
MMLongit <-
function(params, id, X, Y, Xgam, Xsig, Q, condlike=FALSE, 
                   sampprobs=matrix(1, ncol=3, nrow=length(Y)), 
                   sampprobi=rep(1, length(Y)), offset=rep(0, length(Y)),
                   stepmax=1, steptol=1e-6,
                   hess.eps=1e-7, AdaptiveQuad=FALSE, verbose=FALSE,iterlim){
  tmp <- get.GH(Q)
  W   <- tmp$w
  Z   <- tmp$z
  ## In the case where Xgam or Xsig are vectors, this converts them to matrices, so that matrix multiplication is possible in C.
  Xgam <- cbind(Xgam, NULL)
  Xsig <- cbind(Xsig, NULL)
  if ( length(params) != ncol(X) + ncol(Xgam) + ncol(Xsig) ) { stop("Parameter length incongruous with X, Xgam, and Xsig")}
  paramlengths <- c(ncol(X), ncol(Xgam), ncol(Xsig))
  ## Lagged response
  Ylag<-rep(0, length(Y))
  for(i in 2:length(Y)) { if(id[i]==id[i-1]) Ylag[i]<-Y[i-1] }

  if (is.matrix(Xgam)){ 
    Xgam.col <- ncol(Xgam)
  }else{Xgam.col <- 1}
  if (is.matrix(Xsig)){ 
    Xsig.col <- ncol(Xsig)
  }else{Xsig.col <- 1}

  id.tmp <- split(id, id)
  X.tmp  <- split(X,id)
  Y.tmp  <- split(Y,id)
  Ylag.tmp <- split(Ylag,id)
  Xgam.tmp <- split(Xgam,id)
  Xsig.tmp <- split(Xsig,id)
  SampProbi.tmp <- split(sampprobi,id)
  SampProbs.tmp <- split(sampprobs,id)
  offset.tmp    <- split(offset,id)
  subjectData <- vector('list', length=length(unique(id)))
  subjectData <- list()
  uid <- as.character(unique(id))
  for(j in seq(along=uid)){
    i <- uid[j]
    subjectData[[j]] <- list(id=as.character(unique(id.tmp[[i]])), 
                             X=matrix(X.tmp[[i]], ncol=ncol(X)), 
                             Xgam=matrix(Xgam.tmp[[i]], ncol=Xgam.col),
                             Xsig=matrix(Xsig.tmp[[i]], ncol=Xsig.col),
                             SampProbs=matrix(SampProbs.tmp[[i]], ncol=ncol(sampprobs))[1,],
  names(subjectData) <- uid

  ## Fit the data using R's nlm() minimizer function
  if (!AdaptiveQuad){
    fit   <- nlm(LogLScoreCalc, params, subjectData=subjectData, CondLike=condlike, ParamLengths=paramlengths, 
                 Q=Q, W=W, Z=Z, print.level=verbose*2, stepmax=stepmax, steptol=steptol, hessian=FALSE, iterlim=iterlim)
  } else if (AdaptiveQuad){
    fit   <- nlm(LogLScoreCalc, params, subjectData=subjectData, CondLike=condlike, ParamLengths=paramlengths, 
                 Q=Q, W=W, Z=Z, print.level=verbose*2, stepmax=stepmax, steptol=steptol, hessian=FALSE, AdaptiveQuad=TRUE,iterlim=iterlim)

  sprobi <- c(unlist(tapply(sampprobi, id, unique)))
  LogLikeSubj.tmp <- LogLScoreCalc( params=fit$estimate, subjectData=subjectData, 
                                           Q=Q, W=W, Z=Z, ParamLengths=paramlengths, CondLike=condlike)
  LogLikeSubj <- attr(LogLikeSubj.tmp,"LogLikeSubj")*sprobi
  ac <- attr(LogLikeSubj.tmp, "ACSubj")
  ## Calculate Hessian / Model Based Covariance
  NumSubjs  <- length(subjectData)
  NumEsts   <- length(fit$estimate)
  ObsInfo_i <- vector('list',NumSubjs) 
  Grad_j    <- vector('list', NumEsts)

  eps.mtx       <- diag(rep(hess.eps, NumEsts))
  grad.at.max   <- fit$gradient
  ObsInfo       <- matrix(NA, NumEsts, NumEsts) 
  grad_mat      <- matrix(NA, NumEsts, NumEsts)

  if (!AdaptiveQuad){
    for (j in 1:length(fit$estimate)){
      temp        <- LogLScoreCalc( params=(fit$estimate+eps.mtx[j,]), subjectData=subjectData, 
                                    Q=Q, W=W, Z=Z, ParamLengths=paramlengths, CondLike=condlike)
      ObsInfo[j,] <- (attr(temp,"gradient") - grad.at.max)/hess.eps
      grad_mat[j,] <- attr(temp,"gradient") 
      grad <- ddtheta_loglikei <- -matrix( attr(temp, "ddtheta_loglikei"), ncol=length(params), byrow=TRUE)
      sig_index <- (paramlengths[1] + paramlengths[2] + 1):(paramlengths[1] + paramlengths[2] + paramlengths[3])
      sigma_tmp <- exp(fit$estimate[sig_index]+hess.eps)
      for(k in seq(length(sig_index)) ) grad[,sig_index[k]] <- sigma_tmp[k]*ddtheta_loglikei[,sig_index[k]]
      Grad_j[[j]] <- grad
      # do.call(rbind, lapply(Grad_j, colSums)) = grad_mat
      # ObsInfo= (grad_mat-matrix(rep(grad.at.max, NumEsts), ncol=NumEsts,byrow=TRUE))/hess.eps
  }else if (AdaptiveQuad){
    for (j in 1:length(fit$estimate)){
      temp  <- LogLScoreCalc( params=(fit$estimate+eps.mtx[j,]),  subjectData=subjectData, 
                              Q=Q, W=W, Z=Z, ParamLengths=paramlengths, CondLike=condlike, AdaptiveQuad=TRUE)    
      ObsInfo[j,]   <- (attr(temp,"gradient") - grad.at.max)/hess.eps
      #grad_mat[j,] <- attr(temp,"gradient")
      grad <- ddtheta_loglikei <- -matrix( attr(temp, "ddtheta_loglikei"), ncol=length(params), byrow=TRUE)
      sig_index <- (paramlengths[1] + paramlengths[2] + 1):(paramlengths[1] + paramlengths[2] + paramlengths[3])
      sigma_tmp <- exp(fit$estimate[sig_index]+hess.eps)
      for(k in seq(length(sig_index)) ) grad[,sig_index[k]] <- sigma_tmp[k]*ddtheta_loglikei[,sig_index[k]]
      Grad_j[[j]] <- grad
      # do.call(rbind, lapply(Grad_j, colSums)) = grad_mat
      # ObsInfo= (grad_mat-matrix(rep(grad.at.max, NumEsts), ncol=NumEsts,byrow=TRUE))/hess.eps
  grad.at.max.i <- -matrix( attr(LogLikeSubj.tmp, "ddtheta_loglikei"), ncol=sum(paramlengths), byrow=TRUE)
  sig_index <- (paramlengths[1] + paramlengths[2] + 1):(paramlengths[1] + paramlengths[2] + paramlengths[3])
  sigma_tmp <- exp(fit$estimate[sig_index])
  for(k in seq(length(sig_index)) ) grad.at.max.i[,sig_index[k]] <- sigma_tmp[k]*grad.at.max.i[,sig_index[k]]
  Grad_tmp <- do.call(cbind, Grad_j)
  Grad_i <- vector('list',NumSubjs) 
  for (j in seq(NumSubjs)) {
    Grad_i[[j]] <-matrix(Grad_tmp[j,],ncol=NumEsts,byrow=TRUE)
    #ObsInfo_i[[j]] <- (Grad_i[[j]]-matrix(rep(grad.at.max, NumEsts), ncol=NumEsts,byrow=TRUE)/NumSubjs)/(hess.eps)
    ObsInfo_i[[j]] <- (Grad_i[[j]]-matrix(rep(grad.at.max.i[j,], NumEsts), ncol=NumEsts,byrow=TRUE))/(hess.eps)

  ## This step removes the rows and columns of the observed information matrix that are all zeros
  ## For example, in a random intercept model, this will be the transition component row/column and 
  ## in a transition model, this will be the variance component row/column
  RowNotAll0s <- apply(ObsInfo, 1, function(x) !all(x == 0))
  ObsInfo     <- ObsInfo[RowNotAll0s, RowNotAll0s]
  InvObsInfo  <- solve(ObsInfo)
  ObsInfo_i <- lapply(ObsInfo_i, function(ZZ) {
    ZZ[RowNotAll0s, RowNotAll0s]

  ## Empirical Covariance 
  if (AdaptiveQuad==FALSE){
    Cheese  <- LogLScoreCalc( params=fit$estimate, subjectData=subjectData, Q=Q, W=W, Z=Z,
                              ParamLengths=paramlengths, CondLike=condlike, EmpiricalCheeseCalc=TRUE)
  }else if (AdaptiveQuad==TRUE){
    Cheese  <- LogLScoreCalc( params=fit$estimate, subjectData=subjectData, Q=Q, W=W, Z=Z,
                              ParamLengths=paramlengths, CondLike=condlike, EmpiricalCheeseCalc=TRUE,AdaptiveQuad=TRUE)
  LLSC_args <- list(params = fit$estimate, subjectData = subjectData, 
                    Q = Q, W = W, Z = Z, ParamLengths = paramlengths, CondLike = condlike, 
                    EmpiricalCheeseCalc = TRUE, AdaptiveQuad = TRUE)
  ## This step removes the rows and columns of the cheese matrix that are all zeros
  ## For example, in a random intercept model, this will be the transition component row/column and 
  ## in a transition model, this will be the variance component row/column
  Cheese <- Cheese[RowNotAll0s, RowNotAll0s]
  EmpiricalCov <- InvObsInfo%*%Cheese%*%InvObsInfo
  LenBetaM     <- paramlengths[1]
  fit$estimate <- fit$estimate[RowNotAll0s]
  grad.at.max  <- grad.at.max[RowNotAll0s]
  LenAllParams <- length(fit$estimate)
  beta          <- fit$estimate[ 1         : LenBetaM ]
  alpha         <- fit$estimate[ (LenBetaM+1) : LenAllParams ]
  gradient      <- -1*grad.at.max
  varbeta       <- diag(InvObsInfo)[ 1         : LenBetaM ]
  varalpha      <- diag(InvObsInfo)[ (LenBetaM+1) : LenAllParams ]
  cov.model     <- InvObsInfo
  cov.empirical <- EmpiricalCov
  Cheese        <- Cheese
  code          <- fit$code
  n.iter        <- fit$iterations
  out<-list(beta=beta, alpha=alpha, logL=-fit$minimum,  gradient=-1*gradient,
            varbeta=varbeta,varalpha=varalpha,modelcov=cov.model, empiricalcov=cov.empirical,
            Cheese=Cheese, condlike=condlike, code=code, Q=Q,AdaptiveQuad=AdaptiveQuad, niter=n.iter,
            LogLikeSubj=LogLikeSubj, ObsInfoSubj=ObsInfo_i,ACSubj = ac, LLSC_args = LLSC_args)
mercaldo/MMLB documentation built on May 22, 2019, 6:51 p.m.