tables from a list of tables produced by GAMLj3
#' and print them in R style.

#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the GAMLj3 estimation function
#' @return a list of tables as data.frame
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples
#' data(fivegroups)
#' fivegroups$Group<-factor(fivegroups$Group)
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'   formula = Score ~Group,
#'   data = fivegroups)
#' summary(gmod)
#' @rdname s3methods
#' @export

summary.gamlj_list<-function(object,...) {
    lapply(object, function(x) summary.ResultsElement(x))

#' Print a jamovi Table in R style 
#' @param x a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param ... options passed to print.data.frame()

#' @rdname s3methods
#' @export

print.jmvrtable<-function(x,...) {
  for (var in names(x)) {
    if (is.character(x[[var]]))

#' Print a jamovi summary of jamovi ResultElement in R style 
#' @param x a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param ... options passed to print()
#' @rdname s3methods
#' @export

print.jmvrobj<-function(x,...) {
    for (t in x){

#' Print a jamovi summary of jamovi ResultElement in R style 
#' @param x a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param ... options passed to print()
#' @rdname s3methods
#' @export

print.gamlj_list<-function(x,...) {
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
        cat("Table for ",name,"\n")

#' Extract coefficients from a GAMLj result object 
#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param ... not used 
#' @rdname s3methods
#' @export

coef.gamlj<-function(object,...) {

#' Extract model R2 (r-squared) from a GAMLj results object 
#' @param x a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param ... not used 
#' @rdname s3methods
#' @export
fit <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("fit")

#' @rdname s3methods
#' @export

fit.gamlj<-function(x,...) {
  if (utils::hasName(x$main,"fit"))

#'  Estimated marginal means in GAMLj results 
#' This is a convenience function to extract the estimated marginal means table from a GAMLj model. If no option is passed, extracts the 
#' emmeans table already in the model results (if any). If a formula is passed, the estimated marginal means for the defined
#' factors are displayed.

#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param formula (optional) rhs formula defining the factor(s) for which levels expected means are estimated
#' @param ... all options accepted by a gamlj model function.  
#' @return an object of class 
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples
#' data(fivegroups)
#' fivegroups$Group<-factor(fivegroups$Group)
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'   formula = Score ~Group,
#'   data = fivegroups)
#' em_means(gmod,formula =~Group)
#' @export
em_means <- function(object, formula, ...) UseMethod("em_means")

#' @rdname s3methods
#' @export

em_means.gamlj <- function(object, formula = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.something(formula)) 
    object <- stats::update(object, emmeans = formula, ...) 
  else if (is.something(list(...))) 
    object <- stats::update(object, ...)
  if (length(object$emmeans) == 0) 

#'  Custom contrasts 
#' This is a convenience function to test and extract estimates and information about
#' custom contrast.

#' @param object a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
#' @param contrasts a named list with contrasts weights to test of the form \code{list(factor1=c(a1,a2,b3), factor2=c(b1,b2,b3))}. Multiple
#'                  contrasts for the same factor can be tested. In this case, each contrast is tested independently. 
#' @param ... all options accepted by a gamlj model function.  
#' @return an object of class 
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @examples
#' data(fivegroups)
#' fivegroups$Group<-factor(fivegroups$Group)
#' gmod<-GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(
#'   formula = Score ~Group,
#'   data = fivegroups)
#' em_means(gmod,formula =~Group)
#' @export

test_contrasts <- function(object, contrasts, ...) {

    for (i in seq_along(contrasts)) {
      name  <- names(contrasts)[i]
      w     <- contrasts[[i]]

#' Alternative spelling of GAMLj main functions
#' An alternative spelling of the command \code{\link{gamlj_lm}}

#' @param ... the same arguments that can be passed to the corresponding function
#' @return a GAMLj results object equivalent to the results of (\code{\link{gamlj_lm}})
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @rdname alternatives
#' @export

gamljlm<-function(...) GAMLj3::gamlj_lm(...)

#' Alternative spelling of GAMLj main functions
#' An alternative spelling of the command \code{\link{gamlj_glm}}

#' @param ... the same arguments that can be passed to the corresponding function
#' @return a GAMLj results object equivalent to the results of (\code{\link{gamlj_glm}})
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @rdname alternatives
#' @export

gamljglm<-function(...) GAMLj3::gamlj_glm(...)

#' Alternative spelling of GAMLj main functions
#' An alternative spelling of the command \code{\link{gamlj_mixed}}

#' @param ... the same arguments that can be passed to the corresponding function
#' @return a GAMLj results object equivalent to the results of (\code{\link{gamlj_mixed}})
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @rdname alternatives
#' @export

gamljmixed<-function(...) GAMLj3::gamlj_mixed(...)

#' Alternative spelling of GAMLj main functions
#' An alternative spelling of the command \code{\link{gamlj_gmixed}}

#' @param ... the same arguments that can be passed to the corresponding function
#' @return a GAMLj results object equivalent to the results of (\code{\link{gamlj_gmixed}})
#' @author Marcello Gallucci
#' @rdname alternatives
#' @export

gamljgmixed<-function(...) GAMLj3::gamlj_gmixed(...)
mcfanda/gamlj documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 12:18 p.m.