
Defines functions count_precision fec.power.limits

Documented in count_precision fec.power.limits fec.power.limits

#' @name count_precision
#' @aliases count.precision fec.precision FEC.precision fec.power.limits FEC.power.limits
#' @title Count data precision calculations
#' @description
#' Precision analysis by Monte Carlo simulation and examination of distribution of mean
#' @seealso \code{\link{count_analysis}}, \code{\link{count_power}}, \code{\link{bayescount}}

### Preserve old c code

# Thoroughly test everything against nb function.  g.faeces, coeffs (not group) can be vectorised if not using NB.  pre and post for faces, sens and reps

# From help file for version 0.99:
#count.precision(meanepg=200, g.faeces=3, sensitivity=1/25, replicates=1, animals=10, coeffvarrep=0.4, coeffvarind=0.3, coeffvargroup=0.7, true.sample=FALSE, lower.limit=NA, upper.limit=NA, iterations=100000, power = 0.95, confidence = 0.99, feedback=FALSE, forcesim=FALSE)
count_precision <- function(meanepg=200, g.faeces=3, sensitivity=1/25, replicates=1, animals=10, coeffvarmcm=0.1, coeffvarrep=0.4, coeffvarind=0.3, coeffvargroup=0.7, true.sample=FALSE, type = 'confidence', precision=if(type=='confidence') 0.1 else NA, lower.interval=meanepg*(1-precision), upper.interval=meanepg*(1+precision), confidence = 0.95, iterations=if(type=='confidence') 10^6 else 10^5, mc.decimals=2, mc.conf = 0.99, feedback=FALSE, forcesim=FALSE){
		warning('Deprecated and ignored')
	type <- tolower(type)
		if(any(type=='interval') & any(type=='mc')) type <- 'interval.mc'
	if(length(type)!=1 | !any(type==c('interval', 'confidence', 'mc', 'interval.mc'))) stop('The specified type must be one of "interval", "confidence", or "mc" (or "interval.mc" for interval calculation with the Monte carlo sample returned)')

	# Make sure we don't set things that don't make any sense for the given type - give a warning if non-default options provided that wont be used and fail if things are set that need not to be
		if(!is.na(lower.interval) & !is.na(upper.interval)) stop("One or both of lower.interval or upper.interval must be non-fixed (NA) when using the 'interval' type")
		fixedc <- TRUE
		if(!is.na(lower.interval) & !is.na(upper.interval)) stop("One or both of lower.interval or upper.interval must be non-fixed (NA) when using the 'interval.mc' type")
		fixedc <- TRUE
		forcesim <- TRUE
		if(is.na(lower.interval) | is.na(upper.interval)) stop("The precision (or lower.interval and upper.interval) must be supplied when using the 'confidence' type")
		if(formals(fec.precision)$confidence != confidence) warning("Any supplied value for 'confidence' is ignored when using the 'confidence' type")
		if(is.na(mc.decimals)) fixedc <- TRUE else fixedc <- FALSE
		if(formals(fec.precision)$confidence != confidence | !is.na(lower.interval) | !is.na(upper.interval) | formals(fec.precision)$mc.conf != mc.conf | formals(fec.precision)$mc.decimals != mc.decimals) warning("Any supplied value for 'confidence', 'precision', 'lower.interval', 'upper.interval', 'mc.conf' or 'mc.decimals' is ignored when using the 'mc' type")
		fixedc <- TRUE
		forcesim <- TRUE

	if(is.na(as.integer(iterations))) stop('You must supply an integer for "iterations"')
	if(is.na(as.logical(feedback))) stop('You must supply a logical value for "feedback"')
	if(any(is.na(c(meanepg, g.faeces, sensitivity, replicates, animals, coeffvarmcm, coeffvarrep, coeffvarind, coeffvargroup)))) stop('You must supply numeric values for meanepg, g.faeces, sensitivity, replicates, animals, coeffvarmcm, coeffvarrep, coeffvarind, and coeffvargroup')
	if(replicates < 1 | animals < 1) stop("Specified values for animals and replicates must be greater than 0")


		# confidence is the required confidence, mc.conf is the confidence in this confidence when using simulations
		if(confidence >= 1) stop("Required confidence must be < 1")

		if(mc.conf >= 1) stop("Confidence must be < 1")
		lci <- 0+((1-mc.conf)/2)
		uci <- 1-((1-mc.conf)/2)

	# If we have 1 animal and true.sample=T then we can forget about cv.group and use nbconfidence for confidence type
	if(animals==1 & true.sample==TRUE) coeffvargroup <- 0#10^-10
	if(coeffvargroup > (coeffvarrep+coeffvarind)/10) approximate <- FALSE else approximate <- TRUE
	if(forcesim) approximate <- FALSE

	if(feedback & !approximate){
	if(any(.Platform$GUI == c("AQUA", "Rgui"))){
	#feedback <- FALSE
	warning("Printing the progress of the function using the GUI versions of R may massively increase the time taken, I suggest setting feedback=FALSE or using a command line version of R instead")

	if(animals==1 & true.sample==FALSE) warning("NOTE:  The confidence calculated is for the population from which the animal is derived, to calculate the confidence for the true mean of this individual use true.sample=TRUE")

		# if any lengths > 1 then warn we can't approximate
		if(length(g.faeces)==1) g.faeces <- rep(g.faeces, animals)
		if(length(sensitivity)==1) sensitivity <- rep(sensitivity, animals)
		if(length(replicates)==1) replicates <- rep(replicates, animals)
		if(length(coeffvarmcm)==1) coeffvarmcm <- rep(coeffvarmcm, animals)
		if(length(coeffvarrep)==1) coeffvarrep <- rep(coeffvarrep, animals)
		if(length(coeffvarind)==1) coeffvarind <- rep(coeffvarind, animals)
		if(length(coeffvargroup)==1) coeffvargroup <- rep(coeffvargroup, animals)

		print('make sure lengths are all OK')

	fix.lower <- !is.na(lower.interval)
	fix.upper <- !is.na(upper.interval)

	fixed.lower <- lower.interval
	fixed.upper <- upper.interval

	target <- confidence

	start <- Sys.time()
	output <- list()

	# First run any simulations that need to be done:


				mcout <- .C_OLD(C_precision_count, as.numeric(meanepg), as.numeric(g.faeces), as.numeric(sensitivity), as.integer(replicates), as.integer(animals), as.numeric(coeffvarmcm), as.numeric(coeffvarrep), as.numeric(coeffvarind), as.numeric(coeffvargroup), as.integer(iterations), as.integer(feedback), as.numeric(numeric(iterations)))


			meancounts <- mcout[[length(mcout)]]
			nin <- sum(meancounts >= lower.interval & meancounts <= upper.interval)
			nout <- length(meancounts)-nin

			nin <- confout[[length(confout)-1]]
			nout <- confout[[length(confout)]] - nin
			output=c(output, list(roundedci=round(qbeta(c(lci, 0.5, uci), nin+1, nout+1), mc.decimals), ci=qbeta(c(lci, 0.5, uci), nin+1, nout+1), within=nin, without=nout, total=nin+nout))
			names(output$roundedci) <- c(paste("lower.", confidence*100, "%", sep=""), "median", paste("upper.", confidence*100, "%", sep=""))
			names(output$ci) <- c(paste("lower.", confidence*100, "%", sep=""), "median", paste("upper.", confidence*100, "%", sep=""))
		# And in case we need the optimising functions:
		f <- function(limit){
			prob <- limit
			#limits <- HPDinterval(mcmc(meancounts), prob=prob)[1,]
			limits <- quantile(meancounts, probs=c(0+((1-prob)/2), 1-((1-prob)/2)))
			nin <- sum(meancounts <= limits[2] & meancounts >= limits[1])
			nout <- length(meancounts)-nin
			med <- qbeta(0.5, nin+1, nout+1)

		f <- function(limit){
			#limits <- HPDinterval(mcmc(meancounts), prob=prob)[1,]
			nin <- sum(meancounts <= limit & meancounts >= fixed.lower)
			nout <- length(meancounts)-nin
			med <- qbeta(0.5, nin+1, nout+1)
		f <- function(limit){
			#limits <- HPDinterval(mcmc(meancounts), prob=prob)[1,]
			nin <- sum(meancounts <= fixed.upper & meancounts >= -limit)
			nout <- length(meancounts)-nin
			med <- qbeta(0.5, nin+1, nout+1)

	# Now do any approximate stuff that needs to be done:

		if(true.sample==FALSE | animals > 1){
			# If we're using this with animals > 1 then cvgroup must be so small compared to cvind and cvrep that we can just pretend that we're drawing all replicates from the same animal (with a slightly larger cv and animalmean=populationmean)
			# If we're using this with true.sample=FALSE then we need to increase the variability so that we're representing the group mean that the (probably single) animal is taken from
			coeffvarind <- sqrt(coeffvarind^2 + coeffvargroup^2 + coeffvarind^2*coeffvargroup^2)
			replicates <- replicates*animals

		# Produces the same results as precisionanalysispopulation (only for animal=1 and/or cv.group<<cv.other)

		coeff.var <- sqrt(coeffvarmcm^2 + (coeffvarrep^2)/g.faeces + (coeffvarmcm^2 * (coeffvarrep^2)/g.faeces))
		coeff.var <- sqrt(coeff.var^2 + coeffvarind^2 + (coeff.var^2 * coeffvarind^2))
		eggs.counted <- replicates*meanepg*sensitivity

		shape <- replicates / coeff.var^2

			upper.tol <- replicates*sensitivity*(upper.interval)
			lower.tol <- replicates*sensitivity*(lower.interval)
			nbconfidence <- pnbinom(upper.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted, lower.tail=TRUE) - pnbinom(lower.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted, lower.tail=TRUE) + suppressWarnings(dnbinom(lower.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted))
			output = c(output, list(roundedci=replicate(3, round(nbconfidence, mc.decimals)), ci=replicate(3, nbconfidence)))
			names(output$roundedci) <- c("absolute.value", "absolute.value", "absolute.value")
			names(output$ci) <- c("absolute.value", "absolute.value", "absolute.value")
			# The optimising functions:
			f <- function(limit){
				precision <- limit

				upper.tol <- replicates*sensitivity*(meanepg+meanepg*precision)
				lower.tol <- replicates*sensitivity*(meanepg-meanepg*precision)

				return(pnbinom(upper.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted, lower.tail=TRUE) - pnbinom(lower.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted, lower.tail=TRUE) + suppressWarnings(dnbinom(lower.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted)))

			f <- function(limit){
				upper.tol <- replicates*sensitivity*(limit)
				lower.tol <- replicates*sensitivity*(fixed.lower)

				return(pnbinom(upper.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted, lower.tail=TRUE) - pnbinom(lower.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted, lower.tail=TRUE) + suppressWarnings(dnbinom(lower.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted)))
			f <- function(limit){
				upper.tol <- replicates*sensitivity*(fixed.upper)
				lower.tol <- replicates*sensitivity*(-limit)

				return(pnbinom(upper.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted, lower.tail=TRUE) - pnbinom(lower.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted, lower.tail=TRUE) + suppressWarnings(dnbinom(lower.tol, size=shape, mu=eggs.counted)))

	#  Now optimise if we need to (either MC output or approximate):

	if(any(type==c('interval.mc', 'interval'))){
		limits <- c(0,1)
		if(fix.upper) limits <- c(-Inf,0)
		if(fix.lower) limits <- c(0,Inf)

		bsres <- binary.search(f, target, limits)
			if(bsres$status=="Absolute value not possible but this is closest"){
				status <- 'Closest possible'
				status <- bsres$status
			status <- 'Exact'
			limits <- c(NA,NA)
			nin <- NA
			nout <- NA

			if(fix.upper) limits <- c(-bsres$value, fixed.upper)
			if(fix.lower) limits <- c(fixed.lower, bsres$value)
			if(!fix.upper & !fix.lower) limits <- quantile(meancounts, prob=c(0+((1-bsres$value)/2), 1-((1-bsres$value)/2)))
			nin <- sum(meancounts <= limits[2] & meancounts >= limits[1])
			nout <- length(meancounts)-nin

			confidencelimits <- qbeta(c(lci,0.5,uci), nin+1, nout+1)
			names(limits) <- c("lower.interval", "upper.interval")
			names(confidencelimits) <- c(paste("lower.", confidence*100, "%.estimate", sep=""), "median.estimate", paste("upper.", confidence*100, "%.estimate", sep=""))
			confidencelimits <- replicate(3, bsres$objective)
			names(limits) <- c("lower.interval", "upper.interval")
			names(confidencelimits) <- c("absolute.value", "absolute.value", "absolute.value")

		output <- c(output, list(limits=limits, confidence=confidencelimits, status=status))

	if(any(type==c('interval.mc', 'mc'))){
		output <- c(output, list(mc.output=meancounts))

	time <- timestring(start, Sys.time(), units="s", show.units=FALSE)
	output <- c(output, list(time.taken=time))



count.precision <- count_precision
fec.precision <- count_precision
FEC.precision <- count_precision

fec.power.limits <- function(...){
  warning('Use of the fec.power.limits function is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.1 - please use the count_precision function instead')
FEC.power.limits <- fec.power.limits
mdenwood/bayescount documentation built on Oct. 17, 2019, 6:59 a.m.