
Defines functions SC0.pslg SC0.SC SC0.TRI SC0.TRI0 SC0.SC0 SC0.default SC0 normalize_to_vertices c.SC0 path_paste

Documented in SC0 SC0.default SC0.pslg

path_paste <- function(x, paster = function(...) paste(..., sep = "-")) {
  ## we are looking for  any of these three
  do.call(paster, x[intersect(names(x), c("object", "subobject", "path"))])

c.SC0 <- function(...) {
  all_list <- list(...)
  nrs <- integer(length(all_list))
  for (i in seq_along(all_list)) {
    all_list[[i]]$object$id <- i
    nrs[i] <- nrow(all_list[[i]]$vertex)
  ## object here means which element of all_list
  if (length(nrs) > 1) {
    incr <- 0
  for (i in seq_along(all_list)) {

    for (j in seq_along(all_list[[i]]$object$topology_)) {
    all_list[[i]]$object[["topology_"]][[j]]$.vx0 <- all_list[[i]]$object[["topology_"]][[j]]$.vx0 + incr
    all_list[[i]]$object[["topology_"]][[j]]$.vx1 <- all_list[[i]]$object[["topology_"]][[j]]$.vx1 + incr
    incr <- incr + nrs[i]
  segs <- purrr::map_df(all_list, ~do.call(rbind, .x$object$topology_), .id = "object")

  vert <- purrr::map_df(all_list, ~.x$vertex[c("x_", "y_")])
  vdata <- unjoin::unjoin(vert, "x_", "y_")
  uverts <- vdata$.idx0
    segs$.vx0 <- match(vdata$data$.idx0[segs$.vx0], vdata$.idx0$.idx0)
    segs$.vx0 <- match(vdata$data$.idx0[segs$.vx1], vdata$.idx0$.idx0)
    vert <- uverts[c("x_", "y_")]
#  }

  topology <- split(segs[c(".vx0", ".vx1")], segs$object)[unique(segs$object)]
  out <- structure(list(object = tibble::tibble(topology_ = topology), vertex = vert,
                        meta = tibble::tibble(proj = all_list[[1]]$meta$proj[1], ctime = Sys.time())), class = c("SC0", "sc"))

normalize_to_vertices <- function(x, ..., .keep_all = FALSE) {
  coord0 <- sc_coord(x)
  if (all(c("x_", "y_","z_", "t_") %in% names(coord0))) {
    out <- unjoin::unjoin(coord0, "x_", "y_", "z_", "t_", key_col = "vertex_")
  if (all(c("x_", "y_","z_", "m_") %in% names(coord0))) {
    out <- unjoin::unjoin(coord0, "x_", "y_", "z_", "m_", key_col = "vertex_")
  if (all(c("x_", "y_","z_") %in% names(coord0))) {
    out <- unjoin::unjoin(coord0, "x_", "y_", "z_",  key_col = "vertex_")
  if (all(c("x_", "y_","t_") %in% names(coord0))) {
    out <- unjoin::unjoin(coord0, "x_", "y_", "t_",  key_col = "vertex_")

  if (all(c("x_", "y_","m_") %in% names(coord0))) {
    out <- unjoin::unjoin(coord0, "x_", "y_", "m_",  key_col = "vertex_")
  if (all(c("x_", "y_","m_") %in% names(coord0))) {
    out <- unjoin::unjoin(coord0, "x_", "y_", "m_",  key_col = "vertex_")

  ## need more cases, but by now we assume x_, y_
  unjoin::unjoin(coord0, "x_", "y_",   key_col = "vertex_")

#' Pure edge model, structural form
#' `SC0` is the simplest and most general of all silicate models. Composed of
#' an `object` and `vertex` table linked by nested vertex-index pairs.
#' @param x an object understood by silicate
#' @param ... reserved for methods
#' @return SC0 model with tables 'object' and 'vertex'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SC0(minimal_mesh)
#' SC0(minimal_mesh)
SC0 <- function(x, ...) {
#' @name SC0
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate slice group_by ungroup select
#' @importFrom gibble gibble
#' @export
SC0.default <- function(x, ...) {
  #coord0 <- sc_coord(x)
  #udata <- unjoin::unjoin(coord0, "x_", "y_", key_col = "vertex_")
  udata <- normalize_to_vertices(x)
  udata[["vertex_"]]$row <- seq_len(nrow(udata[["vertex_"]]))
  gmap <- gibble::gibble(x) %>% dplyr::mutate(path = dplyr::row_number())
  instances <- udata$data %>% dplyr::mutate(path = as.integer(factor(rep(path_paste(gmap), gmap$nrow))),
                                            object = rep(gmap$object, gmap$nrow),
                                            coord = row_number())

  object <- sc_object(x)
  if (length(unique(instances$path)) == nrow(instances)) {
    ## we are only points
    #   stop(sprintf("no segments/edges found in object of class %s", class(x)))
    instances[".vx0"] <- instances["vertex_"]
    object$topology_ <- split(instances[c(".vx0")], instances$object)

  } else {
    ## cx0 and cx1 are the segment vertices, they map the coordinate instances, not the vertices
    s11 <- instances %>% dplyr::select("path", "coord", "object")
    s11$.cx0 <- s11$coord
    s11$.cx1 <- s11$coord + 1

      # dplyr::mutate(.cx0 = "coord",   ## specify in segment terms
      #               .cx1 = "coord" + 1L) %>%
    segs <-   s11 |>  dplyr::group_by(path) %>% dplyr::slice(-dplyr::n()) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
    ##  dplyr::transmute(".cx0", ".cx1", path_ = "path", "object")

    segs <- segs[c(".cx0", ".cx1", "path", "object")]

    segs[[".vx0"]] <- instances$vertex_[match(segs$.cx0, instances$coord)]
    segs[[".vx1"]] <- instances$vertex_[match(segs$.cx1, instances$coord)]
    ## but udata$.idx0 has the vertices, with .idx0 as the mapping
    object$topology_ <- split(segs[c(".vx0", ".vx1", "path")], segs$object)

  meta <- tibble(proj = get_projection(x), ctime = Sys.time())
vertex <- udata$vertex_ %>%

bad <- !names(vertex) %in% c("x_", "y_", "z_", "m_", "t_")
  if (any(bad)) vertex <- vertex[!bad]
  structure(list(object = object, vertex = vertex,
                 meta = meta),
            class = c("SC0", "sc"))
#' @export
SC0.SC0 <- function(x, ...) {
  ## this should de-duplicated vertices so we can combine
  ## multiple models - see https://github.com/mdsumner/polymers/issues/4
#' @export
SC0.TRI0 <- function(x, ...) {
  topol <- sc_object(x)[["topology_"]]
  nms0 <- names(topol[[1]])
  if ("path0" %in% nms0) {
    pname <- "path0"
    nc <- 3
  } else {
    pname <- NULL
    nc <- 2  ## we don't have "path_"
  topol <- lapply(seq_along(topol), function(i) {
    triangles <- topol[[i]]
    t0 <- triangles[c(".vx0", ".vx1", pname)]
    t1 <- triangles[c(".vx1", ".vx2", pname)]
    t2 <- triangles[c(".vx2", ".vx0", pname)]

      matrix(t(cbind(as.matrix(t0), as.matrix(t1), as.matrix(t2))), ncol = nc, byrow = TRUE)),
      c(".vx0", ".vx1", pname)))

  x$object$topology_ <- topol
  class(x) <- c("SC0", "sc")

#' @export
SC0.TRI <- function(x, ...) {
  ## this should be SC0(TRI0(x))
  # triangle <- x$triangle
  # tritri <- matrix(match(unlist(  triangle[c(".vx0", ".vx1", ".vx2")]), x$vertex$vertex_), ncol = 3)
  # triangle[[".vx0"]] <- tritri[,1L, drop = TRUE]
  # triangle[[".vx1"]] <- tritri[,2L, drop = TRUE]
  # triangle[[".vx2"]] <- tritri[,3L, drop = TRUE]
  # triangle_list <- split(triangle, triangle$object_)[unique(triangle$object_)]
  # top <- vector("list", length(triangle_list))
  # for (i in seq_along(triangle_list)) {
  #   top[[i]] <- purrr::map_df(purrr::transpose(triangle_list[[i]]),
  #                             ~tibble::as_tibble(matrix(tri_to_seg(unlist(.x[c(".vx0", ".vx1", ".vx2")])), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(NULL, c(".vx0", ".vx1")))))
  # }
  # object <- sc_object(x)
  # object[["object_"]] <- NULL
  # object[["topology_"]] <- top
  # vertex <- sc_vertex(x)
  # meta <- x$meta[1, ]
  # meta$ctime <- Sys.time()
  # structure(list(object = object, vertex = vertex, meta = rbind(meta, x$meta)), class = c("SC0", "sc"))

#' @export
SC0.SC <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- sc_object(x)
  oXe <- x$object_link_edge %>%
    dplyr::inner_join(sc_edge(x), "edge_")
  .vx  <- cbind(.vx0 = match(oXe[[".vx0"]], x$vertex[["vertex_"]]),
                .vx1 = match(oXe[[".vx1"]], x$vertex[["vertex_"]]))
  ## swap order if not native instance
  swap <- !oXe[["native_"]]
  ## doing my head in atm ... could be better
  if (length(which(swap)) > 0) .vx  <- cbind(.vx0 = .vx[cbind(1:nrow(.vx), swap + 1)],
                                             .vx1 = .vx[cbind(1:nrow(.vx), (!swap) + 1)])
  object[["topology_"]] <- split(tibble::as_tibble(.vx), as.integer(factor(oXe$object_,unique(oXe$object_))))
  structure(list(object = object, vertex = sc_vertex(x) %>% dplyr::mutate(vertex_ = NULL)), class = c("SC0", "sc"))

#' @name SC0
#' @export
SC0.pslg <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- tibble::tibble(object_ = 1,
                           topology_ = list(tibble::tibble(.vx0 = x$S[,1L], .vx1 = x$S[,2L])))
  meta <- tibble::tibble(proj = NA_character_, ctime = Sys.time())
  structure(list(object = object, vertex = sc_vertex(x), meta = meta), class = c("SC0", "sc"))
mdsumner/sc documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 2:03 a.m.