
Defines functions prs1 mkedges mkpslg gris gris.full gris.default buildnames dfn print.gris plot.gris as.gris as.gris.gris as.gris.triangulation .tri2gris gris.Spatial grisFromFortify grisFromRasterGeom topotype bld3 grasp .georeference

Documented in as.gris as.gris.triangulation grasp gris grisFromFortify grisFromRasterGeom gris.Spatial plot.gris print.gris

## edge  pairs from sequential indexes for polygons
prs1 <- function(x) {
  x1 <- cbind(head(x,-1), tail(x,-1))
  rbind(x1, c(x1[length(x1)], x1[1]))

## simpler version of mkpslg, to only make edges from branches

mkedges <- function(x) {
  v <- x$v
  bXv <- x$bXv
  v$remap <- seq(nrow(v))
  bXv$vertex_ <- v$remap[match(bXv$vertex_, v$vertex_)]
  E <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(
    bXv$vertex_, bXv$branch_
  ), prs1))
  ## this is structural for now, needs to store the vertex index
  x$e <- data_frame(s0 = E[,1], s1 = E[,2])

# Planar Straight Line Graph
# Constrained triangulation requires a Planar Straight Line Graph consisting of
# unique vertices and an index matrix for each line segment edge. This function builds that object.
# @param x  gris object
# @return \code{\link[RTriangle]{pslg}} Planar Straight Line Graph object
# @importFrom RTriangle pslg
# @importFrom dplyr select %>%
# @export
mkpslg <- function(x) {
  ## remap vertices
  x$v$remap <- seq(nrow(x$v))
  x$bXv$vertex_ <- x$v$remap[match(x$bXv$vertex_, x$v$vertex_)]
    P = x$v %>% dplyr::select_(.dots = c("x_", "y_")) %>% as.matrix(),
    S = do.call(rbind, lapply(split(
      x$bXv$vertex_, x$bXv$branch_
    ), prs1))

#' gris
#' @param x Spatial* object
#' @param ... unused
#' @return gris
#' @export
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{gris} implements these base methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{plot}{Plots the object according to its topology type, or by a chosen \code{type}. This
#' method follows base plotting with types "p" points, "l" lines, and adds "pp" for polygons}
#' \item{print}{Prints the object and vertices tables with a summary of the topology linkages}
#' \item{\code{[}}{Subset as an object table on attributes, propagates down through the geometry
#' links to return a subsetted gris object}
#' }
gris <- function(x, ...) {

gris.full <- function(o,  b, bXv, v, georef = NULL) {
  v$vertex_ <- as.integer(v$vertex_)
  bXv$vertex_ <- as.integer(bXv$vertex_)
  bXv$order_ <- as.integer(bXv$order_)
  bXv$branch_ <- as.integer(bXv$branch_)
  b$branch_ <- as.integer(b$branch_)
  if ("island_" %in% names(b)) b$island_ <- as.integer(b$island_)
  b$object_ <- as.integer(b$object_)
  o$object_ <- as.integer(o$object_)
  x <- list(
    o = o,  b = b, bXv = bXv, v = v, 
    georef = georef
  class(x) <- c("gris", "list")

## vectors of (possibly named) arguments in ... or in a list
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
gris.default <- function(..., topotype = "p") {
  x <- list(...)
  as_tibble(setNames(x, buildnames(x)))

# build names as required, but preserve any that are input
# generated names may clobber later ones that are specified, cest la vie
buildnames <- function(x) {
  nams <- names(x)
  if (is.null(nams)) {
    nams <-  dfn(x)
  nonames <- nchar(nams) < 1
  if (any(nonames)) {
    nams[nonames] <- dfn(x)[nonames]
  make.unique(nams, sep = "")

# generate x, y, z, t and then as many more as required appending integers to the alphabet
dfn <- function(x) {
  ind <- c(24, 25, 26, 20)
  first <-
    rep_len(c(letters[ind], letters[-ind], letters), length.out = length(x))
  make.unique(sprintf("%s_", first, sep = ""))

#' @rdname gris
#' @param i indices for extract
#' @param j indices for extract
#' @param drop ignored
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr semi_join
`[.gris` <- function (x, i, j, drop = FALSE) {
  do_tri <- "tXv" %in% names(x)  
  o <- x$o[i,j,drop = drop]

  b <- x$b %>% semi_join(o, by = "object_")
  bXv <- x$bXv %>% semi_join(b, by = "branch_")
  v <- x$v %>% semi_join(bXv, by = "vertex_")
  if (do_tri) {
    oXt <- x$oXt %>% semi_join(o, by = "object_")
    tXv <- x$tXv %>% semi_join(oXt, by = ".tr0")
  #  v <- bind_rows(x$v %>% semi_join(tXv, c("vertex_" = ".vx1")),
  #                  x$v %>% semi_join(tXv, c("vertex_" = ".vx2")),
  #                  x$v %>% semi_join(tXv, c("vertex_" = ".vx3"))) %>%
  #    distinct_("vertex_")

  } else {
    v <- x$v %>% semi_join(bXv, by = "vertex_")
  #gris.full(o, oXb, b, bXv, v)
  x <- gris.full(o,  b, bXv, v)
  if (do_tri) {
    x$tXv <- tXv 
   x$oXt <- oXt

#' @rdname gris
#' @param width width
#' @param n n
#' @param y y
#' @export 
print.gris <- function(x, ..., n = NULL, width = NULL) {
  cat("gris object", "\n", sep = "")
  cat("gris topology ", topotype(x), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("gris vertices", "\n", sep = "")

#' @rdname gris
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr do ungroup select
plot.gris <- function(x, y,  triangles  = FALSE, ...) {
  xrange <- range(x$v$x_, na.rm = TRUE)
  yrange <- range(x$v$y_, na.rm = TRUE)
  largs <- list(...)
  if (is.null(largs$type)) {
    type <- "pp"  ## default to polygon for now
  rule <- "evenodd"
  if (!is.null(largs$rule)) {
    if (largs$type != "pp") warning("argument 'rule' ignored for non polygon plot")
    rule <- largs$rule 
  # type, rule
  if (is.null(largs$add) || !largs$add) {
    #otype <- largs$type
    largs$type <- "n"
    largs$add <- NULL
    largs$x <- xrange
    largs$y <- yrange
    do.call(plot, largs)
    largs$type <- NULL
  if(triangles) {
    plotT(x ,border = "black")
  if (type == "pp") largs$rule <- rule
  uoid <- unique(x$o$object_)
  if (is.null(largs$col))
    largs$col <- sample(grey(seq_along(uoid) / (length(uoid) + 1)))
  col <- rep(largs$col, length(uoid))
  dNA <- data_frame(x_ = NA_real_, y_ = NA_real_)

  largs$y <- NULL
  ## do all of this upfront, add the NAs in loop
  a1 <- 
    x$o %>% dplyr::select(object_) %>% 
    inner_join(x$b, 'object_') %>% 
    inner_join(x$bXv, 'branch_') %>% 
    inner_join(x$v, "vertex_") %>% 
    select(x_, y_, branch_, object_)  
  #%>% ungroup ## ungroup to speed up filter
  for (i in seq(length(uoid))) {
    largs$col <- col[i]
    a <- a1 %>% filter(object_ == uoid[i])
  if (length(unique(a$branch_)) > 1) {
      a <- do.call(bind_rows, lapply(split(a[, c("x_", "y_")], a$branch_), function(x) bind_rows(x, dNA)))
     # a <- a[-nrow(a), ]
      largs$x <- head(a$x_, -1)
      largs$y <- head(a$y_, -1)
    } else {
    largs$x <- a$x_
    largs$y <- a$y_
    if (type == "pp") {
      do.call(polypath, largs)
    if (type == "l") {
      do.call(lines, largs)
    if (type == "p")
      do.call(points, largs)

#' @export
#' @rdname gris
as.gris <- function(x, ...)

#' @export
as.gris.gris <- function(x, ...)

#' as.gris
#' @param x triangulation (package RTriangle)
#' @param type mesh, triangle polygons, or triangle edges
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr data_frame
as.gris.triangulation <- function(x, ...) {
  largs <- list(...)
  types = c("mesh", "poly", "line")
  type <- grep(largs$type, types, value = TRUE)
  .tri2gris(x, type = type)

.tri2gris <- function(xx, type) {
  o <-
    list(v = data_frame(
      x = xx$P[,1], y = xx$P[,2], vertex_ = seq(nrow(xx$P))
  multi <- !type == "mesh"
  if (type == "line") {
    prims <- xx$E
    primNVerts <- 2
    #stop("gris line creation not yet implemented")
  } else {
    prims <- xx$T
    primNVerts <- 3
  o$b <- data_frame(branch_ = seq(nrow(prims)))
  if (multi) {
    #prims <- xx$T
    o$b$object_ <- seq(nrow(o$b))
    o$o <- data_frame(object_ = seq(nrow(o$b)))
  } else {
    o$b$object_ <- rep(1, nrow(o$b))
    o$o <- data_frame(object_ = 1)
  o$bXv <-
#    data_frame(vertex_ = as.vector(t(prims)), branch_ = rep(seq(nrow(prims)), each = primNVerts))
  tibble(vertex_ = as.vector(t(xx$T)), branch_ = rep(seq(nrow(xx$T)), each = 3))

 class(o) <- c("gris", "list")

#' Convert Spatial*DataFrame objects to gris
#' All availables Spatial*DataFrame types are supported, and are interpreted via the Branch model. 
#' The gris function can ingest \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}}, \code{\link[sp]{SpatialLinesDataFrame}}, \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPointsDataFrame}}, and \code{\link[sp]{SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame}} objects. 
#' See  \code{vignette("branch-vs-primitives")}
#' @param x Spatial* object
#' @param ... not used
#' @aliases gris.Spatial
#' @return gris
#' @export
#' @rdname sp2gris
gris.Spatial <- function(x, ...) {
  ## one method for all sp (need to dummify if doesn't have a dataframe)
  x <- bld3(x, ...)
  class(x) <- c("gris", "list")

gris.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame <- gris.Spatial
gris.SpatialLinesDataFrame <- gris.Spatial
gris.SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame <- gris.Spatial
gris.SpatialPointsDataFrame <- gris.Spatial

#' Not yet implemented
#' @param x 
#' @return gris
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  data(cmu)
#'  sp <- as.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(cmu)
#'  gm <- raster::geom(sp)
#' }
grisFromFortify <- function(x) {
  stop("not yet implemented")

#' Not yet implemented
#' @param x 
#' @return gris
#' @export
#' @examples
grisFromRasterGeom <- function(x) {
  stop("not yet implemented")

topotype <- function(x) {
  "basic gris"

#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
bld3 <- function(x, ...) {
  tabmap <- spbabel::sptable(x)
  tabdat <- tibble::as_tibble(x)
  tabdat$object_ <- seq(nrow(tabdat))
  grasp(tabdat, tabmap)

#' convert from spbabel sptable to gris
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% bind_rows distinct_ mutate select select_
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom spbabel sptable
grasp <- function(dat1, map1) {
  ## we expect that these attributes, taken together are "unique vertices" potentially shared by neighbours
  v_atts <- c("x_", "y_")
  o_atts <- setdiff(names(map1), v_atts)
  b_atts <- setdiff(o_atts, c("order_", "vertex_"))
  bxv_atts <- c(setdiff(names(map1), c("object_", "island_", v_atts)), "vertex_")
  ## classify unique vertices by unique index
  map1 <- map1 %>%
    mutate(vertex_  = as.integer(factor(do.call(paste, select_(map1, .dots = v_atts)))))
  ## branches, owner object and island status
 b <- map1 %>% distinct_(.dots = b_atts) 
  #b <- map1 %>% dplyr::select(-object_, -island_)
  ## four tables (dat1, map2, map4, map5)
  bXv <- map1 %>% dplyr::select_(.dots = bxv_atts)
  v <- map1 %>% distinct_(.dots = c(v_atts, "vertex_"))

  list(o = dat1, b = b, bXv = bXv, v = v)

.georeference <- function(proj4 = "NA_character_", ...) {
  gg <- list(proj4 = proj4)
  class(gg) <- c("georef", "list")
mdsumner/gris documentation built on May 22, 2019, 4:44 p.m.